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Eating the KOBE BEEF of Thailand - Is It That Good??

May 31, 2021
Hello everyone, I hope you are having an amazing day. I'm Mark Wiens. I'm in Sakana Khan, which is in Isan, in the northeastern part of Thailand, and it's known for its


agriculture, but also for its livestock, and Sakhana Khan is known for having the best quality


around. Thailand because there is a specific breed of cattle called kokun ponyangkam, the meat is incredibly marbled and is sometimes known as the


meat of Thailand. Tonight I'm taking you to a restaurant that serves the meat we're in. I'm going to have a Thai style


barbecue and I'm going to share all the meat with you throughout this meal in this video.
eating the kobe beef of thailand   is it that good
I just arrived at the restaurant just as they open in the afternoon at 5:00 pm. m., the name of the restaurant is and that is the meat. that they serve here what they specialize in they're known for their beef and just their relaxed atmosphere and to me an atmosphere like this a steakhouse like this couldn't be better on the side of the road outdoors under uh lean over to the next one to an empty field you have it all here street food greenery relaxed relaxed atmosphere and I'm really excited to order some meat now, what is it?
eating the kobe beef of thailand   is it that good

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eating the kobe beef of thailand is it that good...

We're just contemplating our order, the different cuts of meat they have, which are different. Of the western cuts, those photos look amazing, the marbling and they're going to slice it thin because we're going to order one of the hot dishes over charcoal to grill it ourselves, but she's great, she's just explaining the different parts to us and where. they come from the couch we get our order in many things to order all the meat according to the menu and a lot of meat that you grill at your table but they also have dishes that you can order that they prepare here in the kitchen which includes a variety of different lobs and also some grilled meat that they grill for you, so here at this cooking station in the front kitchen, this is where they're cooking some meat on hot plates and I'm already hearing the first whiffs of that. beef that smells amazingly foreign, oh bye, okay, I think that's all we ordered.
eating the kobe beef of thailand   is it that good
We have two of their top premium beef steaks, one is very fatty and the other is amazingly marbled. In fact, they both have incredible grain. He also got a plate of uh marinated or non-marinated beef but he puts a sauce like they make in baotan which is charcoal but using a hot iron plate and then what he does is take that iron plate and put it on. the stove lights it, so it is hot as iron, and then it is placed on his personal coal on his table. We also have another dish, uh namtok, which is a common Isaan cascade meat dish, but made with this premium meat, uh, and yes, okay, I can.
eating the kobe beef of thailand   is it that good
Don't talk anymore, I'm excited, we have to get started, do you know what piece this was in? I think maybe it's the popsicle and it's called bai pai slice. I love that marble. I love its cut, perfect to take to the grill. Oh. Look at that piece of meat, oh that's a beauty and it's relatively lean. I think this cut too. I can feel the heat ready. I can feel the heat radiating from this iron griddle, so you'll be ready to sizzle, oh man oh. I didn't, oh, are you supposed to butter the pan anyway? I think it'll be okay, oh yeah, that's immediately beautiful, it immediately sticks a little to the pan, oh man, that immediately smells delicious, I think I might have made a mistake on my first slice of meat, I think you were supposed to butter the pan so it doesn't stick because this is a leaner cut, but I'm going to butcher it, oh yeah, okay, I think they have butter. a crucial mistake oh, maybe not all the dough no, okay, that should be fine for now yes, I made a mistake on this first piece, but I think it's already quite cooked, okay, I think this is ready, okay, That wasn't the best start. to this food because I made a mistake, but it's okay, actually that bottom part that's a little sizzling is going to be great oh wow, that taste is amazing oh, it really is delicious, it has meat, you taste its grass-fed quality and that texture like it's soft and tender, but a little bouncy at the same time, I think because of that marbled fat running through it gives it this amazing uniform flavor, texture, and smokiness.
There are two different sauces, this one seems sweeter. sesame sauce this looks more like a kind of chili and chili sauce, I will choose that one, I will choose this one, a chili paste, oh, that sauce is amazing, it's almost tomato, I don't know if it's just chili or tomato, but it has This tartness and tartness almost tastes like sun-dried tomatoes. Oh, that's delicious too. The sauce just dawned on me. I think I made a horrible rookie mistake. You should have taken the fat piece of beet with a higher fat content, put it on the grill first to keep the oil that keeps the juices and oils flowing so nothing sticks, but you can see how much fattier this one is, both the marbling of the meat and then the fat throughout the meat.
Also, oh yeah, I'm sure this might put two pieces on it. Okay, yeah, you can immediately see how much more fat this meat has. Still, my mistake was that I let the meat stick a little, but I think it's done. Ah, but it's still going to be amazing and you can see how much more this one is juicier and fattier for sure. Oh yeah, that's just dripping with oily juices. The next cut of meat I will try to dip this in the other sauce. Oh, wow again. the flavor that comes out of that meat is oily and juicy and that sauce is rather a little sweet with sesame oil flavor, but yes, you taste the fat of that one, I am impressed with the The taste of that meat, the taste is really excellent, it's meaty but not too strong, it has a very natural flavor, a very healthy flavor and like I mean, this is what you want a


quality piece of meat or steak to taste like, it's really delicious. good meat, yes, next we are going to try the third piece of meat and this one is cut into small pieces and marinated in what looks like some kind of oyster sauce, maybe some kind of mixture, I'm not totally sure it's going to function. it sizzles not only in its own fat and juices but also in that marinade, that dressing that it has and as the next round of meat rises, I just wanted to tell you and also read you a little bit about ponyankam meat thanks to an article. in the Bangkok publication but it says it is a cooperative with help from the French government.
I think in 1980. Ponyongam is actually a village in Sakhanakhan where they started this breed where they raised these cattle and took two French Chole cows. I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce that in French, um, that they were crossed with local sakonikon cattle and that's how it developed and now it's been 40 years of punyangkam, the cattle are fed without chemicals naturally, they farm in other communities, they farm their own grass to feed on. the cattle are grass fed, no chemicals, no growth hormones, no antibiotics. I think it's mainly family businesses that raise the cattle and that really stands out, that's why the quality is so high and stays so high.
Although there was a study that much more beef is consumed, that is, according to the books, then there is production, so there is probably some fake punyon gum meat in places in Bangkok, so it is important to check its fountain. your source and know where you get your meat from, especially if you want to try the authentic ponyon kamen, this is a place in sakonakon where you can come and where you can be sure that you will get the real deal, yes. This one looks really good because it's very juicy and I think the meat also tones down the heat a little bit because of the juiciness because of that sauce, so I don't cook them as quickly because I want to get some chunks. probably right now while they're half cooked oh, this one smells really good, I can't wait to try this oh, you can feel the softness on your chopsticks oh wow, okay, that's the cut that has almost a rib like texture, like this so ultra juicy, the fat is just squeezed out and that marinade, oh marinade, it's amazing, it tastes a little like oyster sauce to me, but I think it just seals in the meat juices and blood and gives the meat a saltiness, but not overdone or sweet, oh that's a great bite of beef.
Oh, that's so good that the meat with the marinade is so good that you don't even need the dipping sauces, but since their sauces are so good too, you might as well go in a bowl. wow, okay, that's my favorite, just the juicy tenderness is amazing, oh yeah, and this time the gorilla is already greased and juicy, so I shouldn't hit it. Oh yeah, that's perfect, now you can see it's just floating over that iron. the griddle and also the grill are not as hot anymore, it has been fully oiled so that will be yes, I definitely made a mistake on my first bite, the first piece of meat that was embarrassing, but I hope things are okay now, yeah, things are definitely good now. look at that for a slice of steak, it almost looks like a tongue, what a beautiful piece of lean meat, oh yeah ok that makes a big difference when grilled properly and not so much on the hot griddle.
What I like about this lean piece. It's not so greasy it's not so soft it's not so tender but you really taste the flavor the spicier and more powerful flavor of that natural meat that's what stands out about this cut each cut has a totally different flavor and to be honest both sauces They are also equally delicious, I can't even decide which one I like more, but probably this one because it's a little spicier, but they've done a great job with both sauces. Wow, it's an extraordinary combination, so we also have the name which is salad and I'm sorry, it's been on the table for a while, so it's become a little dehydrated.
I think we need to rehydrate it a little in its juices. I got carried away with the roast beef and almost forgot about it. about that namto oh wow, well the top is amazing the immediate combination of chili fish sauce and lemon juice, then the flavor of the garlic, the chilies in there, the smoked dried chilies, the fresh chilies, the shallots, the sawtooth cilantro, cilantro and green onions and then I'm going to chase that with the combination of raw chili and garlic, raw garlic, so good, oh, that's an explosion, that's an explosion of chili fumes in your mouth and raw garlic, oh yes, you will feel that and that name, although that is the next level.
Next up and then there is a basket of vegetables, mainly cabbage and some basil. I think in that dish, when you are in the middle of your meat feast, you can change the flavor with some cabbage with some vegetables, caramelized cabbage and meat. fat when I was up there watching him cook alone for a while, you can tell the meat is just his passion, he's just laser focused on the meat and that's exactly what seems to drive him and now you can totally tell the passion of the. their love is for that meat and their utmost care and precision when it comes to getting the quality meat that you're going to eat here, that you're going to eat here, another thing that really stands out to me about cocoon Thai beef is that unlike of some varieties of


or wagyu beef that are so soft and buttery that you don't have to chew them, this one is not as tender, it's not as buttery, but it still has some texture, you have to chew it, you really taste the flavor. of the meat and you feel the flavor, you feel the texture of the meat at the same time and at the same time it's not chewy, it's not difficult for me, it's a fantastic balance between tenderness, juiciness, flavor and, again, I mean , you become different. textures different flavors of different cuts of meat, but generally speaking, my first impressions of this meat, oh wow, but now with the heat on low it almost tastes like meat braised in that juice in that sauce, so soft, tender and tasty the combination . of this marinated meat and this sauce, oh man you're going to love it, I love these tongue-sized slices, great, okay, this is a good medium rare because the heat is really low now, oh man, I'm impressed too With that lean piece, I really taste the quality and flavor of the meat that stands out the more I eat it.
I might even like it better than the marinade because you get more of the pure flavor of the meat. This is my last piece of meat. Coming in with this roll, roll, scoop that sauce type sauce, this is more like a chili paste sauce. I love this sauce, I mean, I like it from the beginning, but I love it even more now, it's like a chili paste sauce. give it a good coating, this has been the best meat experience in Thailand, one of the best meat experiences you can have in Thailand, oh it was a great meal but this restaurant is great again.
You know you're getting the real thing. Try here authentic ponyankam beef and one more thing I should mention right away is that the total price of our bill was 950 baht and that includes that we had three plates of beef fillet and then the mixed meat salad, but that was a lot of meat, uh and the quality, I don't know if I can think of any for that price, the value of the quality, the maximum value and quality for your money, that's another thing that you have to keep in mind when you consider that meat from Ponyon with meat is affordable.
It's and its quality, I think what I like most about this restaurant is that it's just laid back, it's so laid back, it's so relaxing, it's unpretentious and just focuses on the quality of the meat and an atmosphererelaxed where you can come. with friendswhere you can hang out, where you can relax or you can slow grill where you can bite into some of the tastiest meats, hands down some of the tastiest meats you've ever had in Thailand, okay, that'll be it for this. video I want to thank you so much for watching, remember to like this video if you enjoyed it please leave a comment below.
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and I'll see you in the next video

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