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EASY Shrimp Fried Rice | How to Make Chinese Fried Rice | Chinese Take Out Style Fried Rice

May 05, 2020
To start I will use four cups of cooked long grain


. I basically took my cup measurement and packed it with


and here we have four cups. I'm going to spread the rice out on this baking sheet and let it come to room temperature. You don't want it to be too hot and I'll place it. Put it in the freezer so you want it to cool down. And once it's cooled, I'll put it in the freezer for about twenty or thirty minutes. Okay, the next ingredient I'm going to use is


. Here I have a pound of


, they are medium sized shrimp cleaned and deveined.
easy shrimp fried rice how to make chinese fried rice chinese take out style fried rice
I'm going to add salt to taste, this is probably between a quarter teaspoon and a half teaspoon of salt. I'm also going to add pepper to taste. I'm using white pepper, you can use black pepper if that's what you have. I'll probably add a quarter teaspoon of this pepper and now I'll add two cloves of minced fresh garlic. I'm also going to add some chopped green onion. This is approximately equivalent to a green onion stalk. I chopped the green and white of the onion. And I'll also add a quarter teaspoon of chopped ginger. This is more like a paste.
easy shrimp fried rice how to make chinese fried rice chinese take out style fried rice

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easy shrimp fried rice how to make chinese fried rice chinese take out style fried rice...

Hmm. If you have fresh ginger, a quarter teaspoon maybe up to half a teaspoon. But I'm only using a quarter teaspoon of this chopped ginger patty that I have in a jar. And now I'm just going to give everything a good mix. And I'm going to let it sit in the refrigerator and marinate for about thirty minutes and if you don't eat shrimp, use your protein of choice, chicken is a good way to do it. Simply use a pound of...uh...chicken breast, cut it into pieces, season it, and let it marinate the same way. So the next ingredients are bean sprouts.
easy shrimp fried rice how to make chinese fried rice chinese take out style fried rice
Here I have about five ounces of bean sprouts or just a bunch and I'm also going to use green onion and these are four stalks of green onion that I'm just going to chop and when When it comes to


rice, I'm pretty simple about it. regards vegetables. You can also add a little julienned carrot. I know peas and carrots are a popular vegetable used in


rice. Personally, I don't like it. I just really like bean sprouts and green onions. But...again, do what you want, this is just a basic recipe. Well. And now I'm going to use 1/4 cup of chicken broth and two and a half tablespoons of dark soy sauce, if you don't have dark soy sauce you can use regular soy sauce.
easy shrimp fried rice how to make chinese fried rice chinese take out style fried rice
I just like to use dark soy sauce because it really gives it the color I want when I


fried rice. And you can also reduce the amount of dark soy sauce you use if you find that two and a half tablespoons is too much salt or sodium. Reduce the amount or use a low-sodium soy sauce. But I'll stick with two and a half tablespoons. Okay, so my rice is pretty much done, it has that day-old rice texture, which is what you're looking for and you could actually use day-old rice, but I can't. I have some, so this is the method I do, which I think a lot of people do to get that rice texture when you're about to fry rice.
I would also like to mention it if you have checked the description below. In this video I'll put the ingredients and measurements in there along with links to other recipe videos that I think you might like. Okay, so this rice is ready. It's the texture I want so I'm ready to start frying this rice here. Here I have my pan preheating and I have about three tablespoons of cooking oil in the pan. And now I'm going to start cooking my shrimp. I'm working on medium heat. And I'm just going to sear these shrimp for about a minute on each side.
Just to start the cooking process, it won't be fully cooked at this point because it will continue to cook while I add other ingredients to the pan and I do it this way because I don't want to overcook the shrimp. Rubbery shrimp are difficult to eat, which is why I do it this way. And if you're using, for example, chicken breast again, I would cook the chicken breast probably all the way through. I wouldn't keep that chicken breast cooked all the way through, but shrimp cooks much faster, so keep that in mind. Well, while the shrimp continues to cook I would like to share a story with you.
One of my first memories of eating American-


Chinese food was with my dad. And he would


us to this Chinese restaurant called Lee's Inn. And it's in Houston, Texas, so any of my Houston, Texas subscribers or viewers, please leave a comment below and tell me if you remember Lee's Inn. He must have been four years old. By the way this was in the 80's so as not to reveal my age but I really remember eating delicious food there and I think it closed in the 90's if I'm not mis


n but anyway when I cook American


Chinese food at home.
It reminds me of my dad and his love for Chinese food. Well. So at this point I'm just creating some space in the pan and I'll add my bean sprouts. And again, you can use any vegetables of your choice. Sometimes I also like to add a little julienned carrot and a little chopped onion, but today I'll keep it simple. So I'm going to sauté them for a minute and then I'm going to start adding my rice. Now that everything is well combined, I will add the soy and chicken broth mixture to the pan. And I want to reiterate that if you find that two and a half tablespoons of dark soy sauce is too much.
You can scale down and maybe use one or two. And you can also substitute it with a low sodium soy sauce. But one of the reasons I like to use dark soy sauce is because it gives it that rich, deep color that I look for in a fried rice instead of adding large amounts of just regular soy sauce, which is why I do it. And the addition of chicken broth is just another level of flavor that I like in my fried rice. And I'd like to add that I'm actually a little weird when it comes to fried rice.
I don't know why I do this. But I actually like to take a tablespoon of fried rice and a tablespoon of steamed rice and mix them together. I don't know if you'd think about cutting back on soy sauce, but there's something about the combination of textures of steamed rice and fried rice. I don't know. Does anyone else do that or am I the only weirdo? Okay, I'm going to continue frying and mixing this rice until it's well combined and I'd like to remind you that I'm working on medium high heat. I don't use very high meat because things will start to burn. at the bottom of the pan.
Believe me, I know because I've learned a lot about food that way. Now I'm going to add the green onion again. You can change the proportions of the fresh ingredients I add here, for example, if you want more bean sprouts, add more bean sprouts and if you want more green onion, add more. And again, I'm going to turn this around and say that I only used three tablespoons of oil and it probably didn't seem like much in this large skillet, by the way, this is a twelve inch skillet, but yeah. It goes a long way and gets the job done.
So once all of this is combined, I have one last ingredient that I'm going to add and that's sesame oil. And... in fact, the rice right now is excellent. It's good as is, but I like to add a dash of sesame oil. I'll add a rough estimate of two teaspoons of sesame oil. And if you don't have sesame oil on hand, leave it out, it's not going to work. ruin this fried rice. It's just as delicious, but it's just another layer of flavor that I like to add to my rice. So today I'm making shrimp fried rice to go with my beef and broccoli recipe.
Stay tuned for that video. So my rice is ready and we are ready for dinner. So I hope you try this recipe. I hope you like it and thanks for watching (SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and SHARE)

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