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Dresta & BG Knocc Out on Eazy-E, Suge, Crips (Full Interview)

Jun 05, 2021
someone who is nothing, what you might think, is everything, just trials and you know, experiences in life. Yes, well, they say that the son, you know, get up. the next day, you know, I mean, no matter what's going on with you tomorrow, tomorrow you're going to have to find a way to do it, if you don't stand up for it, let me take your medals from you someday, mental health and all that. It's hard once you let your mind get so far from where you are, it's not easy to come back from that, a lot of people win, that's something I want to talk about, like incarceration, you know.
dresta bg knocc out on eazy e suge crips full interview
You know, people pass by, you know, like thin, I just have to wait all that time, I made a decade note there, people, I didn't have therapy, you know, we were supposed to go out here and I acted like a normal person, You thought of me, not just that black man. People historically, only later, have gone through all those somatic experiences without therapy, so imagine how much of that has been passed down from generation to generation absolutely fine. I


ed this guy named Jacques and Gor, you heard from him that Chaka sings and Cory did the Singur single or not Sen G hor no, he was a kid from Detroit who got shot, got a trap house or something mm- hmm and you know, we talked about how my friends got shot earlier.
dresta bg knocc out on eazy e suge crips full interview

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dresta bg knocc out on eazy e suge crips full interview...

The year that ended up taking me to the hospital, they left me, basically took two bullets out of my leg, nothing patched up my foot, and literally within a couple of days I was back on the block, okay? Now you said this is kind of the beginning of your PTSD, yeah, so at that time my two brothers were shot, my childhood friend was killed, my other friend was shot and then I was shot and shortly after they also shot more gas on my block, you know. he starts carrying a gun he doesn't want to get shot again the drug deal starts to go a little bad he feels like the guy the guy there's a guy who's a little nervous he felt like he was about to reach for a gun and he pulls out kills the guy you meet in prison actually writes a book about my mistakes, which ends up being a bestseller.
dresta bg knocc out on eazy e suge crips full interview
Oprah has it in him, you know, because one of Oprah's books, you know, she has it in the show and now it's like he he's going around talking about this and everything else, yeah, but it's the same kind of situation. in which and that's something I also want to get into, yeah, where it goes on, there's no, you know, you have these traumatic events, you're the parables that I want, of course, yeah, that's what they just put a shiver and they throw you back out and say, "Okay, we'll deal with it." Yes, that is what the self has to come into play.
dresta bg knocc out on eazy e suge crips full interview
Self-love. You have to start understanding what you need and then I know you need these things, you have to give yourself self-therapy, yes, I mean, you have to do the things that you have to do, the yo-yo sprint process because no one will do it for you, then I will come out here, they. Don't worry about any kind of man like that, you can lose your mind here and go lie down on the street. I don't care, that's all, that's how a lot of people like young people. Black people are misunderstood because people don't know why they go down and why they talk the way they do yeah you don't know where it's coming from no no it was amazing at home with defenses and advice and that's been hard to take. to survive and that's why, you know, I advocate like a lot of people have a cake for little boys, I have a cape for a little boy, but I also like to advocate for young men, the little boys were in their 20s and 30s. . the teenagers who didn't do it, that's always dismissed and they didn't, you know, they went off to try to figure it out on their own and left things alone, everyone always talks about the little kid, but those are kids;
You mean, for a minute they think they need the same type. Of you know, considering that little children are young, you know that there is a lot we can do and that has been my reluctance. I'm going to come to these platforms without having anything to say. I'll wait until you know. something to support him you know something bigger than just Andre you know what I'm saying listen man Dreiser BG knockout I appreciate you guys coming I love the fact that you guys came together I've been pushing for this no I know oh wow I told you I was gonna make this happen.
I just know my brother, he's just a spontaneous kind of dog, he's not that spontaneous, he's blue, he thinks you know if he, if he says something, it's going to be hard to look at him. I convinced him to give you some time to think, like I said, there might be some of my mechanics. I had to develop my experiences. You know, I mean, you know you guys were involved in a very important moment, you know, in hip-hop, yeah. You know, with a very important person, yes, you know, I


ed refugees and our oldest son, it's not easier.
You know, if you saw this, yeah, yeah, that interview and you know, you remember him crying, you know, we talked about his father, he wasn't growing up, he was 11 years old. probably 10 and a half not even him after, yeah, I'm easy, he was the first rapper to die of AIDS, that's what they say, they say, you don't believe it, you know why that's just scientifically, scientifically, otherwise, whoever you are. knowing people personally, in everything you know, I know that those who died, it's a process, you don't just get diagnosed with HIV and then you die for me, that doesn't happen and then when does it happen, when does it happen? show me, well, it happens, it does happen if you don't do it if you never get tested and you finally get tested here because he was actually sick I heard it but you don't have no children you have a woman who is pregnant when you pass by outside? you have you have other children living you have all these women on the other side who are your women yes, yes, actually, there is - Eric - Eric, yes, yes, I don't have, I don't have anyone, it's about being, it's been given to you If you had a cousin, a sister, a friend sex from the west you wouldn't say I don't have them no and I went to when I was in college I took philosophy they don't add up is this can't be it can't be the way They said I'm a person, that, no I'm so easy, no one, not even why, tries to know how people do these things, they will see something and try to insert themselves to make some money, that's not it.
It never happened, do you think he was just doing something normal? Don't you think it was some famous woman, another older person? He was tapping for all those 25 26 years, but you know HIV every time you have sex with someone HIV, no one tells me anything. A person can exist with a Zika that kills and does not infect. I know why they have sex. Has no sense. Yes, I can understand them having HIV and still living here. It's on my subnet. They kill them. I mean, it's easy. I'm off the Howard Stern Show, he said he doesn't use condoms.
How many other people let me tell you where we were when we first heard the story and we will never tell the story to another mogul about What we had just heard at Jerry's Deli was very similar to Russell Simmons and we told him the rumor that we had been told. You know Russell Simmons. They say that it is right there where I have sexual relations with a colonel. Know? We can think of Wilt. Chamberlain and all this don't add up and Dan, his death certificate says cardiac arrest, how about that? That you thought? When should it happen?
Wasn't that his last Hall Show? Standby technology is so high, right? So if you sue someone. You go to jail forever, so the kids go to jail forever, so they brought out this new teenager. People have something all the time. They have things to call. They get blood from someone with AIDS. Yes, they will shoot you. Oh. That's bullshit, in my opinion, I never had anything to do, you know, man, I remember one easy son said that back in high school I was young and dumb, so a couple of his family moves made that Rafa died, so I put it that way a couple. of jigs, family members got mad at how I felt at the time, him, a few others, I knew them, yeah, well, your school, oh, you were in high school, yeah, high school, so, Was there the altercation that, oh yes, broke many? noses and knuckle faces and Knuckles and all that he did a lot of a lot of a lot of that many of you know nothing criminal he did a lot of ignorant things when I was a little kid I was I thought I was dumb at the time he was a little fights, yeah probably They did it, but it was, you know, it was one of those jokes, yeah, man, it's like that, you know these things like that?
Looking back, it's like, what did this guy know? You know what I'm saying, yeah. Really ask yourself what he knew that no one else knew. You had to be there to see the way it all unfolded. Yeah, I mean, like I said, right? It is not like this? Because it's parts of these things that We were there because we were there to support the homeless takeover in a lot of things, you know, I mean, we were present, you know, I mean, that's how a lot of things happened that that public really couldn't. be putting the pieces together like the murder of Tupac.
Yeah, they told me they were putting the pieces together very easily, yeah, so you would see that would be delicious, but it's one reason why that's not being done as well, so you think the best thing was, I definitely think I think it's yeah . maybe they just did it there I think he was already dying or something like that you feel me look he talked about it do you remember he had the supposedly easy statement he was on his death bed he couldn't speak not even I was in the house of death but I I was in the room, I was in the back with the family, you went to the hospital, yes, how easy, wasn't it?
He went to the hospital, yeah, I say it like this, when he got to the hospital, he didn't talk, you know, if he had tubes pushed everywhere, like hello, he was practically had a breath, I think he was making his lungs pump because the Your kids' lungs stopped working on their own or something, yeah, listen, uh III I created


-e being really a big inspiration to me, I love hip-hop, I know, I mean because I've always known you before I liked hip-hop, but I think you know, when I first heard it, you know, easy, they gave me this new kind of fire, like, you know, this is so good, you all like it, we grew up in the era where It started with us in the Mix Master space and we had people like Mellow J from the projects and King T and we mixed master at the IDI school.
It was people. I was like one of the first children. I was just a little kid in the cool. expensive and long beach when Run DMC was the main one. I was into all that, even on the west coast we had underground rappers, yeah, popular in the streets, yeah, before an absolute dt and yeah, yeah, like I said, Uncle Joe's army lover. I was buying a novel, yes, yes, you know, and you know it's very short, there are reels in the bay, but I'm absolutely sure they come here to like 187, yes, it's a dr. Dre's production and the way he used mm-hmm, you know how we talked about how easy he wasn't kind of off beat like he would actually be, that was once it was over, it was like yeah, this is amazing, yes, he's a real black man, first time, what's going on in the place he's going to be in a magazine, but man, that was like the temptations of someone who was Michelle.
I definitely appreciate you coming in, it was a very important story. I'm glad you two know what I love, how you play off each other and that's why we do it because we're looking for fun instead of weed, hoping to make it to a casting call. call as soon as we get the movie, well, you know, Michelle, an interview I did was the basis for if you watch our interview, yeah, by OPM, it's exactly, yeah, she told me it's not like that, I hope so, yeah, I hope so. seven million people who saw this last one oh man we need a hundred million we need a big no crib we do it Jason VG knockout man I appreciate it man until next time I appreciate it bro okay , all the brothers who are doing something. positive trying to keep unity and peace out there, man.
I appreciate you guys keeping doing what you're doing, man.

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