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Drinker's Chasers - She-Hulk: It's Anti-Fun

May 11, 2024
this is what they're doing to these characters, man, like they expect you to support people who are genuinely horrible human beings, um speaking of which, she-Hulk, oh god, I knew it was coming, we've had, we're good, we're doing the good, the bad and the ugly tonight and then we've done the bad with rings of power. Now it's time to talk about the ugly Christ for a second. I thought you could say the good. I was like drinking. don't you dare no no we got the house of the dragon that's good but this hell man it's a genuine pain to watch this show like it's not even like I object to the source material or something it's just that It doesn't even have The Basics of Entertainment is as fun as a terminal cancer diagnosis.
drinker s chasers   she hulk it s anti fun
None of the characters are likable. Every situation they are put in is ridiculous and is a horrible waste of great actors like Benedict Guang, who is amazing, but like God. they just use and abuse that character man yeah honestly let's get started because there are so many that really don't know um the reality is I don't know if you knew about this but they were originally the origin of his powers and how he learned to understand them , quote, in episode one that we saw was originally going to be episode eight, that's what I heard anyway, but they decided at the end of the game, uh-oh, people won't want to see them. this show, if they don't understand how she got these powers and that's why she lies about it being meta breaking the fourth wall in the first episode, she says you're not going to focus on the cool law show if you don't. look how it comes out, so they moved it, that's indicative of how they would have made this show.
drinker s chasers   she hulk it s anti fun

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Sorry couple, with the information they said they were going to have a full three episode test with Blonsky or something, but they decided to cut it because they don't have to write laws, all this together, they are moving all these episodes, they don't know exactly how they are doing it structuring, all these kinds of things, aren't really connected to these episodes either. the fact that you can move them around means there's no real through line, they're just making episodes and hoping you don't notice there are no threads and I didn't see anything that illustrates this better than the previous episode.
drinker s chasers   she hulk it s anti fun
They tell you that you're a fugitive, you've kidnapped someone, you broke them out of prison, you know you have to face the results of that, it's like, oh, and he escapes, okay, so, looking ahead in the mcu wong is now a criminal on the run the american government is going to want to hunt him down it's like it's crazy but okay yeah sure next episode he'll literally be in court and he's dealing with a case and they've forgotten for complete that he is a fugitive. This leaves me speechless. I'm like you. You don't even know what happened in the other episode when you did this one.
drinker s chasers   she hulk it s anti fun
Who knows which one was written first? I have no idea. Just oh, the defense. I've seen that one. defense that I've seen on this show and it's a qualified defense too and it's also one that I don't particularly agree with, but the only defense I've seen that makes any kind of sense is that well, yeah, it has all of these flaws. that you've mentioned, but it's not supposed to be a narrative comedy, it's supposed to be a sitcom, is the defense I heard mentioned and I can see why people might think that because they're clearly borrowed cues from sitcom style productions. situation. the problem is that it doesn't think it's a sitcom, so it's actually introducing narrative elements that then create these massive inconsistencies and require you to remember what happened in the previous episode, when you come to write the next one, so It is one. one of those things that I think you just don't know what it is, it's supposed to be a sketch show, well, there are elements of sketchup in it, sure, it's supposed to be a sitcom, well, you know there are some elements of that.
Is this supposed to be a narrative comedy that really fits within the broader world of the MCU? Well, yes, attention is being paid to that too, but you can't do all three things at once, you have to choose one and move on. and the fact that they tried to publish with all three of them at the same time just created this huge mess of nonsense and also the fact that they don't know how to write any of it, so everyone knows the interview where she said, well, we did it. I don't know how to write chord scenes, but you can find another interview where she says, well, we didn't know how to write with cgi either and I'm sure you can find another where she says, well, I didn't know that. how to write action scenes like literally the worst possible person to do an action legal comedy drama is someone who doesn't know what comedy is, doesn't know what action is, doesn't know what legal drama is and has never before used cgi in her life it's a fantastic job in every way, the cgi is legit, one of the worst I've seen in the last 10 years, like any scene where she-


has to walk through an office, it's like watching a ps1 character move, it's so choppy.
It's so unnatural and you know, I know, like they don't have a $100 million budget to play with, but holy man, it's wonderful that you have to do it. They were the ones who decided to do that. You know, it's like we don't have it. We didn't have the money to buy the entire planet. So why are you trying to do it? What are you doing? There was an interview again with, I mean, Jessica Gowers, she basically admitted that they didn't know what they were doing there. another interview where she says, I went to Kevin Feige and said look, we're making a show about She-Hulk so we're going to need some CGI, what amount of money can we spend and apparently he gave her a blank check.
She said if you're making a show about She-Hulk, then we want to see She-Hulk. She said: Well, that gave me the indication that it was a blank check, so I went and wrote that the thing started filming and then someone else downstairs. At Disney and Marvel he shows up and says, "Money's a little tight right now, actually, guys, could you cut a few more of these scenes and could you do She-Hulk Jen in a few more scenes?" So I really don't know if you knew as". how much money they had to spend, I think when they presented it they gave the impression that they would have a lot more money to spend than they had to spend, so they had to downgrade and hurry up and do the rest and it's hard to know if you blame too much on the writers and directors in that case if you know kevin feige just completely left the wheel i mean actually yeah i mean i can blame anyone behind the scenes in terms of the budget for the cgi looks terrible, but the writers have to take all the blame for the overall way the show is, yeah, but there's not a single joke in the entire show so far that's made me smile, you know?
That's just painful to watch, uh, and it's also sad that they have good actors involved in this, like I said before, like they have Benedict Wong for some reason and it seems like he wants to die. I have Tim Roth and I want to show you something because I have come to the conclusion that he is slowly transforming into Timothy's ball. Let me really think about a lot of weight recently. He really he has, yeah, very good. Let me bring it up so you can see it's Timothy Spoiled who looks like Tim Roth on this show, yeah he's sitting there honestly looks like he was brought in off the street, you know, they told you you're going to be on this show, no he had time to prepare or anything like that, he doesn't care, he'll just sit in his chair and just say his lines and then he'll walk out of there and man like again, you know Hulk was around so long ago. that most people have even forgotten who the abomination was, yeah, but they brought him back and made him the subject of an entire episode, okay, yeah, right, and then they were killing time with it, obviously, They are killing time with everything, this is the program. it's about killing time because they don't have a story, it's like they come to them 10 minutes before they start filming and say, okay, you have your budget, go make a show, we don't have a script, okay , just think of something.
Okay, that's what they did with the madness, but then the abomination thing is the example of where they try to make a kind of narrative comedy in the sense that it is a continuous line that they have to cover but they can't. He even writes correctly in the standalone individual scenes with the court scene when he is in prison and she represents him. We did a review of this uh


, I think you know Mr. Brown. Alliance with Mr. Brown. We were reviewing that on his channel. Someone could have been me or someone else, I don't remember, I pointed out that they have the scene where the abomination is.
They call her to give evidence and she is playing for time because she wants Wong to turn around if she hasn't arrived yet, so she encourages the abomination. to go on a long rant and then when he goes on for a bit longer, she decides no, no, stop now, stop, you're getting the point, you're getting away from the point, but that's a scene they haven't nailed. Stay together, the goal was to buy time and now you're preventing him from playing for time and I think they were trying to make a joke out of it, but one of the defining characteristics of this show is that I think they might be trying to make it funny once in a while, but you're not even sure if they're trying to tell a joke because it's not funny, I think so, when everything is not funny, like you never know and this means where we are.
We're with Marvel, I mean, we finally got the abomination to look like the fracking abomination and it's a joke because Marvel is cool, you know, and they're like, well, you know, shih is different, it's a sitcom, no It's different from everything else we've seen. stage four, it's gag after, I mean meaningless gag after meaningless gag in movies, it's to get away from an emotional moment as quickly as possible and like the


said, it's just to fill time I think which is partially the bob chapic effect, maybe yes We are withdrawing some funds because he also did that with the parks.
I know he's destined to save everything, but he's not going to do it. We're going to get a lot more of this and Disney just doesn't care. Disney Marvel knows Marvel's position. They will appear and can post whatever they want. They will defend them for the first few episodes and lose interest. I mean, this pattern has been repeated six times. When will people wake up? Wait, you know, oh. The first episode wasn't that bad, I didn't feel that way, but some people felt that way and then no one talks about it when the last episode comes around and when Daredevil shows up, I'm going to lose it, that's what I am. what they're going to do isn't even like the next episode a lot of people are scared of what they're going to do now it's like it should be the episodes have gotten worse for people so now they're so scared they're like oh no they weren't almost like if that daredevil was coming, but now they're afraid of what they're going to do when he shows up.
My rationale when I watch these shows or at least learn about them is like oh oh my gosh. The characters are going to slaughter in this one and it's like you almost look for guest appearances like, oh Christ, they're going to kill his devil or they're going to like annihilate him as a character, um, and that's what you do. it's like you're operating out of fear it's like what are they going to screw up next that's it it all comes down to them making them win it's incredibly stupid and petty um and it was really weird this episode I don't know if uh because Gary was saying that you abandoned him in certain point, but there is a point where a group of demons are released on earth, which happens to happen in this episode where the doctor is strange, shouldn't he be here helping?
Yeah, well, Wong. Cool, but strange, he is on another level, as we have seen, he says: why wouldn't you bring him, why, when? and it's so casual about how I can handle a bunch of demons invading the earth, yeah right, I just need her, Hulk, her. Hulk is the one I need to help me how busy he can't even do anything like what's his strength here. He's a little stronger than a normal person and for anyone who hasn't gotten a good look, there are a lot of demons flying around. big room, so he opens a portal to a place where he wants to throw them all.
He first uses like a magic whip to grab one at a time and throw them while she picks them up and throws them and it's like one. one, keep in mind that there are like 50 in the room so this is going to take a while and then at the end of the scene, okay, I'm going to turn it into a giant tornado, everything sucks. of them themselves, oh man, with that in the future, yeah, why do you need She-Hulk and then the seat ends with her grabbing the last one before we give it back? He shows it to the guy they were in a court case with and she how to sign the um, like the experienced help, uh, you know, you better sign it, but she's basically saying if you don't sign it, I'll release the demon and I was like the lawyer just threatened someone. lifeunless they sign a contract, yes, does she know what this is like?
She is one of the worst lawyers I have ever had. She's fine, cool, don't you understand, she's fine because she's threatening a man, so it doesn't matter whenyou do that to them. like all the guys on this show are idiots, evil or shallow narcissists, that's all the categories they fall into, there's nothing that falls into, like saying she should be disbarred, that's right, it's very interesting how the writers perceive the world and like half the human race, it's just that it's conceived entirely out of spite and hate, single women in their 30s, about two hours into drinking boxed wine, that's the writer's room for this show, Gary, is that it? don't criticize the box? white, it's very official, gary, can we?
That's really what you just said, so what did we see happen in this episode? Well, we saw a woman who is presumably in her thirties, not you, man, tatiana maslany looks like she's in her forties. like there will be some close ups so we will definitely do that so we will stay there. She goes on a small dating app and doesn't have much luck and then decides to use her bulk to provoke a man that she actually wants 36. then she gets him to sleep with him in the morning and goes back to be herself, at least that's how she feels about it and he, uh, feels trapped, yeah, and the show doesn't realize what he's done again before they did it.
He says it again and she's upset and says: I think the show actually thinks she's right, like oh how unfortunate that he only likes you for your bulk and not your personality in a literal sense like that. They connect overnight, that's how humans do it. They do it, but they're not allowed to lie to each other about this kind of stuff, so it's really bad, it's very unethical and she's like, ugh, he just likes me because of my bulk that used to provoke him, yeah, I couldn't believe What I was saying: Do you know what you just wrote?
That's what they don't care about and like they never thought to interrogate their own logical process in this case, it's literally yes, like men are just superficial. and they want an attractive woman and that's all that matters what you wanted she just wants a bad boy she even says oh yeah you know looks don't really matter but yeah yeah but they do exactly that but imagine if a guy had said a sincere attempt to expand his audience because in the first video I didn't get it right who it's for, it's obviously just upper middle class, at least very professional single women in their 30s in metropolitan areas.
I'm wondering maybe if this whole episode isn't just to expand the audience to men who secretly like the idea of ​​being pegged by a big green woman and then maybe that's like expanding the audience a little bit and then you know that already describes part of the audience so someone said um in chat everyone knows janet she


how is that a catfish he didn't know? Did you see the boy's reaction? he didn't know yeah, to the point where he's, that's what it's one thing to say uh you know he should know, but he don't you have to let people know?
You have love too, as you know, when he's just killing time because she went like through a portal with Wong, she could have been gone for hours, who knows, and he stayed in the exact same place. same place on his couch and he is being read as a bad feminist by some as the horrible person that no one cares about, but this is how the writers want to show him that he is a good guy because he reads feminist literature, what a guy in his right . Keep in mind that he's going to read a book like that in his free time on his phone, like, uh, I should have complained about the cats calling and then for her to do that, OMG, seriously, I had a flashback, so I thought, oh yeah, I said this, I said. this about the mcu their tagline just needs to be it's okay when women do it yeah that's pretty much what it boils down to the studio that brought you a woman enslaving men women and children where they couldn't even go to the bathroom we bring.
You rape well, I almost wonder if any part of it is intentional because if I'm trying to impute a motive to them, the only one I can think of is that they want you to complain because if you complain when a woman does it to a man, that it means you should see why it's bad when a man does it to a woman but the problem is I don't think they're that smart and they don't frame it, it just seems like it's the most inconsistent and tone deaf production, I got the distinct impression that the idea of ​​the show is isn't it sad that the world wants it for her and not for her character, it's not a personality, isn't it so sad when it's Well, she used that, she's as much a part of the problem as perceiving the The world's problem with that, remember in the previous episode where she was like man, people are going to think I was hired by She-Hulk and not because of my experience. they didn't hire you for your experience, that's how it happened, interesting character arc for her, since, as you know, she takes on the Seahawk persona, gets a little drunk on power and, you know, gets arrogant, such Sometimes she even becomes aggressive. and violent towards people and finally realizes the error of his ways and realizes that with great power comes great responsibility, you know you can't just shirk that responsibility, the character's journey is a shocking suggestion, does he?
That's not what happens in the comics, why not? Does she No she gets drunk and they fire her because she becomes a bit of an alcoholic? Well, she sits at the copier and you know, that immediately makes us a better character because you know that the show tried to massacre when they fired her and then the next one. In one shot, you see her in this tremendously fancy apartment and realize that there are actually no material consequences for being fired and that she gets rehired in five minutes anyway, but you can't really sympathize with her position because she clearly doesn't. she is suffering because of it, whereas she is being fired because she has actually done something wrong and it is actually the result of some deep character defect, like knowing, falling into alcoholism for a while and from which she needs to redeem herself, it doesn't matter if she lives in a mansion, she still has the character's apartment and that's something you can invest in and watch her grow and you can still do it in the context of a comedy um and hell, they haven't exactly made this a comedy so you can't To say well, that would be too much.
Seriously, your fundamental journey is like taking a person who is powerless or at least physically powerless and suddenly they are given immense power and strength and watch what they do with it and they will inevitably have an adjustment period where they do it. she'll misuse and they get a little full of themselves, whatever it is, they have to learn restraint, that's a character journey, but they will never do it because that would imply that she has something to learn, you know, she's flawed. somehow and that they won't it's like they're just keeping it like it's really simplistic she's amazing she's right about everything it's just the rest of the world that has to adapt to her friend I remember when people when they first talked about the episode one and said, "Don't worry, in the next few episodes you'll learn that she was wrong about what she said to Bruce.
We haven't addressed Bruce at all." I've been doing his thing for years, yeah, I love it, I think what happened well when he breaks the fourth wall and says, oh, don't worry, this isn't going to be one of those shows that just relies on cameos to sell itself. and then they tried to make a joke out of it and it's like, other than Bruce, Wong and Emilio Polonsky, and you know, but it's like you're literally doing that, that's the only reason people are watching this garbage, That's the thing, man. I think we should give them less credit for not being clever dialogue, it's just the truth.
They're right when he said that having Wong here will give us immunity from Twitter criticism for weeks. That's probably true. People like Wong, he's good enough, but. she is also right and it will only last a week eventually people will be like the shield man if they would say yes the shield was

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