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Easy method for returning serves (beginner / intermediate level)

Jun 02, 2021
Hi, I'm Tom Lesniak. In this video, I'll show you a super


approach to


services. Now this video is aimed more at





players and I have in mind the type of player who really finds it difficult. Returning services is a bit scary. Well, here I have an approach that I use with the players I coach and most of the time it works pretty well, so in this video I'm going to show you how to return


with backspin. to return


with topspin how to return fine size serves using my approach you should be able to find that you can return almost every serve your opponent gives you so if you want to get much better returned serves keep watching so here's what I often see especially



players and also


level players with backspin serves the ball enters the net topspin serves the ball leaves the end of the table side spin serves the ball is launched the bat passes through on top of the spinning side to the other side the ball shoots off the bat and goes there, okay you are not alone, this is very very common, however there is a way you can start


a lot more serves, which I will show you right now, first of all, let's see how to return backspin serves now, since it is the simplest, any backspin serve can be returned with a push, it can be a backhand push, it can be a forehand push, this brings the ball back over the net and to the other side of the table, if it's a stronger backspin you might just need to turn your back angle a little more this way If the backspin is lighter, you may need to swing the bat a little more that way.
easy method for returning serves beginner intermediate level
Same on the forehand side, heavy backspin, open up the angle of the bat with a little lighter backspin. You can angle your bat a little more in that direction and that will allow you to return any backspin serves you face. Timing is also very important. I think the easiest way to return these serves is to contact the ball just before the peak of the bounce, you really don't want to let these backspin balls start to fall and dip, then you have to pick them up and the shot becomes more difficult, so for a good push come back from a backspin serve, all bouncers push just before the top of the bounce.
easy method for returning serves beginner intermediate level

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easy method for returning serves beginner intermediate level...

Same thing on the forehand side, bounce, push just before the top of the bounce. Now I think the key with this return is that you don't have to hit the ball hard. Some beginning players do that and lose control of where it is. the ball goes, just keep the shot short and simple. This is by far the easiest way to return serve, so we're just looking at a short positive push action, okay, that's all we have to do and that will return serve with backspin. Check out how to return topspin serves for me, the easiest way to return topspin serves is with a drive that can power a forehand.
easy method for returning serves beginner intermediate level
If there is a lot of heavy topspin on the serve, you may just need to close the angle of the bat a little and then drive yourself. going over the ball a little more if there's just a slight topspin on your drive you can just open up the angle of the bat and you can drive it that way it goes across the back of the ball a little more same thing on the side from the right. You may need to turn the angle of the bat a little more and make more contact with the top of the ball.
easy method for returning serves beginner intermediate level
A lighter topspin spins the best angle back that way and now you'll be able to get more off the back of the ball to begin with, don't do it. worry about trying to hit the ball, this is important when serving with topspin, they are putting a lot of energy into the ball so the ball has tons of energy when kicking off the table, so if you return these serves with topspin with just With a controlled drive technique, the ball will return to the table and probably return quite quickly without you having to put much effort into such a short drive technique.


way to return topspin sets. Now let's look at side effect services. Now I know. my own training sessions these are the serves that give people problems, the host, people get very worried about the size of Finn's serves and they try to return them and the ball goes out that way, do this and everyone They shoot that way, well, you know what the trick is. With the size of the preserves it is not too much or two to panic because of the lateral turn, why is it like this? Actually, try not to treat side wins as a separate type of service because you will have a side spin with something that will mean to both sides. with backspin or side spin with topspin if it's side spin with backspin you can still push them because of the backspin on the serve you can still push them, maybe you need to push it a little more in the other direction or aim for the middle of the table to take into account side spin, but the size with backspin you can return with a push.
The same on the right side. The size of thing with knockback you can come back with the first one, maybe you need to aim a little more on the other one. direction or if in doubt, aim towards the center of the table if it is a side spin with topspin, you can return them with the momentum again. It's topspin, which is the most important element, so link the spin to the top so you can come back with momentum again. You may just need to aim a little more in that direction or aim for the center of the table.
Same thing on the forehand side, you can return it with a drive, but you may just need to aim a little more in that direction or toward the center of the table. At the table, you now need to play a positive stroke when you return these medium-sized serves. Topspin really only has effect if you tentatively or nervously try to lift the ball and then swing into sidespin from the serve. It's kind of shooting your rubber, but if you play a positive hit, a positive push or a positive drive, then you start to control the size, Finn, you actually start to negate the lateral spin a little bit and the more you do it, the more you play these positives. hits against these Finn serve sizes, you actually find it, ah, I'm actually not worried about the spin size at all.
Now comes the tricky part, how do you know what turn your opponent is doing when he is serving? Think about it this way. If you see your opponent's bat come down when serving, you can assume that there will be backspin on the coming ball. If you see your opponent's bat moving up when serving, you can assume that there is topspin on the ball, this is a really good general approach to starting with more advanced players can be a little trickier with how you They do their job, but if you play at the beginner and intermediate level, most of the services you face on the server probably aren't going to work. disguise it so much so that you really pay attention to that movement down back up with topspin this means that when you return serves you are in your position you are ready to return the serve you must observe your opponent You must observe the server.
If you watch the server very closely then you will better see if the backs getting down the bus and on can still be difficult, but if you are not watching the server then you are trying to solve the problem. spin based solely on the flight of the ball and that's pretty hard to do, sometimes you'll get it right, sometimes you won't get it right if you watch the server, if you really watch their contact well, if their trajectories move down or up. up and make contact. That will give you more time to be able to process what kind of spin the ball has, something absolutely essential that when you return the serve you are observing what action, what spin your opponent is giving to the ball when you start.
Returning service this way, push or push, at some point everything starts to become a lot easier and you find that you are returning many, many, more services. I think when you get to that stage you can start to think about the progressions and how you can give back. terms and different ways to put your opponent under more pressure, for example short serves with backspin instead of pushing them, you can try moving them. Long serve with backspin instead of driving them, we can try to loop and serve with topspin instead of just guiding the We return the ball with a drive, we can look more aggressive with our shots adding more speed, maybe adding a little more topspin to the shot, that's how the game can be developed, don't worry about these more advanced parental services. too much at the moment and if you are a beginner in the middle stage, really focus on the topspin and backspin of the Bush Drive, then as your confidence increases you can start to add these other eternal serves to your game.
Thanks so much for looking. I really look forward to this video. about returning serves helps you in the same way it helps the players I coach. Well, I'll have a lot more videos coming soon, so I'll see you and then bye.

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