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Easy DIY Floating Shelves | The Best Floating Shelf Bracket?

Jun 08, 2021
But recently it is not a mission to find the


way to fix



. If you look on YouTube, a lot of people make these frames and cases, which is fine if you have the space, the tools, the patience and the skill, but in my case I just needed something quick and


and I didn't want to fiddle with the


behind me . I previously bought



in a store because I thought it would be the quickest and easiest way to do it but then you didn't laugh sorry yeah so I found these fixing


s on Amazon and it's basically a screw that goes into the wall and then a piece of metal on which you slide some wood with two holes.
easy diy floating shelves the best floating shelf bracket
I thought it could be done. It won't be that


, so the wood for these shelves is just an old piece I had lying around. I measured the length underneath and cut it with my miter saw. If you don't have a miter saw, you can just as easily use it. a hand saw to cut them, the next step was to draw two holes for the supports to fit. I use a square to make sure they go in straight, but if you have a pillar drill, that makes life a little easier below. That was sanding the wood, so smooth it out and make sure it had a nice clean finish, so it occurred to me that I probably couldn't pick the worst piece of wood for these shelves.
easy diy floating shelves the best floating shelf bracket

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easy diy floating shelves the best floating shelf bracket...

The pieces that I have, just from the cuts that I had and they are covered in knots normally that is not a problem when they are smooth but in this case there are some quite deep ones and the problem with that is that when you paint over the top you are not going to To get a nice smooth edge, you're going to seal the lumps and bumps here, especially if this is the front edge, so what I'm going to do is fill them in with a little bit of filler and then send it back level with the faces and then he won.
easy diy floating shelves the best floating shelf bracket
It doesn't show when once it's painted, the top of the fill that I'm going to use on these is just going to be a standard commercial new fill, you can use polyester fill, you can use any type, I'll actually put a link to some that I recommend you check out. use in the description once all these knots and slits are complete. I'm going to use this knotting solution. This is an old solution I have in my toolbox, but I'll put a link. in the description to one that you can buy yourself and what it does is put a thin layer over the top of these knots to prevent them from seeping and staining the white paint once it's in your view, sometimes you see when something has been painted with white paint. and this hasn't been put on the knots over time it released this resin that stained the paint and left these brown circles on your pretty white paint that we don't want.
easy diy floating shelves the best floating shelf bracket
I'm just going to paint these shelves white and for that I'm going to use my tried and tested formula of a water based primer and base coat combo and a white water based top coat. I'll put links to these in the descriptions or an equivalent of where you can get them and I like to use water based. because it's much easier if you just clean them, you can wash the brushes in the tap and then the job will be done. The reason I'm making these showers is to replace these cheap and nasty ones I put in a while back at the time.
I thought it would be quicker to buy something already made off the


, but not long after they went up, yeah, this one, like inside one of these, it's just hollow and then this goes on the wall, it goes there, but you can see what . Can we do better than this? So I measured where the holes should be on the wall and used a spirit level to make sure the holes were level, so I was about to draw this hole and I discovered the end of my drill bit. Everything went well a few days later and I'm back with a new drill bit that I ordered online and this one lasted twice as long.
Apparently I had high hopes because the first time I put these racks up I got burned: drill bits and one of them, the end glowed so red that the tip fell off and landed on my carpet and burned the hole, so I'm hoping with this one, which is new and extreme, you'll actually get over it a little easier. Using my electric drill, the reason I'm going to use this one is because it has a little more guts than a battery operated one and this wall behind me is solid and it's going to take me a while to get through, I'm not looking forward to it, but I'm going to see how it goes once you've drilled the holes, the kit comes with this wall plug that goes in the hole, it comes with a washer that you put on the screw and these screws on the wall and there are these flat areas here that You can put a wrench or wrench in it and right now, to make it nice to accept, the


thing is that it's off center.
Once it's in place, you have this fine adjustment to align it or level it up if you need to. For us just great, we see well, here I am lining up the shelf with rods on the wall, but it didn't fit exactly, so I removed it, readjusted it and we tried again and it was perfect. I wasn't sure if One problem is that you can fix the shelves on those


s, but once it's on, it's solid like me, I can't get it out and I'll probably struggle and need to put it off someday. I'll be able to see what they are.
Always good, we got to the end and that was much faster than most of my other videos. It was too easy, you literally drill a hole in the wall, drill a hole in a piece of wood and push the piece of wood over that. and the unsung hero of all this will be this drill bit. I think you learned from this that having a really decent drill bit makes life a lot easier. I previously bought kits with various sizes and although some of them have been the big names they haven't always been so great and I may have done it myself but now after a while using a new bit machine in a big hole on a brick wall made my life much easier.
I'll put a link in the description of this one too, so that's it, thanks for sticking with me to the end, if you've made it this far you obviously enjoyed it so give me a thumbs up it really helped me, don't forget to subscribe if you haven't are. and see you in the next video thanks for watching

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