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Dude, Go Get the Pepper Spray - The Gus & Eddy Podcast

Jun 01, 2021
enough, he just wasn't looking at the address and was just guessing and then it finally showed up. He was ordering breakfast and he's a tall guy with something like. white hair like a ponytail and I had a coffee with my breakfast and he handed me my food and I said oh, his fingers from the tip to here are completely covered in dirt like everywhere and it looked like he didn't care you would have showered. in at least a week and then I think if you have accumulated dirt it is more than a week and then he handed me my coffee not through the center point but with his fingers full of dirt on the lid where you drink and he handed it to me like that.
dude go get the pepper spray   the gus eddy podcast
We're not just like you pay for it, pay for it and pay a lot more than you would to go out and get it for the convenience of receiving it with a contracted delivery charge, yeah, most of the time they do that, it's that the vast majority of the time there's something wrong with it, yeah, we even had one more time, every situation is like it's not even an outlier, but jakie and sven were here and stuff and we try it or, yeah, you know , door. we ordered breakfast oh no we tried to make singing stops yeah both meals were prepared yeah so we ordered twice that day and everything was wrong with all the things like I ordered breakfast for four people and it was like a breakfast on a single plate from IHOP. and they delivered us a breakfast that was incorrect yeah and I'm actually halfway through the video right now personally it's also like my order is up I want a refund yeah full if it's missing you know we're not only. we're not doing where it's like oh no drink we want a full refund ever it's like oh well no drink well I want my $3.00 back for the drink I spent but I have now sent five written complaints in a row not like orders at Ralph's .
dude go get the pepper spray   the gus eddy podcast

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I have five complaints in a row where I say that I am missing almost everything in my order or that everything is finished because I have already had it twice. I have received several sandwiches from Subway and they were all completely the wrong sandwich, yeah the courier guys haven't refunded me for five orders now, Jesus that's worth like $100, yeah that's completely ridiculous and then with that breakfast, you guys don't do it they made. she had a breakfast yeah and Tony and I were already going to take Wingstop so you guys are great let's all take Wing Stop because you like it hmm and so we did so you're not just co-mailers we have door, we are waiting. about how many people we were, that's five, five, yeah, 5, like full orders with drinks and sides, just a ton of food and then the person gets here, think about how much food is in your car if you're a delivery guy, yeah. and apparently they marked the door on the application;
dude go get the pepper spray   the gus eddy podcast
If they have problems, they can mark it and it's like, hey, I don't know why they put this on the person receiving the delivery, but it's like, hey, let's say the person's name is. like Ashley, it's like Ashley was having trouble finding your house, maybe texting her, her calling, which is like she should call me, so I texted her and said, "hey, you have trouble finding the place, no answer" and then I text him again "hi, no answer". They hung up on me and then they marked the deliveries there and they charge you in full and it's like she had five people with five food orders like five meals in her car, yeah, and while I was calling her, she hung up on me and they just delivered it to the market and then , after she made that fan, it was because I think you were in your room and I said we were giving her food, yeah, it doesn't matter what, so I called her like four times and she kept hanging up on different times and I let it ring the whole bell or it would ring all the time for the last one and then I just gave up, yeah, so for reference, we're trying to eat our first meal of the day and we started ordering and trying to get food like at noon and then we had to wait because sometimes you're waiting an hour and a half or two hours to get there, like yeah, full deliveries, all inclusive, so we started ordering our food around noon and finally we got our food. on something like five or six zero six there's like six hours because all this error and this isn't even an outlier you tell your friends this happens most of the time yeah we don't know what the problem is but we have to solve it.
dude go get the pepper spray   the gus eddy podcast
I have to figure it out because I think there are multiple factors here, we don't want to just be like those drivers, yes, probably a working heart, but yes, that was going wrong here, previous colleagues, what do I want. What I want to know is that Uber has this thing that says if you drop below a certain rating you can't be a driver anymore or maybe there's an in-between moment where you can't if you get a bunch of shit as a post. fellow delivery driver at the door - any of the delivery drivers can keep delivering things, that's what really makes me curious, like if someone spends three days and delivers 30 orders and every single one of them is in this post, fellows They say: You can't be a driver anymore or they just keep letting you go because there's no rating system for drivers, you just beat them up, yeah that's it, oh I don't know what the system is about, yeah and also, yeah, like you said before. - the system is so long that as soon as the delivery driver says it's there, it's totally your responsibility if you don't have your food, it's totally your responsibility.
Well now I need to file an appeal to get my money back, yes. They charge me automatically and I didn't get anything yeah and sometimes they and the thing is I think they should refund your tip because it's like it's for some things like I say every order yeah I still need to tip the delivery driver because Probably, if the system works the way it does, they probably didn't even know what the food was and they delivered it, they deserve a tip, but then it's like my groceries went up after Nate needed to cover that tip because I just paid for the food I didn't even tip the driver to deliver the food I didn't order, but there are also situations like breakfast, which was probably like four bags of food, yeah, yes they should have had it, we got a big bag.
I know how they were going to package me I thought okay well maybe this is enough, you can't even get to report anything until you rate the ride or tip the driver, yeah, so the first thing is to tip the driver, so I click report a problem at the bottom yes but first you have to tip although you can you can click report a problem and then after you report the problem you can choose how much you want to tip the person . Oh, I understand you. My problem with that was I thought it was probably okay and I was like I was trying to see what was in the ER or oh I mean you can't see what's in your oh yeah you can't tell you so right away I had to tip him.
Then I thought I didn't know so I just blind tipped and blindly rated and to go see what our order was and it was like everything went well they gave us the receipt and they bought food for four meals oh . They did, they left three bags of food in the car and didn't bring it back up so it was like I had to tip them to check and see what I ordered. What the hell is that system? Everything is broken, but still use it all the time. I won't stop because the thing is we like it even with work stuff and like I don't have a car here so it's still convenient even though things are good but that doesn't mean we're still getting ripped off all the time , yeah, so the videos have to be made, it has to be done, that's a long, long time, yeah, sorry, we'll try not to talk about it anymore, yeah, let me see what time it is. by the way, we're at an hour and 15 minutes, so let's finish here in a moment.
Okay, here's a good one, well, we can answer, however, Alfonso didn't say: Have you come across anyone who has made commentary videos? about in public um no, I haven't, but it was before I made the video Gemma guava juice okay, yes, yes, no, I can't, there's a story I want to tell, but I can't, it's like that. That's my name, names, I will say that Danny one time, Danny Gonzalez, had to meet someone face to face and it was while we were at VidCon and he had uploaded that guy's video that day and then he met the guy face to face. -face and the boy hadn't noticed the video yet, so Danny was freaking out and the boy didn't like to say he was scared or something, but it's still very jarring to do that, but the boy didn't know that, so which is complete, that's why yes that audio is just me speaking my language, yes I had a quick follow up because I made the crane game channel where I deviate from games for abusing the truth system.
I was - two of the channels did a response video. I'm not even going to name names because we've decided we're going to tell you right now. I won't include you in this. It would be very easy to mock these people as the answer. The videos they made were so bad, you know they would be perfect, just bait to make a comment video, so I want to say if you searched for it and you're listening to the


, don't leave comments, please don't. Don't leave it, it's like no, it won't help anyone if you leave a comment on their video.
Yes, I know because I brought the issue to light and I still stand by everything I said. I'll probably make more positive comments. videos and stuff. I'm really excited for you guys to have fun, it's a really fun time, we're both doing some things, yeah, so I mean, I'm not going to pull any punches in the future if I find out what people are doing. wrong but I just like to make the more positive ones too once you have a comments video done really if you said what you said there's no reason for you to like to keep attacking yeah that's exactly it and I'm telling you we have some . fellow posts, it was late, it came and then we sat here and watched some of the response videos and since there were two of the main guys that made one, it's so easy it was like something like that. contradicting himself and yes, literally, and about you that didn't make any sense, like one was calling me a pedophile and stuff, yes, yes, hole you're saying, no, you can't like it, stop this area of ​​bullying that you're are you doing in the comments, yes, pedophile, and who is it?
There is a guy who is a good arcade channel. It's Matt, something arcadey. Matt's fine, he's good, right? He's good, he also commented on the video and had a very insightful comment. I replied. For him, arcade Matt doesn't do bad things. I couldn't find anything on arcade Matt, he's a great channel one, four point four million subscribers, he seems like a really good guy. Did you say all the arcade channels in the video because in your comment? I thought I addressed that and I was like, I don't think I said, I didn't say all the gaming networks, okay, there's a lot that are doing it and one of the things is that I listed seven of the biggest channels that were the most big as liars and Jewels and the thing is that one of the boys who tried the hardest.
I didn't even show any of the videos of him. I didn't even talk about any of the videos of him. I included his name in the list of seven names and that's it. This guy must have tweeted me twenty times, he must have left 50 comments on the video, he just went crazy, made a video of himself again, if you find out who he is I would be actively disappointed if you left negative comments, yes no. Don't harass these people, don't do it, don't do it, ID, please don't do that, but it's still like why is this guy going crazy, like I don't know, yeah, the only thing I want to emphasize is the only reason why we.
We're talking about this because it's something that we had in mind to not be like, "Hey guys, wink like, no, wait, really, no, don't do it, don't do that, don't harass them, oh my God."

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