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Duck And Cover (1951) Bert The Turtle

May 05, 2020
dangers he never had, he did what we all must learn to be safe and remember what Burt the


just did, friends, because each of us must remember to do the same, that's what this movie is about, Duck and Cover, this He is an official Civilian. Defense film produced in cooperation with the Federal Civil Defense Administration and in consultation with the National Education Association Security Commission produced by Archer Productions Incorporated Hello Burt, come and meet all these nice people, please, okay, We really can't blame you. Look, Burt is a very, very careful guy when there's danger.
duck and cover 1951 bert the turtle
This is his way of avoiding being hurt. Sometimes it even saves his life. That's why these kids are practicing Duck and Cover, just like you do at your school. We all know what the atomic bomb is. very dangerous since it can be used against us we must prepare for it just as we are prepared for many other dangers that surround us all the time fire is a danger it can burn down entire buildings if someone is careless but we are prepared for fires We have an excellent fire department to put out the fire and you have fire drills at your school so you know what to do.
duck and cover 1951 bert the turtle

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duck and cover 1951 bert the turtle...

Cars can be dangerous too, sometimes they cause serious accidents, but we are ready. We have safety rules that car drivers and people who are walking must obey now we must be prepared for a new danger the atomic bomb first you have to know what happens when an atomic bomb explodes you will know when it arrives we hope it never comes but we must prepare you see something like that there it's a bright flash, brighter than the sun, brighter than anything you've ever seen if you're not ready and you don't know what to do, it could hurt you in different ways, it could knock you down hard or throw you against a tree or a wall.
duck and cover 1951 bert the turtle
It's an explosion so big that it can destroy buildings, knock down signs, and break windows all over the city, but if you




like Bert, you'll be much safer. You know how bad sunburn can feel. The flash of the atomic bomb could burn you worse than a terrible sunburn, especially when you're not


ed, no, you and I don't have shells to crawl on like Bert the


, so we had to cover ourselves in our own way, first you


and Then you cover yourself and cover your back very well. of your neck if your face can be covered under the table or desk or anything else nearby at Betty's school they are talking about the atomic bomb tool he is asking a teacher how can we know when the atomic bomb can explode and a teacher is explaining that there are two types of attacks with warning and without warning we think that most of the time we will be warned before the bomb explodes, so there will be time for us to get into our local schools or somewhere another safe place, our civil defense.
duck and cover 1951 bert the turtle
The workers, now a man in uniform, will do their best to warn us before enemy planes can bring a ball closer to you, maybe in your schoolyard, playing when the signal comes, that signal means stop what you are doing and quickly get to the nearest safe place. Always remember that the flash of an atomic bomb can appear at any time, no matter where you are, you may be playing at home when the warning comes, so make sure you enter the house quickly or your parents have prepared a safe place for you to you can go if you are not close to home when you hear the warning go to the nearest safe cover know where you should go or ask an older person for help know that the place is marked with the sign S there are safe places to go when you hear the warning alarm, if there is a warning, you will hear it before the bomb explodes, but sometimes, and this is very, very important, sometimes the bomb can explode without warning, then the first thing we would know would be the flash and that means duck .
You can cover quickly wherever you are. There is no time to look around or wait. Be like Burt when there's a flash. Duck and cover and do it quickly. Here are some older kids to show you what to do if the flash appears when you're not in the classroom. is what to do if you are in a hallway your duck can cover itself firmly against the wall in this way remember to keep your face well covered on the back of the neck try to stay away from windows or doors with glass, then if the glass breaks and flies through the air won't cut you off you might be eating your lunch when the flash comes duck and cover under the table then if the explosion causes something in the room to fall it can't fall on you getting ready it means we'll all have to be able to take care of ourselves The bomb could explode when there are no adults around.
Paul and Patty know this and are always ready to take care of themselves. Here they are on their way to school on a beautiful spring day, but no matter where they go or what they do, they always try to remember what to do if The atomic bomb explodes at that moment, it is a bomb. Duck and cover. Paul and Patty know what to do, they all covered the back of their heads so they wouldn't burn and Patty covered herself with the coat she was wearing they knew how to duck and cover they acted immediately when the flash came if they had been at this door when it exploded the bomb Paul and Patty would have ducked and covered.
This way, like this girl, heavy doors are a good place to duck and cover, she will be safer too. Here's Tony going to his Cub Scout meeting. Tony knows that the bomb can explode at any time of the year, day or night, and he is ready to duck and cover. sum boy Tony, that flash means act fast Tony knows it helps to get to any kind of cover this wall was close so that's where he ducked and covered Tony knew what to do notice how he avoids moving or getting up and running he stays down until be sure the danger has passed the man who helps Tony is a civil defense worker his job is to help protect us when there is danger from the atomic bomb we must obey the civil defense worker we must know how to duck and cover on the school bus or on any other bus or tram that can cover don't wait get out of the windows quickly the glass can break and fly through the air and cut off your Sunday vacation time we must be ready every day all the time to do the right thing if the atomic bomb the doctor can color this family knows what to do just like your own family if they know that even a thin cloth helps protect them even a newspaper can save you from a serious burn, but the most important thing of all is to duck and cover yourself, especially where your clothes do not cover you, no matter where we live in the city or the country, we must be ready all the time for the atomic bomb.
Duck and cover, that's the first thing you should do. Duck and cover. The next important thing we need to do after that is to stay covered until the danger is over. Yes, we must all prepare now to know how to save ourselves from the atomic bomb that is near us. If you don't know what to do, ask your teacher when. This movie is over. Talk about what you might do in different places if a bomb explodes. The older people will help us as they always do, but there may not be any adults around when the bomb explodes.
Then you will be alone. Remember what to do. Now my friends tell me out loud what they are supposed to do when they see the flash.

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