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DUSTY CHASE: Bizarre Police Chase in Arizona

May 15, 2024
this. slow down what he sees in front of him you must see something in front of him that he doesn't like here hey, why don't you go to that field, his way, feeling like no one thinks when I'm, when I'm watching this Jason Aldean? dirt road anthem dirt road anthem he's trying to get to the other side there I'm not sure if it's fenced yeah it's fenced so he's looking for a way if he could try to get through it we'll see here now We have Christina watching from the Southern California, well, Tina, you know all about the


dusty chase bizarre police chase in arizona
Jason is in that area, right? It seems like every other day they have one out there, where is he going next? No, again, he's finding new dirt roads. the guy makes his own paths, creates his own areas to travel. I mean what does this look like, a lot of you are saying now in the chat this is a new commercial if you could turn it on oh you can't we have it now we're running now we're running it looks like it's trying to get rid of something it has more people leaving here we go let's get to work they're up the windshield wipers are working oh, we had several, we had a lot of people there, wow, we had a lot of people in that SUV.
dusty chase bizarre police chase in arizona

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dusty chase bizarre police chase in arizona...

Oh you fool, we only have two, three, someone else when I get out of this car, wow, I'm just going to get over it was that dirt was too much, wow, three people, can you imagine the conversations that took place over the last 15 minutes in that car, I mean, do you think people were yelling like, dude, just stop, stop, or they were like, go away. I want to know the conversations that were inside you almost had just a great job. I had the


there, lifeguards. Everyone, our sky data was showing this so well and I'm glad no one was hurt.
dusty chase bizarre police chase in arizona
The Dusty Chase hashtag is all wrapped up, it's early in the morning. that's a


where you can get your coffee, get your donuts, get your bacon and eggs, whatever you want for the morning and just sit back and relax and chill here 21,000 Ivy on Facebook worldwide Scotland London Miami Alabama Maine I'm Texas , we have it all here. Great job by all the police. Thank you so much. They are dedicated to what they do protecting us every day. That dirt wrote that you know what he was saying. It was me. I was thinking about Jason Aldean. dirt road anthem and finally the song does it too and the


and here we go, it's an official wrap up for everyone who's local here.
dusty chase bizarre police chase in arizona
I'll be on Fox 10 Extra starting at 10 a.m. We will have a recap of this crazy chase and much more in the news world, for those of you who are local now, you can still catch us at 1 p.m. This on Fox 10 Phoenix YouTube, where we have the news, the experience continues starting at 1:00 p.m. Um, everyone who knows and I'm your host, Mike Page, thank you so much for continuing to watch here and this crazy,


chase that was Sky Fox. The footage continues.

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