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Eating once a day... Why I do it, and what I eat. | Mike Rashid

Jun 08, 2021
What's wrong with everyone? I'm your guy Mike Rasheed and


I wanted to do today is allow you to dive deeper into my reasoning for why I'm


one meal a day and also show you


I was actually


well last time. I showed you some of my trifecta meals, it's when I'm in a hurry and I haven't had enough time to prepare some food so today I have a little bit of time so what I always get almost everyone else gets. The day I go to buy a lot of fresh vegetables I try to mix them when I can.
eating once a day why i do it and what i eat mike rashid
A day of shopping will usually last me two days, so I'll show you what I have. First of all, let me tell you why. I am doing this mainly for health reasons. I felt like it was too heavy. I already lost 20 pounds. I was 240. Now I weigh 220. Well, almost 20 pounds. Weight about 222,223. Basically, me too. heavy I didn't feel good I didn't feel healthy um you know 240 pounds I'm 5 foot 11. that's a lot of muscle that's a lot of mass on my body uh and there are people shorter than me that weigh the same or more and ultimately it's not as healthy you know your organs are just but so big they don't grow with your muscles you know our hearts we take for granted all the work our hearts do our hearts never stop it.
eating once a day why i do it and what i eat mike rashid

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eating once a day why i do it and what i eat mike rashid...

I don't take time or a break and if I do it's a wrap, so our livers must be aware of that too. You know, your liver is under a lot of stress. We all train a lot and we all eat. a lot of protein and that is very stressful on the liver, its job is to metabolize the things that you put into your body, so unfortunately the lactic acid from our workouts also passes through it, so it is an additional stress, anything that eat, drink whatever. it's going through the liver and it gets stressed so what people eat five six seven times a day that's constant work constant work another thing is our uh you know our digestive system uh our intestine intestinal health our intestinal health you know is When You eat a lot, you have to understand that part of you has so many different stages of digestion, the first stage is chewing and then saliva, then it forms in the epiglottis and then your stomach produces acids and toxins to break that down. food to liquefy it because that is what our body absorbs is liquid right and then the rest is waste now when you are constantly eating you are constantly producing those toxins that is why people are sick all the time like that and also you know with a lot of heavy meats a A lot of processed foods are not natural for our body, so our body doesn't break them down quickly like fruits and vegetables, so what happens is you have food in your intestines that you probably had there for a week and you don't.
eating once a day why i do it and what i eat mike rashid
You know, the food you're dishing out today is probably from three or four days ago and that's not healthy and it also takes up a lot of your body's resources to do other things and compromises your immune system because that's why the immune system rests on our intestine in the intestinal area, so you know, this for me is health, health reasons why I do it


a day, um, also for discipline, you know, around 2014, I feel like I lost a lot of discipline. With my diet, I got a lot bigger and honestly, it's because of the way I ate.
eating once a day why i do it and what i eat mike rashid
I ate what I wanted. I was taking advantage of the fact that I have pretty decent genetics, but guess what? That slows down, your metabolism still slows down. Over time, you know what I mean, so I took it for granted, I just ate whatever I wanted, I ate junk food, you know, and I'll blame it on my kids, my kids will eat, you know, pizza and everything. what they don't finish. I'll eat you know what I'm saying and it's not right it's not discipline so I'm trying to get that discipline back with my eating and it's hard to do but I like to take on difficult tasks and this is the task that I'm taking on this now and I feel that this is one of my most beneficial tasks because the long term effects are great, so many people may think that it is unhealthy, but I don't agree, you know it is extremely healthy.
The body has a chance to reset, it's giving a lot of people who do ketogenic diets and things like that and allowing them a lot of time doing fasted cardio and things like that, which is great, giving your body time to really take care of itself. of the food you just ate. true, you need a good nine ten eleven hours between meals to really get through what you have ingested and every time you eat your body produces more insulin, your body produces more inflammation and you know that the more inflammation you have it starts to generate other problems, so there is many different reasons why I'm not going to get into the science of it all because you guys can Google it and do your own research.
I prefer that you do it, don't take my word for it. Do your own research to see what's healthy and what's not, and I'm not going to knock on the door, however, any of you want to eat how you want, that's fine with me as long as I'm happy with how I'm eating. I've said it before, I'm not going to prescribe it to you, this is just what I'm doing right and I like to share it because I think it's pretty good, it's pretty healthy and, you know, I'm losing body fat. I'm crazy, so I'm a little hungry.
Today I got dizzy after my workout because when I normally eat it is after my workout, but today after my workout I also sat in a sauna and a jacuzzi and I was sweating. A lot without anything on me I felt a little dizzy, but after I drank some water, put some water on my head and I felt fine, so you know, it's just the body adapting, getting used to it, so, we are. I'm going to go into what I have here, what we're going to eat today, okay, every day is a little different, but I have a base of what I really like, so I'm one of those people who can't.
I emphasize salads and vegetables, they just don't taste as good, however, I discovered a way that I like to eat them, a way of cooking them where I enjoy them, so I always have jalapenos because that will be my main source. of seasoning flavor so let's chop jalapenos I bought asparagus and do yourself a favor when you go buy vegetables um try to buy organic because it costs a little more but you know what you're investing in and your health and what's more important than that , don't skimp on your health, but if you can't afford it, you can't afford it, just get regular spare asparagus, it's still pretty good for you, so we've got these guys.
I have red kale here. I don't know the difference between this is also organic. I don't know the difference between red and regular kale. It just looks different. Looks great. You know what I mean? I doubt there is much nutrition. difference, but you know I wanted to diversify the colors of my vegetables a little bit so that it has a red or purplish stem and we will use that today uh broccoli I always make a lot of broccoli um cauliflower also I didn't Pick any today and Brussels sprouts which I love. I used to think they were gross when I was a kid, but I like them.
Now I like them and then we get some green onions. It's okay, I love the taste. These, then what I do is I bake my vegetables, so I chop them up, season them with a little bit of sea salt, stay away from the table salt and if I need to, I'll throw it in at some point. I throw in some soy. sauce uh this is low sodium soy sauce just amazing flavor and uh now I'm going to town on asparagus I don't know I'm weird with asparagus I don't like this part so I cut right here so it just eats the spears so go ahead and cut these bad boys off and I don't know I feel like the top of the spear is where the flower is.
I could be wrong, but I feel like that's where most of the nutrients are, that's what nutrition is. It's so that you already know and I just want what I eat to be efficient, efficient, that is, to give me the most nutrients, more value for my money per calorie, not so many calories in this and, for that, I am sure that many of you already know, uh, asparagus is a natural diuretic bomb, so that's great, as are jalapenos, that's it, yeah, running to the bathroom, snot, crying, sweating, all that, but I can't eat without some kind of spice.
I love jalapenos, I even eat them. I cooked the habaneros well too, so it's amazing, so I know what you're thinking, eh, yeah, I like all these vegetables, while the protein is vegan microleaf. I don't see any meat. The answer to your question is that I am not vegan. Tear down that lifestyle of eating, you know, I don't like the judgment of how some vegans really judge people, you know, you have to understand that some people just don't know that they're not educated about your movement, so it's better, ya You know, reach out to people and know it, and be empathetic and inform them instead of demonizing them and further alienating them from the movement because ultimately what you want is to get as many people on board as possible and not alienate people because of it. complete.
Okay, so what I do for protein, I do a few different things and I'll get into that in a second, I just chop this bad boy up, so when I chop my jalapenos a lot of times, I chop them again so they're all over the place. place, so it's like I have more than I actually have, so if you cut your jalapenos, if you like the kick, like I do, just keep in mind that the kick is in the seeds, so make sure you get all those good ones. seeds, that's where the hotness is that heat, baby, but if you can't hang, you can't hang, you know it's all good, I'm not going to judge you, but jalapenos aren't even hot to me, huh, that's the time I've been eating.
These shits are uh, I just like the flavor, I'm talking spicy. I had some fries


. I'm always looking for a challenge and it was ghost pepper chips. They were delicious. Imagine you know how people like Doritos. What I like. The thing about Doritos is the texture, so in my opinion these have a better texture than Doritos. The flavor is amazing, but you know they are so spicy it's ridiculous, like they give me the cum or shit that some people like. Say it so eloquently, so thank whoever made those chips because they are spicy ghost pepper chips, check it out if you want, if you think you can handle the heat, okay, I know it sounds weird baking vegetables, but it's really good and apparently a Many people do it.
I had no idea, so I cut my kale. I used to make kale by itself and I had kale chips. Shout out to Annette de la Rosa my ex she showed me that little trick which was pretty cool what's up with that how's it going but yeah so I just mix it all up and I love it but coming back to protein, most of what I've been eating lately is plant-based, it's not protein, but I'm getting protein in there and I know people say, well, what's wrong with your muscle? You're going to lose muscle mass, that's something I'm aware of and it's something I'm okay with now, because you know I just want to be. more functional, I don't want to lose my neck and honestly I've been lifting weights literally my whole life and I probably will my whole life so I started when I was 12 or 13, that's a long time right?
So you have to think that I may not be the biggest guy in the world, but I have my whole body, it's muscle. I gained a lot of muscle over the years. Now I don't want to get to the point where. I don't realize how I look, I keep getting crazier and weirder and not realizing that I no longer have a neck and I look like a weirdo, you know what I'm saying and I think a lot of people do. that when they lift weights they get in shape they don't think about how they look, they just want to keep building and it never looks weird, you never look weird to yourself and that's a little weird, so I never do it.
I want to be in that situation, but you know, if I have to lose a few pounds of muscle, I'm right. I'm strong so it's all good and I like to wear normal clothes so I like them to fit well. but for those who know that I designed the parents for that life to be alpha, we were out of stock, sold out immediately, but we are back in stock. I'll put the link below for people who live and still want to watch. good cargo pants that have a little stretch so you can bend over in them, run in them, kick someone's ass in them, do whatever you need to do, you know what I mean, or you could just throw on a fly and wear them out to dinner or go or whatever, you know what I'm saying, take out your lady and ladies, you guys can wear them too, they look good on you too, super comfortable elastic waist, um, and they're great quality, it's not. regular cargo pants to tell you that right now the quality is optimal because that's what it's all about so the only thing I really seasoned was the Brussels sprouts and I put like I said, I put sea salt and a little bit of pepper on it, that's it and the rest of the seasoning is jalapenos, that's the seasoning I prefer, I like the taste of it, so listen up you vegetables, man, you have to eat your vegetables, vegetables, you're eating life, enzymesWow, you know, that's something to think about, there's something. like I was, you know, years ago, I was a vegetarian, I wasn't a vegan, I was a vegetarian and my father, my father and I, always my father had always given me raw fruit and vegetable juices and things like that since I was When I was a kid.
We had this thing called the juice man, he was just this intense looking man with these big fiery eyebrows and he was like older, but like that. Vibrant and full of life, he was all about fruit juices, juices, juices. juices, the fruit juices and, you know, we had his, his blender, it was like a juice machine called the juice man, everyone looks for him, they see him and I've been at it since I was a kid, you know, go to the market in New York, go to Sunnydale, make my grandfather and I eat plums and nectarines, and you know that's why I'm addicted to fruit now, you know, but um, but it's crazy, a lot of you know I used to eat like two bags of grapes at night, but I don't anymore so I replaced them with more vegetables because you know there's less sugar, but anyway, this is what it looks like. before, right, and then I'll show you how after, after this is done, I'll talk about proteins, give me a minute, this looks amazing, I have to know, I have to do it, I have to Snapchat it, I have to do it for the snappers and the terrain that looks amazing right there, so nice boom, go ahead and save it, post it, it's too many, you know, Snapchat, Instagram at the same time, so I take a photo, save it and post it on Instagram on sometime.
Instagram gets its own love, although boom continues. your boy on Snapchat and Instagram Mike Rashid that's okay so protein this is what I'm doing today today I'm going to have a protein shake um now sometimes I'll do turkey bacon or beef bacon or ground turkey or salmon my my source of protein If it's animal protein, my choice is salmon, I love salmon, it has a lot of vitamins, you know, I love the flavor, the texture, all that, it's easier to digest in beef, but what? What I'm going to make today is a smoothie and this is a vegan alpha.
You can link it below. Check it. It is a protein of plant origin. Tastes good. I have tried many different plants. protein-based and they taste like earth, which is to be expected because it's natural, you know, and I'm okay with a lot of people not being, I'm okay with the taste not being as good if I know it's healthy, You know, but a lot of people aren't. You've got bcaas here, a lot of digestive enzymes, um, glutamine, uh, so this is what I'm going to do today alpha vegan, sometimes I'll have, I'm trying to do. I still eat meat, but not a lot.
I try to eat as little meat as possible. Will the meat fall off at some point? You never know. What I like is the longevity. What I don't is trying to impress people on Instagram with how I look. My thing is longevity and being around, not just being around my kids, but being around and being active for my kids, because if I have to pick up one of them, I'll still be here, but I'm busy with them, you know what? that I am? Saying I'll never be one of those fat dads who say, "Come on, son, come on, but you can't go with them." No, I'm also in a relationship, so that's what I'm into these days and that's a lot. people say oh that's stupid you're going to lose your profits you can't do that you're entitled to your opinion but opinions are like and I think you know the rest so anyway we're going to let that cook and then I'm going to plug this in and that's it and keep in mind it's now 1 p.m. m. and this will be my first and only meal today.
If I ate some bananas, I wouldn't have all the fruit, um, sometimes. I'll eat trifecta snacks uh, you know, healthy snacks, I'll eat those too. I'll try to eat as big a meal as possible, but this is all I have today. I'm going to make this a big smoothie. I probably will. Take two scoops of protein, which is about 45 50 grams of protein, so I'm going to do that and that's it for today. That's it, so I'll show everyone what it looks like when it's all done right. Okay, so this is a quick and easy cleanup. It's good to eat a lot of plants, so for my protein I'm going to make a smoothie now since I'm making it today and tomorrow I'm definitely going to make it professional. eating a little bit so I'm going to do that and this is a good time for everyone to see what supplements I'm taking right now.
I'm taking my vegan alpha. It's very good here. It is of plant origin. It tastes good, the mixture is very smooth and I was going to make two tablespoons. I'm going to do a tablespoon and a half, so it's going to be about 40 40 grams and I'm also going to add some superfoods. I have been on the market for a long time, you guys know how I feel about my superfoods and their benefits so be sure to get them. I'll link all the supplements below so you guys don't tell you to get them, I tell you to go. and research it, go and read it and especially this one here about the training solution, okay, about the training solution, speed up your recovery, supercharge your immune system, there is no product on the market that is similar to this, it's in his own lane and me.
I'm going to tell everyone everything we're doing at Ambrosia. The quality is unmatched. Don't take my word for it. Go to the site. Investigate on your own. Everything is on the list. Google are your best friends. All our best friends. Alright. No, you don't have to take my word for it because I know a lot of people are going to comment already. You're right, that doesn't work, read and read about it and how do you know you've done it? Anyway, I didn't even try it out of here about the training solution, like I said, it speeds up your recovery, helps you recover much faster and supercharges your immune system, so I'll add them.
I'll add a heaping portion of peanuts. butter, not almond butter, but peanut butter, look at that because it tastes amazing. I don't like the taste of almond butter, get that out of your face right now and if you actually look at the macro breakdown for um, two tablespoons, yeah. I saw it if you break down the macros of almond butter and peanut butter, there's not much difference, you know what I'm saying, it's amazing and I'll mix it with coconut milk. I love coconut milk. I don't drink cow's milk. weird for me it's like being breastfed on a couch it's weird i'm fine with that friend i'm fine with that and by the time i'm done mixing this my veggies should be ready quick and easy you know it's good this is a bomb so i have to say it's okay so ready for this the main course damn so we're ready here oh yeah that's a beauty and it smells amazing it smells so good so this is what I'm going to eat now I'm not going to eat all of this .
Right now I'm going to eat a big, full bowl of my smoothie and it should fill me up and if it doesn't fill me up I'll come get some more, but this should last me to dance tomorrow, okay, all those vegetables. Alright, I just want to show everyone how I'm doing it. Explain why I am doing it. I'll keep you posted when I come up with something. I'll make another one when I prepare this. I have some type of meat like salmon or whatever. You see how I cut it. You know, sometimes I make beef bacon or turkey bacon.
I cut it and mix it with the vegetables and give it a flavor that it doesn't really taste. the meat is so much, but it gives you so much flavor, but this is it, this is my, this is the new Mike Rasheed, this is what I'm doing, you all know it, so this is my journey, maybe to inspire Some of you. All you know is adapting healthier eating methods and, uh, my thing too is that I want to eat to live and not live to eat. You know, food is an addiction, so I admit it and I was addicted to food.
I myself am kicking my addiction, this is rehab, okay, lots of love.

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