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Easyjet A320 tells United Boeing 787 to GO AROUND! | Serious Aircraft Incident

May 18, 2024
The United Airlines Boeing 787 is on final approach runway 09 left at Paris Sheldigol Airport when they contacted the tower, they received an unexpected clearance for a lateral approach to the parallel runway, they question this but don't actually get more clarifications of the tower. the ground an


airbus 320 is about to prepare to take off on runway 09 just when they realize that something is about to go very wrong, what is about to happen is a very very good example of what It is easy for human error to occur, but it is also a great example of how resilient and how many safety barriers exist in aviation.
easyjet a320 tells united boeing 787 to go around serious aircraft incident
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we are going to cover. Today happened on July 20, 2020. So this was at the height of the pandemic in Europe, which meant there was much less aviation traffic than normal. It happened in Paris Charles de Gaulle, which is the main airport in Paris and the Parish of El De Gaulle has two sets of double runways that use, they use the sudden configuration or the node configuration to arrive and depart before this


occurred during For the last two weeks, they have been using the south configuration and it has its own tower, so this morning when this happened at 0517 local time the controller who was on duty had just moved to the north tower that was supposed to be used for the north configuration with runway 09 on the left and 09 on the right, the problem was that due to the pandemic this tower had not been used and the normal position it would be sitting in was not working, right, there was something wrong with This, so the controller found herself sitting at a control station that was slightly offset from where she would normally sit and where she would have a perfect view over the final firmware 09 right and left, in this case she was sitting a little further to the east, so the tower itself slightly blocked his view.
easyjet a320 tells united boeing 787 to go around serious aircraft incident

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easyjet a320 tells united boeing 787 to go around serious aircraft incident...

The weather that day was really good. The wind came from the east with some light, occasionally gusts. There was very good visibility on the ground, just some high clouds, but as this happened very early in the morning at 5:17, it meant that the sun had just risen over the horizon and there was a bit of moisture in the air. and when you have that kind of situation, you can get a little bit of sunshine when you approach to land and that was reported by the arriving plane also at the airport itself, there was a lot going on at the controller. had begun approximately an hour earlier and approximately 15 minutes before this incident occurred, an Air France Boeing 787 had arrived for an approach from zero nine left, however, due to a technical problem, they had executed the turnaround and then Spin.
easyjet a320 tells united boeing 787 to go around serious aircraft incident
They requested to come in and make a non-standard landing on runway zero nine right which was primarily used for departures on this day. The reason they want to do it is because the ride on Romwe zero nine is a longer runway on land, there were two planes. which had recently landed on runway zero nine left and were holding short before crossing zero nine right and awaiting the landing of the Air France Boeing 787 which was having technical problems, there were also two


at the holding point delta. five waiting for departure and the first in line for departure was an Easyjet Airbus A320 when this incident began the United Airlines Boeing 787 would be a cosigner United 57 had just transferred from Paris air traffic control to the shell the tower controller goal now Paris Air traffic control had previously authorized them to begin the ILS approach to runway 09 left, which is what the crew had informed them for.
easyjet a320 tells united boeing 787 to go around serious aircraft incident
As soon as they switched to the tower controller, the tower controller appeared with the following message: United 5-7 Bonjour, continuous approach to runway. 09 right, you cleared landing on runway zero nine right surface winds zero one zero degrees nine nodes costing twenty-one United Five Seven pilots found it a little strange because they had previously been cleared for the approach of ils with zero nine to the left and that's what they expected to land, so the first officer who was monitoring the pilot at that time called the tower controller again and said it was clear to land on runway 09, step right side, track 09, right, connection 57 and to this he never received any further response. from the tower controller, so at this point it's very important to step back and look at what's happening here, so if we start with the tower controller, she's been dealing with the Air France 787 that has had a technical problem and has now received clearance to land on runway 09 on the right, is also waiting to give clearance to the two planes that are waiting to cross roamer zero nine on the right and has two planes waiting to take off from the right c9, this means that in your head everything goes In the round with zero nine, the second thing worth mentioning is that the United Five Seven pilot very correctly questioned the fact that they were being authorized to land on a different runway than the one they were approaching, but they were coming from America and the phraseology he used was understand clear to land on runway 9 on the right, avoid runway 09 on the right and the use of the word understand is not used to a large extent in Europe, But we tend to use confirm wording, so it's likely that if I had said confirm clearance to land on runway 09, right, it would have set off some alarms at the tower controller.
The wording confirmed means you have to really think about the authorization you just gave, but the wording understand might sound like a confirmation to the controller. The other thing that probably also played a role here is that United is an American company run by American pilots and in the United States the dodge maneuver, which is when you approach a runway but then change. and you land on a parallel runway, it is used quite frequently, there is something that happens quite regularly, so the American pilots would not necessarily have thought that there was something strange with this clearance, on the other hand, here in Europe this happens very, very rarely and if this had happened to me in my cabin I would not have even been able to accept it because you are required to make a completely different report for this, different minimums apply and in this case running with the right threshold zero nine is actually more near. to the airplane than runway nine on the left, which would have required a steeper descent rate to stabilize the airplane in the final position;
In fact, it would take over a thousand feet per minute to send a speed, which is something that in my operations we have to pre- Brief anyway, the United Airlines 787 in the final discussed this, got no further clarification and while this was happening , the Boeing 787 in front of them from Air France was actually landing at zero nine, so the captain of the United plane who was a pilot flying, took a quick look and said yes, I'll be able to do this within your recipes. They were fine to make a descent at over a thousand feet per minute, so he saw that he could simply disengage the autopilot and do a visual maneuver on drama c9 right which is what they decided to do now while the


crew is initiating this maneuver the


air france 787 has just landed on runway 09 right and the tower controller without realizing the mistake he has just made clears the




to line up and wait wrong with zero nine at this moment the pilot monitoring the plane easyjet is the captain in this case sitting on the left on the flight deck he is doing something we always do before entering or crossing a runway which is checking the extended center line of the runway in both directions before entering the runway and looks out and sees the United Airlines Boeing 787 on final toward what he believes is runway 09 left because you have to understand that when you're sitting on a plane and you're looking at a plane or final onto a parallel runway, it's very, very difficult to notice if there is any difference.
Basically you know if that plane reaches the end of your runway or the parallel runway and he sees it. He doesn't think there's anything strange about that and they continue entering the track. United Airlines 57 is now in the middle of the sidestep procedure, meaning they are increasing their descent speed and turning slightly to the right. what happens now is that the captain of the easyjet airbus that is about to enter the runway takes a second look towards the center line and as he does so he realizes that the


708.7 on final is now actually turning to the right turning towards his track.
The United Airlines 787 at this point is just 0.7 miles away from the runway at an altitude of about 300 feet. The Easyjet


at this point finished the drum with C9 on the right, but did not fully align with the center line. They are at a perpendicular angle to the center line and the captain of the Eastjet understands what is about to happen so he clicks on his radio and says tower, there is traffic in rom with zero nine to the right and then quickly followed by running with zero nine to the right, turn around, so That's a direct order to the plane at the end to turn around.
At this point, the 787 crew has also seen the Airbus that is on the runway they are about to land on, so they execute the turnaround and respond by turning around. wrong with zero nine right, which meant they would have turned around even if this call had not come from the captain of the Airbus when this happened the tire casting system inside the tire casting tower represents the raid monitoring system in The runway and collision avoidance also sounds inside the tower and the tower controller understands what has happened, returns to the frequency and grants climb clearance to 4000 feet for the Boeing 787 and simultaneously another controller in the tower who had been in a supporting position he had also been facing outwards. to the tower seeing the 787 turning towards runway 09 on the right and was about to raise the alarm if rimcast hadn't already done so


57 got as close as 80 feet over the threshold before starting to move away again and as they passed the easy on Airbus 320 on the runway, they were at an altitude of 300 feet after the missed approach, they made a completely normal approach and landed without further incident on runway zero nine left, so what's the point of this video ?
So why do I choose to share something? with you where everything really went well, there are some really good lessons to learn from this that I will share with you after this short message to my sponsor. I'm very happy to have Brilliant as a sponsor for this episode. Now, brilliant is an absolutely fantastic online learning platform with hundreds of courses on things, for example, on the fundamentals of mathematical physics, but also these mental puzzles where you have to apply your knowledge and when you come across something that really You don't understand, you will have a great experience.
Good explanation on how to understand it so that you can take advantage of it and solve increasingly complex problems that I have been working brilliantly on together with my son Lucas, who is 11 years old and he really loves these brain puzzles and gets very happy every time . hope you figure something out if this sounds interesting to you I would love for you to go to the video description of this video and click on the brilliant link, it will give you a whopping 20 of the annual fee of brilliant, but it's completely free. to open it and check it out, this was labeled a


incident by the authorities when they found out what had happened, leading to a report that I have relied on for this video, which shows the extent to which the authorities will .
Note the incidents where everyone was fine, where nothing really happened, but where there are really important lessons to be learned and of course the main lesson here when they interviewed the crews, but especially the controller of air traffic, was the impact that the pandemic has had. Regarding safety and work within the aviation industry, the air traffic controller stated that she definitely felt the onset of skills fading, which is what happens when you don't work hard for a long period of time and that's something that everyone in the industry can feel. After this last year and a half where we may not have flown as much as we used to and something we have to be really aware of and work with, you know mistakes will happen, they always happen, but our vigilance and the way What we deal with These mistakes are what keeps the industry as safe as it is.
In this case, for example, I want to highlight a few things, first of all, the fact that the United Airlines crew questioned the correct clearance, they got a clearance that they didn't get. They thought it was correct, they questioned it and then the additional error that occurred was that the tower controller did notHe understood that it was actually a questioning of the authorization. He didn't even respond, which he should have done, but it was really good. of the crew united to question it, possibly they should have questioned it even more and from this report the authority says that instead of re-reading a clearance that you don't really understand, it is better to say confirm the clearance correctly, without even re-reading what you think that you heard just say confirm clearance to force the air traffic controller to reissue the clearance from the beginning, which should raise awareness in the air traffic controller that you know, okay, maybe I said something wrong, but also It will give a better picture to the flight crew of what the clearance actually is, so confirm the clearance, read it again in its entirety, and hopefully that will clear up any ambiguity there may be.
This also highlights how important it is as a pilot to check with your own eyes what you are about to do - even if you have received clearance from air traffic control to enter a runway, you still need to physically verify that there are no threats to you and your aircraft. before doing it. The Eastjet crew In this case, the captain did an excellent job; He not only checked once, but twice before entering the runway and saw something he didn't like and immediately made an unequivocal call to the control frequency, so if you remember the video I made about the air canada crew that almost lands on a plane stopped on the taxiway there in San Francisco remember that the pilots of those planes that were on the taxiway also came out on the frequency but instead of being unequivocal they said something along the lines of where this guy is going, which which only confused the air traffic controller now, on the other hand, if you see that something is about to go horribly wrong, it's much better to just get on the frequency and say something like what these guys did, which is run around with zero 9 It is true that no one can misunderstand and the last thing I want to point out is that there are a multitude of different safety barriers to prevent a possible accident like this from happening.
First, you have the United Airlines crew. 5.7 had the problem of flying towards the rising sun which meant their visibility was a little limited but once they got down to low altitude they saw that the runway was occupied by the Airbus 320 and were about to run to turn around. and then there is the great work of the Easyjet Airbus 320 pilots who went out on frequency and told the United Airlines flight to turn around, but in addition to that, there is also the tire casting system that was activated inside the tower now that the Dreamcast warning came a little late and the reason for this was because the United Airlines flight changed from around 09 left to zero nine right and the tire casting system could only be activated when realized that this plane was now suddenly in the final. to the compromised runway, but the alarm went off and that would have triggered a maneuver call from air traffic control if they hadn't already done it and then there was another worker sitting in the tower monitoring the air traffic seeing that something was about to happen. mess up and talk so you have several things that would have prevented this from happening and this is the main reason why I wanted to make this video.
I wanted to show them that even though nothing happened in this case, it was still


enough. to publish a report like this and you can see how the aviation business is working to maximize safety in every way possible, that's all for today guys, I hope you enjoyed this episode and I hope you subscribed to the channel and you have highlighted the notification bell and I also know that you guys are sitting there wondering where he got that great t-shirt from and wondering if he has more designs, in that case you are in luck with this YouTube video.
You have my product shelf, you should be able to find some cool things there, but you can also go to, go to my store and find lots of other designs. Have an absolutely fantastic day wherever you are and I'll see. next time goodbye

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