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Dream SMP - The Complete Story: Fall of Dream

Jun 06, 2021
just give him the puck tommy tommy are you sure about that decision tommy this isn't me this isn't me I mean I look around and there's me? I'm not the person I want to be, I'm just so sorry, I know if this is who I've become, oh we're surrounded, then I don't want to be me anymore, man, it's okay, it's me. I'm with toba maybe I wasn't clear yesterday tommy when I said I'm going to destroy le mans and that you don't have to help me when I said you don't have to help me tommy I meant that you could sit back, not change sides and fight me.
dream smp   the complete story fall of dream
I'm not well. What am I doing right? That I am with you? You're betraying me that's what you're doing.doing tommy hello blade I'm worse than everyone I didn't want to be teleported I know what I've done and I hate myself for it turbo yeah well thanks for giving me the desk I just want to say you're an idiot you are a


idiot and you have no power and you are the worst president that has ever been elected president because you are not president oh no, listen, listen, you are not even president, the charlatan is more present than you, I am More President Lemanberg than you.
dream smp   the complete story fall of dream

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dream smp the complete story fall of dream...

Everyone on the server pushes you. Yes, because you're an idiot. You are a fool. You just gave me the only thing I needed to destroy Le Mans. I don't care about wood. I don't mind. About everything I said before, the only reason I didn't destroy Lemandberg is because you had the puck. I had to be your friend to get the stupid disk back. I don't care about you, I'm not your friend, I care about you. about getting the disk back and I got it back you can't even rule your nation, right? Rambu is a traitor, one of your most trusted nuns, no, that's not true, it's okay, it's true, I wasn't worried, he's weaker than ever and it's because you've destroyed everything about yourself, you've ruined your friendships, you've ruined his allies. le mans berg you are a horrible president tubbo you know me so well


you know me so well i have some weather currents we could figure something out lemandberg is being destroyed okay tomorrow night at 3 p.m. m., say goodbye, no, no, we're not even talking about just blowing up some TNT, we're going to make TNT machines, cannons, we're going to destroy everything you have, one night forever, it was


ing it.
dream smp   the complete story fall of dream
It was always a dream from the beginning of its


to the end. The dream was the one that framed Tommy for all the duels after the war, the one that destroyed the invitations to Tommy's beach party, the one that told Tommy that no one missed him, and the one that destroyed the community house. People knew that apart from the differences there was only one priority from then until 3 p.m. the next day defend le mandberg throughout the server preparations began kings citizens government officials punk titles meant nothing no the next day everyone would fight side by side as one like lambert mined people enchanted breeding if one thing was certain it was that techno and sleep would appear ready the hours passed the night fell and the chest continued to grow armor weapons supplies pride and determination can be felt in every movement of a pickaxe anger Inventions with the cut of a sword until the unlikely allies were ready.
dream smp   the complete story fall of dream
Chess filled to the brim with armor potions of all kinds. The next day would be the final battle and as the sun rose over the horizon, the day of judgment began. You in this is the question that tormented many across the server. Nikki and H-Bomb were questioned after Tommy went into battle after everything that happened and concluded that it was finally time to let Lemanberg learn his lesson, but they couldn't support dream and techno on either side. . were evil, another who followed the same logic was fundy, he believed that lumanberg and many of his people needed to learn their lesson and although he would not help cause the destruction, he believed that lumanberg's demise that day was inevitable after his decision to stand on the sidelines.
The War Fund destroyed the supplies that Lumamberg's army had gathered as a final act of contempt. To say that Technoblade and Dream were prepared would be an understatement. Techno ordered hundreds of dogs prepared to kill every last enemy Filza that was escaped from their house for techno they joined forces to defeat lumenburg along with the anarchists lumamberg had taken something from all of them, whether it was territorial peace or freedom, the three swore revenge an obsidian grid cut across the deep blue sky each intersection wired a dispenser full of nine batteries of But all the water had been drained from the mambird to allow for maximum destruction, the dispensers were placed in an extremely fast redstone clock to launch multiple explosives per second during the last war, the techno only had the ability to summon two withers, this time he was able to summon more. 54. potions food armor weapons they had it all and when tommy tubbo and a few others logged in and saw their stash destroyed it was too late tommy quickly traveled to lumamberg the war was scheduled to start in 25 minutes and his army needed every second to prepare yourself, but Technoblade had no intentions of playing fair.
Was it fair when Luamberg threatened to kill his horse if he didn't let him be executed? Was it fair when Filza was imprisoned in his own home long after the execution had failed? No, it wasn't like that. which made anyone think he would play fair today, tommy realized what was about to happen looking around, most of his army hadn't even logged on and techno had no intention of waiting, taking a deep breath, Tommy prepared himself for what was about to happen and as the techno was firing on Tubbo the dog army attacked and the war for Lumenburg had officially begun, you ruined Tubo, unleash the dogs of war, unleash the dogs, you You realize we're going to kill all these dogs as soon as you go with the technology, I already have.
I killed three of you, oh yeah, hit me with that axe. Puns, hit me with that axe. Oh yes, the shields will help them against the wolves. You know how merciful I feel if everyone backs off and lets me blow up this country. live another 17 minutes oh 17 minutes take your time rambu you don't need to show up i'm literally right next to you tommy look oh my god oh hi tommy come in get in the caravan get in the caravan oh the caravan that will save you you, let's go for the winners okay we fight one winner at a time we fight them as a group please good luck I'll bring you three more guys rambu get out of here rambo the bug man stay with me alone.
The destruction from above Technoblade killed everyone in his path Lumamberg was crumbling but this was just the beginning and while Filza and Tekno continued the battle from below Dream prepared the real weapon The fate of Lemamberg depended once again on one man, the control of the entire server was right at his fingertips to the power he could feel it and as he overlooked the pure chaos emerging from below the dream he couldn't help but smile, it was never meant to be this way, it was all over except the crying and no one is crying except my friends everywhere.
No, I'm trying to forget how much I care about you. It did not


from the heavens above a level of destruction never seen before. It happened to the lamp. There was no turning back. Lemanberg had lost Tommy. He contemplated techno through the endless reign of explosions. drawing attention the two looked at each other once allies friends now they had reached an insurmountable division look at me look at me don't shoot don't shoot you didn't have to do this you could have come you gave me think about the records is that they were for me you really could have had a government no I care about the record tommy I was honest with you from the beginning the government has to become selfish you have used me from the beginning Tommy you never thought of me as a friend Tom you just used me from the beginning you saw me like the sword that's all What I was to you, the sword, a weapon, guess what, I'm choosing what I fight for now and I'm going to destroy the government Tommy all of you die I listened to you for weeks what did you do? the people are above the government.
You know what I did yesterday when you were surrounded by like 30 people, the whole world was against you, I went in, I was willing to fight everyone. of them for you tommy I would have been there that's the difference between us we spent hours don't talk to me about loyalty you were my friend and you betrayed us you never thought of me as a friend because the thing about this government is that's how it was, it didn't interfere with you I used to think So, Tommy, do you know what they did to me? They pursued me with the entire army of butchers and executed me.
I tried to be peaceful, Tommy, but the government made it clear that I did what The government made it clear that we couldn't coexist. You've done it again, all you did is repeat hi


, but worse actions have consequences. Actions do have consequences, Tommy, and these are the consequences. There was no point in continuing to fight while the dispensers ran out. tnt and rogue withers continued to ravage the remains people abandoned lumamberg it had been destroyed for the third time and this time it would never be rebuilt wilbur's vision had changed a lot in the last months of the smp dream but a place that brought people together was always there It brought out the good and bad memories that would never be forgotten and as they once again overlooked the remains of their great nation, a sinking feeling began to creep in from the day Wilbur first joined the server that Lemanberg It had been everything. a home a place of freedom wars were fought lives were ended tyrants had ruled their defended land through exiles and conflict lamanberg remained but on that fateful day everything changed people went their separate ways tommy tubbo and charlatan met in the obsidian web the techno continued the destruction and gospel tuned in and saw his house


ly destroyed as his final goodbye to his great nation.
The group gathered to sing the Lumanberg anthem for the last time. There was a special place where men could emancipate the brutality and tyranny of their rulers. to finish this soon a little blown my and for the freedom you told me that you did not remember the verses the problems came and then they went we built our walls and we saw them break and from everywhere from here forever once again to tommy there were only two things that mattered on the server his friendship with tubbo and his records like in the old days the first war on the server he dreamed that he had the records and tommy wanted him to get them back and while he was talking to tubbo on top of the obsidian grid in the sky the two agreed they would end it as it all started together tommy logs into smp dream sent him a message telling him it was urgent and he had to start streaming confused tommy decided he was too interested not to listen and logged in but when he joined the server, something was wrong, he turned around to find that his entire house had been destroyed and replaced by the heat of the Netherrack radiated by the constant flames surrounding a single chest after extinguishing the raging fire.
Tommy approached the chest, the signs said come see me on Wednesday. and tubbo alone, if anyone else appears the discs are gone forever upon opening the chest, tommy was surprised to see only one item, a compass that pointed directly to the location the dream planned to place his discs, tommy knew that This would be the true final battle, the winner gets the discs, the loser receives nothing or possibly worse and so the only thing left was to wait until the day of the grand final. The days passed and Wednesday the 20th had arrived after preparing, remembering and wait. that's me guys that's me I'm in the dream smp evan mc gaming this video here here this is my last memory evan mcc I wanted to impose on the capable sisters and you started talking oh I needed that from a gaming video mcc open sky mcgaming you're a pain in the butt holy man this video is trending oh sorry trending videos i have a mc gaming turbo but listen evan mcgame stop, stop anyway, this day would mark the true end of the disco saga, tommy and tubbo reunited at Tommy's house to talk one last time about what was about to happen.
They both only had one canon life left, meaning that if either of them died even once, they wouldn't come back, so they treated that day as if it were their last in the smp. Tommy said goodbye to his house, the house built all that time. Long ago, the house in which they fought from that house had gone through war, hardship and disappearance, and now he said goodbye. Tommy and Tubbo headed down the main road remembering everything. The bench they had sat on to celebrate their independence. The battle for the records outside Punz's house. Halo boy when the two asked bad to join their call, tommy noticed that he was not alone people from all over the server lined the fateful path frenemies all gathered to say goodbye oh everyone oh my god oh rambu rambu hello rambu guys when I was like the best minute man, you were the only one who knew what I was going through and I am, it's been an honor even though I haven't known you that long, just spending time with you, Rambo, hey you.
You are peculiar Callahan, you don't talk, you restarted the server when it crashed several times for us, it's been a long time, it'sIt has been an honor to meet you and spend, you have always been very kind to me and in fact, you helped me get half of these. gapples thank you so much punk you're welcome tommy you're welcome I'll always be there for you half the time ok thanks tommy you've been one of my closest friends in this smp of course if I come down tonight. Will you continue my legacy? Of course, Tommy, it will be my pleasure.
I know I've hurt you, but you know I want to see them succeed and I believe you have the power to do so. Eric, you know what? we too have many fish you have always been the real king aaron I'm not sure if you told me I'll see you later my friend goodbye dream smp now they were alone for the rest of the trip each step further away from the rest of the smp they crossed planes forests oceans and talked a again of the battle they were about to have we're going to fight for the pucks tonight and we're going to fight well but let's both not fool ourselves We're both in our last life, okay, yes, in our last life, what if we died Tonight, we were leaving, so please, I know you'll keep going, yes, we're having a bachelorette party, please, think smart. to do the right thing tonight because turbo I need someone to come back and tell my story because I don't know who will live and who will die tonight will be the night we have no choice but to win because if we lose to Beau and we lost everything while traveling through the ocean.
They noticed that the compass was beginning to change and looked where it was pointing. A large mountain came into view. They immediately knew that this was where the dream had taken them. They got out of the boat and began their ascent block by block. They climbed the mountain. The morning sun slowly rose behind them. As they watched the sun rise into the sky, they realized that this sunrise could very well be the last, but it wasn't over yet. The two continued climbing until they reached the top. There were Dream, his true enemies from the beginning, ax in hand, ready for battle but he didn't attack yet you left me a note saying that you would be here and that only those two could come because well, it's been you and tubbo from the beginning right, you and tubbo against me out of disgust, right? doing what are you doing?
Do you have something to say or what are you doing I do what are you doing no what's your plan? You know you're down I got it I got it back Bring it back Let's go get it Let's go he'll probably level up Here I'll be fine I've got a pig I've got another choice Okay, keep him up, keep him away, come on, he's swimming, he's not making me no harm, okay, okay, can you take it? I think his shield came up right now so we can't block with the shield okay okay turbo use a sword use a recoil sword okay if we can take him out now then we have a puck.
The battle continued. Tommy and Tubbo against Dream, they exchanged blows until now. The dream had been had. It didn't do much damage to either of them, but they had also used a significant amount of potions in a short time. Tommy decided to run away, but when he tried to escape with one of the disks, the dream stopped him and told him that your armor is going to break, you are going to lose. Listen, Tommy, just give me the puck and I won't kill Tubbo. It's been too long for you not to make this choice. Choose between your drive or Tubbo.
Wait. So if I had to run away now, how could you kill Turbo? He's fine. he is completely at the bottom right, it is that the durability looks a little worse from use. I'll be honest, Tommy, well, he dreams of lots of pearls. I have quick cookers. I can chase them. I have a trident at high tide. Nothing changes. you have the disk in your inventory, i can kill tubbo, same tommy, you are powerless, ok, i can kill tubbo for the first time, i tried for 10 seconds and he was begging in a corner, tommy, one more hit and he would have made. gone but really make your decision die or give me the desk ten nine eight what do I do seven I don't want you to die keep the desk keep the disk tommy why five no that will be worth it will be worth it So it will be, we will be working, why What shouldn't I do?
We shouldn't, Tommy keeps the puck. I'm fine, I've done enough, oh my God, I've done enough. Okay, keep the plate. What are you doing? thanks wow I didn't think it would be this easy but that wasn't even the record wait that's how helpless you are that's not even the record I'm just playing with you do you think I would actually play the record? in front of you you did it you didn't learn from the last time we did this where you got the puck I'm not an idiot I just want to show you how powerful I am how powerless you are I could have let you walk away but no I'm playing with you that's the fun , that's the funny thing, you're going to listen to me, you're going to die because I'm not playing, now leave the acts of peace first of all.
You're not going to kill me, I'm not going to kill you, okay, okay, throw your things in the hole, oh, throw your things in the hole or I'm going to kill the taboo, no, no, no, oh, I'll take you to the disk real. Follow me, stay close, be careful, they went down the mountainside. The dream had gotten exactly what it wanted. Control. That's all he cared about from the beginning. He just wanted to have the pucks to keep Tommy from fighting and now he's holding the pucks in one hand. and taboo's life in the other dream had complete control over tommy and there was nothing he could do when they reached the bottom of the mountain.
The dream took them both to a large stone wall and the events that followed would be the most important in the history of the dream smp follow me, keep going, you've been a pain in the ass, okay, you brought war, you brought terrorism, all bad, the only good thing you've done is that you brought attachment to the server, come, look, come see your desks, your dresser here, I mean, okay. let's finish with the chest, yes, you could take the desk, but you could put the other chest if you wanted, but it doesn't matter, you know, I wouldn't do it if I were you, because then tupa would die, but always.
Since you know the attachment was on the server, I cut my attachment, I cut everything because I realized that's what gave people power over each other. If I can control the things that people are connected to, then I can control the server again because this is not the case. tommy smp o tube s p it's a dream s p right, I can turn the server back to what it used to be I have a place for everything you have friend friend tell me listen I need you okay I need you to come why don't you bring the attachment to the server but I mean I can't kill you I built a prison it's inescapable I can't get out I'm going to lock up Tommy forever I mean I need him alive but that doesn't mean he has to be free Taboo He's a pawn He's a follower I don't need tubbo at all I want to give you your chance to say goodbye it's time for tubbu to go so that was a pawn I'm not a poem I'm going to kill you you have to accept it so you can deny it all you want but then you lose you will die and you will forever regret not saying goodbye say goodbye I tell you what we do we make a break for the goalkeeper We can run to mine because I have the secret ball at the base of exile.
If we run there we will be dead before we reach the portal. There is too much distance. Alright. We laughed a little. it was it was fun good it lasted I just accepted it don't accept it now not alone but we never accept defeat all good things must come to an end eventually I just didn't think this would be my my coming to an end if you want what am I without you? this is it this is the end please no please don't go no tubbo faces death with open arms satisfied with everything he had achieved he was by his best friend's side until the The end, the end, it has taken a long time to come arrive, but it still seemed to arrive too soon.
Tommy stared into his best friend's eyes one last time. He would see the light before being locked away never to see it again and as the two looked to dream, they faced their own eyes. destiny with pride but I'm sorry dream but you should have paid me more the people came one by one everyone from the entire server went through the portal to save tommy and tubba dream's own partners the wastelands the old lambert government everyone had said goodbye but he wasn't ready to say goodbye, tommy and had, filled with excitement and relief they had never felt before, moved behind the army of their netherite friends, covered, shocked, the dream receded now he was the one who had no escape now he He was the one who had lost control. and while the people witnessed the real evil hanging on the walls, tommy was faced with dreaming one last time, dreaming hey, dreaming, I know you're not going to kill me, you have no guts, put your armor in the hole, everything, everything about you, tommy.
You're going to kill me and the shield please, I don't care if I do, Tommy, you said I'm not going to kill you and I know you're not going to kill me, right? Why would he kill you if we had so much fun together? Of course, dreaming, Tommy, you know, war and dreams, you've caused me nothing but pain and now it's your turn, where is it? I'm going to kill you until you're dead, tommy, this is where it ends with your own arc, listen, okay, I'm I'm going to kill you until you're dead, Tommy, okay, I'm going to kill you until you're gone, Tommy , stop, no, you know how many, no, you know what you have three, three, this is my one left, three lives, two are gone, come. go back dream tommy tommy yes he's here dream you've punished me enough the last tommy you just killed me twice do you have any last words tommy you don't need to kill me tommy we were friends tommy we were friends dream come it's okay tommy i can bring the life back to the people the acts of peace j schlatt gave me a book that's fine and he has a way to bring people back to life but only i have the book he died he's the only other person who knew i have the book that's what he gave he said If I fought on his side he would give it to me dream you just lie there is no if I die then death is permanent you have to let me go if I die then wilbur will be dead forever look I will stop I will be out of your reach you can exile me I will be I will be away you will come back listen to me promise you that I want if you die wilbur they are dead too not just wilbur and schleid anyone in the future then death is permanent tommy you have to let me go I can't let you go tommy there is another one hello sam there is another way what's wrong you don't have to let him free you just can't kill him We can put him in prison.
I built the prison. I had accidents. Did you win? I don't know anything about he paid me to build a prison yes, but I know I know about the person. I know how it works as if it weren't you. You can't keep me in prison. You should know enough to know that it's impossible to get out once you're in. It is impossible to get out of that prison once you are locked up. Let's put him in prison. It sounds strangely, strangely, too perfect. Yes. make wilbur proud that tommy and tubbo won not everyone had a dream in their manipulative ways they would be taken to an inescapable prison he had ordered the construction of the server to be free at last for the next few weeks people would live in peace tubba would go on to create a new nation by the name of Snow Chester in the nearby forest, Tommy was finally able to lay low and began working at a Technoblade hotel and Filza created an anarchist commune titled The Syndicate and the dream was locked away forever, but before all this. it would happen that tommy and tubbo gathered on the bench outside tommy's house to celebrate the


of the dream this is this is surreal i never thought this is actually a dream he's going to stay locked in we win like it's yeah that's crazy and you're not dead.
I'm downright impressed, I'm very impressed with you, Tommy, no, I'm charisma. Hello, have you missed me? You know from day one that you couldn't have surpassed me and that you could do it successfully. peacefully stop dreaming do you know where Ghostburg is where ghosma is I don't know I just wanted to say that I was I was very ready to see you here soon I felt like your presence was slowly entering the afterlife but here we are and you are you You are still alive You never seem to die I thought you were dead? I'm proud of you, Tommy, I'm proud of you.
I'll see you soon before you leave. I think it's important to say a big thank you to the people who help make these videos what they are thanks to my sister kaya and my friends for helping me a lot with acting and many other adjustments throughout the video. Also, if you liked it, make sure to like and subscribe, thank you so much for watching and I'll see. all of you in the next video

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