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Draw-Off Marathon #3

Jun 03, 2021
our first edition uh the cow is joined by peppa pig is that a specific pig is a beloved children's selection is the largest copyrighted we can't do it right so we should do salt pork uh mustard pork oh yeah, okay, we're


ing mustard pig the unicorn has to be majestic and by majestic I mean I don't know how to


a horse just sketching out a rough location helps me see what's there because in my head right now it's like I have a confusing idea of ​​what I want to draw , it's not clear enough, some people do it.
draw off marathon 3
They're like boom they know exactly what they want to draw and they're like that but for me it's like an exploration honestly that's it forever even when you become a professional artist you're always going to be like I have no idea what what I'm doing, yes, you will practically never have it. June, did you grow up wanting to be an animator? I did, in fact, somewhere in my parents' apartment in Korea there are old, dusty post-it notes full of animated dolls doing violent things because apparently that's what you animate when you animate things for the first time.
draw off marathon 3

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draw off marathon 3...

The general consensus in the chat about not revealing anything about Jason is that the pizza guy's legs make them feel some kind of way that the pizza guy is available for bachelorette parties. book now oh my god I have to give this as a beautiful mane of hair. I love that my unicorn looks more like a cow. I don't even think I know. I love the chubby bunny. A quick tip, take it or leave it. Maria D. Maria has. I've been trying to get a mullet on everything today and think the pizza man is going to have a mullet, okay you've got your mullet, here we go, so that's what we do here at draw up live, we make dreams come true. make it happen, you know, I have to say I don't think I've drawn a mullet almost ever, but let's make this happen it's going to be a cheese mullet and cheese do we have anything else on the cow like do I need to know more about this?
draw off marathon 3
Are you happy driving? Is he being held hostage by the pig? Is the cow leading the pig? the hospital and the pig is like bleeding from a laser wound could you make up a backstory for my little unicorn that I'm drawing okay you guys have given birth to this creature? I need to know where this is coming from bbgr suggests that she just broke up with her boyfriend and is writing a song about it obviously she is very happy about it. I got a good suggestion from uh jason brown the cow graduated at the top of her class at mit so this is the cow's thesis a very specific pastel world says pizza The man was an Olympic ice skater who became a crime-fighting vigilante who destroys enemies with pepperoni, but the pepperoni frisbee of destruction I like the idea that he simply removes the pepperonis from his body and throws them at his enemies. suggests that the pig is my partner.
draw off marathon 3
I am reflecting on this new relationship. I just want to shout out a lot of these unicorn backstories. They are very well thought out and moving. If I read them, I might cry, oh my God, yeah, so, uh. the language is very insistent on a pink cow a pink cow i can make that happen we can make those dreams come true another question from marsha marshall what's your question how do you draw parts of the human body so well oh well thank you uh just banging your head against the wall for like a decade, I'd say I just try every damn day to draw feet and I'm really bad at it most of the time and then you know one day you're going to wake up and be like, "Oh, I get it." I understand how feet work by drawing things very quickly.
I've found that it helps because you learn to understand the way things flow. I think this is probably a post-graduation celebration. They are going to a party. They are drunk. Farm animals. I like them. to think that maybe this cow is the designated driver and the pig is drunk on mustard when you laugh at your own drawing, that's usually a good thing, I think, oh my God, I have to start coloring, although I want to put a lot of pink in this. no don't make everything pink that's definitely not how this works oh it works for me actually no pizza guy needs beautiful eyes jessica jones says i've actually been looking at the pizza guy's legs for 17 minutes here i'll help you with that there you go , yeah, this is about to be a real disaster, y'all, this, uh, you gotta get some good photos on your legs, here we go, hey June, how do you feel about your uh, your party people, I'm looking at the colors right now. if it looks like it belongs in rugrats blanchies says i want to see some grease on the pizza maker, actually it is, he just finished greasing himself and now there's like a puddle of grease under him where he's been dripping all day, oh god .
God I'm so ashamed of myself, I did a drawing recently and I drew a character's hand upside down, oh that's like I'm so dumb, oh people do that all the time, it's okay because you walk into a drawing and you forget. you're like oh just drawing and then you're like oh this is all wrong, like I take this drawing and flip it, which is, by the way, a great thing you can do when you're drawing is draw and then flip the drawing like I take this and reversing it would probably be like seeing all kinds of problems.
I'm very excited about what you're drawing. I think it's me drawing through something. This is very strange. I must say. I took this a little far, yeah, you guys are drawing each other's things, yeah, let's switch places here, yeah, what a strange turn of events had to make a unicorn shine on another world because Is the unicorn something like you? I know a ghost The unicorns are gone What are you talking about? It's over, drop your pants. I've finished now. The pizza guy is done. This is the most disgusting thing you will ever see. I can definitely go on, but I think I can stop here.
Well, yeah, so how do you think you did it to Cody? If I saw this out of context, like on my Instagram feed, I wouldn't know what to do with it and would just like to keep scrolling. I think I also feel those feelings I drew now looking. look what looks like a unicorn horse cow holding a pot with the cat I like it it's weird oh my god this is really good this is so healthy wow I love yours it's amazing omg yours just adorable kyra is so good at drawing cute things I like it the narration involved in this, as a married graduate, it seems like it's really about this job, it's like me, I'm about to do a performance, don't go into the splash zone, yeah, I really love it, that mustard pig is just a regular. mustard pig I love this the mess your characters find themselves in there is palpable tension and you hope the cow lands the ufo safely you have the majestic feeling of gratitude of a unicorn but you did it too yours is as good as if it was hilarious we Definitely, this is character development.
Jason suggests that drawing with the Internet is a lot of fun and I want to do it more. I like this because I don't have to stick to one character design, but instead try to remember what the normal format is. from the program thank you for these daring farm animals yes, thank you very much, look how everyone draws is incredible, but don't stop drawing, okay, hey, I'm Jackie, hey, I'm Kevin, and today we're going to draw what the Internet tells us. this is a replay of a previously recorded live broadcast the live broadcast chat will be telling us what to draw reflected in the voice of our producer matt matt we are going to start giving you suggestions okay yes something gravity if you use gravity or something like that, yes something catches your attention, leave it, draw it with it, oh, it should be a town crier, you should, lexi bora, not knowing how to pronounce it, dinosaurs in burlesque costumes, uh, cat on a board, skateboarding on an alligator, not sure how that. one works, we have a teenager learning how to use an item of your choice, this is just avatar, that's the long line of avatar, the last airbender they brought Jackie as a cat, take that back, whoever said Jackie as a squirrel, remove that. we have a centaur upside down, a center upside down, so like a horse, up, human person, down, a cthulhu working at his summer job, katsulu working at a summer job, I'm going to look up what cthulhu looks like, what? are you going to do that?
Yes, I think you could do that, very nice. the thing was a little scary I'm going to draw this I'm going to draw you you're going to draw a cthulu at a summer job and working at a summer job okay, what job should a Catholic have? I was thinking, just a simple cashier, oh Kevin. like a squirrel kevin like a squirrel now that's a suggestion I can take okay I'll do it like a squirrel ooh some shade in the chat barbara b says kevin will do it anyway oh wow wait a minute barbara v that's it my mom mom is really you that's my mom mom what the hell I guarantee barbara v is my mom I love Kevin's mom oh I have I have many more job suggestions if you need one you think you have it give it to me I'm going to have a lifeguard, we have an instructor swimming, we have ice cream shop, no, the ice cream shop people come with little hats, yeah, ooh, if you look for the ice cream shop costume, you'll get a lot of uncomfortably sexy Halloween costumes, Jackie, what are you doing? know about Kahulu baby octopus he's a baby octopus baby octopus hey hey I'm walking here hey hot dog, bring your hot dogs matt, are there any questions in the chat for us?
Ask me a question, I probably won't answer it, but maybe I will Black Sheep Inc suggests, what are your kids' favorite cartoons? Go first. I have to think about it. My current favorite cartoon is Bob's Burgers. Bob's Burgers are amazing, yes, but I would say my favorite cartoon of all time would probably be Freakazoid. Do you remember Freakazoid well? I mean, I know from the '90s, I know Freakazoid, but you know him, I know him personally, yeah, I went to high school with that dating, yeah, that's cool, no, that's a bummer, that's a bummer, you know , don't know your heroes, which one is your favorite? cartoons I don't know this is my favorite, but I think when I was a kid the most I ever saw of a cartoon was probably the powerpuff girls.
I was going to guess it was some kind of anime like Sailor Moon or I guess so. oh if we are also talking about anime, sailor moon, sailor moon about naruto, yes, because naruto came a little later, the time lord asks you if you were a superhero, what would be your superpower. Wow, okay, what would be your superpower? Yours would be a squirrel, apparently, what. Do you think I would have Kevin? Oh, will we do it for each other? Let's do it for each other. I think you would get more interesting results. Otherwise, I might say something stupid like I wish I could teleport so I wouldn't have to walk. well, that's actually what I was going to tell you the next question, how do you feel about super speed being cool?
I think I'd love to just criticize people for being really fast, so that's what I'd choose for you. you choose for me maybe the power to change someone's mind as the beginning not just as a yes or no decision do you want to go get ice cream wait wait let's try it do you want to go get ice cream yes I don't even like ice cream no Do you like ice cream oh yeah, I hate all things that are fun, how's your drawing going? It's going pretty well, I'm lining up, I'm having a good time too.
I have a great question from Ruby Artwork, I love you Ruby. artwork, how to color faster? Are there any tips and tricks you have to color a drawing faster? I'll take this. One thing I started doing here by learning from Jackie is to just duplicate my line art layer and use the paint bucket tool to fill it in now in my print media world, that's not a good way to do it because you want to do what It's called trapping and I'm not going to bore you with what trapping is but for The screen art is perfectly acceptable and is a much faster way to color.
Asami Yuzawa I love your song. If you could have contributed to any cartoon or anime, I guess in story, what would it be? It was pretty good. Wow, that's a great question. gone, I wish I'd done it myself, I wish I'd worked on it, but I was definitely born the year it came out. I'm going to go with freakazoid again, freakazoid yeah I love that guy he really informed my sense of humor what color is cthulhu what does a chat think what color cthulhu should be tell you in a minute what flavor of ice cream this should be oh yeah very important and it should have toppings if so what kind of rainbow sprinkles I mean he's like a horrible demon whatever you want like blood on top no there's no rainbow sprinkles I mean the blood just gives on target in a different way.
Hot pink seems to be at the top of the list, and mint chocolate chip is the most popular flavor here. you guys are weird jackie, do you like to draw live on the internet? It has no positive or negative effects. They are completely neutral about it. I just don't have any emotion attached. There are no emotions attached to many of the things they do. Um, yeah, I think so? your dead side you stand up a little if you look me in the eyes if you look at meclose yes if you look at me I took off my shoes oh dear, it's okay, look closely into my eyes, you can see there is no more happiness or joy, only suffering, it's okay, jackie, you. you're making the internet really uncomfortable i love this question from andrew blissat andrew bessette tells us who is your first cartoon love oh my god jackie who was your first car yugi from yugioh seriously yeah oh boy no yugi but when you turn cool geek because he's using the pyramid, whatever, yeah, I don't really remember the details, yeah, but I thought, wow, what a guy Yugi is.
I'm also sorry for everyone. I really like Gary from Pokémon. Gary Gary is like his enemy. Oh, really, yes, oh, you like it. Bad guys, yeah I like bad guys, but Yuki isn't bad, it's like he's a good guy, yeah, yeah, but he's great as a bad guy. Well, I'm going to give a very dumb answer and a very white boy-like answer. Jessica Rabbit, yes, oh my god. I hate this I'm sorry I'm done, I'm done too, I'm done How do you think you did it? I think I did wonderfully. Do you think you made the Internet?
I'm proud that you really like my drawing. No. My career is over. youtube said i can't draw that was just a joke oh look matt hesitated matt doesn't like my drawing i think it's cool he says i don't do positivity how do you think you did it right kevin definitely looks like a squirrel to me? you know what jackie they say draw what you know and I know myself and you know yourself and I know squirrels and you know squirrels I don't know squirrels I haven't actually seen many squirrels I had to look up a reference for squirrels because I don't I don't know what they look like squirrels on the top of my head, it's so much fun, why draw a squirrel from memory right now?
You have 30 seconds, okay, draw a squirrel nap, okay, acorn, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, okay, well, we'll do it. Look, yeah, we'll see, I'll put it in, he's the one who gets the ice cream, wait, what's that noise? ah, I feel uncomfortable, he's good, he's just scary, uh, I like to make you uncomfortable with my drawings, yours is adorable, thanks, you know what? when the internet suggested it I had a mental image in my head and this is pretty much what I saw. I drew the squirrel. Do you like the squirrel? Yes, your squirrel is better than mine.
You did it in about 30 seconds. Congratulations, that's what you want. listen yes I just wanted to hear that I am better than you in every way and that I am a perfect, flawless human being and I can draw literally anything without looking for references. It was that fun. Would you have done this? Oh yes, it was very fun. Let's do it again. I did it. I loved it. of the suggestions, but the fact that I could only choose one made me picky, we'll have to do it again, yes, yes, if you want more live streams, let's do some in the chat, everyone start shouting.
In the chat we received some shouts. Can we hear some bloodcurdling screams like murderous screams in the chat like you're dying of murder in the chat in the chat please why are you always going to make it weird at the end? Hey, it's Kyra, hey. I'm Stephanie, I'm Brent, my name is Jason, what are we doing today? I have no idea. Well, today we're going to do something that you guys in the comments have been asking for for a while and on today's show we're going to draw each other. wow i was wondering if this would happen oh my god okay kevin okay jackie can I draw you cute or should I draw you? oh, you draw me however you want to draw me, okay, how should I draw you?
Draw me in your style, my style. It's just me, okay, draw me in your style, but make it better so it doesn't look like me, you're difficult, Jackie, but I'll do my best. What does Jason look like? I think I'm just going to do it. I draw you looking down because that's how I remember you working on this show. You have a great smile. In fact, you have more features than me. I feel like you've done caricatures or portraits before. I've always had difficulties. time with that because people say: make me look real, like don't be afraid to make me look ugly and I say, stop, what happens if you get angry?
What if I don't give you justice? hmm, this is not, this is difficult. This is hard, yes, I should feel like I should go the cute route. I don't think I should try to draw you realistically, yeah, wait, smile, Jason, there you go, yeah, that's Jason's emoticon. Now I think it's very difficult to draw people than you. you know because you don't want to offend them because you are like that, even if you are like that, no this actually looks good or is it accurate, you are worried that they might be like this, is this really how you think I look?, yes I am. fighting was a bad idea it was a bad idea I think oh boy but we're already committed we're doing it we can't stop we're doing it you have chests here I don't think I need to see it I think You need to take your shirt off.
I need to take off my shirt. There is no other way. I'll know. This will feed into the other comments that think we are in a relationship. What people think. I have seen some. No. send it and I'll show it to him. I have shown it to my wife. I look at this and she says: Tell the comments section you were married. You are a married man. Kevin Jackie. He doesn't have much hair. That was bad. Why would you say that? she's not from the front I'm looking at you in a bra I know look I know I know I have a huge forehead so have fun have fun I have a friend who recently got married and I've been trying to draw like a portrait of him and his wife and uh I have all the bodies figured out, I have everything figured out except the faces, I just haven't been able to get the faces down at all.
I know I always end up making people just cartoons. I'm like I'm you, but this is your new face. Actually, this is kind of my nightmare because okay, I'm not good with similarities. This is how bad I am at cartoons. I'm fine, actually. I have a site, well,, where people can go and pay me five dollars to draw a terrible character. I'll send you the terrible cartoon and a written apology. You know what, Kevin, there's nothing wrong with that. You know what you're good at. I know what I'm not good at, yes, cartoons. Did you have that sketchbook from high school that's full of beautifully rendered eyes?
I made a lot of hands when I was a kid. I did a lot of epic poses with people. with fists, yeah, I mean, yeah, yeah, but that's a fun way to learn how to draw figures, is to make comic characters, yeah, so I drew that funny because, my friends would be like Jason, who can draw anything thing with muscles, yeah, just guys and their drawings of muscles, yeah. so everyone would be devastated, the big tip that changed the way I drew as a kid was uh, draw what you see, don't rely on symbols and your assumption of what something looks like, it actually takes time. to look at the subject in the face, at the features, process them as if you have never seen them before, I will draw you holding a pen, oh, because it will indicate that you are an artist and this is a portrait of a bow.
All I've ever heard is like learn the fundamentals before you break them, yeah, because I feel like yeah, a lot of people say, oh well, you're just drawing super cartoons, so you probably can, you just don't need to learn how to do it. to draw realistically, it's like no, you should because even in the simplest cartoons there is smart decision making and correct anatomy and proportions, yeah, you know, even if it looks very dark, you can still tell that the person who drew it knows how to do it. to draw we just look at each other we just look at each other we're like what are you like how do you look how do you look how I look at you every time we do this and I still don't know what you look like Jack if you had to assign me a celebrity, what celebrity would it be?
I always struggle with this. What is the guy from 500 days of summer? Joseph Joseph Gordon Levin Sign up, he has a very specific kind of Face I feel like oh, what would you decide which celebrity you would assign me? Idris Elba is just wow, don't take it back, don't take it, I want it, no, what am I doing to you? You look so weird. I'm going to draw your head a little more bulbous yes, I have a bulbous head he has a lot of veins I have a lot of things I'm sorry this just doesn't look like you this doesn't look like you either what do we do?
Shall we continue? Know? This will probably generate a lot of messages in my inbox like: Hey, can you draw me for free? Do you do a lot of cartoons? So I've been practicing drawing friends on my insta here and there, yeah, and it's been really good at capturing the essence of someone, oh someone, yeah, and it's been really awesome to work on. I'm drawing you like a Bratz doll, this is not good, okay? I'm going to put this drawing aside so you can see what I started with but I'm going to come back. I'm going to become cute.
I'm going to try it again and I think I'll make it complete. chibi full tv yes, which is not my style either, but I think I can do something more. Made you look like Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I like that you have weird eyebrows. Thanks Jackie. It's not weird physically. It's just strange to draw, they have an interesting shape, if you want, you know what they call your eyes, Kevin, how deep, really, I'm told they come out deep, soft, that's not what I want to do with my own horn, I think, I think I could have caught you, I think I got it if you're 95 years old.
Smile, I think you're already there drawing Jason. I think I caught you as the male model Brent. Wow, so just normal Brent, no, I just drew you as yours, yeah, yeah. thanks how are you jackie I mean I'm done I know you are but I'm trying to make this other one I made of you even scarier how do you think you did it? I think he made you look cute, definitely, yes, you. You're like a Disney character, honestly, he's really cute, how about me? I really enjoyed doing this. I haven't done a portrait like this in a while and it's really nice, it's like anime, it's like trying it. to be realistic and like the whisper of the heart style you look stressed kevin you look stressed this was a lot harder than i thought it was going to be yeah you came in thinking it was going to be easy lemon squeezer yeah when it was actually tea tough warty right kevin fargo true well can I be real for a second okay it's because I respect you as an artist and I don't want to disappoint you I'm going to cry enough, I mean for disappointment oh, I got them he I thought he was soft, you got me, oh my god, that's so cute, you made me so cute, wow, you really got it, wow, this is me, i love this, oh thanks man, i love this too, ah, kevin, this is really good, stop it, kevin . just the fact that it's your anime is becoming a big surprise oh that's great that's a cool style thank you I love your style too it's super expressive thank you this looks like television father jason television yeah I had a television show and he was like everyone's dad. loves, yes, these are great, I'm flattered by both of them, I will say the one on the left, although he is terrifying, he's scary, right, he's very, I'm very sorry, this is a really clever exercise.
I especially feel like you know if you can't really take life drawing classes or anything. You can just grab your friend and say sit down, I'll draw you, yeah, or have a fun drawing session like this. I love when you can invite people. and everyone can make art together I think this looks like me I think this looks like me oh you did a good job Kevin thanks I love it and you know what get rid of your website because you drew a good cartoon thanks buddy . yeah I want to give you a hug oh thank you okay this is a good thing yeah thank you man thank you I love you man you.

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