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Eating At The WORST Reviewed Breakfast Restaurant In My City (Los Angeles)

Jun 07, 2021
It's been a while since we sat here in front of this computer contemplating making a star and it doesn't feel so good to be back, but it does feel great to be back in Los Angeles, so welcome back to a new episode of my unfortunate life choices starring a truly brennentaylor server oh my name is jake taylor and today we are going to a 1 star



. You've seen us do a 5 star and it was delicious. I still remember the waffles, yes, and they were good. I bet they won't taste like that today, not exactly, so we found a one star


eating at the worst reviewed breakfast restaurant in my city los angeles
Let's go see this place before we do it. You know we have to do one thing and that is check the reviews for this one. place, so let's get right to it, shall we? There was a fly in my hash brown and pretty bad service. I would say I also had an online coupon that I couldn't use because I needed a printed copy so you got a fly which is just you know there's a little bit of extra protein in there all the bugs we agreed on now I'm not going to complain about that there are no insects, but that would make me angry if it came with the chicken coop.
eating at the worst reviewed breakfast restaurant in my city los angeles

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eating at the worst reviewed breakfast restaurant in my city los angeles...

I can feel that now you have that trace of hate. To give a bad review because I used to die here for


all the time. I don't see the original owners and their food back then used to be so delicious. Today I get the original three eggs and bacon. I said WTF, did you call? tough bacon i think i broke my tooth breakfast is horrible ok so you have a breakfast establishment and people say the breakfast is horrible and the bacon almost broke my tooth correction cut a tooth im worried about this because how you have a breakfast establishment and they call me for having the


breakfast that's right, I should close the doors immediately, yes this Denny's was disgusting.
eating at the worst reviewed breakfast restaurant in my city los angeles
I can't believe I had my lips on someone else's disgusting lipstick while drinking my coffee. The kitchen can't even. do a simple task like washing the dishes well. I will never return to this unpleasant place. I want to talk about this for a second, like this. Look, how disgusting it is. I've had to experience things like this where they haven't. I don't wash dishes very well and I've done a little research on how they're actually washed and a lot of establishments that are like that and are actually very busy just dunk them in three different buckets, one is a bucket of hot water and the next is a bucket of soapy water. bucket and the third ones like a disinfectant, so they don't actually sit there and rub them, they just wet the glasses that they're going to make, that's true.
eating at the worst reviewed breakfast restaurant in my city los angeles
I mean, this is an updated review so the first review was one star and then I updated it to two stars so that my eggs were perfectly cooked and unlike my previous visit in 2017, there was no blood on my eggs.


utensils, this time my blood tested negative for diseases so Quran before you continue reading this for a second, this guy had blood on his utensils and that blood was probably sick and luckily after


with his damn utensils he didn't have no illness, luckily for him, but that is absolutely disgusting, how can you get blood on a utensil?
What if this is a human blood back there whoever was washing this plate cut himself he didn't notice and put the plate away I don't know this scares me all I'm saying is this place doesn't look very good to us that being said , there is only one thing we can do is go to this restaurant and try their bad food and we will let you know for sure if this place deserves a star. Oh what you know let's find out do this oh my gosh let's be oh wow. a trap house and now the chat house I hope you love it, I'm talking about a real trap house, how do you get in?
I don't know, but you see the sugar. Mind you, just mention it real quick before we get into it. Guys I have fire products and it's in stock right now and once it's gone it's gone so go grab some brennentaylor Connor did we get some new colors? Yes, we have new colors that we have so when this video is available, there will be new designs. So you're ready for that Brent Taylor rock, but let's get back to this. Danny only has the lower house. Hey, keep it low key. He makes you capture this. no sleeping, why would we have a no camping sign? no sleep sign, maybe they ate some nice pancakes and camped out for first come, first serve.
No, no, and let's get in here. We see a good rating, although when you order a drink, you will. not getting a loud yes, okay, that's good, a few moments later, yes, important, just big red flags right now, did you hear how loud it was? It's just a customer, he told us to go sit down although there is also water with drinks, thank you. you're so initial first not to this place like it smells old like panic in the hospital it just smells like illness he really smells really good look at this I called dirty to see it was right here there's a crack missing fingerprints whatever it is It's not the place more aesthetic, but probably what we said doesn't really matter the exterior because wood would be excellent.
Yes, can I have the lumberjack with scrambled eggs for my order? Can I do a ribeye and eggs and can I get them prepared medium-rare with scrambled eggs? Yes please, the lady seems great, she was very nice, she is the person who works here. I don't know how many cooks there are in the back. I'm going to check a cook in the bag. and there's a waitress that's all her waitress also plays the hostess she also plays the busboy because I just saw her cleaning the dishes here and you know she's doing all the jobs here so if it's a little slow she It's the only one you know.
What I mean, can I set a time? I can't wait an hour. No. We just order how long it will take to get the food, so we have some time. I think what we should do next is a bathroom check, so Jay. What do you think and is this Jay's bathroom review? First of all, there is nothing, so I don't understand that. If you're here on a date, how do you want to check yourself and make sure you look good before you go? out there, I mean, I don't think you're going to take a girl on a date here if you really want to, first of all, there's literally graffiti all over the bathroom, like everywhere you look there's something small, like smoothing, tagging, label. even in the sink, like label this, there used to be labels here, but they've covered it up, I just ruined it, okay, let's get into this, so first of all, two things are very close together, like you're peeing in here.
You'll have a guy right there staring at you, so honestly, this bathroom might look like a jail cell, like the lights upstairs are creepy and here's the bathroom. They have a bathroom here. These nasty green walls and they look like they're there. There's something in the bathroom that's kinda cute in the bathroom and look in the trash can I have someone's dirty ass poop on me that's so gross I can't listen wait I don't understand what kind of person just cleans it up no It does put it in the toilet and then it doesn't flush, but you have to be some kind of person to feel disgusted again.
I'm going back to I don't even have an appetite for my food now but let's go back and the food just arrived 57 seconds not bad but like I said there's literally no one in the restaurant the food is here you don't want our battalion to do this this is how it's supposed to which is a sausage this is just Grace Man the pancake looks good, sort of like it looks a little bit, but it looks like this whole thing is all done like it doesn't look anything appetizing like these eggs, man I know this The other eggs at Denny's are supposed to look like they were previously frozen, Posey, this is like it's definitely not from a real egg, like we've all seen real scrambled eggs and that's not what it looks like, can we talk about my steak?
Yeah like I said, a steak, a piece of chicken, a side right there, it looked completely bad, all on the outside, like Bobby, like that it was previously frozen, look how tough it is, that's not half cooked, first of all, half cooked it would still be. I eat raw, I'm soft, so like that, sure, frozen because look, you can't even it's like, oh, it's like it's half cooked because it's raw inside, no, he wanted it, yeah, but when it's frozen they shouldn't be. . Cooked that way it's fresh, you can cook meat that way, you can get a disease, so I guess there's only one way to find out what this food is like and if it's edible, so I think we should just eat it and enjoy it. so it is, I want to see this bacon like this, it's a crispy bacon, it's like a chip.
I mean, maybe some people like bacon like that. I like it crunchy, but this is very gradual. I like a chip. It can't last long. with ham, so let's hope they can do this right, plus it's cold, it's very oily. I think you were right about the whole freezing thing, because I've never touched hair so cold on the inside as if the outside was warm but the inside was completely warm. like twenty thirty degrees colder, yeah, they sure like to throw it in the pan, shake it down and then call it a day, yeah, this stinks, it's so gross it's like frozen.
I feel like I'm biting into ice particles, but I'll do it. The best because there are people in this world who do not have the opportunity to eat one star food and they are aware that this is so dry that it almost doesn't even taste like sausage, as if there was only that touch of sausage in the factory my palate that It makes me think this is sausage but if you closed your eyes and did eight challenge of what's in my mouth I don't know what brick I would think this is what I have a ribeye It's supposed to be cooked to medium rare but I'm pretty sure which is just frozen and raw.
I better get some pegs. This thing makes my stomach hurt every time I look at it, let's make it known that the outside is dark yellow and then the inside is like come on, you have to smell nice like there's cheese in there, but I just ordered eggs, but they have a consistency similar to that of imagining something really unpleasant. I wouldn't be surprised if they told me they don't come out. all and they came like a very read powder blend foundation this is all fat so I click on that yeah someone will give this little buddy I mean we went through it in the middle of a very difficult time so do it so big with ham, I'm drowning.
I'm sorry, you know, okay, I don't think I want to hear this, good for Hubba Bubba, hello, oh, I don't think I'll ever, yeah, you put it in your mouth. I know for a fact that this restaurant does not have a proper grill. it has a flat top like this that gets hot so none of this tastes good it's all very dense and chewy because they just throw it over the sparkler that's really nice and interestingly enough you take my hand out of my fingers the feet. just my toes and then they say okay hmm yeah it's hot let's serve it to the guests like you shouldn't you should be able to take it apart yeah thank you gross so I'm a big french fry lover it's Well, not a place.
They don't have good fries, maybe their food is not good. I shouldn't just start by trying the fries, so I always have the potential in everything because like I said in my last video, forget about seventy thousand likes. I'm going to change my minute in the ketchup is suddenly going to have a good crunch, we have a decent crunch, okay, a little bit cold, but I'm not going to come for a little bit of cold because there's still a little bit of heat unfurnished . I give them three stars for that. I'm always in the hospital. I have to do a toast test because if you can't make toast you deserve to be shut down, so I'll always get some jam.
What's that? What the hell? Don't know. It's just onion, I can't see. she so far is like a clear look ah it's like a wind of which I don't know something green is that for you it's a wink Oh from the camera you can see for sure that it's a look into each other's eyes that's what I'm saying Tiffany, thank you, yes. I'm going to check your harmony before doing this. You know, it's that pen game that's just pancakes. Bluff tastes a bit of fluffy syrup, although they are trimmed inside, well, it's very doughy, yeah, that's it.
I'm saying it's really just a spatula and they cook the outside without really making sure the inside is done. These are a disgrace to all pancakes. All this food has been a disgrace. The only thing I think is actually edible. you can, you know, stand very crispy if you can stand crispy bacon, that's good, hash browns are good, sorry, excuse for sausages, you see how dry it is, that's not worth it. I'll try the eggs because I'm not a quitter. try everything once you know very dusty dusty chalky dusty so all the acronyms I can give for this acronym those are all the descriptive adverbs without adverb I don't know, I wasn't that good in school, but I'll give it this, you heard it I was coming in in the kitchen I was a cook, maybe you thought there was no one here, but it literally has a taste, so it's no less good than the eggs in the school cafeteria, these eggs don't taste like eggs at all, so, in Ultimately, that's more than anything at this restaurant.
You can get really sick by living here Rolandic and that's all, I don't know and I knowit wouldn't even squish it, that's how you know something isn't good, it's even the flies, oh no. Not wasting food so I can feed it to a fly because I don't think humans should ever eat this but just like the flight I need water the bill is here it's 3666 so that's not a bad sign I'm not even leaving to sit here and complain to these people about the food, they literally have no one else here because at the end of the day it's 36 dollars, it's not a big deal and I don't want one of these people to lose their job or get in trouble or something.
I don't know because I came here to review their food. I got coffee, decent coffees. I'll just say this is a $36 coffee, it's on a budget so every time we come to a restaurant we have a new segment. those segments called Brennan's toy review, so we've done this thing that says winner every time, win every time we're going to try this because some people have hand-eye coordination and they choose the hardest one, let's look at this red one right here. actually that's not what i just said i won nothing it was reduced everything that wasn't there was one old bagel this i paid two dollars for that that concludes this video i hope you enjoyed it today was honestly another thing i usually love breakfast and always I know you can't go wrong with breakfasts, well we found someone who did, if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up, hit the subscribe button right now and join the Taylor family if you haven't picked some up yet. new merch brennentaylor comm we have the greatest merch in the game and just to prove it I'm going to ask these people, hey guys, what do you think of my t-shirt that talks about today's key?
Freddie Taylor comm rich is available and everyone loves it. so next time see you later peace, make sure to watch yesterday's video and also hit the subscribe button right now and turn on post notifications so you never miss a post, follow me on my other social media and See ya tomorrow Help with pizza

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