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Dumbest People On The Internet

Apr 25, 2024
Hello friends, it's me and today we are going to look at some dumb


on the Internet. What a great place to test your terrible ideas. I think you're having a bad day. What are you going to do? Why did you throw it up? I mean, she has. a target, she hit something, it wasn't the bowling, do you get any points for that? Yes, probably not and you have to pay for TV. I've been seeing so many bowling flops, like this guy is trying to clean his bowling ball, it looks like a black hole has destroyed the sink and now you have two holes for the water to go down.
dumbest people on the internet
Know? When you think about cleaning a microfiber towel off a bowling ball and just giving it a good scrubbing, now I'm going to drop it in the sink. it's a bathroom it's not a puppy it's not a baby it's not your dirty paws it's a bowling ball like this guy look look at this guy you know how to wind it up so you know it'll be good you know how to play stupid games get stupid prizes it was that the corner too oh my head hurts just watching that and you know television has had enough abuse silly ways to die that is the lung of a corpse like that is a real lunch basically to preserve organs like that for biology classes they are like covered in chemicals and this guy is like blowing it up with your mouth imagine donating your body to science and this guy in class inflates your lung like a balloon no, I'm fine, put your finger down if you bought tickets for Taylor Swift for 9159 because you wanted a really good seat, I'm sorry, how much is 9,159 nine thousand dollars for a single ticket to a concert, okay, but I could literally watch it for free on YouTube right now, that's a lot, but it's not even the worst part and then you fell asleep. the whole concert and you missed the whole thing yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because if you go to the concert and sleep first, was it that boring?
dumbest people on the internet

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dumbest people on the internet...

Are you even a Swifty if she makes you fall asleep and then you leave? Go online and complain like it's not one hundred percent your fault. Maybe try staying awake next time. Damn, what is she doing? Man. You are literally missing an entire wheel. What's going on? How did she not notice? You know one side of the car is like it's really shaky, okay, maybe if I ignore it it will go away. I wouldn't drive anywhere near it. I'm going to see how many hangers it takes to support my weight, so we'll start with five five. no just no it's not that no before we continue maybe take two brain cells that's all it takes put them together if five can't hold you up which makes you think six you'll know how to add one more hanger that could barely hold the weight of a couple of Chopper jeans wow, all the hangers I ran out of the plastic ones, this is ten oh, not the velvet ones, you won't have any problems when mom finds out you took them out of her closet, those are expensive too, oh, they're sturdy. oh no, it's not sturdy enough, this kid is an absolute menace oh oh, it almost works oh no 15. okay 15. there may be hope that they're sturdy enough okay, you're hanging you're doing great hugging me look that took 15 hangers 15 hangers, the door is going to collapse, so I think 15 hangers is like I want them to break.
dumbest people on the internet
You know, we're going to get rid of these anyway. How many hangers does it take to hang a human? 15 I guess so, I learned something new every One day, this guy saw a trick on Tick Tock that said if you take hot water and wipe it on your window, it will break the ice and he ended up breaking the window too. Congratulations, it's like a two for one that I knew that boiling water was such a powerful good. I tried it first on my wife's car. Oh, those eggs look good. She's saying: "Turn it over. one name flip three countries three countries um spit on them uh Dubai how do you look like him over there we're making up countries now like we don't have enough already hey it's too easy and so strong look how good am? doing it no Suddenly it's much harder and heavier to do this exercise.
dumbest people on the internet
You know, if it's too easy you're probably doing it wrong or you're just super strong. Yes. I work the biceps. This is of no use unless you lift a sign. and advertising something Mary the roof the roof is clearly flooded wait look look look what you're holding don't show the camera where the line is Mary points are you trying to collect water with a tree no, it's a bucket it has holes, yes it is a bucket with holes in it, they call it a strainer, it's for pasta, girl, what are you trying to collect with that, what are you doing maybe if I hold this bucket up to the ceiling, the water will fall into it and then use it on the carpet weird?
Every time I see those stretchy things it can't end well girl what are you? what are you going to do? I shook the thoughts out of his head. She forgot what she was doing. Restored to factory settings. I know what's happening. funny for no reason they say you are what you eat you eat on paper you are paper i think she means if she eats it she will learn it but that doesn't make any sense when you have eyes and a brain but she isn't even eating the right parts. She likes corners. They don't even have anything more than the page number.
You are absorbing the page number. What are you trying to tell us? Plus you're too stupid to read and understand. I thought it was oil that is Floral Florida. To be fair, they come in the same container and are a similar color. Now your ex can taste like a fresh, clean toilet. What are you doing? Something is going to spill. Hey, it's not that spicy. Someone you should call the police on embarrassing, like what is there that makes it malfunction. You know, if those girls didn't overreact like he didn't do this three times a day. Yeah, he'd be really worried about him falling asleep with his shovel. on his stomach he has the sickest tan line, now they're going to have to cover it with sand, except part of it is surprise, it's still there and then they put tanning oil on it, okay let's see the finished product, oh okay, now it's darker than the rest of him. no win no win today except the sun is out you're out why are you playing volleyball in the house?
You're literally playing volleyball in the house not expecting to break anything so it looked like she was going through the window so why are you going to She acted surprised at the mirror falls. She took this espresso capsule and popped it into her mouth. Okay, to be fair, they look like very fancy chocolates. They look good. If she didn't know any better, she could shove one in my mouth. Plus, they don't have to look like the fanciest chocolates, it's like walking into Lush like, oh this smells delicious, damn, that's soap for your hands, unless you have a dirty mouth and ditto, she he ate a whole lemon thinking it was candy, okay, but why?
They look kinda cute, they look like kumquats, no, it's not that bad, why do you spit it out, man, eat 11 peels once in a while, it's good, it's supposed to improve your mood too, but anyway, that is all for today. I hope you liked it. this video if you did make sure to hit the like button and turn on notifications click click and I just released some new products. We have hoodies, tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf. pack oh, I love you so much, thanks for watching, bye guys.

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