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Earl Strickland: How To Play Straight Pool

Apr 19, 2024
boing, okay, this is perfect, that's what Bo did, oh, that's 112, boy, if I could run 200 balls. I'd be happy to go down the road, yes you could sell that. Running 200 balls, it's fine, just up, nice and smooth. I knew that was going to stay. I knew if I didn't throw something at it it would stay. I got a little lucky though the 12 are here with a nice Bridge 12 in the corner, little right bottom. I put in those six balls, a problem, but I have to worry about these down here right now. I'm going to roll real slow and shoot. that 13 or 14 and dividing them this will make my problems much easier once I divide them so I could spend more on that with these four balls.
earl strickland how to play straight pool
I'd have an easy shot at six, I think at the table, yeah. It will also help me to


a six in the corner a little to the left, in the middle. I'll SK a little bit, although now I need to zoom in and get the seven on the bottom right, but I don't have a brake ball, but the nine. the only one, but I'm going to kill this ball right here with a lot of right bottom and now I can shoot the two and try to hit that nine ball, that's really what I have to do lightly, oh, I hit it very easy, hit it.
earl strickland how to play straight pool

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So easily I got caught up, why does that happen? I don't understand the table it's so weird. Sometimes I can't think about her. It's so fast I can't think this is still a breaking ball. I think so, I'll have it. to take it, I'm going to spin this around to get this 13. I still think it's kind of boing, you know, a


top, just spin it around a lot, it'll come out there for you like that, you don't have to. Hit them, just spin them, that's 126, yeah, there should be a whole bunch of people in white coats cleaning all the time while I


, cleaning the balls, cleaning the table while I play just like it should be, then they all disappear. and then when I need something clean they come out and start cleaning again oh look at this you're alone and the


can't it can't be like that too much depth I'm just going to hold this ball with too much of that is the right shot no hit too much like that don't do more than that you won't get anything or you'll get scratched that's what you'll get a scratch boy this is complicated I'm going to Put the top right, go down there and come back, I think I hit them a little with this ball 15 with a lot Right, yeah, that was the wrong shot.
earl strickland how to play straight pool
I can tell you that right now, I'm lucky to have this. six now I have nothing rolled in small stop right on the clock 50 yes Why didn't it roll up to here? I still have a chance. I'm afraid the DEA will get this ball rolling because it's going to skid, you know what I mean, what a game. It scares you kids to shut up the balls all the time, but the best option would be to draw them here and land right here, but if I could follow them, I can land here. It is said that it is good when it hits the hole, I also see that the balls are still dirty.
earl strickland how to play straight pool
Again, you know how dirty they get right away. You think they stay clean for hours. You have to keep opening the ball. The balls to throw up. Maintain awareness of what you have to do. Keep the shooting balls open. One of the first things you want to do. knock them off the rails and break the clusters rails again. I've talked about if the table cooperates, okay, top left, go with two rails like this, right there, that's the easiest way. I think it was like 40 racks. or something like that, I'll bet you 30 off the racks. I used that method right there.
I went with two rails on that last brake ball. I literally couldn't screw it up doing that, but you can still screw it up, it's just an easy way to do it. I've literally been on my own since I was 14, just playing pull. I love this game, but


shot is a great game. I didn't stop playing strike. I grew up playing eight ball, nine ball and this game is a game changer. For me I just don't even care about the other games anymore. I just want to shoot. I don't want to play safe. I don't want to kick.
I don't want to break except break these racks. racks I don't want to jump I don't want to fail and play


with the other guy I don't want a bad r him and they called me sick names all that takes away all the rubbish

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