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Dream SMP - The Egg

May 06, 2024
December 6, 2020. A large obsidian wall surrounds the entirety of Lumenburg. It's only been two days since Tubo exiled Tommy from the nation, a day caught in the middle of peace and war, but what was one day at the heart of one story would be the beginning of another, deep within. shadows, a new threat to the server had just begun to grow. He was amazed by what was in front of him. He had never seen anything like it before a deep red enveloped the entirety of the strange object. was what made him feel different, he thought about destroying the strange looking plant, but immediately had a wave of fear at the thought of doing so, confused and scared by his new discovery, he fled the room in hopes of finding someone else around him. who to show him the mysterious object.
dream smp   the egg
When he returned to his and Skeppy's mansion, he found his friend and fellow Badlands member, Sam, who was starting to work at a nearby prison with Dream. Quickly, Bat explained the situation and led the two to the strange red egg. Do you see that thing in him? corner What do you think it is? I have no idea, but I don't like it, it just looks evil, I mean, it's like dark red, no, but there's something about it, it's almost pretty, though it's pretty, like I'm getting ready for mine like a slice and then, oh my god, again, that vibe coming off of him, what do you think it is?
dream smp   the egg

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dream smp the egg...

I don't know, we should break it, no, don't break it, I don't want it to break, I like it. It doesn't have a very, very dark vibe, although in your


it looks like an egg. It's a bit strange. I don't want to. It scares me. You're telling me you didn't build this. I found it and it's mine, now you know what, actually when I originally found it this wasn't here. These little tendrils are expanding. Yeah, that's a little strange. It's mine. A bit uncomfortable. What's so uncomfortable about it? This is not supposed to happen in the game.
dream smp   the egg
I mean, like I've never seen this before, yeah, leave if you don't like it, I love you like, yeah, we might as well leave, yeah, I guess we'll leave you to it while the three of them left the room and made their way. main, Sam noticed something growing on the side of the social club, a deep red vine clinging to the side of the building. Bad jumped for joy upon seeing the vine, while Sam and Dream wondered how it got there in the first place. At his request, they decided to leave the vine alone and continued along the path until they reached Bad's mansion.
dream smp   the egg
Another red vine sprouted from the pond outside. This was not a coincidence. Just a few minutes ago, the group stood in that same spot and no vines covered the wall, but suddenly it came out. Out of nowhere they appeared and the bad guys didn't let anyone close to them, having had enough of the new discovery and the strange bad behavior, they


ed and Sam decided to continue working at the prison. The bad guys couldn't seem to shake his new friend. Slowly the vines crawled. Across the way out of the mansion and towards the other walls a new growth was discovered on Tommy's tower and for the rest of the day more and more people were attracted to see the mysterious egg, most of them feeling very uncomfortable in their presence, some even suggested that it be torn down. but others were drawn to him, unable to look away from the majestic red figure of him.
Over the next few days new vines appeared and spread throughout the server. No place was safe from the egg's reach. The frost ants sought to please the eggs. Seeds planted everywhere. The servant hoped to spread his influence as quickly as possible before too long, the bat and the ant had gotten the bloated captain on their side and together the three promised to protect the egg and continue planting new vines around the smp, however, almost everyone else disliked red. vines that continued to spread like weeds across everyone's land and on December 9th, sapnap and samid grew tired of the relentlessly spreading eggs and decided to attack them after walking the main path past the overgrowth of red vines, this time the Salmon sap entered the egg room.
The vines covered almost a third of the room and standing in the center of it all was Malo, who seemed to be talking to the egg. Sam and Sapnap approached saying that the egg had done enough and it was time to destroy it. but bad could never let that happen before long sapnap pulled his sword out of him and started attacking, moving it away from the egg long enough for satnap to turn on tnt and sapnap had managed to quickly break it. Salmon Sapnap fled the scene while Bad Sturdin shot him. beloved egg, this was too late that day, he brought Puffy to the egg to show him what had happened since the explosion, the egg had healed, but he remained very angry at what Sapnap had done, so Puffy knew they had to do something in order to solve it. protect it and together the two encased the egg in an obsidian shell in the hopes that it would be safe forever before delving even further into the egg's story.
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Scepy and Bad were best friends since Skeppy joined. The two had always stood by each other. wars, conflicts and explosions, their friendship remained intact alongside the endless chaos that surrounded them, but something changed the day Bad discovered that Egg Skeppy was alone in the mansion built for two and on the few occasions that Bad came to visit. see Skeppy, he just talked about it. the egg how he was angry at sppy's desire to break the vines in his house and what a great friend he was skeppy felt bad starting to sneak away all the adventures they had all the memories they created escaping bad's mind in favor of his new His best friend, Skeppy, hated the egg, all he wanted was for it to be there, but in his presence it seemed like it was too much to ask, so when he noticed how badly it was destroying the very vines that separated their friendship, he began to hope a little. once again.
Bad Puffy and Ant realized that since they covered the egg with obsidian the vines stopped growing and their obsession with the egg had started to fade and when this obsession faded the three realized that they didn't really like the vines. ugly vines and decided to destroy them. They, skeppy, suggested that they break the egg as well, but something within the three of them was still immediately opposed to the idea, instead they all decided to visit the egg to try to understand what was happening. Skepy had never seen the egg, so when he entered the room he found a giant obsidian oval he was a little disappointed out of curiosity to see what this amazing egg was.
Skeppy broke a single piece of obsidian to take a look immediately his friends froze where they stood in silence watching Skeppy Bad told him he needed to leave as just him. There was a risk to the safety of the egg. Skeppy was surprised a few moments ago, his friends returned, but now it seemed that all progress had been lost. Bad Aunt and Puffy had forgotten why they covered the egg and obsidian and destroyed the shell keeping it in Skeppy knew what. had to do hidden in a pocket among the vines skeppy convinced his friends that he was learning to love the egg excited by his efforts the three decided that it would be good for him to stay there for a while and left him just a few minutes later Bad felt that something was immediately moving, he took Puffy and the ant back to the egg to make sure nothing had happened to it as they entered the room, the egg was once again covered in obsidian and Skeppy was quickly out of sight.
Bad realized that there was not only skeppy. He covered the egg once more but was trapped inside alone with the same monster that consumed the rest of his mind. He knew they had to find a way to save Skeppy, but they also knew that destroying even a single block of obsidian would expose them all again. The reason the egg was poisoning their minds and before destroying any obsidian they needed to find out what it was as they removed the vines around the server and theorized that the people who liked the egg the most were the ones who spent the most time on it. the room.
With that, everyone became even more worried about Skeppy as every second he spent down there was another part of him lost in the egg. The sun set and night fell. Skeppy sat alone, trapped with the same evil he sought to destroy the next morning. , he logged in and ran towards the egg, he planned to break enough blocks for skeppy to come out immediately placing them back before he was exposed again and as he headed into the room he noticed that some of the obsidian blocks surrounding the egg seemed to be corroding. but there was no time to worry about that he had to save skeppy and so he got into position here we go scooby are you ready?
I'm gonna catch me I'm gonna oh please get me out, get out, come on, come on, come on. Okay, okay, oh my god, wait, sorry, what happened to you? Hello, scappy, are you feeling okay? I feel amazing, Skippy, you're red, I feel great, are you sure? Do you need some food? No, I mean, it's me. I'm glad you're feeling okay, Skippy, but why are you red? I spent my time with the egg yesterday you were blue, Skippy, don't you remember? I remember it all, wait, wait, where are you going? I want to get into the egg, no, no, no, you, no.
No, no, you don't need to go here here, follow me, skeppy, I'll take you somewhere else to the surface, heaven, you like this guy, just heaven, yeah, heaven, you know, heaven, come on, maybe yes we arrived. a little fresh air that will help skeppy had changed bad's best friend, the skeppy who was by his side all that time was no longer there and in his place was the shell of a person skeppy no longer cared about anything or anyone except the egg, he tried everything to go back inside no matter how bad the setter did, skeppy didn't care, he moved out of the mansion, the very place that was a symbol of their friendship, he mourned the loss of his friend, he tried everything to to go back to how it was. before, but nothing seemed to work, puffy suggested taking a life, but he refused, he could never hurt skeppy, he would rather do anything and, not knowing what to do, he directed his efforts to the egg, the source of all his problems after the exhibition of egg. its true power, everyone agreed to keep the egg quarantined to avoid future incidents while they studied it first, all the blood vines discovered in the entire server were eliminated, except for one in the punz tower, this way they could ensure that the obsidian even prevented the growth of the vines.
Secondly, they needed to buy time as the layer of obsidian surrounding the egg began to dissolve to solve this problem. The staff ant surrounded the egg with a second layer of obsidian to make sure there were no breeches. They also created a decontamination chamber at the entrance. from the room as another precautionary measure finally, due to the strange effect of the egg on the bat and the ant, they decided to conduct an experiment by trapping different colored wool with the egg to see what happened as the days went by, the study continued, the vinyl pun tower stopped working. grow, meaning the obsidian was still working, the second layer of obsidian also began to dissolve and the wool experiment had some strange results when the final test puns decided to knock down the obsidian shell while wearing protective gear to keep themselves safe from the influence of the egg once.
The obsidian had disappeared, they noticed that the egg had grown much larger after having completely absorbed the first layer of obsidian. This was worrying, but they thought the decontamination chamber would keep the egg out and at the same time prevent the vines from growing. A few days later, the batand the balloon returned. Seeing that the vines had completely taken over the room, the vines descended from the ceiling and flowers bloomed from the red and the ground. They started to like the look of the room, but then realized they were being influenced. They were immediately skeptical and had gotten worse.
Its red color. It became more intense and his love for the egg radiated with every word, there was no turning it back. Aunt explained that the only way to save Skeppy was to take a life to break his connection to the egg, but Bad once again refused to allow anything. She passed it on to him, she said that she would rather sacrifice everyone on the server than kill Skeppy and asked if Bad was also infected due to his irrational thoughts, but Bad showed no physical signs of infection. Days passed and not much progress was being made.
The egg continued. to refuse to be contained, Skeppy remained infected and they still had no idea what the egg was, so Aunt Bad and Puffy agreed to hold a meeting on January 14 to discuss what to do with the egg. On January 14, dust settled on a ruin. Lamborgh It had been barely a week since it rained from the sky and today the fate of the egg would be decided. The four of them logged in and one by one they arrived at the table for the meeting. I think we all know why we are here, don't we? I'm sure you guys are aware that egg is becoming a problem.
So I have a proposal for you two. Why don't you join Badlands? What does it offer us? Everything Badlands currently consists of me, Aunt Frost Skippy, and an awesome guy. The reason we created the Badlands faction was to protect us from the chaos that was plaguing the dream. Look where today has taken us. I don't think it's going to work with just us because I think we need stronger people, but I don't think we should stop there. I think I have a long-term play. I think if we release the egg, we'll let it put an end to all of this. smp dream side, let it spread, let it wreak havoc on it, well, we discover a counterattack, we can secure our control in our territory, then we go in and once we have discovered a solution, we clear the egg, clear the vines and get rid . and we can take over all the dreamed smp.
We can go from being just a territory to becoming an entire empire. I think you became a tyrant's bed. I don't want to take over the entire server. I want us all to drink. across the server, if we do this bloated, if we do it right, we can come together to form a unified government where we all have the same opinion, let's say a round table, where we all have the same opinion on how we do things, none of the nonsense about this president you know what I don't know if it's the egg speaking or myself but I'm looking forward to a little chaos this idea you have is speaking to me I don't know and I don't know if it's you or the egg or what is going on but I feel like doing it I think I want to help you guys puffers I'll help you with the egg because I feel like there's no other way but I don't want to choose a faction like I feel like the factions have gotten us to this point.
This is what I'm thinking. We combine your territory with the Badlands territory. A swollen temporary alliance with your territory. Sure and we can create the formation of our empire. What will we call our empire? I think our unifying principle right now is the egg pyre. I like this. So, I hereby declare the formation of the egg pyre temporary but hopefully permanent. Are you ready to release the egg? The group headed towards the egg. They would no longer contain the chaos. the server would feel the wrath of the egg again and in the wake of its destruction, the egg chimney would rule all, the decontamination chamber was destroyed, releasing the vines that engulfed the rest of the room, the bad aunt and the puns They smiled as the plan began to move.
Ahead, they imagined the chaos that would unfold and were eager for the spread to begin for the rest of the day. Eggpire members planted seeds throughout the server to help encourage even greater growth. Little by little, everyone began to leave the server for the night. but the bad thing remained his plan had been received much better than he initially thought and his disguise had worked even better when he returned to the round table he realized there was no point in hiding it anymore propaganda coded on the walls of each building vines scattered Like weeds, as far as the eye could see, chaos was beginning and with their message spreading, the empire sought to recruit more allies to help them maintain control.
First, the bat and the ant discussed taking his side because of the power and influence he had. considered king next, they needed to convince sam to join the egg in their quest for chaos, but this was much easier said than done since on the first day sam had a bitter hatred for the egg and would not take it well when They discovered that their equals and the wastelands went behind their backs and, as they expected, Sam was furious at what they intended to do, refusing to join their cause, he had just locked Dream in prison to stop the chaos and was unwilling to join. to some cult to spread more, but evil and ants. he had a plan to make him like the egg.
A few days later, the bat and the ant tried to expose Tommy to the egg in hopes of getting him on their side. Tommy sought to investigate the egg as a potential threat to the construction of his hotel. He asked the ant. and bad to lead the way and as they approached the core tommy felt something strange tommy felt an uncontrollable urge to curse literally that's all the egg is saying that the three of us should start cursing the egg just told me to start cursing and that you need To swear next, Tommy didn't seem to be affected by the egg and in the egg's eyes that made him the most dangerous person to their cause, the bat and the ant quickly decided that they needed to get rid of Tommy because he couldn't. controlled by the egg later that day, the eggpire gathered for another meeting, this time to convince sam permanently, you've seen what happened, okay, the dream is in jail, the server is turning into chaos, factions are forming everywhere, this is a problem, we need to unite. force we need something we can all agree on is a bad thing to bring everyone together people will think the egg is bad but ultimately the egg is good we all know that anyone who has spent enough time with it will realize that in real life the egg is That's bad, it's not right, listen to me, this is the ultimate plan, okay, one by one, we take the people to the egg, make them come to our side, make them see things our way , let the egg spread its influence, let the vines cover the smp.
When the vines have officially and effectively covered everything, that is when we come out, that is, when we solve the problem, we come and grow your heroes and that is the point, we will all do it under the guidance and wisdom of the egg. I understand that no, I don't understand Sam, I'm trying to get through. I carried the egg. The egg is horrible. I do not care what you say. I know this is not a good thing. The egg is not a good thing. This was bad. idea from the beginning is still a bad idea now, okay, let me make this clear, under no circumstances are you willing to back down on this issue, no, no, we shouldn't, we shouldn't do this, we should do the opposite of this. actually it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, that's good, bye buddy, what bed kills puffy, oh my god, puffy ran surprised by what she had just witnessed and scared for her friend who was now underground.
In the heart of the egg, Sam was trapped. layers of obsidian stood between him and freedom; With each breath, he carried the seed of the egg deeper and deeper into his mind, it was enough to break even the strongest will. Sam remained at the mercy of the egg for the rest of the night with only the raw material from it. and the ruthless power the next morning, Puffy noticed Tommy heading to get Sam out and quickly informed him of what had happened. The two made their way to the egg and Puffy made a hole in the obsidian for Sam to escape.
Sam was destroyed. Disoriented and traumatized by the torture the egg had caused him, he was starving, exhausted, and just wanted to go home. Tommy and Puffy just wanted his friend to be okay and took him home so he could rest and recover from what happened that night when Puffy returned. He thought about everything, he couldn't believe his friends would do such a thing, the walking stick ant had changed beyond recognition, the ant's eyes were now as red as the egg itself, he knew that if someone didn't confront the pile of eggs , would invade the entire server and the friends she once knew would be gone forever quickly a plan began to form in her head a resistance to the implacable tyranny of the Pirehuevo because she used to be one of them, she knew her true intentions and the ins and outs of her plan that made her the perfect leader of the resistance, she just needed more people to know about Eggpire's plan.
Puffy also knew exactly who an ant planned to recruit next, so when he learned that Bad was bringing Technoblade to the egg, he knew this was the perfect opportunity to get him on his side. Puffy watched from the shadows as Bad and Techno opened up. step towards the egg. She waited patiently, carefully following her every word until Bad started taking things too far and had to intervene. Puffy explained Bad's true intentions. plans to control everything without opposition and techno, knowing that he could never side with an empire, sought to take it down along with the resistance.
Rambu also decided to join after almost getting caught with the egg in the hands of the bad guys. This was a good start, but Puffy knew she would do it. It took more than three people to take down the egg, but luckily for them, she had a few people in mind who had recovered from a stay with the egg and feared its effect on prison security. Sam wasn't exactly a fan of the egg and that's why. When Puffy informed him of what he was planning, he was more than happy to join the cause in a far away land, hills of sand painted the landscape as the sun beat down on the dry ground, one player stared for months, his land lay intact in an oasis. in the heart of the sea of ​​sand but that day the red vines spread like a disease throughout his creation the fool was confused he had never seen anything like it he removed the vines but a few days later they returned he began to hear stories of an egg buried deep beneath from the rest of the server, stories of a mysterious power that controlled some and drove others to hatred, but whatever it was, he knew it needed to be stopped and so, when opportunity knocked on his door, he responded on April 12 , a large explosion was heard. the server charlatan runs away from the egg room as fast as he can, he prayed that his plan had worked, he prayed that the tnt was enough, he was tired of this egg its influence spreading like a weed through the server and there would be no one there to stop him, he knew it. that if no one else was going to do something, he would, he didn't have time to see the damage before escaping as he was sure Batman's puns were on his trail, but he managed to escape and even though the egg resisted the explosion. of tnt, his efforts drew the attention of the resistance slowly but surely, the resistance was growing, they just needed an opportunity to attack an opportunity to take down the eggpire for good measure.
The first time word spreads throughout the server that Tommy is dead, murdered in prison by hands. from the dream everyone was devastated tommy despite the chaos he was a friend to everyone and it seemed that a part of everyone died that day also everyone except the egg tommy's death was exactly what they needed tommy was immune to the egg's influence, which It meant that he couldn't be controlled, making him the biggest threat to their plan, but now that he was finally gone, their plan could move into its final stages. The first bat and ant managed to trap a new player, Hannah, in the obsidian cage above the egg, they hoped that in her time with the egg, she would learn to love it and once she did, they knew exactly how she could help after the massive explosion caused by the chatterbox, the room was in ruins, but the egg was still in bad shape and the puns made sure everything was fine and locked the room to prevent any threats from entering while the egg was healing , this also allowed for concealment as they planned their final move, an event months after the true beginning of Egypt's reign, the Red Banquet, in order for their true plan to work, they needed a lot of people as close to the egg as possible and because their reputation among the rest of the server was not so good, they knew that before organizing an event as elaborate as the banquet they needed to convince people thatThis wasn't just another plan and so it was decided that the red banquet would be organized as an apology for the damage the egg pirate caused and a vote of good will for the rest of the server, but to really sell the idea it was necessary to take drastic measures and evil had happened. the perfect plan for the next few days the egg pie eliminated every vine that had grown on the server every trace of their mission to spread the egg disappeared overnight the invitations reached the farthest corners of the sp people finally began To believe that they had done so changed and the removal of the vines made the people feel comfortable enough to attend the banquet and as he walked down the now completely clear path he entered the banquet hall and went over the plan. for the last time in his head, but then he noticed something out of place.
Out of the corner of his eye, his old friend walked away months ago for the very thing he loved. The only bad thing still mattered more to him than the egg. Skeppy, but he wasn't skeppy anymore. Wait, what's that skeppy? skeppy why are you here I want to be next to the egg can you apologize I have given you enough time what do you want? I care about you skippy and I mean look, we both know there's nothing wrong with the egg and the cool eggs and everything, but you don't have to, you don't have to make friends with them, so leave me alone, oh my god. , let's go for a walk, do you want to go for a walk, do you want to see the sunlight? you like the sunlight here it's new to me I've seen all this a million times and nothing you say will convince me there's something else I can do for you he's hey look skeptical it's the statue I built of you remember what it takes for you to stop talking to me I'll just go and make the preparations myself, okay don't come back, you're really getting on my nerves, why do you keep coming back?
Sorry, I don't like your behavior lately because of behavior. I have absolutely no control it's not about my power and everything you say is irrelevant oh my god it's not about power it's not about control I'm your skeptical friend I mean, you can think that, what do you mean? Well, you can think what you want. your stupid little mind is fine no I don't care no we're friends of course leave me alone skeppy I've done a lot for you for our friendship and now you're trying to tell me we're not friends anymore I'm not saying I'm proving it you're proving it literally hey, no, I've had enough, I used your attitude and you, I have my best friend, my best friend hits me, you know? the sacrifices I have made to be with you and you prefer to stay in any kind of scam you think you have done something you seriously think that the past does not matter, it is only about the future and the Present and right now I know what I want, I want to go to the egg so I'm going to go no, you're not going to the egg I don't want you to stay next to that egg are you going to hit me?
I won't let you go to him. Are you going? hit me I just wanted us to hang out like we used to do I did all this for you and no I just didn't want the egg to take it from you you hear how selfish you are you're trying to take away what I enjoy and what I like destroyed by tragedy who just caused remembered what the ant said about killing skepy and prayed with everything he had that maybe just maybe his friend could return on april 23rd two days before the red banquet the resistance is on top of a cloud in heaven built by fools to discuss their plan of action, Sam informs the group that he managed to recruit Hannah after finding her passed out in the obsidian chamber above the egg, the group was happy to welcome another member to their side and went ahead with their plan, the eggpire had been very selective about who they sent invitations to to make sure they left out major threats like the healer, who almost killed the technoblade egg, who clearly had no intentions of siding with them and was very powerful. , and Rambu, who was caught spying on the egg with tubbo a few days before, however, everyone who received an invitation decided that it would be best to go to the banquet to obtain information and look for an opportunity to attack.
That being said, everyone was very wary of Egypt's intentions as they knew there was a high chance that this banquet would end in blood, so they needed a backup plan knowing that they would not be able to sneak armor and weapons into the celebration. , since they were strictly prohibited. Sam suggested planting a supply chest in the center of the room in case things went downhill, the group agreed and Puffy offered to hide the chest since he knew the room, Best Sam also informed the group. that he had another plan, he had been preparing a plan that could destroy the egg forever, finally, charlatan mentioned a secret contact.
He had been speaking to a long-dormant warrior on the server who was happy to join the fight if things got out of hand and with this the group went their separate ways satisfied with their plans and confident that the worst would come to the worst. and they would be ready to face. In the war, the sun cast a red shadow over the smp as it rose over the horizon, deep underground, in the heart of a once innocent land, hung decorations fit for the greatest of kings, red vines reaching to the floor, candelabras that brought light to the living walls and to the In the center of everything next to the table waiting to be set for the banquet, the eggpires stood in the ruins of their meeting room, high above the egg, in silence No words needed to be said, the plane had been stuck in their heads for weeks and everyone knew what to do joining them was punk who had always liked the egg, but after a little convincing he liked his better. plan, but one seat was empty while their newest member was attending to their own part of the plan, the clock continued. until the time came and when the first guests began to log in, everyone headed to the banquet hall.
I really appreciate everyone coming back. I think this is the perfect opportunity for us, as a server and as a community, to come together. and honestly, let bygones be bygones, let go of past problems so that we can grow and move forward from this moment because, while there have been obstacles along the way, in the spirit of you know, moving things forward . I would just like to say that I am very happy to have been able to gather everyone here for what I am sure will be a banquet that none of us will ever forget and yes, thank you all for coming, thank you all.
He set up the lava falling from the ceiling blocking all escapes from the room everywhere except the egg. Months of planning led to this moment the final bloated sacrifice and the rest of the resistance were furious, they trusted their friends one last time and yet they still betrayed them, they hoped. It wouldn't come to this, but the empire had to become swollen, it headed to the center of the table towards the hidden supply chest, finally the empire would answer for its crimes, but then what, oh, oh, what are we used to? Because of this, by chance, there is no way I had to tell them, you told Hannah, why the egg, Hannah heard everything, every step of their plan, every precaution, they plan to take everything since she got the egg, she was consumed by her transcendent. power and bad news that, as a new player on the server, she would be the perfect spy.
The resistance was powerless in the face of fear. They had unknowingly supplied Eggpire with the very weapons that would cause his demise, but Sam still had one last plan. It's tragic that you told him about our plans for the armor, but one thing you should know is that he had another plan because he didn't trust you. What do you mean another plan? Well, I think we can all agree that this has gone on long enough. I'm tired of all this fighting, so I say let's just blow up the egg. We're okay this time, but with an unsurvivable amount of TNT, but you don't have to wait, no, no, no, why, what, what, really.
I thought you could defeat the egg with TNT after Quackity tried that we made proper preparations and we made it so we didn't have to worry about TNT anymore. If you would be so kind as to come here, we can start the summary executions what what no no no no no no no no no no let's what you see the egg needs something and it will get it from each of you see for the egg to hatch it needs energy and it gets that energy from people dying nearby and that's the role you guys are going to play we're going to kill them one by one oh what did you say here you're an absolute monster I'm a monster you know what I think eric you would be a perfect person to sacrifice first excellent excellent I really appreciate you following the directive and not bringing weapons, that's very courteous of you, we trust you a lot, that was your first mistake, what do you think we were really going to do?
Stop trying to spread the influence of the eggs on the server just because a couple of people got mad at the vines, like, come on, that's been the goal all along is to hatch the egg, the egg wants power and it'll fix everything, stop. I'm sick of this disgusting red stench. I'm tired of this endless cycle of egg nonsense. I try. We try to give this horrible egg another chance. Yeah, I guess why don't we start with nonsense. Instead, we'll save the monarchy for later. Don't think we've forgotten about you, but we can start with the stupid bad YouTube and this is your last chance with me, your last, I'm done after this, what are you going to do?
You are weak, you have nothing. Buffy, you were part of the empire you could have avoided and look what you became. I did what I needed to make sure everyone else was protected because all you and Dad care about is the egg and yourselves, you're selfish and puffed up. You could have stopped this if you had stayed with the empire, but this is your fault, what one down and a couple more people to go, who should we do next? What do you think stop what you're doing right now? relax relax bad quackery i know what you're doing here but stop right now stop now look what you've done here bad this is this is impressive i'm not going to lie this is pretty impressive everything you've done here you have to stop right now you have to stop, stop, this whole egg thing is getting out of control, you just killed a man, what you wanted to do is your plan from the beginning was to kill innocent people.
It's gotten completely out of control and I'm not going to have it any more bad look what you've done just look what you've done you've caught all these people all these innocent people and what you've disguised as a party I'm telling you that you're a pawn of power, you're not a bad guy, you're working for something that, frankly, doesn't even care about you, I mean, look at the egg, look at the egg, look what it means. It doesn't mean anything. How about we just stop playing bad games? What if I can't stop the quackery and you know why I can't stop you?
You are not like that. Yes I am. So how about I tell you one more? Once you and all your friends here put down your weapons and leave and let all these people go no, put down your weapons and get ready if you wanted to stop us you should have brought an army guess what wrong I did? In fact, I brought the next best thing is I brought my biggest enemy, okay, healer, and he uses this egg thing right here, right here techno, come back, come back, hannah, come on, let's come back, welcome him, welcome, evil purple, yes, yes, purple, evil techno, you and the charlatan are ours. enemies, why would you side with him?
Listen wrong, I didn't want to work with this guy either, but this egg, this egg, he's going too far, he's warping people's minds, he's controlling them, he has no plans about things and in this egg he's the epitome of Everything As It Goes. that I oppose it as an anarchist and if I don't stop it now it will be the end of the world, so yes, I'm working with quackery, we still outnumber you, it's four against three. Puffy saw an opportunity, a moment of weakness. exactly what she had hoped for since the beginning of the resistance and having had enough of the friends she thought she had, she took it and Frost, you're dead, wait, what are we going to stop?
Where did the puppy run away to? You're taking my goodness weakness oh, I've always told you, I've told you for so long that this stupid egg thing is only bringing trouble, nothing but bad trouble, let's go while the egg chimney retreated into the maze of tunnels surrounding the room, people froze, shocked by the events they had just witnessed the murder of their charlatan friend was on top of the egg no matter what happened, the pile of eggs was reduced to nothing and their crown jewel Now it was in the hands of the charlatan resistance. He brought the people to the surface, freeing them from the evil clutches of the egg.
For the next month, the server would try to recover from that day. Sam and Quackity sealed the egg and quarantined it once again. An ant felt a weight lifted from her shoulders as her color returned to normal and her love for the egg diminished. the resistance went their separate ways swearingreturn on the day when the egg was released again and the egg remained locked away as a mere memory of a dark time that the server never wished to see again and with peace finally ruling the land, the egg seemed You would have to hatch another day

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