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May 30, 2021
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so guys before we start I'm going to give you a breakdown of the ingredients so we've got four potatoes we've got some cloves of garlic here we've got four sweet corn okay and here I've got some of parsley. a lemon here I have about six eggs here I have two groups of crab legs okay one here and one below here I have my shrimp here I have my onion I have my kerrygold butter which I will use in this recipe we have our occasion seasoning a little bay leaf we have some onion and garlic powder some


and fresh seasonings black pepper and smoked paprika my potatoes are well washed as are my crab legs and also my eggs corn and all that, okay, my shrimp have been deveined, but I left one of them on just so I could show you because some people think the only way to devein shrimp is to cut off the back, but that's not true.
easy seafood boil with sauce the best seafood boil terri ann s kitchen
If you look here, you'll see this and all you need to do is just take it out, see this, guys, just take it all the way out, see this, then get rid of it, okay, because I want to keep my shrimp hole, the rest is already done I literally just left this one out to show you. beautiful and here I have my big onion that will go in the


, okay, normally I always prepare this beforehand to save time, but you know what, today I will make this video very calm, so it's not necessary, okay, I'm going to cut it . in half, beautiful and then I'll cut it like this so that these onions will be enough for my


, okay, so I'll leave these aside, so for my garlic we'll need a lot of garlic.
easy seafood boil with sauce the best seafood boil terri ann s kitchen

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easy seafood boil with sauce the best seafood boil terri ann s kitchen...

This recipe is okay, lots of garlic, so I'm just going to peel it and you can peel it however you want. Okay, so for the garlic I'm going to grate it. Okay, you don't have to grate the garlic, but I find it. much better when it's grated so this is my finely grated garlic guys nice and fine you don't need to bite into big chunks of garlic and that's why I prefer to grate mine it's fine for potatoes I already washed them. I don't want to peel them, so I'm going to cut them like this, maybe like this, okay, you just want to set it aside, okay, set it aside for a second and then I'm just going to work on our sweet corn, so leave the potatoes here and for the corn, I'm literally going to cut it here, so okay, so this is my corn and this is it, so let's start putting everything together that I have. my kerrygold butter is the


okay this is going to be so buttery so beautiful let's start


ing the seafood guys I have my pot and it has about four cups of water in it and this is the pot I'm going to boil the seafood in seafood.
easy seafood boil with sauce the best seafood boil terri ann s kitchen
Okay, the first thing I'm going to do is add the chopped onions here, so okay, just add the chopped onion and then I'll add some chopped garlic as well and that's just the flavor. out of the pot, okay guys this is not fancy at all, it's literally just the flavor of the pot, add just a little bit of sea salt, black pepper, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, Asian seasoning and seasoning fresh and some obey mix it up and a little bit of chili powder too just a little bit see chili powder so as you can see this is about to boil and this is where I like to add my potatoes because this will take about 10 minutes to cook, so just add.
easy seafood boil with sauce the best seafood boil terri ann s kitchen
Your potatoes I'm also going to put my sweet corn so that the potatoes and sweet corn cook together. I also forgot to add a little bit of parsley and just mix it in, mix it in because you'll find out when. the corn and everything comes out, it will have little flecks of parsley like this, which will help make it look really pretty, so keep an eye on it for 10 minutes and we'll remove it, okay guys, it already looks really pretty, look. That guys it's been about seven minutes so far okay about seven minutes and this is where I just want to add my eggs okay add your eggs because remember we're going to let the potatoes on the corn cook for about 10 minutes.
Okay, so just add the eggs at this point and then in about three minutes we're going to remove the potatoes and the corn so it's been about 10 minutes now and we're just going to check our potatoes okay guys as you can see. It's cooked through, you don't want it to get squashed so we're going to take them out okay so my eggs boil well and this is where I like to come in with my shrimp because the shrimp will take about two, three minutes and the eggs need another two. and three minutes to cook so add them here like this and on top of that I'm going to add my crab because I just wanted to give it a little bit of flavor so just add your crab so guys it's time to remove our crab okay as you can see guys and even our shrimp are already cooked too so let's go ahead and just remove our crab listen how good the shrimp are ready and you can see no.
I want to overcook it and then it gets all rubbery, you don't want that at all so we're just going to remove them, oh look we've got our pot clean and we're going to make that beautiful butter sauce for our seafood boil well so I've got my butter, okay, I'm going to put a little bit here because I want it to melt so I can sauté some onions, okay, keep the heat on low or medium because I don't want your butter to burn, okay, very important, okay, and then I'm going to use my chopped onions, so in total I'm using the whole onion, I'm using half for boiling and I'm using the other half for the sauce, okay? you just want to stir it in and make sure you keep it on low to medium heat like I mentioned because you don't want it to burn at all so let it sweat well so this is where I want to go. quickly add it with my minced garlic okay this is my beautifully grated garlic and you just want to mix it with the onion okay now you don't want it to burn or anything just keep an eye on it okay okay and the smell of this is so beautiful when I'm telling you it's beautiful oh it smells so good okay so what I'm going to do now I'm going to season it right now so we're going to put some garlic powder onion powder Asian seasoning fish and seafood seasoning black pepper of course, smoked paprika, so I'm just going to mix the seasonings here, like this guys, see how it looks beautiful, okay, and I'm just allowing the seasonings to toast a little bit with that onion and that's garlic, okay?
Imagine burning curry, this is beautifully thirsty here, okay, I'm also going to add some old bay leaf here to make everyone thirsty with that onion and garlic, this one will be so beautiful when I tell you. Beautiful, beautiful, you're going to love this one, this is going to be epic. Okay, I'm sure you've never had it like this before, so now that my seasonings are nicely toasted, we're going to add our butter, okay, generous amounts of that. butter and I thought I was going to need both packets, but I'm only going to use one packet of those 250 grams, okay, now you just want to let it melt, yeah, and look at the sauce, oh my God, look how, oh God mine. guys look at that sauce yeah guys look at that can you see this my loves okay since it's melting you just wanna mix it mix it oh my god guys listen I've never folded them before with any of my recipes and this? one is definitely a hit, look at that, oh my god, look at that beautiful salsa, look at these guys, oh my god, can you see it, loves, can you see it, look at those guys, it's so beautiful, so beautiful and for finish?
I'm just going to add a little bit of parsley in there, so okay, a little bit of really roughly chopped parsley, look what a nice look, how nice, I'm not at this point, our sauce is ready, okay, our sauce is ready, guys, I love you. You're going to love this one, you're going to love it look at that look at that make sure you try it adjust the seasonings to your preference guys I've tried this and it tastes wonderful it tastes so good so good okay I'm just going to add a little bit of lime juice in there too, you know the lime juice is really going to help finish it off and yeah, it's going to be ready to put it out, oh my gosh, that's pretty looking okay, beautiful, so at this point I'm just going to go.
Go ahead, I'm just going to turn off my pot, okay, because my beautiful sauce is ready, do you see this, my loves, look how delicious, oh, a beautiful sauce with some toasted seasonings. Wow, wow, nice guys, so I've arranged it beautifully, okay? You see how amazing guys, it looks so good, absolutely wonderful, okay, that looks so good, go ahead and look at that beautiful sauce, guys, it's like it wants to pour it but it's like it wants to get it out, so guys, I hope have enjoyed this delicious seafood. boil recipe, if you made it, don't forget to give me a big thumbs up, don't forget to subscribe to my channel of course, and I will definitely see you again in the next one, thanks for watching, bye.

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