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Dua Lipa Funny Moments

Jun 09, 2021
if we don't make all this guaranteed, it might blow your mind what was he hungry he was hungry this just takes chances it's not very good no matter what the strangest place you've ever been recognized in why yesterday was a pub Okay, and I just coming out of the bathroom and someone says: I don't know if you want to have fresh skin like mine, don't use all the cream, lie on your back, don't turn to your side, because girl, you don't want to. a ring I'm born in London having a full Albanian name like people do pronouncing it it's love it means VIN O'Banion yes yes when pronouncing it I feel like I just wanted a normal name I was like Sarah Hannah Chloe yes anything Take it you know , I wonder how dear Leaf Dad is still.
dua lipa funny moments
I wonder if she'll like his balls in her hand like I wanted. I don't want everything to add fuel to that fire. It is perfect. I'm glad you did because you know I was going to call this song that, but I knew no radio host would say it, so I changed it to just ruin your life. Thank you so much. I'm so glad you did the kiss, it's not weird and my boss says, what are they? You're doing it, but yeah, bro, your man laughs, yeah, exactly, you're the reason I should have kept it. Thank you very much and tell who decided to put the keys in the Sun.
dua lipa funny moments

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Well, it happened spontaneously. We were making up the words that are. I liked what and they said, "Okay, we'll stick with this." I was okay because, oh guys, let's keep it going. Let's keep going okay, wait, how do they fit together again? The veiled bride or the veiled divine door, catch me doing that tonight cheating, you know, strawberries. raspberries apples watermelon no, it's red inside where's your favorite tv show? Whatever it is throw away your bra for a reason woman that inspires you so this is for all the women that should tell us a bra for all the women that inspire them like they inspire me this is for you oh that was a lot fell on the base layer of the camera very well you know you have so where they happen I did things that happened while you had this life in London this yours In normal life things happened that you couldn't tell your parents on the phone, so when I arrived to the part where he said and then I told my parents, I went to bed, no, I was, I mean, I was a good kid, you know? your parents might be looking at themselves, yes they probably are, that's why I'm being very careful with what I say, well you're beautiful baby, I'll be the one to save my laugh, you're tuning in to people, Dino.
dua lipa funny moments
It's in 30 minutes I have nothing to wear Grammy I will never forget you I will never forget you I love you I will never forget you I will love you forever close but I love you never never forget you forget yes you forget three things that scare you Wow people you were there with the mouth open, yeah, toes and spider toes or toad toes, okay, gross, sorry Amanda, no, it's Curtis, no, it's more like when someone wears sandals and then their pinky toe slips out like the light on. the side and you're like it's happened to me a couple of times, it scares me, what is it, there's nothing wrong with it, it's just the angle of your toes, it's like babies' toes, people small ones make shoes that don't look so much like them. they can find their own little toes and then they run away to Ajay guy with 30% chance and that's me responding on the internet, that was like a perfect metaphor, but like those tweets say straight up when you're not someone anyone would know, do you?
dua lipa funny moments
OK? I went on this date one time he took me to a party, I went out to the smoking area with this guy and he started kissing another cow, yeah filly, which by the way the smoking area is small and it was just me, him, this another girl and me. I just watch him kiss this other girl, he laughs, they're like, "this is happening, this is happening" hey, hey, I'm like, okay, brilliant, I'm just going to get my jacket and I'm leaving and I'm like, well done. , Yes sure Yes. Yeah, you know that, but you know he's absolutely great right now, right?
Come on, he look what you missed, look at my Squishy and get ready to put the piece together, so I started with hearts and then I thought, wait, but not his heart. It's not really a face, so I started with a face and thought maybe I would use the bottom part as my neck and then it was very difficult to draw the nose, eyes, eyebrows and hair. How easy, anyway, here I am. -kind of portrait, that's right, you have five hands, why is it expensive for a queen like that. I'm not, you're actually a little weird because I usually don't spend more than a couple of days in one place, so being here for a week.
It's really surreal and really exciting. I thought, "Oh, I'm going to the beach today," so yeah, it was lovely. I wasn't expecting the champagne to explode, so this was my question: how did you not know that would happen if I'm honest, it wasn't the champagne bottle, right? I was holding it all the time for a long time, yeah, and then I don't know what made me think it would be okay to open it in a supermarket. Once the champagne went everywhere, yeah, I thought I was laughing and crying at the same time because I wasn't sure what was about to happen and the uber driver stopped the car and turned to me and it was like If you really don't hurt what uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh take it out why oh boy why don't I stop right don't do it don't do it to meet you this is the first time we've met yes, they've known each other for a long time a long time.
I know we had a nice Instagram moment downstairs and the moment we grabbed was talking about what we had for breakfast, so you had avocado toast, but I know what you had. What did I forget with twice my physique? the video

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