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Drinker's Chasers - Doctor Who: This Show Hates You

May 23, 2024
There was something I was curious about because I'm divorced from Doctor Who at the moment I just can't take it anymore. I'm a smart move and I firmly believe it's dangerous to my actual physical health, um, but it's out now. The 14th Doctor is now in his first proper series, the Christmas specials are over and we've been treated to some character delights as I saw


clip of Master Who Are You? My notation is and I just character,


is one of the worst. characters I have seen in anything, Inseparable, it is viscerally disgusting to hear this about PR and dancer on screen, the actor was one of the worst actors I have ever seen in my life.
drinker s chasers   doctor who this show hates you
I was surprised how bad it was, it surprised me. I was curious what this thing is and how it influences the story and I guess maybe you guys can help me out. What's going on here is the toy maker's son. First I want to thank you, Drinker, that I managed to avoid. I'm watching any clip of this new Doctor Who because of how horrible it looked. Thank you for subjecting me to it for the first time. I won't make you watch the rest of the clip partly because BC will demonetize me, but also. because I don't want to see it, I just thought here, what are they doing, so it's not like that, they've saved the master, the master is gone, uh, and uh, they're going to replace him with the Master, uh, not to be which one. it's weird because there's the music Meister Ryan, you know the music Meister uh in Batman uh, who was voiced by Neil Patrick Harris uh now they have the Master who is the son of Neil Patrick Harris uh who is clearly a guy and um, he's supposed to he must be a replacement for the master, he's also a god, he's god-like, which would have been a great thing for Doctor Who, because he hadn't done it for a long time, in better days, but now he just uses this thing .
drinker s chasers   doctor who this show hates you

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drinker s chasers doctor who this show hates you...

He's clearly activist Russell T Davies, he's trying to get out everything he couldn't get out before he too is a changed man so yeah this villain controls the music so he feeds off all the unsung songs , which is nice. It's like we angels feed on potential energy, you know, so he does something similar and removes all the music in the world and can bind you with musical notes and stuff, it's very gay, yeah, it sounds really disturbing. . The most disturbing thing about this clip here with the intro is when the guy says get away from him and corrects him and says no, they, I'm them, like correcting the pronouns and then the little kids say, uh, they're. my dad or whatever, it's disturbing and weird, it's disgusting, to be honest, you're trying to shake this Disney reputation, yeah wait, maybe they're not, maybe they're not aware of the reputation they've earned. and not this. help anyway usually oh sorry I was going to say because you mentioned Russell T D as a different person now and I guess there are three possibilities with all this.
drinker s chasers   doctor who this show hates you
He's been pressured by the BBC to include things like this um. two, you know this, uh, he's changed over the years, U and now he's a different person and these things mean a lot more to him now than they did before or three, this is who he always was and maybe he was under some degree of control and restraint before and now it's just that he's been completely unleashed uh as a creative because I was reading an interview with him um right before I did this open bar and it was along the lines of and I'm paraphrasing a little bit here, but and I quote it more or less by the way, although the queerness of Doctor Who is now front and center and I'm not going to apologize for that, that was essentially their take on this, well, you're right, yeah, I mean, when I see characters like this.
drinker s chasers   doctor who this show hates you
It seems pretty irrefutable, but yeah, he talks a lot about how he made it a sin and how he made people queer about it and he's very proud of those


s and now he's bringing that same energy to Doctor Who because he he could not do it. before, uh, and I thought it was a very strange attitude because it's not like it was back in the '99s, when the idea of ​​having gay or trans characters on screen was a revolutionary piece of creative rebellion, uh, it's everywhere now, it's a commonplace and so you're not really, uh, you're not really reshaping anything and you're not really taking a bold stance.
You're doing the same thing everyone else is doing, so I don't really know what kind of weird Time Warp he's stuck in there. um and also his uh his whole attitude towards this seems to be that one aspect of having gay representation on screen means a lot to him and you know he's a gay man himself and I guess he's experienced a lot of things that in previous decades he couldn't. being honest about who he was or couldn't tell and stuff, and that comes out in his work now, but it's not necessarily what you need to work on a sci-fi


that's just there. to entertain the general public like it might be something you go for and that's why you made shows like it's a sin and queer is cool folk, um, but you don't necessarily have to include it in everything because it's not going to work as an accessory and everything and especially a show that's supposed to be kid friendly, okay family families sit together and watch this and can't really like this, it's disgusting, this particular character, there's a lot of TR stuff, they're the pronouns, uh, there's a really nasty ad hominum abortion straw man in episode two and he likes pro-abortion stuff and really thanks for picking up that was nasty, nasty, yeah, really nasty, sorry, go ahead, trinker, uh, well, it's just that I wanted to draw your attention to just one quote here. and this is from Jinx Monsoon, the actor who plays this character, they were being interviewed about the reaction that


might receive for doing stories like this, with characters like this, and they said, who cares what the fans think more ?
An optimistic and idealistic way to look at it is that popular opinion is not on their side, they are a very loud group and they get louder as they get smaller with every way they attack like this, uh, the conservative right has decided to wage an all-out war on trans people, raced people, and people of color and claim that that's not what they're doing, but that's clearly what they're doing. The numbers are not decreasing. Your viewing figures say otherwise, but I was exactly going to say that, um, here it is. What's interesting though is that for every racist transphobic Doctor Who fan we lose this season, there will be three to five new fans coming along for representation, so to those fans who aren't fans I say don't leave the door.
I hit you on the way out now, this is the most fascinating thing because I think if you asked me to give you a quote that just personifies someone who is out of touch with the average person, I would probably give it to you because I can't think of anything better. This is what happens when you live in a modern, privileged metropolitan chamber where everyone agrees with you on everything and you never venture outside of it. This is what you think the world is and this is what you think. the average people are clamoring for Al feel like they've just gotten over the notion that it already has anything to do with the story, like it's not even about bringing people in with the story, it's just about making it seem like it's not you.
I know and it's almost like I don't know, maybe they know the writing is on the wall, maybe they know this show won't last much longer because the viewing figures are in the bathroom and the best way I described it on Twitter was This thing they are producing now seems to have been created and conceived out of pure resentment and hatred. Yes, yes, we know you don't like what we're doing and we despise you for it and we're going to shove it down your throat. throat we're going to give, we're going to dial everything up to 11, all the things you hate, we're going to dial it up to 11 and we're going to absolutely saturate you with it before we leave because we hate you so much, that's what it seems like no, no, no, they seem to have admitted it, so Rafe Judkins, the showrunner of the Wheel of Time adaptation, in response to the backlash over what he was doing, there's a quote of him saying yes, I'm Absolut.
I'm paraphrasing, I'm absolutely going to inject my feminist agenda into the adaptation of The Wheel of Time, so in response to people upset with what I was doing, I said they're easy to deal with, what you do in response makes their characters Favorites are gay. Yeah, so he was the one who explicitly said that he's going to bastardize the source material of the work of a brilliant author, the legacy of him, an author who is now deceased and deceased, right? and he's willing to bastardize that job out of sheer spite. owning the chuds just to owning the chuds rafe Judkins right there and that's why they've admitted that's what they're doing to you we didn't need to sorry go ahead I was just going to say the Netflix witch The Witcher's shoe Runners for netfli for Netflix showe did the same thing especially with the origin of blood they just told the fans that the reaction here is the origin of blood this is everything we want The Witcher to be and it was one of the worst things that I've seen, yeah, yeah, like we don't need that. quote to find out that that monster we had on screen for too long is mentally ill like we don't need that quote, but the fact that you think five times as many people are going to tune in to something because you put a trans person in a place especially A trans person being as flamboyant as this is crazy and the numbers certainly don't back it up.
We have seen them continue to lose a lot of people. You look at the reaction, you look at the dislikes, you look at the proportions, you look at all this. It fills in the idea that the number of people who crave trans representation outweighs the number of people who'd rather focus on a story that's crazy. I have a quick question here, so Ron, you watched episode three, right? I haven't seen it. episode three no, who has seen episode three? Which one has that strange creature with the orange? The sight of him. I've seen all the clips of her.
I have seen it. You've seen. Ntic like because she was looking. that Maestro performance and not only am I seeing an actor apologizing like Ryan could be right like this person could have a mental illness that's how bad the performance is it's that the guy can't get through without screaming and yelling and being extravagant and and hugely overacting everything is just abysmal acting is like I can, I know you can't, the BBC is very Sovietized and you can't say what you think, but you can imagine some like the assistant director looking at this guy while they were filming. thinking this is a train wreck, I mean how did no one tell the producer that this guy can't act?
Get him out of here. It is shameful. Russell T Davies went out of his way to cast this monster as if that's what Russell TV did. They knew each other but they went to a show or something where this thing was performing as a drag queen and um, I think they started out as a drag queen now they're trans. I think that's what's going on, so obviously they are. mentally ill but um Russell T Davies did his best to air this. I think you would be perfect for Mro, this idea I have for Doctor Who, so it was very, very intentional, yeah, it has a white cart because what happened was, be careful.
What you want after the jod era and the chibal era, a lot of fans were saying that the Russell T Davies era was great, which was so good that he cashed in, came to Bad Wolf and said, uh, because RW was going to be canceled and uh let's make this last ditch effort to try to pull it off we need to sign to sign with a streaming partner uh there was a partnership with Sony I don't know if it still exists but he got full control so the The BBC has no narrative control over Doctor Who, it's Russell T Davies, it's all him and Disney put in a lot of money so they can now use it.
No, now they have some creative control. They denied it, but that's not true because Russell. T Davies later said that they have some creative control um and BB, actually the BBC is associated, but they don't have control of this ship and what they did was drain every ounce of masculinity that was left, it completely disappeared and it's. is here entirely for the message for Doctor Who's platform to push the uh idealistic uh militant uh bitter politics of Russell T Davy uh, which I mean, I don't care how it got there, this is not the Russell T Davies of 20 years ago years.

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