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Dr. DanTDM's Hospital (Two Point Hospital)

May 30, 2021
it is this? Oh, it's a GPS office, how did you get that flat? Mach's star patients think they're one of the best rock stars they've ever seen. They need to go to psychiatry. How do I see my um? How do I hold it? There are a lot of them. There are four. Now I need a really good doctor. I'm with you. Charlie, come in. There are four. of these guys here and we're losing $9,000, which is too much. I love the little animations that you can get so close to them and their teeth, they are literally driving me crazy right now but I think it will work, it might take some time. but I think we're going to be fine, you definitely don't have rock star problems, we might need other treatments here, this


is small, look at these idiots, what are you doing now?
dr dantdm s hospital two point hospital
You're singing, don't sing in the hallway please, drug mixer. - unlocked, oh, this is part of our plan, how will you do it, oh, we upgrade with the concierge, try it and it may have more technology for us, are you qualified? You are qualified, upgrade to drug mixer to cost ten thousand, thirty is needed. seven days what, but how are we going to cure people if it takes 37 days oh no, I need a war? They were lazy. I found the staff list. The energy is 39%. Although they are working harder. Why is it difficult not to be happy?
dr dantdm s hospital two point hospital

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dr dantdm s hospital two point hospital...

What's the matter? You are not satisfied with your salary. Well, wait until she complains. Well, actually, this is going up pretty fast. How quickly did the days go by? Come on, you need your big boy. Red carpet. The red carpet it is. waiting for this machine, you need it desperately yes, we did it. Pan's laboratory unlocks great. We can use the extractor tray. This high-tech device is great for removing unwanted kitchen utensils. Great, did you know we can build new


buildings? Oh, that's what it is. Do we really want to tear down a children's playground?
dr dantdm s hospital two point hospital
Although it seems a bit long. I'm going to build the pan lab first. Hey, there it is. So it's literally a giant magnet. OK. I dig it a thousand perfect. The receptionist is missing. What are you doing? Are you OK? Are you tired. Okay, maybe I need to hire someone else. Oh my God, look, they've got frying pans on their heads and Janina, dynamite, strong Nigel, you guys have problems, but hopefully we can check it out. This comes out today and I also need to have another building, that's 50,000. I'll just buy the small one for now so I can do the challenge.
dr dantdm s hospital two point hospital
I want to reach a star and we are getting lost. a doctor too, oh my god, berry quiche, you're hired even though you're so expensive. Oh, Holley, failure is ripe for promotion from junior janitor to janitor. I need to give him a new salary increase, promote, enjoy the pandemic, ah, that's what it's called, that's what it is. how we get the pans out of there, either out of their heads and out of their bodies, well, their happiness is very high, I probably shouldn't have given them so much money, no treatment failed, pesos, no, no, no, no, don't die Don't die, Donald. oh please don't die, please don't die, please don't die, it's just sad, he's got lazy bones, why did he fail, he doesn't like that he's going to die, we're fine, oh, there's too much going on things, there are so many things we can do.
Make this place a few more plants and a jug of ice and some maybe even clean up the vomit challenge. The hospital attracts numbers of 70%. Yes, I'll agree that we also discovered swamp warts again. Oh, the current attractiveness is only 55%. right, bring me some plants. I'm going to put plants everywhere. Use these signs too. I just missed a treatment. I want to see what's going on here. I'm going to buy a magazine rack. Oh yes, I'm going to buy it. I need to increase. attractiveness works, it didn't increase it at all. I lost money. Oh, let's see this.
Was that supposed to happen? I guess you're cured then. Oh wait, is it because I don't have anything here? Weapons yes place, yes, there we go, let's put some plants here, we don't have to use this room yet, I'm just using all the plants until we reach 70%, there we go, well done, done successfully, I have, what do I have? 25% happiness in 10k well this doesn't look good luckily no one goes in there but she just farted she farted and then she farted it you're disgusting you know what things really look pretty good things They are doing well and if the patients are really sad, we can send them here.
See how many plants there are to enjoy. We forgot to put bathrooms. I know the perfect room for this. Hey, a plant room and a bathroom. The arrival of a journalist impressed the VIP with a nice hospital. I get a representative and 10 thousand dollars, okay let's see what happens, it's her, why did you get out of an ambulance? You brought someone with you who has a problem, okay I see how it is, you just want to make a report so you can get preferential treatment. Dude, I don't believe it, as you know, I believe it because you need to report well about oh no, she's asleep, wake up, this is not good, she's just crying, why are you crying?
She's supposed to be happy. Mandy Ball is ready for promotion. junior assistant to assistant oh my gosh locker picture promotion enjoy yes you get the thumbs up doing your best behavior. Awesome please thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up yeah she's given us the thumbs up everywhere we've accomplished this okay we just don't do it. Don't go into this room unless you really like plants. You're going to skip it. I lost $900, that's not good. I want to see if she goes into the plant room. Oh, a barbershop foursome needs to be treated by simulated star. rewarded if we treat this group if we send them here we will get 10,000 yes please we are losing money right?
Do I need to build other psychiatric wards? Let me see if I have the staff for it. I have to go to the do it now, yeah we're good let's see what happens the VIP is walking home what a shame oh here they are I love how they cover everyone do the exact same walk that's great but we should be able to prioritize these guys somehow, yeah, let's put them up to the top, how do I do that? I can't understand it, yeah, I impress the VIP, perfect, oh this could be a terrible, terrible situation, I don't know if we'll be able to do this guys.
I know he's dying. Why is Fredrik dying? I don't believe it. The probability of success was 89%. The man is dying. Did you know? I don't want to hear that now. I'm about to see a man die. What have you done? Berry and Berry Quiche You killed this man, did he do it? Has he gone? Is anyone going to say something about this? No, we're fine, we'll just ignore it. It's okay, as long as we heal our VIPs, we'll be fine. The first death, all those who are not good, holy failure, have a request for us. I know you want four suggestions, but the other day I had this great idea: What if we were to cure some people?
Wouldn't that be great? Yes, Holly, that would be great. okay, give me the challenge, thanks your widow, right, we only have one of these guys, laugh, I want to see them transform perfectly, we cure the entire group of patients, sweet, we have 20,000 for that, even if we give the green light to everyone. Siri transforms into a lady. I still can't believe we killed someone. That's really annoying. Literally no one cared. She didn't turn into a ghost, which I'm pretty sure they can do. Do I swear you just did it? You did a spell, so you're a witch, you definitely just did a spell, let me see if I'll repeat it for you, look at the awards and the annual review, oh no, did we get a reward?
Hey, let's see what happens, who will receive the rewards? open also Kapaa, who is the doctor of the year, it's Richard Ocean, it's me, I get this five thousand dollars, open them all, yeah, I got one, two, three, four, five, I got five out of eight awards. I'm a legend, I think they get a lot of money for that, no, congratulations guys, I appreciate the good work, thanks for the money. I think we should buy this hand sanitizer. I'm obsessed with these things and I think a hospital should be. Makes sense. Well done, no, no, why are people? dying what's going on Georgina I love how she changes even though she's dying she wants to change first just in case oh no please become a ghost if you're going to die at least become a ghost watch 85% again I guess yes I can't save everyone so go around the corner to die so bad and literally fade away into a ghost.
There is a ghost. A patient appears returning from the dead. We need a janitor. - My God. Gina, why? torment us like this full treatment for lazy bones Georgina, honey, are you going to make a ghost bust? That's amazing, that's great, everything we captured. Georgina hunts. I just want to make this a star before you promote or train your staff. I just need to get one. more level if I buy this the level will go up Drakon that's all I want I just want to complete this hospital you need a bathroom please don't wet yourself maybe if I get a second of these oh so close yeah all I needed What I did was add another pharmacy.
I did it, congratulations, thanks with ten thousand dollars and unlocked cardiology deluxe or lux. We did it guys, cardiology unlocked. I just want to see what's in this real quick, but Red Mill is that, I'm not building one. of those yet, but guys, that's pretty much going to end our experience of running our own hospital. This game is great, if you played theme hospitals before this is the perfect game for you. Definitely go get it. I'll put a link to it in the description below, but I hope you enjoyed this video, if you left a like we really appreciate it, please subscribe if you're new to join the TDM team today to follow my crazy adventures in all these video games and other things , and I suppose.
I'll see you next time bye oh no one else has died

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