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Easy DOLLAR TREE Bohemian Rug

Jun 04, 2021
Everyone, this is Justin from Justin Ray on Instagram and also on YouTube. Now I just want to say hello to all my new subscribers. You guys have really been enjoying the video, so I appreciate it. I've been scrolling through Instagram for all this


decor and I knew it. I had to create something. I love how it looks. I love her style. I think it's perfect for summer, so I knew I could make something with Dollar Tree items for this. I think it took me about eight bundles of rope. I also used a lot of scraps I had and I also used a mat from Dollar Tree.
easy dollar tree bohemian rug
I love the way it turned out. I love the way I designed it like under a dresser or I think you could use it in a bathroom. It took a little. a little bit of time, so I made a time lapse video, so it sped up a lot, but I wanted to show you the whole process. I love the way it came out, it only cost a couple of


s so I really hope you enjoy the video. To start, we want to buy one of these mats from Dollar Tree that are sold in black and gray and I really like the black because I wanted to be able to see it pass through the rope.
easy dollar tree bohemian rug

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easy dollar tree bohemian rug...

First you should start by folding it in half and cutting the edges we want to end up with a half round shape, don't forget that it is better to cut bigger the first time you do it so you can then remove a little as you go once we have our shape . We're going to start hot gluing the rope, we're going to cut them into small sections of about four inches. I would say about 20 of them. You can always cut more as you go. Now what we want to do is separate them because separate them into three small strands, we will start by gluing the strands to the outside of the mat.
easy dollar tree bohemian rug
I made them about, I'd say about an inch away from each other, work around the mat, there's no real rhyme or reason, just make sure they're about an inch away from each other, so we're done, I What we are going to do is take our rope and glue a layer on the outside of the mat over the smaller ones to keep them in place and once we get to the end, we are simply going to cut the rope at the ends. I just took my hot glue and glued the loose strings together. Now what we want to do is take a second layer of rope and glue it in the same way as the first one?
easy dollar tree bohemian rug
Don't worry about being too precise with the end of the rope now because we'll clean it all up at the end. I get a lot of questions about the hot glue I use. Actually, this is just the one. from the Dollar Tree now you're just going to take your third layer and start gluing it. I ended up making four layers of rope on the outside. Now what we're going to do is start creating the S pattern. What you want to do is Take the rope and hold it like an S shape, it ends up looking like little eights and we're going to glue the edges together.
I had a little trouble with this at first trying to figure it out, but once you understand the flow. It's very


and you just want to go all the way around the mat to the other end. We'll go back and really lock it in until we have our pattern established and once again we'll just continue. To cut the rope and glue the end, now what we're going to do with the hot glue gun is just go back through and glue the rope. I was pleasantly surprised at how well the rope stuck to the mat with hot glue.
Now once we've completed that, we'll start another layer with rope and finish by adding six layers of rope on the inside, but honestly, you can make this pattern however you want. Once we've added those six layers. We'll do the same thing we did before with the S pattern and glue it on. Now what we're going to do is take our rope and start filling in the rest of the space. I've done a lot of projects with ropes. At this point, this was a perfect way to end up using up the extra pieces I have. I probably should have cut some of this off, but I love seeing it finished, it's very satisfying, it's the last piece and now it's all we have. what you have to do is clean up the ends, you just want to take your scissors and cut the loose ends and even them out now taking a hot glue gun.
I just went through and picked up all the loose ends that I knew would probably get caught up in something. and I just glued them together. I also went back and just picked up any loose spots I saw and put some hot glue underneath. This really helped secure everything in place. Final step. I promise now what you want to do is take those little ones. ropes that we glued at the beginning and separated them, they will end up looking almost like tassels. I love the way they end up looking like fringe, it really gives it that


decor look.
Take the scissors, trim the ends and you're done. We're done now. I wasn't sure about black Matt showing up at first, but I love the way he ends up looking. I'm seeing a lot of neutrals, blacks, whites, and decor, and I think this looks so good. I hope you enjoyed the video like I said. I didn't have to rush much because it took a little while to make this project, but I loved the way it turned out and I've actually had it sitting. I've been away for a couple of weeks and I wasn't sure how it would hold up with hot glue, rope, mat and everything, but it's working pretty well and I love the way it looks.
I think it is a perfect bohemian decoration if you recreate this gift. Don't forget to tag me on Instagram. I love seeing the recreations of everyone's projects and also don't forget to like this video, subscribe and you can also follow me on Instagram at justin ray reyes sent the WRA and thanks for watching.

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