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Dr. Paul Mason - 'How lectins impact your health - from obesity to autoimmune disease'

Jun 01, 2021
Alright, good morning, my name is Dr. Paul Mason and I'm from Sydney and today I'm going to talk to you about a protein found in plants called


and how they can have a massive


on our


and understanding the


that I think it fills a huge gap in conventional technology. medicine when it comes to treating a wide variety of chronic


s and certainly, for me, understanding its


has improved the care I provide to my patients, as in all my lectures, nothing contained here should constitute personal medical advice, so the story begins in 1976 in England, when nine schoolchildren ate some beans that had been soaked but not boiled and in an hour and a half all nine ended up with diarrhea and profuse vomiting and some of them had only consumed four beans, which further illustrates the toxic potential. of beans is a diet containing only 1% beans will kill a rat in two weeks, so the bean problem was considered so serious in England in that period that the government began issuing written warning labels on raw beans, so then that leaves us with the question what soil is in the raw beans that will do that so this is a kidney plant being a plant here it has no claws it can't run away so it's pretty helpless well you'd be wrong .
dr paul mason   how lectins impact your health   from obesity to autoimmune disease
It is not completely at the mercy of any caterpillar that wants to come because it participates in a very powerful chemical warfare and the chemical warfare that plants use, one of them is called lectins and the particular lectin contained in beans is called phytohemagglutinin and in fact there are more from one hundred known sources of lectins and many of them are toxic to humans. Each lectin is a protein with a unique structure and is a protein that has the ability to bind to carbohydrates. All of our cells in the body have these glycoproteins that stick out of the cell membrane and they contain a carbohydrate moiety on the end and lectins can bind to that carbohydrate moiety and that means that lectins can, therefore, bind to our cells. human.
dr paul mason   how lectins impact your health   from obesity to autoimmune disease

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dr paul mason how lectins impact your health from obesity to autoimmune disease...

Now the leptons are resistant to cooking, in the case of red beans, it is recommended that we should soak them for five hours and then boil them for at least 10 minutes to reduce the lectins to a less dangerous level and, in addition to being thermostable, the Lectins are typically very, very resistant to the normal digestive enzymes that line our gut and to the point where many lectins provide no nutritional value, they are often excreted completely unchanged and often on their way through the intestinal tract. , these unchanged lectins can often bind to the walls of our intestine and cause significant damage, including cell death, so the way to think about it is that our intestinal tract is a hollow tube from the mouth to the anus. and ideally it should allow for the absorption of nutrients through the wall without allowing toxins in and the lining of the intestinal tract has this basic structure.
dr paul mason   how lectins impact your health   from obesity to autoimmune disease
First of all, there is a layer of mucus on top indicated in green here and then underneath you have these epithelial cells that have joined together side by side so they are called tight junctions and on top of the epithelial cells here you will see that little layer of ruffles and that's called microvilli, now at the tip of these microvilli we have something called a glycocalyx and this has a glucose, sugar or carbohydrate component, which means that lectins can bind to this part of the intestinal membrane, so that if we take something like German wheat gluten and that actually binds to the inner lining of a car and damages it and that causes something called leaky gut now, once you have this single layer of cells, if you then fold it so that you can get these fingers. like projections here that we now call villi and this is what villi look like under an electron microscope which now comes back to the general function of the gastrointestinal tract if we had a toxin like a lectin, hopefully it would pass directly through us without being absorbed, but occasionally we can ingest a toxin and we have leaky gut or intestinal permeability that allows the toxin to actually enter the body and this is a graph that demonstrates the potential of these toxins and these lectins to enter our body, so seven participants consumed 200 grams of peanuts and This test was actually measuring the amount of peanut lectin in


blood and you can see that within half an hour the level started to increase and within an hour a significant amount of this leptin was observed in the circulation and the ability to remember these lectins.
dr paul mason   how lectins impact your health   from obesity to autoimmune disease
Binding to the surface of cells means that after entering our circulation, they can actually bind to ourselves in many different organs depending on the particular affinity that leptin has for a particular type of cell, which is why this image was made from a study done on women with unexplained fertility and this is a sample of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus and what you can actually see is indicated by the arrows, they are actually showing that soy agglutinin electron is actually bound to some endometrial tissue. Now, unfortunately, the consumption of lectins in our diet. is actually increasing significantly, so this is partly due to natural selection, selective breeding and genetic modification of crops, which tend to select species that are naturally resistant to pesticides and whose natural resistance comes from lectins , so let's take a look at the specific


consequences it has.
These lectins can start with


. Has anyone ever noticed that when they eliminate plant foods from their diets they lose weight even if they are already on a low carb diet? So why do I know several people who lost over ten kilograms and it is because lectins can stimulate the insulin receptor insulin is a hormone that stimulates fat storage and lectins can stimulate this. This graph here is from a 1983 study and it compared active fat storage between wheat germ agglutinin and insulin, so down here this is what happened. to fat storage when insulin was given alone this is what happened to fat storage when insulin plus leptin was given in the form of wheat germ agglutinin and this is what happened when lectin alone was given and the point is that it stimulates the insulin receptor in a much longer way than even insulin, so this is a concern if you're trying to lose weight, but it's not just wheat, German gluten, that has this ability.
In the same study, they actually also looked at two other lectins and you can see the ability to produce persistent lipogenesis creating fat and it seems that the lectin can also affect another hormone critical for fat storage and this hormone is leptin with a P Not to be confused with leptin, the hormone leptin is essential for regulating appetite, satiety, and energy. balance take a look at these two mice, the one on the left has no leptin which shows the importance of leptin working effectively and lectins with a C can bind to the leptin receptor and interfere with it causing resistance and this is a study that shows another The lectern comes to the carnival and that leads to leptin resistance and when we test this in animal studies using isocaloric diets that simply eliminate leptons, which leads to significant weight loss in the animals.
What about reflux? We are all familiar with reflux. That's what happens when you have stomach acid in


stomach that travels up your esophagus, it's often called heartburn. Well you might be surprised to know that lectins can also cause this because they can stimulate excess and acid production so this is a mast cell here and it can secrete a chemical called histamine and if it secretes histamine that leads to the production of acid in the stomach and lectins can appear and bind to these molecules on the outside of Marcelle called IgE molecules and that stimulates the release of histamine and through this mechanism the acid can be increased. and this is a study that showed a dramatic reduction in acid levels in the esophagus within six days of starting a low carbohydrate diet and that is simply because when you follow a low carbohydrate diet you often eliminate the grains and cereals rich in lectins, so in fact, they had probes in the esophagus that stayed there for 24 hours and they measured the acid level constantly and you can see that in a matter of six days there was a significant reduction in the acidity within the esophagus and that is why reflux symptoms appear.
They often improve incredibly quickly and now, when we follow a plant-free diet, I would like to make a very important point here. So far I have only talked about plant lectins, but lectins actually also exist in animal foods and other foods, the reason I am only talking about plant lectins is that they are much more likely to be problematic, it does not mean that lectins of animal origin may not be problematic, they are simply much less likely to be so in this study. is a study that looks at histamine release from 16 different lectins and you can see the four that had the most significant response.
We are all plant-based lectins, so I tend to focus on them now. I just like to focus on us. We will turn our attention to a condition called Parkinson's


. This is a movement disorder. I'm sure you've all heard of it. They are familiar with it. They end with a tremor. They end up with stiffness and slow movements. And now there is evidence that. This is caused by lectins. If you ingest a lectin, this sounds crazy, it can actually travel up to the brain traveling along the nerves and the particular nerve is called the vagus nerve, so in theory if that were true you would just cut the nerve. , you would interrupt the highway by which lectins are sent to the brain and should be able to reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease.
It makes sense, so they did it. This is an example. This is a picture of the two vagus nerves and when you cut them, it's called "you got me" so in a study that was published in 2015 they compared all the patients in Denmark who had this procedure between 1977 and 1995 and this is What they found: By cutting the vagus nerves, the risk of developing Parkinson's is reduced. the disease was reduced by 47% and then this is a more recent study that was able to confirm the mechanism and was able to show that lectins were actually able to travel to the neurons in the brain that are affected in Parkinson's disease and this graph here shows The ingested P-lectin sits on top of a neuron in the brain that produces dopamine.
This is the problem in Parkinson's disease, so now I want to focus our attention on


diseases and in


diseases the body attacks its own tissues and the particular tissues attacked determine what specific autoimmune disease it is because you have the option there are many more Of which you can find different examples of them can include different types of inflammatory arthritis you can have pernicious anemia you could even have multiple sclerosis type 1 diabetes inflammatory bowel disease lupus and the list goes on, but the point is that all autoimmune diseases are characterized by the The body's immune system attacks itself and one of the defining characteristics is called autoantibodies, so this Y-shaped structure here in the middle is what we call an antibody and it is one of the main characteristics of the immune system and normally the Antibodies are used to defend against foreign invading pathogens.
If you have a bacteria, the antibody will have a strong affinity for the bacteria and when it attaches to it, it stimulates or initiates an immune response that will lead to the eventual destruction of that bacteria and if it is a healthy cell, it will hopefully have no affinity by it, so on the surface of the cell you see what is called an antigen, which is a particular molecular identifying characteristic, whether in a cell or a bacteria and the specificity of that antigen and the receptor of the antibody will depend on whether they bind or not and in the case of autoimmune diseases, antibodies have receptors that can actually bind to healthy cells and then that can lead to your healthy tissue starting. be destroyed and the presence of these also antibodies is actually what I use to diagnose autoimmune diseases, it's one of the main things that I use and there are over a hundred different antibodies that I can now test in Australia when I'm trying to diagnose an autoimmune disease now leaky gut This may prove all the permeability that allows lectins to enter the circulation is a key contributor to autoimmune disease and gluten is one of the main causes of leaky gut, so approximately 80% of the total protein contained in the wheat gluten and that is significant, but only for one fact, because it meansthat 80% of protein is useless by weight, so you're not getting as much protein as you think, but gluten is also very harmful to the intestinal barrier, so this graph here. demonstrates the intestinal barrier as assessed by something called transepithelial electrical resistance the higher the line the better the top line showing barrier function in celiac intestinal cells that have not been exposed to gluten when we expose them to gluten this happens and you can see it. happens quickly in 15 minutes, anyone with celiac disease, this increase in intestinal permeability will persist for up to a week, but here's what many people don't know: it's not just celiacs who are affected by gluten, this top line here doesn't en celiac cells not exposed to gluten this here non-celiac cells exposed to gluten there is still a significant impediment to intestinal barrier function gluten damages the intestinal barrier in everyone who is not celiac now let's take a look at exactly how gluten can do this, so the top layer in The green here represents a mucosal layer and the bottom layer here in blue is something called the lamina propria.
This is the layer of tissue in the intestines where the immune system lives. It's got blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and some other things hanging around there and this right here is gluten now, when it's ingested, it can be partially broken down into these smaller parts called gliadin, but no more, and this Caladan is then combined with a special receptor called CXC r3 and once it binds to that it leads to signaling. inside the cell that produces leads to the production of a molecule called zon Yulin and this is in Ulan and then it can come and act on a receptor that leads to the breakdown of these proteins here called tight junction or gap junction that actually keeps attached to cells. and when that is disrupted, cells can physically separate and this is what causes leaky gut.
This is what leaky gut is and then these lectins that have been ingested, as well as any bacteria that may exist in the intestines, can pass between the cells. and reach the lamina propria where it is exposed to the immune system and is able to interact with the immune system. Now, because lectins are essentially foreign offensive particles, we often mount an immune response to get them, so we often end up developing antibodies that target them, so let's say here in purple that that's selectin and if you look at the antigen On the surface in green, you can see that it is the same as part of an antigen in a healthy cell, which means that if we develop an antibody response. against selectin we can also develop an antibody response against a healthy cell and this is called molecular mimicry and this is thought to underlie most autoimmune diseases.
Now lectins are not the only cause of molecular mimicry and autoimmune diseases, we can also have bacterial cell wall fragments that look a lot like our healthy cells that will trigger this Typex response of molecular mimicry and this has certainly been shown to be the case in rheumatoid arthritis and a couple of other very specific inflammatory conditions that now, in addition to molecular mimicry, these bacteria can also exacerbate symptoms of inflammatory conditions like arthritis because they secrete toxins called lipopolysaccharides. Now you can see the surface of the bacteria here and in a circle here what's called lipopolysaccharides and when the bacteria enter the circulation, they can release these lipopolysaccharides into the circulation, which will then stimulate inflammation and it stimulates information because the lipopolysaccharide can bind to this receptor here called the toll-like receptor and that then starts an inflammatory cascade that ends up having a lot of subsequent harmful effects, but here's a key point and I We often hear people talk about the importance of lipopolysaccharides in inflammation, but not all are the same, some lipopolysaccharides will stimulate this toll type receptor and some will not, some will block it, you may have pro-inflammatory lipopolysaccharides and you may have anti-inflammatory. also the inflammatory ones, so in general the lipopolysaccharide produced by this group of bacteria, the phylum of the bacterial deities, is actually quite inhibitory of this inflammatory cascade and, reassuringly, when we are in good health, it is this phylum of bacteria that produces most of our lipopolysaccharide and, in addition, if you follow a healthy diet, often a ketogenic diet, a diet high in saturated fats and animal proteins.
Those diets have been shown to increase the proportion of bacterial deities, which are actually found within the larger phylum that produces these anti-inflammatory lipopolysaccharides. so a healthy diet might actually increase the amount of lipopolysaccharides but it will produce anti-inflammatory lipopolysaccharides and this is a point that is often overlooked in research now that one of the conditions that is linked to type 1 diabetes is consumption of gluten. so if you consume gluten, your risk of developing type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto's thyroiditis from gluten, these other groups of autoimmune diseases has been shown to increase significantly and this recent study summarizes that risk with maternal gluten consumption, looking at the risk of develop type 1 diabetes in the offspring, so they looked at over a hundred thousand pregnancies in Denmark and what they found was that there was a reliable linear increase in the risk of type 1 diabetes with gluten consumption and for the group with the highest gluten consumption, the risk of their offspring developing type 1 diabetes doubled. and that we have articles like this one that indicate that starting a gluten-free diet soon after a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes can significantly alter the prognosis, so this study looked at what happened to a child who was put on a gluten-free diet on the street shortly after. he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and compared him to a group of 21 other children as a control and what you can see is that he is low in the red, his insulin level, his insulin use was much lower and his blood sugar control was better. had him in the sub 6 thin air group and his diabetes was still in remission 20 months later when this study was published now just a small semi related point I would like to raise, we can't assume that only children develop type 1 diabetes no We call it that in adults we use the term latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood, which is a rather cumbersome name but it is essentially the same, it is diabetes of autoimmune origin and in fact up to 14 percent of cases of type 2 diabetes are diagnosed in adults actually have an autoimmune component and this is huge because it means that there is a possible intervention that we could do for these other people that we are missing and unfortunately we very, very rarely test for autoimmune diabetes in adults despite the fact that The chances are more than 1 in 10 of type 2 diabetics actually have this condition and it doesn't matter if you are overweight and have other metabolic risk factors, you could still have this autoimmune type of adult-onset diabetes, so It's probably time to pause for a moment and ask why not everyone has an autoimmune disease, because we've all consumed lectins in the past, so I find it useful to apply the Swiss cheese accident causation model here, which states that accidents only occur when deficiencies in defense alignment, so if we think about autoimmune diseases, we must choose the wrong parents, we probably need to have some aspect of intestinal permeability that may or may not be triggered by the consumption of lectins and then we may also need to consume lectins. or have some other type of antigenic stimulus like certain bacteria inside your gut, so unless those three align, you probably won't develop an autoimmune disease, but for people who have chosen the wrong parents, these Next two layers become very important.
So now let's pay a little more attention to intestinal permeability or leaky gut. This picture was derived from a Genome Association study that looked at inflammatory bowel disease and found that having inflammatory bowel disease or genetics increased the risk of developing it. other conditions, most of them autoimmune diseases, so this should suggest that there is something about inflammatory bowel disease that is inherently associated with increased intestinal permeability that is problematic in autoimmune diseases, so let's start with some factors that we can actually do to reduce or increase. intestinal permeability other risk factors alcohol is one of the most important, so here it is clearly seen that intestinal permeability is much greater if ethanol is consumed than not, what about anti-inflammatory medications?
Also, this is diclofenac, this is the active ingredient found in voltaren, so it has been understood for a long time. While taking anti-inflammatory drugs increases intestinal permeability, and to make matters worse, these are the drugs that doctors often prescribe to people with joint pain, in a group of arthritis called seronegative spondyloarthropathies or even rheumatoid arthritis, relieve other conditions that , as a root, because intestinal permeability often contributes. Now let's look at our processed foods, so they are full of a lot of ingredients that are always homogenized and the reason is because they contain emulsifiers and this study here was done on mice, but it actually compared a couple of emulsifiers to one percent of their food intake, so it wasn't large compared to the amount of emulsifiers consumed by the average person on a processed food diet.
It's actually quite modest, but what you can see is the addition of emulsifiers. in the second or third column this leads to a significant thinning of the mucus shown in green and actually allows for greater bacterial penetration into the mucus, so you can see the red dots there, the bacteria that can now get very close to the wall. intestinal and if we really take a look at what the consequences of this are in the same study, we found that exposure to emulsifiers increased voluntary food intake. We didn't tell the mice to eat more, they just did (second and third columns). there and, unsurprisingly, this led to a significant increase in fasting blood glucose levels and perhaps even more predictably, the mice got fat.
The authors of this article basically said it was emulsifier-induced metabolic syndrome, so no one is still holding on to the calories-in-calories hypothesis, but even those on a ketogenic diet shouldn't get too comfortable right now, this It is cream and contains these emulsifiers and they are also found in things like coconut cream so check your labels as they are not often stated so polysorbate 80 is It is good if they say that but it is often listed as e3 433, so check labels if you eat processed foods. Polyethylene glycol is another substance that can really thin the mucous layer, so it is often used as a defoaming food additive or frequently used. to control constipation treat constipation in things called Mobe which are actually made of polyethylene glycol and in this study here we can see what happened when you add polyethylene glycol to a sugar mixture you should see how it affects the thickness of the mucus layer , now there is another one. food additive that has the potential to damage intestinal barriers, one that might surprise you is titanium dioxide nanoparticles.
Now we're used to talking about titanium dioxide in sunscreens when we're worried, but you can probably relax because it doesn't sound like it. penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin down to the dermis where it can actually interact with the immune system, but if you ate it, that's a different story and it's an approved food additive and you might be eating it, so a It is often found in sweets and chews. chewing gums and studies have shown in animals that regular consumption over a 10 day period will actually lead to detectable buildups in the organs, so what we have here is a sugar-free and gluten-free gum bar and also It is so effective at penetrating the intestinal barrier that pharmaceutical companies use it for drug delivery.
They try to combine a drug molecule with a nanoparticle because they know that a nanoparticle can pass through the intestinal wall. Now we move on to pesticides and pesticides of all kinds. associated with a lot of autoimmune disorders, neurological defects, developmental disorders and what we can see here is a study on pesticides, so you can see in green, these are protein tight junctions that hold the epithelial cells together and they are highlighted by something. Is calledimmunofluorescence and this is a sample that has not been exposed to pesticides and this is a sample from a mouse that has been exposed to pesticides.
The tight junctions have disappeared and associated with this loss of tight junctions there is an increased passage of bacteria into the circulation, so this is from the same study and this graph demonstrates the percentage of rats exposed to pesticides that had different kinds of bacteria in their circulation, so the gray bars show the rats exposed to pesticides and the white bars show the rats that were not and here is the The problem is that any of their food is contaminated with pesticide residues. This might surprise many people. We've all heard of people who moved to the mountains and their inflammatory bowel disease got better or something and pollution may be to blame. particularly the really small particles called PM tents and in fact they have been shown to increase intestinal permeability and in this graph here in control mice we have mice exposed to PM 10, you can see that there is a significant increase in intestinal permeability, especially in the colon and the reason it is worse in the colon is probably because the waste spends more time in that part of the gastrointestinal tract and can also induce free radical damage, which then has another list of consequences in terms of stress oxidative and free radical production What about the chemicals found in plastic?
You've probably all heard of BPA, and we know that BPA is harmful to your intestinal lining, but they're taking it out of food packaging right now, so that's got to be a good thing. being replaced by something called bps, it basically has the same effect as we think, except it's actually been studied, but now 80% of Americans have detectable levels of BP in their urine, so maybe stay away from plastics, Now let's look at things. that you can do things that are good now, consuming fat has been shown to significantly improve the function of the mucous layer in the intestines and the effect was significant, so when we compared it we had 200 nanometer spheres and we measured the passage of those that cross a barrier, the fat consumption immediately preceding that is reduced by at least 10 times and possibly more than a hundred times, there is something else that we can possibly take and it is called glutamine, this is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body and It is used as the main fuel source by intestinal cells gypsum contributes significantly to the structural integrity of interfacial sites and in animals, if we give indomethacin to a mouse, we can see that many cells die and when we give them indomethacin more glutamine we see that the initial value is restored, so so far the human trials and they have been a couple have not had dramatic results but I am still waiting our suspect will probably be beneficial bovine colostrum cloister is the milk moon this is a milk curd the cows are doing the first few days after birth and this is a randomized control trial on seven male volunteers who took 50 milligrams of indomethacin three times a day for five days and what they found was that before taking the drug and after taking indomethacin, if they had colostrum there was no change in their intestinal permeability, but if they did not take colostrum and they took a whey protein substitute, then there was a significant increase and it is believed that there are growth factors in their classroom, particularly the factor of beta transforming growth, which are thought to support the intestinal wall now, by definition, lectins can bind to sugars because they remember their carbohydrates and proteins, so the theory is that maybe if we consume lectins we can consume sugars at the same time and these sugars will serve as a decoy and link for the intestinal wall. lectins before they can hit our intestinal wall and cause damage and what you can see here in this study in mice is that if they administered a lectin alone there was a significant increase in intestinal permeability, but when they administered it together they consumed more sugar. select damage was reduced and there are also theories that giving a glucosamine supplement will do the same, so now we can commit dacoit.
The really interesting thing to consider here is that if you are a vegetarian and follow a low-carb diet, then you may be. taking more damage from lectins and someone still, you know, adding up all the tim tams and any shield retreats that you guys have here now, so it's a unique substance, so it's often used as a natural emulsifier in foods, but It's good, so it actually contains something called phosphatidylcholine and more than 70% of the phospholipids in a mucous membrane are produced as phosphorus, a phosphatidylcholine and liquor ingested orally; It has then been shown to adhere to the mucosal layer and strengthen it, and in a randomized control trial that led to a more than 50 percent improvement in symptoms in more than 90% of patients with inflammatory bowel disease and this It was in a population that was refractory to steroids and other medications and in fact 80% of patients taking steroids could have withdrawn due to liquor; so we've already seen a significant association between bacterial populations in the gut and intestinal permeability, so the question is: can we replace?
Can we supplement with bacterial populations in the form of probiotics and various strains of In fact, bacteria have been shown to be beneficial for the intestinal lining and this includes Lactobacillus plantarum, which is found in a medical grade probiotic supplement called Earth BSL- 3 that we often use in inflammatory bowel disease. One of the problems is the need to nourish any introduced bacteria, if the food supply or nutrients available to the bacteria we introduce are not favorable to it, other bacteria are likely to outcompete it and that simply means that when we are going to need a delivery continue now As you know there is some debate about whether we should consume dairy products and a lot of the debate revolves around whether we should consume 1 or 2 proteins, so basically a 1 protein found in some milks can lead to the formation of a peptide. called b c m7 and it has certain opioid-like effects that can bind to opioid receptors in the brain, possibly cause cognitive dysfunction, and it's often thought that it could also cause intestinal inflammation and various other things, and there are some studies that actually show that compared to a1 and a2 that removing the protein to one led to a reduction in systemic inflammation and an improvement in cognitive performance and several other things, but there is an important point here because putting that aside, both milks still led to low-grade inflammation. response, the type of which is often seen in conditions we call teepee, allergic-type conditions, asthmatic-type conditions, so it's probably reasonable to err on the side of caution if you have a genetic susceptibility to developing allergies or autoimmune diseases, and then avoid milk of cow for The first period of your life is certainly highly recommended and possibly continuous, so in closing, the question is that with all this theory, does avoiding these plant-based lectins really help autoimmune conditions and the answer is yes, this It was a study that was published. in 2017 and looked at a cohort of 15 patients with inflammatory bowel disease and remember that inflammatory bowel disease was at the center of this diagram of all other autoimmune diseases and the average duration of inflammatory bowel disease in the study participants was 19 years and 7 of the 15 actually relied on what we call biological therapy, monoclonal antibodies, to try to help control their disease, so they were put on a diet that was called the autoimmune protocol, so they avoided gluten, refined sugar, grains, legumes, nightshades, vegetables because they contain a lot. of lectins many people do not realize so your potato your pepper you call them bell peppers you eggplants tomatoes chilis very high in maintenance so we eliminate nightshades Bridget no dairy no eggs no coffee no alcohol no nuts no seeds no food additives and also them They gave some advice about your lifestyle, you know, optimize your exercise a little bit for sleep, so what would be the results? 11 of the 15 subjects had clinical remission at six weeks and maintained it for the duration of the study and remember.
The average duration of inflammatory bowel disease that entered the study was 19 years now, due to the small size of the study, laboratory measurements did not reach statistical significance, but did show a trend of improvement. Take, for example, fecal calprotectin, which is a marker of intestinal inflammation. They are eliminated in the feces and it is a very reliable test for inflammatory bowel disease and in fact it is one of my favorite tests for this condition that I do in the clinic and the average reduction was from 471 to 112 now it was not like that. achieve statistical significance by virtue of the small sample size, but certainly if there are reductions like that, I would consider them clinically significant and these types of results reflect the results that I actually see in my patients.
I think we should end there, so thank you.

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