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Drag Race: 1,000hp BMW M3 vs 1,000hp Tesla Model S Plaid

Jun 18, 2024
This is a Tesla Model S one of the fastest cars on the planet 1.20 horsepower 3 electric motors and it doesn't reach 60 in less than 2 seconds maybe you remember that we let a Porsche Tyan and an Audi RS rron GT try to beat to this car on a track.


and let's just say it didn't end well wow oh my god oh oh R he's in front of me oh actually I'm winning I'm actually winning I'm not winning oh my word that ter Tesla that car is so fast look Jesus that's crazy. So today we are going to let the gasoline have a taste and we have put it into something very special, a BMW M3 competition, but not just any M3 competition, that thing has been heavily modified by Tom Wrigley's performance. 1,039 horsepower, so this should be a very close


, 2,000 horsepower and a lot of things that could go wrong, well, let's talk to the man himself, shall we?
drag race 1 000hp bmw m3 vs 1 000hp tesla model s plaid
Tom, thanks for bringing that blue monster of yours. What have you really done to him? Yes. First of all, thank you for inviting us to the channel, it is an absolute pleasure to be here, so yes, this is the G80 M3 stage 3 that we have built for r44 performance, we built it together, it features the main class package of stage three water basically in these. cars, so the main features are a built engine that we build in-house in our shop, with some pure hybrid turbos, a CSF cooling package along with a full Grail exhaust. Today we're going to be using ethanol, so we'll be getting the full 1.39 horsepower and I can't wait to see what it's going to do.
drag race 1 000hp bmw m3 vs 1 000hp tesla model s plaid

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drag race 1 000hp bmw m3 vs 1 000hp tesla model s plaid...

It will be amazing. It looks quite subtle. I like the way you've done it. You haven't gone too far on that. but presumably it sounds pretty good, can you give it a little throttle when the valves open? They sound pretty epic but yeah every style up to r44 does an epic job it has a nice clean look but with lots of nice carbon sub parts and um yeah we let the numbers do the talking speaking of which have you raced a quarter mile running that before? Yeah, so this car was finished just in time to make it to the final races of the season at Santa Pod, uh, so in a fully prepared surface form, it won't hit 6 in a dead 2 seconds and a quarter mile time. from 9.3 um to 4 45 mph.
drag race 1 000hp bmw m3 vs 1 000hp tesla model s plaid
I think it was so it can definitely move today. I don't think we're going to reduce that power. Which would have been a little greasy? But we'll see. It will be very interesting, obviously both cars have the same challenges to compete with, so it will be very interesting. OK dude. I saw you had the lid on, so I'm. I'm going to do the exact same thing because this is going to be quick, so if you're ready we'll do it, yeah, let's do it. I feel like I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders from all the oil fans.
drag race 1 000hp bmw m3 vs 1 000hp tesla model s plaid
Here, so let's see what we can do for them. Now I'm quite nervous. I don't actually know if I want to win against that car, but we got the pinnacle of electric performance, certainly, in a mass market. Sand, against the pinnacle of gas mileage. It's been modified a lot, so normally my Tesla now says I need 19 minutes to reach peak performance, but we're not going to listen to that, we're just going to run it anyway because let's be realistic in the real world. We're not going to sit there for 19 minutes so we're going to run it the first time on a cold battery because we had warmed it up to be fair but now it's cooled down again while we were chatting and it wants 19 minutes again but we're going to run it and see what happens, yeah, okay buddy, okay, boost 3 2 1, come on, okay, you're off to a good start.
I'm actually with him, he's pulling away a little. In fact, I know he's pulling. he pulls away quite a bit and he's about two car lengths ahead we're doing 150 mph and he's gaining, he's actually left me behind, he's actually left me behind, so the first round on gas I'll say he wasn't on Peak Performance, but it was about A second gap in that good race, although Tom, how did it feel? Yes, the wheels slipped a lot. I mean, normally these cars shift automatically in the launch sequence, but I didn't really know what to do, I think the wheels. it just spread so violently that it just, um, yeah, it got a little mixed up with the gears, but yeah, it was still ridiculous.
I mean, I think he added the


and then still ran a 9 9.74 miles, so it's not bad at all. In fact, it's in pretty bad shape, it's worth noting that our finish line is in the middle half mile. Mark the M3 did the fourth mile in a 9.7 while the Plaid managed a 10.2 and a half second back, but we know both cars can do better, so I set out to get there. my battery is in the correct operating window and my tires are getting hot. Tom, whose M3 just so happened to use msten Pilot Sport 4S rubber identical to that on the Tesla, decided to do the same once we were both happy, we reconvened for another run, okay mate, boost 3 2 1, go better. we start and leave it oh yeah I'm going to keep running it this was so much better oh yeah we're doing 150 160 165 over the line and it's 11 1 the Tesla is back it had a terrible launch so obviously this I would say not this It's 100% fair, but I'm still drinking that Victory Tom.
What happened to the bad launch? Yeah, he literally just spun all four wheels the whole way, so I don't know, I'm not. I'm going to make too many excuses, but it definitely seemed a little wet on my end, okay, let's call it 1 one and give it one more chance, hopefully, it can get a perfect launch because my car is still happy and uh, we and We'll see what happens, okay buddy, unfortunately Tom's car wasn't happy, he decided he needed to go out to fill up with fuel and not just any regular fuel to unleash its full power.
I needed things that you can't really buy at a gas station. station soon enough, although we were ready to run it again and this would decide who was really faster, okay boost 3 2 1, I'm actually in the lead right now, he's right behind me, this is very very close , is not closing the gap. as fast as I could expect, he's still there, he's still there, I'm not pulling anymore and oh my goodness there's a tie on the line that's so close, the Tesla stopped pulling about 50 yards from the end. I got to practically top speed um, it stopped accelerating and then that M3 just came back Tom, uh, that was a great race, good launch.
I'm happy with mine on the line. I have no idea who won, what do you think oh man it was an epic race. literally, um, yeah, I don't know, it was close. I think really, man, you'd have to go back to the cameras on that one, but yeah, that was absolutely epic. I think it was a true representation of both cars. Yes, definitely, okay, photo. finish, it was exciting, well, we'll take a look and see who won and then, yeah, I'll have champagne. On the ice, I'm pretty confident with that, oh man, my heart is racing, it was epic, I was literally neck and neck. all the way there um it's just yeah it's amazing to see how two completely different cars are doing the same things really well.
I'm going to talk to the cameraman and see if he can give me a clue as to what might have happened I have no idea, yeah, I have no idea, yeah, okay, cool, we'll look, we'll look back, I have no idea, it seems like it seems a tie from what I can see, here's the story of the race that went through a total of half a mile to the flag, the Tesla got off to a slightly better start and started to pull gently with the M3 losing ground with each gear change. March. When we reached the quarter mile marker near the plains, the Tesla was ahead completing the quarter mile in 9.7 seconds, the M3 was a tenth behind as we continued to the half mile marker at higher speeds, the Plaid seemed to reach its V-Max and stopped accelerating, at which point the M3 passed to take into the wind by a meter, could it be the Model S


The track pack with its much higher top speed has taken the win, maybe one day we'll find out, but for now here's the rolling race, here we go, we cross the line and go, okay, it's actually moving away slightly from me, oh God. God yes you see it's actually using extra horsepower that's where the horsepower tells me I stopped pulling now at 165 that's where the Tesla reaches its top speed it certainly seems in this mode because it stops Pull after 165 and the BMW takes the lead. race, I mean, I think he might have been a little ahead of me on the line when we started, but he wouldn't have caught up.
He was ready for you, buddy, yeah, I'm really happy with that. I think you could have been a little further ahead. in front of me at the start, but I wasn't catching you in any way because I hit my V-Max around 165, I stopped accelerating basically and you were pulling all the way, okay buddy, I could do one more if you wanted, but um If you're happy with that, that's fine with me, yes, totally happy with that, but we had one more event to run, what goes fast must stop, so it was time for a rest test. 3 2 1 break, look at that, well, there seems to be a bit of a gap between us.
Do you think that was acceptable? Are you happy with that? Yes. M. I am. I think to be fair. I guess I always thought that was going to end a little better if I'm honest. enough man I don't think we're going to get much better than that that's interesting I didn't think the Tesla would blow up the M3 but um I mean the pictures don't lie so yeah I'll take that of Of course this is YouTube, so there will be about half a million of you suggesting that there is no way for the Tesla to win a braking test because it is so much heavier than the M3, so we decided to run it again to see if the result would be different. 2 1 break, look at that look, the Tesla won, okay, I mean, that's pretty definitive, right, it's a distance of a car and a half, maybe between us, yeah, there's really no discussion with that guy who was also right.
He was literally right. about when you said too, so I think that, yes, that's conclusive, friend two, about that, I'm afraid, in conclusion, both cars are very fast, both cars have their quirks, the M3 needs special fuel to develop this level of power and The Tesla needs to condition the battery before it can unleash its full potential. The Tesla won the 4 mile race and the M3 with its superior top speed won the half mile race. Finally, the Tesla had the best stopping power, right? Thank you. Many thanks to Tom for joining us. Tom actually represents a cool charity called Race to Save Lives.
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