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Dragon Ball GT vs Dragon Ball Super | The Anatomy of Anime (Review)

May 20, 2024
Dragon Ball GT vs Dragon Ball Super which is a better series okay so first a little context for those of you who are new since I started this channel in 2015 I've had a bit of a joke going on. he brought out the GT in Dragon Ball GT more or less like this to say that the fans of the mini GT didn't like it and started talking bad in the comments over and over again. Now this was mostly a joke, but they were right to an extent, even though it was a joke. It also came from a really negative feeling.
dragon ball gt vs dragon ball super the anatomy of anime review
It had four GTs while in the air. I really thought I was going to ruin my favorite TV show, but keep in mind I was also 12 when I said this. I was a little dramatic, so I actually gave up around episode 14 to never watch the series again, or so I thought. Fast forward to January 2020. I had just finished


ing the Dragon Balls movies past and present and was almost ready to get back on track and That's when I noticed more comets than there had been in the past appearing on YouTube and Twitter asking me to finally


Dragon Ball GT and that's when I got an idea of ​​what would happen if I reviewed Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super. ending with a big final review where I decided once and for all which one I preferred, fast forward a few more months and many, many reviews later, it brings us to today's video, a video I've wanted to make for quite some time, which I've expected to fulfill and now I'm ready to tackle and write today.
dragon ball gt vs dragon ball super the anatomy of anime review

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dragon ball gt vs dragon ball super the anatomy of anime review...

I'll look at which series I think works best as a Dragon Ball story and what I think is the


ior sequel from 1996 is Dragon Ball GT or Dragon Ball Super from 2015. Let's find out, so first from the top I want to say that what I loved and What you liked about Dragon Ball will obviously influence the decisions made at the end and throughout this video, so if the things you like about Dragon Ball are different than mine. Chances are you'll disagree in some way with the conclusion of this video, and that's totally fine with what's been said.
dragon ball gt vs dragon ball super the anatomy of anime review
I'll try not to make meaningless general statements. Any decision you make or claim you make. I'll try to explain my answer and come back. Improve my thinking with examples and reasoning as best you can, so let's start with our first question: which series got off to the best start. I think it goes without saying that this section could very easily be retitled by which one had the least bad first start. dark, but let's take a closer look first. Dragon Ball Super is the first darkness and it absolutely had its advantages. I thought it did a decent job of establishing key characters Goku, Vegeta Wiese, and Beerus as they go through their lives and eventually come into conflict with each other.
dragon ball gt vs dragon ball super the anatomy of anime review
Also, there is in Sometimes some decent humor in the arc and on top of all that, I found the fight with Beerus in certain episodes to be clearly more fun and enjoyable compared to the movie and manga interpretations that delve deeper and explore more into the dynamic of Goku and Beerus. That's part of the biggest problem with this arc, it's a remake of a pre-existing movie. Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods was released in 2012 and Dragon Ball Super Battle of Gods was created in 2015, which resulted in the vast majority of people initially watching the show being very familiar with the story already being told despite of minor changes here and there, plus due to crippling time constraints, the OE animation staff had very little time to create this arc which produced the animation and many of these firsts.
The episodes were tragic to say the least, despite these substantial problems, the final fight with Beerus was largely absent of all these transgressions. On the other hand, the first two episodes of Dragon Ball GT did a fantastic job of setting up the plot quickly and establishing the key character's personality circumstances and motivations for the next adventure specifically had some fantastic introductions to its story, probably the strongest of all the introductions between these two series so far, plus the entire first arc and subsequent arcs of Dragon Ball GT are completely unique upon airing. This story has never been seen before in any of the movies, in my opinion, as far as the suspense and mystery of the narrative, assuming that's what they really wanted to achieve with it, which is more, given that the show started right after the ending of Dragon Ball.
Z, the staff in charge of the animation, and the overall aesthetic remained largely consistent, which meant that Dragon Ball GT remained visually good and Z-friendly throughout its first park; However, that being said, I really didn't like the first arc of Dragon Ball GT and what I mean is that I hated Dragon Ball GT its first part with a passion that burns, probably friend building swords. It doesn't make sense for him to get close to anything. I could even pretend I was interested in the first arc of Dragon Ball GT. It might even have been my Least Favorite Thing I've Seen in Dragon


, Except Dude, if it hadn't been for that awards episode towards the end of the arc that focused on Buddha Orgill and the panorama in the desert, no I know what I would have done, but I actually did it.
I liked that episode probably because it wasn't connected to the story of the show's first arc in any way. I know I mentioned before that something that might have been in its favor was that it was telling a unique story and that's true. but I'd rather see a bad retelling of an average story than see a confusing retelling of what to me is a terrible story, fortunately although things do improve and change radically at this point in GT, it's too little too late for make the images look good. GT, the first two episodes did a lot of good, but these aspects are not enough to save it from what for me is a totally boring first arc, which is why I was able to give Super the best opening ever even though it is nothing new and the images most of the time melt before my eyes, it was never as boring as GTS first and the instances of fun I found in the


s first arc far surpass that of GTS first for me which has better action I deliberated on this particular section for quite some time, not because the answer wasn't obvious to me, but because I wanted to make sure I was covering all my bases, the quality of action of a particular show, especially a 2D animated series , since the action depends greatly on the quality of the overall direction of the animation.
Direction includes things like storyboarding and overall shot composition. It may not seem too important to some of you, but shot composition is the difference between making a live fight boring or exciting. Shot composition and editing specifically is what makes editors like Edgar Wright so successful. are and what makes animated sequences like the ones in no Toshi schita look as amazing as they do, yes it looks cool but have you ever thought about what makes it look cool? It's the overly exaggerated angles, the massive expressions and the timing of the sequences, knowing when to do it. a close-up and moved on to a medium and long shot, taking into account the context of the scene and the integrity of the characters.
There is so much to consider when talking about the visuals of an action scene that even that ignores the narrative element of an action scene which to me is one of the most important components to making them compelling. Dragon Ball GT as I mentioned above is easily the more visually consistent of the two and Dragon Ball Super really felt like it was barely floating in that department during the first 40% of the series I draw attention to all of these variables because I want everyone Know that making this decision was not something I didn't think much about, but I made a Dragon Ball decision. super for me, without reservation, it has the best most interesting action sequences.
I say this not because I think the animation in Dragon Ball GT is that the action sequences were lame or that Dragon Ball GT didn't have some spectacular action sequences, but rather thinking about the time I spent watching it. Of the two series, not a single fight in GT's first arc stands out to me. I personally found the Super 17 fight overly mixed and uninteresting and I have similar feelings towards the majority of the Shadow Dragon saga. That being said, I loved many of them. the action provided by baby Saga Goku's fight with general arundo, baby Gohan against Vegeta, as well as some action scenes with Goten, are really interesting to me, but then I didn't really enjoy the final battle with the baby, since again everything seemed very safe and for the most part fighting a giant ape gets really old really fast.
Additionally, there wasn't much interest in the visual direction of the animation or even the narrative direction. The most memorable shock for me of the entire series though has to be the Spirit Bomb at the end, the color used and the way it's drawn feels very satisfying to look at and is literally the only instance of GT that in my opinion free time I have decided to look for fun keeping all that in mind when I think. About Dragon Ball Super, I can think of a number of compelling action moments: Goku's fight with Beerus in episodes 11 and 14.
Goku and Vegeta's training with Wiese. Goku vs. Frost. Goku vs. Vegeta beaten. Frieza vs. Mole Goku vs. Journey I could easily speak to the high level of quality and variety and honestly, some of these are spectacular to me. Dragon Ball Super despite getting off to a rocky start when it comes to animation as the series progressed to the highest heights of the series. It would visually replace any episode of Dragon Ball GT and I would even say that Dragon Ball Z episode 130 of Dragon Ball Super has more impressive movement and animation than any other episode in the entire franchise, plus all these better fights within Super. left a lasting impression on me, unlike the best of Dragon Ball GT, naturally, however that could largely be because I was exposed to one product more than the other and that's a very fair argument, but it really doesn't.
I can control that, however, there is one thing. What influences the success of a particular fight scene for many of us is how effective our antagonists are in a particular story, so for the next section let's look at Dragon Ball GT and the super villains and antagonists, which series were better , but like in the previous section, I thought. This was going to be a cakewalk for Dragon Ball Super, but after reviewing the series, even though there are more antagonists, I enjoyed the GT in Super. I think GT has a very good argument for having the best antagonist when looking at the side of the two series. side by side while I didn't really like super 17 and didn't enjoy shadow


s and well lude makes me want to eat my face baby it's very much a fantastic diamond in the middle of a sea of ​​moments difficult, but what's more, is that when taken from the antagonist within Dragon Ball Super, there was really only one name that came up to challenge, baby, for me, no punching, not even Frieza, and definitely not Jiren, Goku Black, and while I could easily choose to include Omashu in this equation with Goku Black, I have said in the past that I think Zuma Soo is clearly different than Black in the way he acts and speaks most of the time, so I have Decided to go with the stronger character of the two in this case, so who's a better antagonist, baby? or Black Goku, well, from the beginning, baby, it's a really creative concept and Black Goku, well, let's be honest, isn't that the idea of ​​an evil Goku?
He appears to be, at first glance, overly simplistic and uninspired, furthermore, his appearance is not foreshadowed. or something like that in a previous arc, it just comes out of nowhere as something completely new that makes it feel very tagged and published rather than something that was premeditated and planned. I mean this when I talk about the concept, not the practice. I'll talk about that in a second. On the flip side, I really find GT's baby character baffling, and while it feels derivative of you and Sal, you combined the concept of a parasite designed for the TOEFL who wants revenge for the sands they took over.
Its entire world is not only creative but extremely well integrated and, most importantly, believable within the new continuity, making it once again feel like a much larger story than a segmented story. That being said, I think the dialogue scenes that Black takes forgiveness from really steal the Show Me What I See from his big reveal to the end, revealing more information about where he comes from through his truck torment. He is definitely the character who possesses more charisma of the two. The baby is not bad, but he felt very well. all the most generic parts of a Dragon


Z villain, what he talked about, so with that in mind, it all depends on which one you think he carries more weight.
Honestly, I'm a little undecided. They both have their ups and downs, but one thing I will do. What I'm saying is that I didn't really like the final transformation of the baby in GT, while in Super I understand very well how the ma suit merged intoIn all their easy purple splendor, on top of all this, both forms are fantastic. by visual storytelling and neither of them get the recognition they deserve, so I'll do that right now: the giant baby ape and the crazed black monster and Samus will become our perfect representations and physical manifestations of their negative arc that goes out of control. control in others.
In words, these forms create instances where these antagonists become exactly what they hated. In the case of Goku Black, he does not become a beautiful, perfect, divine entity, but rather a crazy, horrifying, ugly maniac hell-bent on destroying life itself and, with the baby, was designed to be the answer to the evil Saiyan who he mistakenly conquered their worlds but ended up being exactly what he was designed to protect others from a monstrous alien force intent on crushing an earth that is not their own. I love this about these two characters and even though I don't like aspects of both of them - I think of Goku with black salt with his feet when he cut off Trump's butt or it seems more visually interesting than what GT did and even though I know it doesn't make sense for Trump do that, there were many cases in the ending: the final defeat of the baby that doesn't make sense either and didn't seem that interesting, but then again, Goku's black arc has the worst ending of the entire series.
Honestly, this is the hardest decision I've made so far. They are both great in different ways and horrible in others. but in the interest of being fair, I think at this point Baby as an antagonist offered a lot of opportunities to create unique encounters in the arc he led the charge through and was certainly used effectively for most of the air and what I think It's black Goku. She offered a lot of that. I think what the baby offered was much more unique and inspired in comparison. He was injured. Let's do something a little easier. Now something a little lighter.
Something I'm sure won't lead to a massive discussion in the comments section. Let's talk about which show had the best music. I want the album to show that before I get into this, I love the scores for Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super, while the music for Supers left a lot to be desired at the beginning of the series. Exactly the same breezes that the animation suffered from the beginning as the series began to move forward in the story, it found its footing in the second half of the series with clues and various motifs surrounding the second fool as my personal favorites and the always shocking blue Super Saiyan. feet, but despite loving the tracks from the second half of Sumitomo's Dragon Ball super catalogue, I can't seem to help my clear preference for what Dragon Ball GT offers in terms of music, variety, and the magnificent flutes and trumpets that they offer. a natural but distinct continuation of the original Kikuchi Dragon Ball score and that's not even talking about the GTS theme song.
I know I'm not talking, I'm talking about this, the various light motifs surrounding this particular piece of music that the show chose represent adventure and friendship to me never get old and culminate at the end where they always make me cry. It has this wonderfully nostalgic quality and feels distinctly like Dragon Ball. The easy winner of this section for me is Dragon Ball GT and The next step is the characterization of which series did the most for its characters. Dragon Ball GT actively did nothing with any of its characters in terms of character development. She wouldn't be an obvious, obvious candidate for a potential character actress if Ian's show was written panoramic. a tough, headstrong but naive girl who begged to develop a more complete vision of the character that appreciates what it really takes to be a true hero of the land like her grandfather and earn the respect of her family and friends in the process, but the rookie has to throw all that out the window so he can cause problems for Goku in the story because nothing in the show could satisfy that particular writing need for them, oh wait instead of mascot and Dragon Ball Super has stupid super Goku where Se He'll actively annoy people who aren't paying attention to him and forget crucial parts of the game plan just to create artificial tension for a scene because the writers couldn't come up with anything a little more creative.
I think it's safe to say that. Both have their own low points and disappointments in this particular section, but alas, I have to pick one. Dragon Ball GT features very few new characters. I suppose in some way we are reintroduced to individuals like Trunks and Goten, but they both actually do very little in the section. In Trump's case I found him pretty bland and was essentially only there to carry Goku around the place and make technological magic happen, at least when Bulma did it she was an active character with agency while Trunks is in largely a silent man who holds nothing back. character who reacts to things that happen to him instead of causing the plot.
The only new recurring character really was Butyl and while I really liked him later in the show, he's just a little flickering light in the middle of an ocean of darkness, another character I enjoyed. much more than I thought she would do in GT was the goat in her lady assassin character, it's an oddly cool fit for him and I was interested in seeing more from and beyond the brief glimpse as we ended up getting, but surprise, surprise, no We got nothing more, unfortunately. I have to give this section to Dragon Ball Super because at least they tried to deliver moments that eventually led to something for their respective characters.
GT didn't even try the cases where we got to see Vegeta training Kaba or the younger guy ridiculously fast. Gohan's development was able to experience the tournament of power and it led to some wonderful interactions in the endgame. On top of all that, the conversations that Frieza participated in from before his participation in the tournament until its conclusion are not only highlights of this super series but also the entire Dragon Ball franchise for me, so surprising and disappointing, I easily claim that Dragon Ball Super did more for its characters than GTD and so on until the next section, which works better as a continuation of the story, there are two ways to interpret In this question, should I look at how the arcs of the given series Did they inform and create the foundation for later arcs or should I look at the difference in the story created for your metanarrative as it progressed, but before we discuss that I want to mention something?
I'm sure it will be mentioned in the comments section. The fact that Dragon Ball Super had two tournament-focused arcs won't be something I compare to the series that the original Dragon Ball TV show ran for one hundred and fifty-three episodes. and three of the acts were tournament-based, so I wanted to make it clear that I'm not applying any special standards to Dragon Ball Super other than what I would apply to the rest of the series, since Dragon Ball has a long history of arcs from the tournament and I enjoy them all for one reason or another, but I'm rambling on which one I think is a better continuation of the story.
Well, this is difficult simply because the story each series attempts to tell occupies a different area of ​​the Dragon Ball timeline. GT takes place long after the events of the end of Dragon Ball Z with Goku facing off in the world tournament and Super begins just after the events of the Buu sagas finish trying to complete the missing part of the timeline between the arc of Buu and the ending of Z. Then, from the beginning, I have major problems with the approach both series have taken and substantial advantages in favor of each. First of all, Dragon Ball Super I thought did a much better job of continuing the tone of Dragon Ball Z in its previous narrative. eventually establishing her own voice gradually along the way, while the segmented and disjointed nature of her arcs really left a lot to be desired regarding this particular issue in Dragon Ball GT, the first act informs the events of the second and third. reports the events of the finale.
Substantial efforts were made during the development of GT to tie together the events of GT and make it feel like a larger story. This is the same philosophy implemented in the Z arcs, such as the Anomic and Android arcs, however, in saying that Dragon Ball GT despite having a direct continuation of Dragonball Z in 1996, is a completely different type of program since the In the beginning, while yes, Dragonball's original run focuses on adventure and somewhat episodic storytelling, I also wasn't burdened by having to go on and on. from anything else, and so while Dragonball Z's Saiyan Saga is clearly different from the beginning of Dragonball, it wasn't a jarring change in focus because they had spent two previous arcs dealing with themes and circumstances that allowed the change to take place.
It felt much more natural. Nothing about going from the end of Z to GT felt natural to me personally, just an extremely jarring toll change and so, even though I don't really like it, Dragon Ball Super took a bit of a hit compared to GT and Titan , there are arcs together that I personally found cool. It will be a much less jarring experience going from Z to Dragon Ball Super and that brings us to the final segment, which series delivered the best ending. This speed, the section I actually spent the most time on, as I kept going back and forth, but in the end I finally had to make a decision.
Both intellectual properties have incredibly strong but very different approaches to how they conclude their respective series and I love these two final episodes, but for very different reasons, first of all, I can hear some of you already stating that. The end of Dragon Ball Super is not really definitive and to that I say that right now the series is over. Dragon Ball Z also didn't have a definitive ending per se, so having a definitive ending is something completely unique to GT. Again, I would still say Z has an ending as that would make it cool, so how are they different?
GT provided plenty of closure to conclude the meaningful relationships Goku built throughout his life and concluded in a touching farewell as he watches his descendants fight in a world tournament before leaving and being greeted by a montage of the series' best moments. Dragon Ball Super. On the other hand, it gave us an incredibly action-packed emotional conclusion to what the arc and the series itself had built up. while giving us a slightly less emotional farewell before sprinkling a little nostalgia at the end and saying goodbye considering these two wonderful endings that worked best as the finale of their respective series for me.
Dragon Ball Super did it now here Mia. Absolutely. I love what they did with Dragon Ball GT. I've probably seen it hundreds of times in one form or another, but the super ending works so well because of the super storytelling, while the GTS ending works so well because of Dragon Ball. Z and absolutely not for Dragon Ball GT, so why do I think so? Dragon Ball GT is a final episode that focuses on emotional goodbyes. Vegeta Piccolo and Krillen receive emotional farewells from Goku during these farewells. No one thinks of anything significant that GT contributed to. his relationships with Goku, since those cases didn't really happen in GT and that's not even a controversial thing for me to say, since none of these characters, despite being significant to Goku, played virtually no role in the entire Dragon series Ball GT and why not Significant new relationships had been established between Goku and anyone else in GT when it came time to assign and structure the character scenes for the finale, the choices were obvious, plus the final montage that ends the series It's original Dragon Ball through and through with very little.
GT almost like they didn't want to lean into the fact that GT existed to me, this seemed like they were trying to feel like the natural continuation of the series, but as I stated above, the change in tone and what the series is. was trying to look for from the beginning was incredibly different from Dragon Ball Z in this particular section, super takes it because it delivered an incredibly effective ending that couldn't have existed without Dragon Ball Super, while Dragon Ball GT's ending was specifically designed before The series as a creation revealed by the producers of Dragon Ball GT, meaning that it did not rely on its own merits to be effective, but on the writing of another better series on the original Dragon Ball over the past few months.
I have taken the time to clearly illuminate my tastes. and what I don't like about these two series, they both have their substantial ups and downs and they are both incredibly different. The explanations I have given today could easily be arguments in favor of Dragon Ball GT to another individual, however, in my personal opinion, Dragon Ball Super strikes me as the stronger of the two shows for the many reasons I outlined today and during The last few months I've had a lot of problems with both series, as I'm sure many of you have them too or maybe don't love them. both equally in any sense, whatever your position, maybe it should be the only thing you care about and with that being said, I hope you found this videoentertaining and worth the wait.
I tried my best to be as direct and clear as possible about my thought process. I possibly could and I hope I have lived up to your expectations, but that will do it for this week. I hope you had fun and thank you very much for watching a lot, see you next week.

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