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Effortless Serve Power – The #1 Drill For A Great Racket Drop

May 24, 2024
How would you like to add more


to your


by leading with your elbow? In this video, I'll show you what I mean by leading with the elbow, how it all works, and when it happens. Mostly I will show you some common problems. We see and there are things to keep in mind when working on this and then I'm going to show you some exercises that you can do to help your elbow and ultimately to add more



to your


. So what do we mean? leading well with the elbow if you look from the rear view as the body begins to unroll we will see how the elbow begins to move upwards and looking from the side view we will see how the elbow guides the hand towards the The elbow then extends and that's when the hand reaches the height.
effortless serve power the 1 drill for a great racket drop
You'll see that any throwing motion, as we see here with this baseball pitch, we'll notice how the elbow is directed and can establish a lot of parallels; However, in the S we look for more. from an upward plane of movement now, how and when it happens, so the first thing you need to do is develop a good movement from right to left, from right to left, when you bend your elbow, the


moves from right to left and so above your head while we Look here with medev, you want to make sure that the palm of your hand and the strings are tilted slightly downward.
effortless serve power the 1 drill for a great racket drop

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effortless serve power the 1 drill for a great racket drop...

This will give you the range of motion in which you can continue bending your arm as the


falls to the racket


position, the second part. You have to have a loose arm, so if you lift your hand with the ropes up you lose range of motion. The shoulder becomes tense, it is very difficult to achieve that position. You often call this part of the serve the power loop, a gravity


, so that's the first part, now the timing and sequence of this using the body, so that as we coil the body and load the legs, we get to this position here, from here we start to unwind the legs, then we drive and see how the hips and trunk start to move. come on this causes the elbow to rotate and come up now if the arm is loose the racket arm will continue to bend and the racket will fall into the racket drop so essentially when you move your legs it drives the elbow up up and, in turn, push the tip of the racket down, looking at the federa, you will see how the body is completely loaded and rolled up before the racket crosses the head, the legs then lead and we see how the hips and trunk as well as The elbow begin to rotate up and up as you notice how the drop body of the racket is fully extended where the tip of the racket is now pointing down and the elbow is up and away from the ear. notice how the elbow almost follows the hip as you rotate.
effortless serve power the 1 drill for a great racket drop
Now we see how the arm begins to extend and then we begin to see the rotation through the shoulder and forearm to contact. Now we look at some common problems and things to keep in mind. Many times players simply raise their elbow but lack rotation, so they cannot throw. a ball very far if your elbow doesn't travel forward and up, as we demonstrated from both the back and the side, you will also see that the elbow is away from the ear, it is not right next to the a, so you want Be careful with that, many times players will simply bend the elbow where the racket passes over the head before starting to unwind.
effortless serve power the 1 drill for a great racket drop
Remember that you want the body to start unwinding so that the elbow rotates as the racket falls. Beyond the head, it's important to keep in mind for now. The other problem we can see is that players overemphasize elbow movement. What they are missing is that they lack rotation with the body and they simply move the elbow forward, away from the body, so that the elbow comes forward, instead we should see the hips and trunk rotating and the elbows rotating, since that is happening, as we see here with Nadell. Now let's look at that again. Another very common problem that we see in particular recreational players is that players when their rackets fall. behind the back they are actually going down with their body the knees bend often this is a result of when they throw the ball they throw it with their legs so now they are going up they have to go down but now they have calculated wrong the kinetic chain where instead your leg should bend as you throw the ball, as we see here demonstrated by federa and also by jokovic, so when we get into the next exercise with the elbow, the bow exercise, just make sure that you're in this loaded position so you bend your knees, throw the ball so you can then drive with your legs as you come up to meet the ball with your elbow.
Now is a


way to work on this and help your racket drop into leading position. with the elbow is to make the elbow, the bold slime, it's okay. First I'm going to demonstrate the exercise and break it down into progressions and how you can work on it so you can do things correctly. You simply throw the ball up and lift your elbow to reach the bowl, but as you do this you drive with your legs, as we see here comparing the left serve to the right


, so that's the


, but now Let me show you the sequence of progressions you can follow to help you do it correctly while performing these exercises.
Proceed with caution, do it intelligently. You never want to force your arm into this position. Sometimes you may lack range of motion. so keep that in mind, do it safely, do it slowly. Now you always want to start with the shadow movements, so make sure you are curled in this position. Now from here you will drive your legs as you do this. You're going to rotate on the shot, okay, so you're going to move your legs and then you're going to lift your elbow. You want to be in this position here where your legs are extended where the elbow is up, so this part is pointing up, to the right. here and you'll see that the butt is pointing towards the sky, so you want to do a lot of shadow movements like this, drive your legs, raise your elbow, scream, okay, you want to do this over and over again, but you want to feel that. your body straightens and that helps you.
Bring your elbow up and move the tip of the racket down, so you want to do it over and over again. You can do it at home right now and then you can try adding the ball with a simulated pitch where it can be easy. At first, to start in a mid-serve position, you start like this. Okay, you throw the ball up and you go up to meet it without hitting it and you want to see if you can throw the ball and do this correctly. Do that over and over again and once you can do it correctly without trying to find the ball with your elbow, then you're going to Elbow the ball where you throw it up and go up to Elbow the ball here, but look how my body extends see how elbows away from ear look at that again some people like to do a full serve just go really slow at first that's easier for you now once you can do that then you'll want move on to the dummy toss.
In fact, complete the swing and it can often be helpful to film yourself to see where the ball is or how high it is when you swing through your point of contact, so hit a full serve or a half serve. I generally recommend medium serve. serves, you throw the ball up and then you bend at the elbow, so you think about elbowing the ball and then swinging and doing this over and over again, and you want to film yourself to check everything that you still put in this position as you throw the ball up and start swinging a lot of times what happens is we throw the ball up and then people skip everything and they are going to receive the ball correctly so you want to film to make sure this is happening now once you can do it with the dummy toss and the ball is very close to your contact height then you want to try to hit the ball but slow down and we always say you want to first touch the ball by touching it it will help you reduce the speed, so you start here and launch. and then just tap, but you want to make sure that you're getting this look here with your elbow forward, feel the tip of the racket going towards the drop of the racket and just tap, that was a little bump and then from there you can then try to hit it and then you will start coming back behind the baseline.
You can also complete any of these exercises at home against the wall on a side fence so you can take the result out of the equation, but those are the exercises. There, the key thing to remember is that you want to make sure you're leading with the elbow, but you have a good right-to-left motion so the arm can stay nice and loose. You have range of motion but you also involve your legs. and the body uncurls and rises to meet the ball, so the elbow goes up and that, in turn, drives the tip of the racket down.
Thanks for watching today's video. Post any comments or questions below. Please let us know about any specific problems you may have. having in your service and if you got something from this video, pass it on to your Ten's friends and we will


ly appreciate it, thank you.

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