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May 09, 2020
I don't want to say that I inspired this little mini tape or whatever to release, I mean, it just so happens that I released that perfect album for Drake's video and then all of a sudden we have another, you know, little project coming. and then everything. a sudden boom, I'm not saying anything about anything, it's just uh, I don't think I've ever been more excited about a drop because it came out of nowhere, you know, I wasn't expecting it, I wasn't looking forward to it. I knew I was going to release an album sometime this year, but we're in quarantine and everything is happening.
drake   dark lane demo tapes first reaction review
I don't know when something was coming, so when this happened it spread like a little rumor or whatever, it felt real, it felt genuine. like 6 God was taking care of me. I felt a presence when I


heard that this project was going to be abandoned before confirmation came out, so I was like, yeah, this is a little unsettling right now because I don't feel like I should feel this. I'm sure this thing is actually going to come to a cave. This thing here is very invasive, but it works. We've heard the Chicago freestyle, when to say, when we hear that garbage joint with him in the future, not the D4L freestyle, we haven't heard it.
drake   dark lane demo tapes first reaction review

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drake dark lane demo tapes first reaction review...

We haven't talked about the other one, I think it was desires, there was another one here called war that I didn't like very much, it was a kind of drill from the United Kingdom inspired. I wasn't really a big fan of Drake on that bag, but I've been looking forward to the pain of 1993 or pay 19. I've been waiting for that for months. Drake is probably the only artist who can get men out of their seats and make them wait to see what he drops like women do. like The Real Housewives of Atlanta Drake is in his housewives bag right now and I like why he always sees something I've seen that I've seen he stops looking it's like he's glossing over his past it seems like he's talking about his 20s years obviously and then goes into this other rant, but at least now the vibe of this song is very spaced out and like he's remembering, like he's looking at and scrutinizing a version of his former self's modus operandi, the


drake   dark lane demo tapes first reaction review
Like, you know, no. I don't really know if he's a standard Drake at this point, you know where he talks about the guy in his life, but almost like in a wistful, wistful way, like I'm supposed to feel bad about this. , like he's not 100% sure of everything he is. talking is something that he understands, but it's something that I really don't think many of his audience can relate to right now and as far as chasing dreams, I'm sure they can relate to that struggle. that Drake might have been remembering in this song, but I don't know why it's expressed in such a melancholic way when it seems like nothing more than questions and victories, although I still like it, it's almost like I feel bad for having achieved it or something not, but that was the first clue.
drake   dark lane demo tapes first reaction review
I like it when I say win in Chicago freestyle. We've already seen my initial thoughts on that and the next one is not U2 with Chris Breezy, oh my God, no, uh, you see the way you're here: the way it came, whoa, whoa, quarantine's about to finish early, man, no, I need this key. Chris Brown is also getting a lot of hate lately. I don't know why in certain media it doesn't matter, but he is there. I've been getting hate, I mean rightfully so, so I understand the kind of person that guy is, but I'm not going to try to sit here and deny the news.
A talent like him on a track like this can literally rattle someone's brain. It's a really annoying track though because honestly Chris Brown should have been a little more prominent on this track but the track itself is great, you know what you too are a fantastic way of saying I don't want to, I don't know how say it? fantastic but it's a very good way and a short way of saying no you - you broke my heart - I thought you would never do this to me this is a little melodramatic for Drake at his age too but honestly if you propose to him the girl he You told him or the woman you told it to, you know, she said no and you just, but I mean, that's really your fault, you don't do it, but at the same time you have to take risks, you have to shoot your shots, but I mean, that's For a long time, that's not really a long shot, although if you've been good already, whatever man I'm not going to sympathize with, Great will get his heart broken again.
Okay, if this keeps happening, you need to change your approach, okay, that means just for us, but. this track is great, I love this melancholic track, there are the sound effects, it sounded like an ambulance in the background, but with a very low pitch. I know it doesn't make any sense, but it's like dun dun, like someone broke her heart. the back of a truck on the way to the hospital and while driving, he writes at the same time what never happened, but that's how I feel about this


, nocturnal Spacey environment. Chris Brown should have been more prominent, but he still shows up.
On the track to see slides we have already heard that when I enjoy watching slides a little it is not the best track in the world it is not the worst track in the world they are tolerable desires with a future I don't like that track so much The cuts with Drake and the future recently became they had escaped me, but I already explained my thoughts on those. I've just been a little lackluster and time flies is clue number seven, okay honey, well I know what the problem is. Drake just gotta think, man. and again you know there will come a point where you will literally have to make a point and make Drake the basis of your point if you don't like music like this, because if you don't, I doubt he's ever going to change it.
At this point it's like he's been specializing in this kind of AND this way for a minute, so if you don't like it right now, I don't think there's anything you can do to make you like it. I know it's a cool thing, you either like it or you don't, but if you don't like it, you can't not like one individually because there are a lot of these types of Drake tracks, but I love this one. It's not as annoying as the keke, but it still has that appeal, that little TT like everyone says it and this is Leakes, right, this is like that, just a bunch of


s, you know me, so I just caught a title Saudi I'm in.
I'm not going to let him look at my microphone at your voice, Drake, it's not happening, okay, I almost did, but it's not going to happen, we should stay to say it, so this is probably one of the first cases of a cut that It sounds pretty harsh. Pretty unfinished, but I like the idea here and I think that's what's really a good part of this tape, it's just Drake playing with more ideas that he may not have fully finished and some of them sound good. I think you know, pigeon. Sticking to a particular sound and track can leave you a little stiffer in the end, so to me Drake can sometimes sound like very low effort and very little energy on a lot of the cuts he's been releasing.
They're done 'cause he's forced himself into a certain way of rapping or a certain way of singing, once some of them hear it, it just seems like he's a little looser, a little freer, not really as calculated , you know, he just seems to come out more from the dome or coming out, you know what the word I'm looking for, he seems more genuine here, so yeah, I like those Drake covers more. I like them better when he's in his element. You know, this is based more on probably a single emotion that captured in the moment and you know, oh, I'll just do this song because I feel that way right now and I'll let my feelings speak for me instead of coming up with another good cut. , even though I landed on runway number eight, this rhythm is crazy the way the drop came in, that's crazy, what's wrong with this guy?
How does that sound? I have to listen to it again. It sounds like no, it doesn't sound. so I have to listen to it again oh no, it reminds me of a drug dealing schoolboy with a forty or is this another track, no, I can't think of it quite sure it works without those I guess, although I don't know, yes those were like some really creepy synths in the background to work with Big Sean to change that DJ Cally record from four years ago. I don't remember if that's what it was, but it's hit me, those drones are like really playing like that, right now, he's rapping like you know, the New Age rapper lo, one of those, this ain't it, it ain't it, it ain't so terrible rapping like that, it's just that it really comes out of the dome at At this point it sounds like it's coming out of the top, you know, it doesn't sound like it's very scripted, you know, and I like that to a certain extent, but then I remember that this It's like early third, you know, early 30's, like, come on, a little bit.
Better, he lost his sting pretty early because if the way Drake rapped, I think his delivery was hard, the beat was hard, but lyrically I don't think he was really there enough to be like the star player even though he was. is. it just doesn't hold up, ironically, it doesn't hold up in delivering it because his lyrics are so up in the air they just don't mean much, they're pretty bland, so it's okay, but again it could have been better d4l this. is the freestyle Future posted with Dracon and the young thug, so let's see how this sounds.
Everybody go so crazy, oh my god, oh that's how I feel, bro, like the way, the way, even though it was just the way you are, I totally messed up the melody on that, what song was I trying to sing controlling all this? You're about to go crazy. I don't really care about anyone else on this beat. The bully is about to


lish this runway. Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. man I'm so happy right now at this very moment, even in quarantine, okay, we have two weeks left, okay, if there's an extension, I'm leaving. I like it, I love everything that's happening right now.
It's a big cause for concern right now. Drake is not equipped to the same level as the thug, the mix is ​​a little off and I can listen to it and it really bothers me and I don't like it, although the song is great so far, but that's the part that's there. This really bothers me a lot, the bully should have gone first before everyone else, there shouldn't have been a hook or a chorus at the beginning or whatever the future was, he should have been last, discreet or just doing the hook, and the bully should have been first.
Verse like that again. I like it, although it has a lot more potential and I would have loved to hear Thug in most of the future. He had a really great last verse. Drake was doing pretty well again. It's just the mix that really was. bothering me, I had to change the ears. I had to almost change my ears to adapt to Drake's voice and then adjust back to thug when he came on. I know it's not really like that, I probably won't screw it up. someone else and that's fine, it doesn't ruin it for me.
It's just very small but it's very big at the same time. The thing worried about his lyrics from the springshot he shared the future, it was literally just a freestyle so I wasn't really expecting it. too much, but yeah, I definitely think I would have loved it to have had a little more personality on that track, but the beat is crazy. You know, his deliveries are pretty good, so I don't really have much to say negatively about it. light, but those few things really stopped it from being an amazing track for me, but it's great, it really is, so it's still a big pain. 90-93 is the moment I've been waiting for for months.
I heard this for the first time. a snippet in a small SoundCloud link. I think maybe three, maybe four months ago, and when it first came out I heard Drake on the hook and I thought it sounds like the car you'd make, but it actually sounds good. with that, you know, it doesn't sound bad and it sounds like a rhythm born from a period from what I remember. I'm not sure I'll keep the others oiled while I try to leave. I'm telling you, buddy, I'm just leaving. I love this delivery vocally, he's not really changing his inflections like that, but it goes, there's just a constant energy given to the hit, even if it's flat, it's not moving in any particular direction.
I love that this shot has consistent energy so far. I love it. which I just do, that's one of my highlights for the leek that I was listening to about three months ago and I just heard him say, I put a little ice on one hand, I'll put a little ice here, I put a little ice on everything. I was listening and listening no way this man can screw this up okay I've been waiting for this for too long already I really like the track whatever car he makes he can't do much worse this is or should be his bag so I really don't think you shouldn't be able to tackle this with flying colors, you're not doing terrible from what I've just heard a little bit so far, but let's look at Snicket's crap.
Sorry, it's garbage. Bro, all you had to do was go with the same momentum that Drake gave to the song, you had to match his beat, okay, even if you wanted to completely change your vocal inflection and sound like a baby had diaper rash, which is exactly what you sound like you could, legitimately could have sped up your flow, given you a little more energy whileYou do whatever you're doing, improvisations make you feel unconventional, so your voice is a little squeaky, it's by not matching the tone of the beat, it takes its toll, you have a completely different and separate flow from the real one, like following yourthe atmosphere feels bad like i just don't understand the man like and this is his bag this is his


sounds like peter was born sounds like a cardi track yeah i said cardi couldn't screw it up and he couldn't but i I skip his part every time I come to this song, man they gotta do on this what they did with the young thug with ecstasy and he got to Machine Gun Kelly, he pulls out his verse from track number 11, it's a waste, let's listen when you asked lovingly.
Good man, I'm really liking this, I think Drake is really in his element right now, catching vibes, catching his momentum, catching his highs and you know, just living in his aesthetic a little more than before, it doesn't sound as polished. not as refined even though this track sounds a little cleaner, closer to what I would normally do, it doesn't sound as polished and it makes it seem like it, but it's a little more genuine in the studio, I thought about it and decided to put it out there. with the clue, oh I'm trying to show the salaries, there's no taxi, you're so cheesy with that line, but it's a good thing, like I feel you, but shut up, I could never be the one to stop them when they arrive.
You get too into your pride and do things that you started to make people feel are unnecessary and unnecessary, but I don't need a really big deal relationship-wise trying to get people to know you. It is not necessary not to say that I do not want you around, just to say that my day will continue to be my day with or without you. You know what I'm saying and I think that's what he's trying to convey here. and I guess this is just an LED pointing at the game, you know, it is what it is, there's another one tomorrow, you know what I'm saying, I do it for the grass, not the ground, keep saying my style, now we are, do you can you imagine?
I meant that it's a little ironic to say that you did it without dramatic acting when you started out as an actor? This isn't one of those stories that has three alternating stars and you never wrote those last three bars they were like corn after corn after corn I like the song, no, but I like it What did he say something about the wave cover again? You dismissed me and never responded, he said something before that. I was like, bro, stop following, yeah, but Drake is pretty clear on this track. um, I don't know who he's talking about, but I like again, if you're not into this wave, you're not going to like the track, you know, I don't think that's going to change.
Truck number twelve is from Florida with love, that's crazy. I've never talked about that robbery, I don't remember any of the details about it, it really changed the way it moves and now it hasn't happened, so people should know that if they know what happens, I would assume it would be. the last person you ran into not because you think he's going to kill you or something, but just because he's probably protecting himself now at this point, so you know, that's always nice to know that you can let people know that I'm a threat, but I'm not trying to be a threat, no, the rest of the hike is a bit of a blur, but honestly, this track is easily superior to more life, its two top views are this project, superior to more life views, courts a scorpion, all that.
I know I wouldn't put it as high as I want to say, honestly this is higher and more fun than thanking me later. I would actually put it on par with what that is, what that album is. I put it closer to nothing being the same if you. Rereading this is too late, you know, it was probably like it was for the best, but here you know, I feel like he's just letting it out, you know, I don't really think about it too much. I think you know some of these don't need to know as long as they need that previous track for example I think he got most of the points he needed to get across in the first verse and that probably could have been an internal loop that could have been.
That probably could have been the last song because I already heard War. I don't know why War is on this album. Demons with 5eo and I think a freestyle song I like the little heavenly effect they got. on top of this track even though it sounds a bit dirty, it sounds a bit boring, it doesn't sound like a major drill but it is a bit influenced by the drill, other than that I don't think the track does that. a lot, but yeah, it's got this ghostly celestial effect or this or around it, although it's a little dirty, but uh, yeah, I mean, quite a hit.
I'm going to listen to the war one more time just to see if there's any change, but if not then I'll give my last thoughts, yeah he had a low accent but uh yeah this is Drake with a


and lonely tape, something that I forgot what his name was and that he's already easily nicer than everything he is. published in the last three years, four years, actually, as far as previous projects go, this is a lot more fun than everything else you've been putting out, mainly because it doesn't sound, calculate it to me, it's not as refined, It's a little dirty. or it's a little more in the moment, it seems like there were areas of Drake's brain or his thought process that were just captured briefly and without really trying to create this whole album that's almost 20 or 30 tracks and trying to make it.
I like them. I guess it revolves around a particular sound, it's not a dumb record with B-sides, you know, all he does is sing on which on a psy record, all he does is rap here, it seems like he took , you know, items that people would probably use. they came out in droves and you know, they decided to do vibes and little wavy tracks with them, none of the tracks really seemed to mean much, a lot of them just captured Drake on some of his best bags and I think he capitalizes on that, I think makes tracks that are a little more enjoyable the features here don't really do much for me other than maybe young thug in the future.
He didn't need the cardi ver because he didn't add anything or any extra to the track. ASAP took away some of the enjoyment and some of the momentum that Drake had already given to the track, so it felt slow and grating for a moment listening to his voice listening to the cut at or near the end with I think 5e and in sauce. It wasn't terrible, I mean, they adapted to the vibe of the track and carried the wave a little bit. unnecessary future own desires. He really didn't need them like that bully. I think I would have liked to see more personality shown on d4. or I think that's the track that's the name of the track as far as the rest of these cuts go, they're all nice, I think these are probably some of Drake's best moments, even if they were cleaned up.
I think I'd still like a bit of Chris Brown as a feature. I really would have loved to see him shine a little more, although I think Drake as a singer was able to pull it off on his own and didn't need Chris Brown, so I like the idea or the feeling that Drake felt safe enough within of his own vocal abilities to handle that track himself even with someone like Chris Brown around, yeah, those uh, those last few cuts, right? I didn't think they were too crazy, but yeah, I mean, I like this, I like this album or this little Lucy thing, it sounds like a good compilation, much more pleasant, tolerable, palatable and consumable than more life and I think Frank It's in his bag here, you know, he captured some of his best moments and I made songs out of them, without trying to do too much and it turned out pretty good, you know, this is something I like.
I will definitely come back to this project, I will release the vinyl for the police and I will probably do it. Cutting like this is good, you know, I think I'll come back to some of these, so Drake, whatever the name of this tape, thanks for watching, see you next time and I'm at peace, okay?

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