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Drawing on my back challenge Mommy vs Daddy!!!

May 31, 2024
is that? Oh, okay, yeah, Ryan, so far, so good, okay, wait, can I do a double because I think I know what to draw? Okay, maybe it's a flower, very high quality flour. Nice, oh, looks good, looks good, okay, it's almost done. so my


is ready are you ready to compare ryan three two one tada it's the same


it's not the same at all so ryan draw is cute even though it's a snail with a flower it's my turn to see if mom can copy what did I draw? and then this is okay like this okay, what's okay?
drawing on my back challenge mommy vs daddy
Did Ryan do this? um this and this here hereand here here here here and here like this okay, let's see if we have the same drawing. I have so much confidence. Three, two, one. I see, I knew you drew some kind of triangle and that's why I drew triangles. Oh, do you know what this


looks like, guys? It's very easy for me, so I'm going to jump in and give it a good try. It's easy when you draw it, we'll see. I'm going to drop a beautiful piece that looks good. You, Ryan, and Dad generally think alike, so I.
drawing on my back challenge mommy vs daddy

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drawing on my back challenge mommy vs daddy...

I think you got it, oh, it looks very similar, aha, keep going, keep going, you guys are doing very well, this is important, right, this part, there you go exactly, great job, almost done, this is a good hair, OK? I'm done, okay, dad is done, let's deal with the moment here two one, a pirate, why did you hot pirates say peace, hey, at least it's a beautiful drawing, look at that big hair? Okay dad, are you up for the


? I have it. I can read people's minds, okay, it's my turn, let's see if dad can guess what he drew easily.
drawing on my back challenge mommy vs daddy
I wonder what I should draw. I'm concentrating all my senses on my


. You even draw me. I do not feel anything. Wait, you didn't feel it? Okay, this feels like a facial feature and it has an ear and an eyebrow, some beer. Wow, you're so good, you almost copied exactly how interesting I am. Okay, so what you're making is a very long nose. Okay, actually I already am. done just the final touch, I don't touch dad, okay, I'm pretty sure about this three two one oh yeah, because I accidentally got too close to this this person got it no no no no no just wanted to continue a little in detail thank you for looking at sean what happened to your face what's my face what's wrong with my face your face has like a giant eye and a weird ear and mouth what's going on why do you have a mirror so I can look at my face oh I don't have one mirror but do you want to use my phone?
drawing on my back challenge mommy vs daddy
Okay, give me your phone. I'm sure you're joking. This is my face. Why are you laughing? I'm not laughing at all. What happened? Sean, it's suspicious, it's a joke, trick, Sean, it's just an app and it has really cool faces, you want to see it, oh, so my face is normal, it's normal, oh, it's okay, it's okay guys, so look here There is a funny face, prepare your camera, okay guys. So I hope you like it, so here are more fun face filters. Let us know which one is your favorite. Come on, okay, then I'm the ice queen.
No, I'm fun. I do not know what I'm doing. Hey, where's Bunny? you're so cute your eyes are big I wish I had big eyes like that I'm a cat woman I actually like it it's very manly oh oh yeah ah I wish I could grow a beer like this it'll take a hundred years oh my hand with a beer what do you guys think? I am the most beautiful person who has ever lived. Don't pick up my beard. Hey, stop it. I have double glasses. I have glasses on top of glasses. Look, that's a new style.
There are 20 20 kids with glasses on. glasses oh oh it's a curve down right here here oh good oh oh right here yeah look how his eyebrows connected oh unibrow hello hello I like how I'm changing my voice already on top of the messenger whoa I like it actually look at this oh it looks like a kind of highlight because you already have long hair, yes, I like it, oh, look at your ice cream cone, yes, it looks delicious, ah cute, all the filters look very nice on you, I know mine is very questionable, okay? ?, what else?
Do you like my new face hello guys this is how I look after 10 years oh oh my god I got sunburned oh yes yes yes oh my god oh my god I can't tell what's coming in hello oh oh you're a dog oh I'm old oh I thought I'd been working a long time lately I guess I look so exhausted oh my god look my chin is well ready for grandma oh hi guys I'm grandma here she looks sad can you make a happy face oh yeah There you have it you broke it you broke your filter because fears always force you to be sad it's a happy face oh oh I like this I like my hat it looks realistic it looks like a stuffed animal oh oh it's me is that you? of course oh oh well then whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hello kids what's up candy no no taco strangers two magic grammars you shot him I mean peter pan is nice so yeah oh oh it's cool she's okay oh oh it's me neighborhood could bro older mario I'm on vacation right now yes yes vacation at home yes your heart is in my face ah oh oh no oh no no no this is a no no why oh oh wow what was it patrols hello look at my hair look at my hair in the air like I don't care woohoo with a goatee I love it ready to find some where is the treasure treasure girl Mickey come on what's your barbie look today okay which one is princess that's the princess with glasses oh interesting oh I'm the vikings oh yeah , we're going to attack some city, okay guys, we're testing IQ, oh, you're zero, you're zero, are you sure it's a mistake? baby, oh, okay, dad has zero IQ, 100 100, I mean, oh, I'm not even normal, hey, at least I am.
Graduated, oh, you graduated too. Alright guys, that was our funny faces filter video. If you like this video, give us a big thumbs up for now, thanks for watching, bye and tell us which one is your favorite.

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