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Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan & George Simmonds (1987) | African Origins

May 12, 2024
University of Alabama at Birmingham. My name is Lee Knaves and I have the privilege of serving tonight as moderator of the program. We have two very special guests, one is Dr. Yosef in Yochanan, African anthropologist, educator, author and scholar, he is to my right and to my left is dr. George Simmons Dr. Simmons is also a professor; he was born in st. Croix US Virgin Islands and we will discuss a number of topics tonight. The gentlemen are here to talk about African


, as you know in America. Black History Month is celebrated every February without further ado, let's get into it because I know they have some interesting topics. points of view that will stimulate your thinking even if you disagree or agree with them.
dr yosef ben jochannan george simmonds 1987 african origins
I'll call him dr. bin, that's cool because I don't think that's what people used to call you. Yes, one of the most controversial positions you take is that black Africans landed in America 2,000 years before Columbus. I wouldn't specify the day, but it would probably exceed it by two thousand years. The fact is that Columbus never came to the United States of America or to North and South America. He came as close as San Salvador. There is a rumor that Columbus came to join America. He did not come to America. He came to an island in America.
dr yosef ben jochannan george simmonds 1987 african origins

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dr yosef ben jochannan george simmonds 1987 african origins...

The wife came. to America, not Columbus, he came to the Caribbean, but it is commonly said as much as the state that Columbus discovered America while the Indians sat around watching him do it now, but out there the knowledge of the Africans in America has quite a bit of knowledge. Academics, the fact that it is deleted has no validity at all, let me tell you a couple of things. One thing is this article that I am going to refer to our local audience and our studio audience. This article came out. in the September 19 issue 81 of Science Digest and it's titled Black Kings in Ancient America, you and some other black scholars believe that these people, the Africans, came to this continent before Columbus, we don't think we know how you know. , when the evidence Is there, for example, when you go to Central America, the Yucatan Peninsula and Ecuador and places like that, do they have caches of Carthaginian money found 200 feet deep in the ground, which means that they were removed by young disturbances and That money was buried, so that means it indicates? a period of time at least from that, when you look at the strategy, you could say the time period in which the billion and when you talk about Carthage, you're talking about at least 212 BC.
dr yosef ben jochannan george simmonds 1987 african origins
C., when Carthage was finally destroyed by the Romans again the queen Queen Makeda who you call the queen of Sheba there are maps that wander around the church in Rome it is the so-called Holy Father who has suppressed these maps since the time of Justinian in South America and what is today called Central America on the maps there and Victoria. I mean, sorry, McKay, that goes back to at least 892 BC. C. before Christ, before anything else, just the same article. I don't know if we can see this on TV, but here it is. a photo tell me what this is and because you see this it is proof of the presence of Africans in America before that is the head of a mechanic from L and the rmx it was said that he was the first of the indigenous Americans and if you look if an Olmec walking through here then one would believe that it had come from central Africa and there is no doubt that all the writers before racism admitted that the objects were actually African would be found here, there is no doubt when pigna fettle and others, the point is that Van Sedima is right and others, but clearly Nur in 1938 at Harvard University wrote a two-volume book for which he was fired about Africans making everyone African and let me bounce this back to you, okay? takes the same statute, you say, well, you say they are obviously black, teachers do kickflips, wide nose, disturbed guy, ok, another, the stereotype, other anthropologists say, I think Michael Cole was one of them, says this one doesn't He's a black man, people said. who made these statues, as I understand it, or eight feet tall, the people who made these statues did not have sharp enough tools to give them white features, so they are not really shiny statues, they are white people carved with crude tools , what is your answer?
dr yosef ben jochannan george simmonds 1987 african origins
It's strange that the tools weren't sharp enough to make neroon noses but soft enough to make eyelids, so it seems to me that an eyelid is harder to make than a nose, but Michael Cole is no less racist than the head of the Ku Klux Klan, I mean, what's the difference between Michael Corrigan and the Ku Klux Klan? He has the same philosophy, what's the difference between the Bible guys and the truth guys about the Queen of Sheba asking, I mean, telling Solomon, look, don't look? You, Pater's daughters, don't look at me because I'm black, my parents sent me the wine, you're an investor, I was stupid, she's not because nature is made of, like she's going to follow the black, that It's what she didn't have to do.
India for me, I didn't, it's in the Bible, okay, you talked about religions, we'll get to that in a moment, let me turn to dr. Simmons, you also agreed with this position that Africans run in this code. I have no problem, there is no question why, in fact, I speak like dr. ben mentioned and you talked about michael gecko. I got a book several years ago and still have it in my possession by Michael dqo himself, who is considered one of America's leading archaeologists and anthropologists. For me, Yale, one of the most prestigious schools in the United States.
In his own work, he referred to them as black and opted for the state, the title of the book is America's first civilization when it is called civilization and he turned around and said to these young people and other people in America In particular, that black men were the first to build any kind of civilization in the Americas will be disturbing to Americans, so let me ask you this, Eva, even if you're right, let's say you're right, what difference does it make? There is a lot of difference in what kind of day the inferiority complex is eliminated. of the black man who felt that his only beginning and relationship here in this part of the world is slavery, so he puts him in the driver's seat because again they don't tell you that they are artificial hills within the United States.
States they call monks and stretch from the Midwest to the eastern seaboard of the United States and contain artifacts that are similar to things found in West Africa and Egypt, which is not East Africa. It predates the arrival of the so-called indigenous Indians of these lands. Another thing is that a few years ago one of the main television networks there in New York, I don't remember exactly which ABC would have made a documentary and they said that all these mixtures are what they brought to the Americas around 3,000 BC. C. to tell black people that they should be happy to enter these higher education schools today to be able to read and write because their ancestors in Africa did not know how to read or write.
What will it do to tell them that they were brought directly to the Americas and can you imagine if that doctor who sailed with Magellan was mentioned when Magellan arrived in the so-called new world in 1519 when they landed in the land of birds in which we are now? They call Brazil they were received by people in canoes carrying up to 40 people and Antonio Pigafetta recorded that these people were jet black in color they looked like they came out of the infernal swamps that meant they were burned he said naked and black as they are in 1519, 27 years later of the arrival of Columbus to the so-called new world, another thing that they do not tell again.
You heard my partner. I haven't felt weird about this before. Why don't we read them in the New York Times? BirminghamNews. If I stole another man's country and brought your ancestors here to work for me, could I tell you how great your ancestors were and still hope to keep you in slavery? Well, let me let me give you a better and better night. Separate added situation that the majority of blacks in Birmingham, Alabama, like in Harlem, New York, are Christians and they go to a black community, a black minister, a black congregation, but they would go to a white Jesus because they did not know that that Jesus until Judas the second had The first black Jesus that he painted was done by Michelangelo, but until then the world worshiped the Black Madonna and the child will return to Poland.
Okay, worship at the statue of the Black Madonna. Introduction in the New York Times, but what time tells. the next day don't worry about the black virgin and the child, she was originally white, but there was a storm in the 16th century that passed and receded, but the same storm must have gone to Spain and then to Ethiopia. and he went to the Soviet Union and destroyed all the black Madonnas, it was an incredible storm, okay, let me get together, yeah, I mean, we'll jump in and I think we're going to have a beautiful and interesting hour, okay?
I was going to address this topic later, but since you open it, let's deal with it, okay, we're in the Bible Belt, gentlemen, I heard, that's how you heard it, and I must tell our audience that we had dinner together before and we. I got into this a little bit so you're going to hear some interesting things because you guys disagree with a lot of what we grew up with and the Bible as fact and you tell me that's not the case so you get it here. Why safe? The image you are going to see is Pope Pius to undo. the copy of the story of the laughing black virgin.
I brought a copy and it is published by the Catholic father of some nuns called daughters of St. Paul and said that the image of the black Madonna and child in Poland is said to have been painted by a hint of sin. Now, since Luke is said to have been one of Jesus' disciples, he should know what Jesus looked like, so if he painted that woman and child, who am I to say that he was next to that? However, in Anna Calypso, now you are saying that Jesus was black until the Nicene bishops' conference in 325, when Rome, under Constantine, the Roman emperor, ordained bishop 219 in Nicea and took Christianity away from them.
Africans, just remember that before they said Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem, they said he was born in a cave in Ethiopia, it was at the Nicea conference that changed, let's go further, let me stop. Make sure you follow you know you're saying the birth of Christ as we know it mm-hmm it's not accurate it's a fuss it was just realizing what you're saying fasting a life you know what a life iliza lives the person who wrote that at the conference of bishops of Nicaea in the year 325 AD. C. Constantine, the Roman emperor, ordered a conference that we held because he wanted to take Christianity away from the people who started it.
Christianity began with conscience and butchers in a place called Alexandria in Egypt and Egypt is in Africa. Straight up generator 19 was dead. You talked about that a little last night in your lecture. There was a conference last night. Dr. Simmons here on campus talked about the separation of people, he doesn't want us to see Egypt as part of Africa, you talked about the history of black people being in Egypt and what I did last night. I want to move away from the other point. There are no exact figures. What happened is that I took it upon myself to respond to the fact that Herodotus, who white institutions of higher education institutions considered the father of history, himself when he visited Egypt around 450 BC.
C. had almost half the authority before Christ, so the Europeans See the Egyptians, the people of the cultures that are part of modern-day Turkey, were black-skinned people and Willie here, okay, so just I want you to understand that the Egyptians, who we now see as our conquerors, are people who came here and took this land from the Indians, so they are not indigenous to Africa, those who now rule Egypt and Egypt is just a very important part of Africa , since Birmingham or Alabama are part of the so-called United States. Let me be clear on this, so what you're telling me now is that the people we see Sadat and all those guys are not Egyptians, so his mother was Sudanese.
NASA's mother was Sudanese, but her parents were Arab conquerors. The one who was African was Muhammad Najib, the first. president of Egypt, the one who passed through the truth rope, but a year later, as he was looking for a connection for the other countries of the Nile Valley as it used to be in ancient times, he was deposed by the Arab conquerors, the Arabs did not come to Egypt until 640 the first non-African people arrived in Egypt always called Hyksos in 1675 BC. C. the Africans were already in the 13th dynastic period. They had built all the pyramids you saw there before they had made the turn of the Nile that built each of the main ones.
Temples had already been built, including the Grand Lodge of Luxor, the first European to arrive there did not arrive until the Greeks arrived with Alexander, the second son of Philip of Macedon. Look, I'm a college graduate. I never had all those things because I don't tend to teach youI cannot tell you that you are inferior and teach you that you taught Egypt and Europe the first Europeans to be civilized by the Africans were the Greeks when you heard about Homer, the first European who wrote something. You couldn't miss that they said that Homer wrote The Iliad and the Odyssey and that it was not until the year 833 BC. that the Africans already in the year 255,000 on the Tassili mountain had a civil period 1st 2nd and 3rd the predynastic period until the end.
Even the Africans had produced men like this at the hotel. The multiple genius he designed is the prime minister of satire. The first men to be doctors. Ibrahim's pocket is the.the so-called flood of medicine is giving him credit and called him the god of medicine. The Greeks changed his name from inverted to eschol, a pious one. There is. This goes into what you're saying, so wait a minute, you're telling me. Now that black man thought about Homer and I got angry I went to Egypt to school in fact the Egyptians like hormones Egyptian rich that's just the Europeans said the Westerners now said it was but let's go back remember that Homer himself said in the world from the Odyssey from where the gods Zeus and Apollo came, the first gods of Europe, go, read it and I did not write it, he wrote it palace from Palace to Socrates and Socrates to our fight to which they are asking subversive resident credentialism poster Philosophers Christians each and every one, including Plato, who spent 15 years in Egypt receiving his education.
You say that Plato was educated in Egypt for 15 years, but you also believed that his last night is that dish. Plato and these guys came home and they were big guys. but they were taught in Egypt they said it they didn't hide it from modern writers the mountain instructors and teachers who tried to deny it have a racist school in Birmingham non-racist education let me address something you said last night that isn't going to work you are very popular in your talent maybe I did not allow you to leave the city safely last night you told an audience that you saw I think in a tomb in Egypt yes I saw it with your own eyes true yes you told me that Moses had more than ten commandments Moses took twenty of the negative confessions for a long time.
Moses is not supposed to have been born until 1349 BC. C. Africans were already in the eightieth dynastic period, Akhenaten, who died before Moses was born, and Imhotep, who died more than two thousand years before his birth. birth of Moses and others in the great many men had 32 laws called now the negative confession one for each Nome they go like this I have not killed any man or woman I have not spoken ill of the gods Moses is supposed to burn in Egypt they said that a place called Socorrido already says that Moses obtained the Ten Commandments among the Sinai, one of his sons is still in Africa, true, the Sinai Peninsula is part of Egypt.
Furthermore, is it possible that Moses was born in Egypt, educated in Egypt in He is 85 years old and is still in Egypt and did not learn the negative confessions. Is it possible for you to go to school? He was born in the United States. Go to kindergarten. It has been possible, impossible for Moses when everyone had to read the negative confession 5 times a day, so that Moses did not personify those 42 laws and extract ten of the ten, they have 32 more now, if you forget, you can go to the temple of seti one. in Abydos to go to the tomb of Renesis the six in the kings go to the temple of Edfu where by the way you would see the story of an immaculate conception and a virgin birth four thousand one hundred years before the story of Jesus Mariano let me just put it in the form of ask.
I mean, I don't want to stop this because we're here to get information, but what you're trying to make me believe is that Moses didn't get the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai. but he got them from his fellow Africans most of the high priests Anita a high priest of the Egyptians in Egypt so what was he teaching he was not a high priest of the Jews there were no Jews in those days they called him they would remember him now well, no There is Israel still, as well as in that until 1196 and when we learn that Abraham of Rama was called to come to Egypt, Egypt, the Africans are ready in Egypt already in the fourteenth dynastic period when it appears outside the pyramids are built, that It's something else, everyone, the sixty-two pyramids in Egypt before the first one was born, was he fleeing from Pharaoh George?
I could write anything whenever I wanted to write, you know who can stop me from writing if I have the chance? power, I have to ask you what kind of trouble, then you go into the hole in these kinds of views, some without a dead black sister spitting in my face and since she couldn't stand that, she couldn't stand that Jesus was black. She said no no I don't mean he had no color if we didn't have the color of John the Baptist sign for baptizing do you realize you're getting to the foundation you use you're shooting and digging into the foundation of what most we grew up believing yes, well we believe many things for a long time one thing they give us three pages in a Bible slave a bigger master and that's what we believe for the longest they said Jesus said so how would I do it?
Jesus, who fought against the system, told the slave to obey his master, they didn't seem rational with that, so look at most of the things we are in, we are in a European system, you could come to this university and spend four years, go back and spend. Two other fields for your master's degree and one or two more for your PhD and I never had any courses on Africans, but every day you come here you have courses on Europeans. This is an extension of European culture. The European belief. European racism. there is no intention to teach about Africans Africans built the first European university the University of Salamanca in Spain these are historical records it is simply as if they wanted one of the things you said last night is that it is not only black people who say this things this information written by white people and not only do they not emphasize it in the classroom in fact let me back you up when you open the clubs we were talking about about Columbus none of them here none of them listening The public, even on the air, has the most minimal idea that during Columbus's lifetime, when after his death his family had to go to court because charges were brought, and this is in the record in the Vatican, in the secret archives of the Vatican, that was shown to Columbus . a map of where the Queen of Sheba the doctor spoke about this black woman who had made with Solomon and produced the son McMahon who the first and who lived more than nine hundred years before the birth of Jesus had already sailed through what we now called Strait From Gibraltar he reached lands to the west that were longer than Africa and Europe combined and that brother is not salt in Central America in this you here in this university that teaches and I have only been here a few days one day they are teaching in this institution because it is the same that the corner and where Hippocrates was the father of medicine, was not until 333 BC.
C. let me read this to you, okay, you show a halogen corner. I teach at Cornell and also had a reputation with suspicion in the upper corner. They teach it now I'm there, well, 1700 in 1700 BC. C., that's 1400 years before he practiced, you can find Capulet's document from the medical population of Cahoon, well, a protium of information about women's diseases and pregnancies in 1600 BC. C., that is 1300 years before he practiced the help will see Smith's patrolmen a comparative surgical text and anatomical research that deals especially with the spinal column 1550 let me leave the here, Evers's populist doctor, there is the complete book, a medical article by Queen Hatshepsut, the first northern queen in history. and it took his Egyptian queen a popular designed to show women how to develop a method to stop pregnancy to insert into the vagina made from the cassia bush and honey that breaks down into lactic acid we are not just talking about contraceptives and back in 1550 BC C. by Africans it's a long time for a few days okay, this civilization I started with Homer, I'm not written in Alien, another son, she and the hero came all the things you're saying, you're saying we can find that this doesn't it's not at all certain if it's not here, it's in Doc's library or, in New York, we take nothing for granted except the books you brought them and you say not all of them are written by a black man, Anika is a two-volume book. work for yourself dr.
Higgins written in 1838 in England and published by the Watson company, The Golden Arch is a book of some value by Sir James Frazer published simultaneously in the United States and England and was published in 1938 Bad Limits and the Parallels and Other Religions written by Thomas W . that was published in 1887 by the Watson company in London England the ruins of the empire by conceived ugly was published there was published in 1790 to buy my simultaneously in England and France made by a man who was Napoleon with Napoleon Bonaparte and let me tell you It's about Of that, if we give you the benefit of the doubt and consider that what you are saying is true, I mean that you are undermining everything that we have been taught most of the week that we believe in, but you were taught as slaves. your slave body in three pieces yes we are no longer physical slaves but we are mental slaves and this is the worst form of slavery some of us believe that the Cadillac and the house on the beach make us free but it is the mind that makes us free well, I'm glad of having to ask questions and affinity, this guy is going to do something else for me, tell us about some of those images because I'm here, it's the image of Saint Peter, the first pope of Roman Catholicism, like the church. he admits it, but this is the black face.
Everything if you undress is black all the way down, except your nails and all that stuff. Well, how do I know you didn't take a picture and paint blackface? No, that is the statue in Rome that dynamic and I know that the jet from the Basilica can take the fastest way and go to Rome and you see it right there, tell us if it is not the same image that I used to show in Rome, enjoy, this It is there now, yes, now and the people, each Pope receives the kisses fear each port kisses a story told by his toes a wound by the Tao of kisses plays there if the book I took it from was that heavy I will bring you to see the Pope kissing Pope John XXIII and who is this Braca seeing Peter the man that every black man told you - every white minister says that Jesus gave the keys to heaven which means that no white man no one else could enter heaven Unless you come through me the black man but I have the keys to your right and I and there's no reason why Peter shouldn't open it for me, they've suffered what else they have there, well what I have here It's some black saints that say that Dustin, some of you say the st.
San Agustin. John Chrysostom Saint Athanasius and Saint. Black Ambrose Saint to the church, we must remember that Christianity is called in Europe and by Europeans as the new religion, it is true that it was foreign to Europe. The Emperor Constantine is the one who decided to take it, he said, I need a religion to unify my empire with This religion, then I could conquer the world and he himself was never a Christian and bowed and his deathbed in the year 337 when he converted to Christianity, but he took it to unify them well, is he not a ghost in his non-Christian doctrines?
He wrote 48 different works, the last three most prominent in the West, the confessions of him in which he testified who we knew he was and then the holy city of God, and the last one was on Christian doctrines, the fundamental principle of modern Christianity . 3 the black lawyer Perpetua and impanel were the first to die for Jesus Christ then and they were what is called today is in the documents of the church and is in the writings of the church and what was not for men chesa the three Africans and the pops of the Romans Catholic Church Marchesa Victor and the other Galatian militia, so delicious, we have them there now, this is a church document, but remember when the time came in 1500 and six after we lost power in Spain, Africans rule the pain of the sudden level we were calling. we Moors and you then M s from 7-eleven to 1485 704 years when we built and brought to Europe the university system billing the university of Salamanca sa the ma NCAA in Spain a copy of the University of Jena of ancient Ghana which was equally a copy of the University of San Corre intim but which the French later called Timbuktu now made this look if you want to read it read Stanley Lane pose the Moors in Spain written in 1880 myself or a laundry Aziza read his book in Spanish the Moors in Spain and He said that even the bathroom was introduced by those Africans.
You said that the bra was introduced through the bed versus a3. They introduced it because Rome had a problem before but they left it because they did not understand Christian doctrine that day that Europe ended up embracing unemployment for more than a thousand years. After recovering, in fact, they like to make fun of the fine, Queen Victoria of England, boasting of being the cleanest woman in all of Europe, taken a bad one a month. I have books that show you where people were made saints. Boston, they don't even washthe hands, saints of the church, yes you have a copy, I would direct it with you, you don't know, I didn't get too many, okay, let me, let me, because you have bombarded us with so many things, just tell us a little. about where you are and what you do on a daily basis.
Well, my name is Joseph Vigneron and I teach at Cornell University after history and Egyptology. I am an author, former member of the United Nations, graduated with a PhD from the University of Cambridge in England. a PhD from the University of Barcelona in Spain which should help. I'm originally a civil engineer who went into anthropology and history with a law degree and practices law now when you're black, people had to live a little longer to get it. a job and I was born in Ethiopia and I came to the Caribbean as a young man at six years old my mother is Puerto Rican and we lived and grew up in Puerto Rico and the approval of the board my father was a lawyer and I, as I said, work with the United Nations United and then eventually start teaching at Columbia University and other places that were shot several times, of course, I imagine, so yeah, with this kind of thing they don't want them with the documents in my head when I exposed that blank . period was nothing new, okay, it was done in Africa as early as 1550.
I was fired on the spot by Professor Ralph Linton, but well, ten years later, the American Medical Association published for the EMA population the same thing so I got fired. Well, I want to go back to some of his books about me, but just tell us our audience at home and in the studio. a little about you that no, I'm not that lucky dr. Ben dr. Ben is the intellectual one, so I'd like to be on the other end. I like to say that my university is one of hard knocks and I use myself as an example of how high a black man can reach from mother to mother in the sense that it is said that black people are not intelligent and so what we do is complement each other, he is the end with all the greens and I would still be the little one in the street however the little one in the streets has thought that some of Your best universities and I thought of those of the professors so that they could teach you.
I have taught at Mary's College. I have lectured for Yale. I have lectured mainly at top institutions. I just went to do a week-long seminar in Washington State to educate some teachers. how to teach in teaching and teaching logic, I think what happened is some people say well, Simmons, why don't you come in and get what I said? No, at my age I'm not looking for prestige, but my turn will happen and I will and since there is one thing, black people are stupid. I like to sit back and be silly and just waste other intellectuals, but he's been very modest.
I'm looking for him to be my partner in my office better and yes, and at the university Malcolm Kane and he was the chair of the History Department at many schools, so he's being modest. I'm, let's get back to some of this, let me see, for me, let's get back to some of this stuff that you guys were talking about last night, you guys were talking about it at dinner. I just picked up the Bible and it was there where there are many Bibles, you have about three thousand versions and the one that most people here believe the most is the King James version and when a version is not a fact, a version is something like the original Commission and James 47 men understood Francis Bacon they took them out of the University of Cambridge University of Oxford University of Eton and University of Scotland in Glasgow those 47 men wrote the words of God you are not going to be very popular in this area I did not plan to be this quote from one of his books and he'll be available to ask his audience and we'll talk about this a little bit after we go off the air and I'm not even sure if I should read this, this is the Bible, that's The Bible in You should read this, read what was in Genesis up to the 6th century, the Book of Mormons says, those are the people in Salt Lake City that many blacks have joined because they have joined the group that was left from the open membership .
He is still in Calvinist teaching in South Africa and reads what was in the Bible to the sixth sense. Are you saying this is still in the Mormon body still in the Mormon Bible it's still in the Bible havelis and look at the end? Where did the Roman Catholic Church have it and an anomic excuse that they were sorry it was ever there, but it was fine anyway, let me share this with our audience here and our audience at home and this is from one of the dr. Ben's books and all the books that are on page 120 dot 21 or in that book, let me share a little bit here because I want to get some reaction from you and it's something for people to think about and you said this.
It is from a Bible therefore Canaan must be your firstborn when they enslave and you are starting in the middle because there is a lot here and since you have incapacitated me by doing ugly things in the darkness of the night the children of Kanaan will be born ugly and black also because you turned your head to see my nakedness your grandchildren's hair will twist and their eyes will turn red again because your lips right in my misfortune will swell and because you neglected my nakedness they will go naked and the rest of this is underlined and this is a quote from the book Bible, you say and its male members will be shameful and the men of this race locked up for a long time are called Blacks, their ancestor Canaan commanded them to love theft and fornication to unite in hatred. from their masters and never tell the truth that's how it was in the Judeo-Christian Bible until the 6th century of the Christian era it is also called ad un Domino and some black ministers refer to it just a few weeks ago in New York I was listening to my radio in one of these religious programs sponsored by a liquor store and says the minister says these young black men are misbehaving, we shouldn't misbehave anyway because when it's all over, when we die and go to heaven with them, we'll be white.
Anyway, say anything, remember that we didn't know that Christianity came from Egypt and that the first monastery was on the island of Fela, which is still there now, and that Christianity came to Ethiopia and all of North Africa, where they had seven patriots and 27 bishops of which, of course, Greece or Rome we did not know anything that we did not know until now, there are black people who send missionaries to Africa without knowing that the Coptic Church is older than the Roman Church that we still send . We missionaries still tell lies about Africans eating missionaries. I wish we ate the missionaries, we wouldn't have had any problems, but we still have rich people who think that the roots have had something to do with history when the man says novel people named in the children's songs and the content , they won't think now, but you don't agree with it, you find something, yes, it's rubbish, it has nothing to do with it, it's the price, do you call this a novel? roots, the most popular TV show on Amos and Andy was the most popular radio show and had no one to do it.
The blacks were two white Jews. You know, they did this like I told you. The worst part of our slavery is not the shackle on the hand, but the shackle on the mind. You have been conditioned, but remember that the master-slave does not train his slave to be free. We used to train ourselves once when we had things like the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African Baptist Church, the African newspaper said Douglass Evening Denmark Vesey and all these different people had churches where they taught people their own history. Look, go to our churches and find out if they already sing the spirituals.
No, they got anthems from Scotland, from Germany. They no longer sing the songs of the African people. churches, hey, what's wrong with that? What was wrong in the world is how Scotland's European songs relate to you Scots, although you could have fooled me, but suppose it's not all so opposite, believe half of what you said here tonight what a difference it will make It makes a big difference that your behavior differs from what the child's behavior is if you tell a child that their ancestors and artists already act in everyone's and demonstrate it by not showing them anything. that his people did it, why would it feel good when you got the bus?
Now everyone has been fighting for the bus, so the bus leaves. Show me a bus bringing a white child from a white neighborhood to a black neighborhood to study all the buses that go and the black neighborhood. to the white neighborhood showing some kind of musical appreciation by showing them African music, it's just European music, now it has an impact on the child, the problem we face is I guess we ask what's different, okay in church tomorrow. There will be a church and every black church will have a white Jesus. Walk into a Chinese church and see if you don't see Jesus literally become like a Chinese.
You know, I mean us, religion is the deification of a culture and the gods look like the people who talk about it and the angels, here you have Jesus, now give me all kinds of images. On December 25th you will see this and before Jesus is involved with the prohibitions of Scotland, he says it, well, we are in the desert. Now it is one hundred and ten degrees Celsius at least we are in the desert and the child is wrapped in wool swaddling clothes. What mother is going to wrap her child in a woolen blanket in the desert?
We go further and on the roof of the manger there is snow if you give it to your daughter and I guess and then you tell her to put it back and you put it in the oven at one hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit and you come back and you expect to find an icicle, even to find hot water running, but those images in our head are this. It is a European version that was painted by Michelangelo for Pope Julius II in 1500 and nine in the Sistine Chapel II that was completed in 1511 and an image that says what a thousand words you have now treated seen three three wise men in the middle of the desert one is from Africa one is black they said oh this is the oldest part Moses was born in Egypt and it is true he in the book will be born in Africa another and the angel of the Lord we know him well the angel of the Lord come to Mary and he said to Mary takes the child and hides among his cousin in Egypt because Herod wants to kill him, he comes and she comes and took this child to Africa Egypt is in Africa hiding among his cousin his blood is blue me and his band and he got gold here and he's hiding among a group of black kids came the army came the navy everyone searches every house and they can't find that boy the times move on and this is so much here it's okay let me throw this at you I'm sure you've offended the religion of many people there are those who say that they would say or I'm sure I'm thinking or I'm sure I'm sure they are thinking but what you are saying is very racist garbage, well, they know that they will say and reverse racist, they don't allow us to play with racism, we have to be different with a reverse tense, now people will say anything and even black people say we will control our mind, our thinking, the point is this. that the person said I have never read anything it is difficult for them to let us enter the theologians library and see the number of books they have how many of these people have gone and traveled look what I am saying there is no major university and a new meter library light in Europe I have never been, there is no important library in Asia or Africa.
I have never been there, I have been to every major tool and temple in Egypt and dr. pictures and reading Harry's glyphs and all that, you even said you discovered England, so the people I discovered when I first went to England I discovered it. I was in the middle of London walking around doing like that, looking around and Bobby, who's the policeman, came and says a lot of things about how you're doing self-discovery in England, he says you must be deaf, you know what that means crazy in English and England has always been here, he says well, I'm doing Columbus.
I came here I'm the first I'm the first of my people to come I'm sorry I discovered it They discover everything they came to Isn't the discovery that the source of the Nile was the African brought from the Africans by Susan Knight? they are having a nice back naked naked we were bathing very naked because what we have to hide is that we were naked but you claimed that Africans invented the bra, yes the fact that they invented the Brazil as a rope for the purpose of protecting the breasts . of jumping up and down, I mean, you know, kids, that makes young men burn when they see that, but the thing is, I heard the doctor talking about the European discovery.
I thought about going to the moon, which Europeans have not changed until today. he still operates that way wherever he goes, what makes the flight the furthest is planting a flag when America sent men to the moon, they didn't care that there were moon people up there, the first thing they did, they acted like this belonged to us and the Bible and ready to kill for it, okay, accusations of reverse racism aside, you are jumping on the beliefs of many black people. I mean, at dinner they shook some people up when they said they were talking about black preachers, yes, but leave me alone.
If I ask you this, I mean, let's say these people believe, unfortunately, most black people here believe that the onlyreligion that black people ever had was Christianity, Judaism or Islam, they forget that the first known religion was the worship of Fatah along the Nile, there was no Inflexible you even mention any place yet because there was no Judaism and if there is not Judaism there is no book of Genesis but you even said that the virgin birth Adam and Eve Noah were all repetition and they could read the works of these are their myths they tell me that everything is wrong with religion it is based on beliefs there are people who bet their eyes that its people are dying to go to cemeteries but that does not stop things from being as they taught us, as if there were no other religion than Judaism, Christianity or Islam, there really were religions and our religion, everything that Judaism and Christianity was made by Africans, religion and worship of Allah are demerits, for example, among the Yoruba it is more than two thousand years older than Christianity, let me get to this moment.
I see that time is approaching us. We were sitting around the table, some students and people and a question came to their boat. It seems like you guys don't believe in God or something. I am married to a former nun. I wrote a following Roman. Catholic nun I'm 35 years old, we got married a few days ago and I took her to church on one occasion I'll go in and listen I'll go to the mosque I'll go to the Buddhist temple I'll go to anyone's religion because religion is a belief no one has it now questions If I believe in God you must first explain why I met the guy who robbed my house I believed in God he had a big cross and his chest when they caught him and down in the compound I believed in that didn't stop him from robbing my house believing in God won't make you good or bad the Ku Klux Klan believed in GodThe only thing they said is that they have established a religion to protect the name of Jesus.
I read the whole philosophy that most people here, the Bible Belt, will cut your throat for being black. Did the Bible stop them from being races? No, not that. It doesn't mean anything because you think you believe in your behavior, two different things and people ask you: you believe in God, you don't believe in God, so what does that mean? Doesn't mean I won't cut your throat, okay, but you said that before. If tomorrow morning we start playing to pay black preachers, the chocolate runs out, no one will come to do volunteer work, it is a business, there is a salary that people receive when it is Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism or whatever the Christianity and religion as we know it are business. the biggest business, they are bigger than ID&T, you get all kinds of tax breaks and all kinds of privileges, earning at the time their salaries are paid, you think the Pope will be there if you didn't get a big salary to get the product best seller. of everything, do you think that, oh, let's face it, how many ministers do you know do it for free?
Just tell me, okay, this is great, okay, you're ten percent tight and see how, if they don't bury you to disarm and self-destruct. you will not come to the cemetery, you will sing in the choir as much as you want and you will get married, so if you have to pee, what will we learn from all this, what will we change our lives or how we want to change our lives for the better. Candis, you know, I am not against anyone believing in a divine system; On the contrary, I think it is their system, but what I am against is that for Africans and, by the way, your Africans, you know well, you may not know it, but Just remember that if you buy a rabbit and put it in a cafe and the next day you walk in and they have little ones, you don't call them cookies and if Africans come to America and have babies, they're Africans, okay?
I know. you don't like that when you look in the mirror because you can't leave you are African but anyway I have no objection my children I have a Jehovah's Witness daughter that I have is her body it doesn't bother me because I trained my children and I know what they believe and what they don't believe and, in fact, she's a Jehovah's Witness, when, when, when problems arise, it's Big Daddy, they come. I know and my daughter was trained to be smart. don't pray to stop getting pregnant you have to do something about it you have to go you have to go you went to the pharmacy ordering universities you pray all you want if you have in a man the prayer to stop pregnancy is and what he brought controls well, he is Well, the pill will help, no, that's a reality, I'm not going to tell my daughter, lovely, believe in God, if you have a man, pray and the boy will turn you into Frankie, but I can think of a specific example of people who can be. physically ill would not go to the doctor.
I'm thinking of one particular case where I know the right lady wouldn't go to the doctor because she said she'd rather be at church. She will die soon. She is not a minister when they are beaten. for a car I want a boot specialist let me use an example I was bleeding I was going to die I was losing blood faster than the doctors could give it and they said we have to operate and a priest comes to say something I whatever it is no I believe them, I don't need them, I want the doctor. That's right, that's thought of in the way of doctors.
They need to work and I don't mean that he doesn't believe in God. He tells me that he is intelligent and these are the elements that are liberation or liberation. same doctor if the priest had an accident and the doctor shows up and another priest shows up and when he looked and his aorta is torn something like that, you think it's I'll tell the guy to pray, man, I need that and I'll tell the doctor I broke. The doctor kept me in the hospital. Ministers. You see lying there receiving treatment because there was that religious sense of pious for me to say that I broke.
I fell and broke. my leg, but repent, straighten it more, you know what the Bible says, I will help those who help themselves, what they rebuked from the wheels are negative and positive, but they are all negative, none positive, if everything is one application of You have the 15 Baptist Churches, I have 15, but why tell me now? If it's religion, you have a 200-foot-long canopy and you have six Baptist Churches in the same Baptist denomination. Tell me, tell me you're a Christian, why do you need a Methodist. a Presbyterian Baptist a Catholic and it's the same Jesus, what money, the big businesses that everyone wants to have there, see if I get 10% of you, 10% for the next day, ten percent of seventy thousand dollars, that It's good, I mean, I could get a few K.
Let me write that in a nice house and a nice wife in a mink coat and you see some people taking the last dollar and giving it to the church and then they come and ask me for my dollar let me leave myself alone because I have been informed that we have approximately less than five minutes, maybe three minutes, we have covered a lot of topics, we had a lot of questions and I guess in just a one minute summary for each of you, I mean, we heard about these things maybe once a month Black History Month and we go back to the other eleven living our lives being bombarded with other types of information, what can we get from you and what can we do with it and how can you help us?
I mean, it's a multifaceted question, but a key one, if you can let me start with you, what I would say is that I would recommend anyone to start reading and researching, and it's all because I don't know of any schools that educate. I've been trying to find a school that does when everyone by that end all they do is train people to be a bunch of regurgitates so I tell my students that they have to go out and take that training that they receive and then do let it work for the benefit of you and your people and then show me that you are someone who is now an educated person so keep reading and it will benefit you in the long run.
Is there any value in what we've been doing to him? Over the last hour, yes, because we've now brought to light a huge amount of new information, hopefully, and other people start trying to fact-check us and then enlighten us, hopefully they'll try to prove us wrong, but you've probably been offended too a lot. Well look, new knowledge does, if someone tells you that your girlfriend who you love so much is a prostitute and you've never seen our prostitution it's shocking and if we can prove that you really can't believe it, you might even kill the guy for telling it. . so I'm not surprised if it hurts because when you start to change or deal with the pattern of beliefs people have held so daily - and many of them even volunteered to fight and gave up their lives for their beliefs only to find out that believing is a lie, okay, we only have one minute left and I know it's not much time, but final statement from you, doctor ban, glorious truth, they said and faithful to the constant research effort, there is no limit to the truth and one must look. constantly to find the truth I have traveled all over the world I did not sit in one place and read a book I went to thousands of libraries over 64 and have been since 1938 I have been doing research in the area of ​​Africans thank you for making some progress , make a difference in people's lives, that progresses, there is a relative meal, it all depends on what you compare, from what point to where, okay, we only have 30 seconds left, so yeah, you know we've had some problem if you look.
In percentage terms, we and the university campus are now teachers, let's say we have five teachers out of a thousand students, once we had no teachers out of a hundred students, it doesn't make any difference, the percentage of course, now it's fine, we're out. of time and we want to thank those at home and those here in the studio, if they stay we will talk a little more but we hope you have found something very interesting and stimulating. I know them.

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