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May 12, 2020
Hello, today we will take an educational look at the species known as idiot tubers. The phylum of idiot tubercles is made up of members who possess no soul, no morals, no creativity, and definitely no entertainment. In this phylum you will find members like rice. The idiot tubers of Gum and the Paul brothers are mainly made up of five characteristics: one, they are all idiots on YouTube who became popular for being idiots on YouTube for kids two, bragging, always bragging or flexing, flexing for those of you, those of you who are not twelve years old. When money is thrown in the spectator's face, he looks at how much money I have and you don't.
I'm just a prostitute that cost $5,000 because girls usually don't look at me without money in my hand, so I paid for it. I don't have this amount of money I have this amount of money, so it's just bragging about your money to the kids that look at you, that it's in the hand that feeds you, but the kids like to 3 just be a big jerk 4 You're still a big asshole 5, always threatening to fight your enemies or roast them, optionally dissuade hints if you want to be a super idiot turbo extreme youtuber. Idiot YouTubers are something I've talked about in the past, they're probably the most content. creators on the site because kids live vicariously through that type of content, they see this man who is successful because they look at them and they feel like they had a part in that person's success and when they feel pressured, they feel like they've earned that taste. when they're flexing it's like hey, I told you that, yeah, use it wisely, huh, kids like that kind of thing because they might not have it and it feels good that they were able to help someone else achieve it.

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I understand. It makes sense, that doesn't mean I respect it, although it is a very toxic thing and the reason I do this is because I found the perfect example of an idiot. Berta from meme Ulis made a video about a man named Ryan Franklin who is the epitome of an idiot tuber, he does it all and I want to check out his channel here to show you exactly what idiot tubers are and why they are bad for you. shoes. My shoes cost more than your first push-up. I'll only show one Ryan Franklin clip per point to illustrate because I don't want to show more than necessary because I understand that not everyone has a war-hardened stomach like mine that can handle vomiting when watching abysmal content like this. so I'll just show as much as necessary to get the points across so you're not tortured with more Ryan Franklin content than you need and pretty much everything Ryan does, there's some degree of flex in a video, it's going to be oh look at this hat Gucci I just bought her oh, dad, I just spent $2,000 on this Louis Vuitton trench coat on Instagram, she'll post.
I just bought this extremely expensive pair of shoes. These Yeezys. I'll see this Gucci condom in my micropenis hashtag. bless him, he's always flexing and flexing is one of the main things with idiot tubers. I really personally don't understand why people just tolerate that. That's so insulting and spitting in your face. Hey, you supported me, now I'm leaving. bragging to you that you don't have these things, so I don't understand it and I think it's a really bad thing to do in an unhealthy way, more than anything else, it shows nothing more than insecurity or a sense of being holier than thou, which All idiots always think they are more important than all their viewers and always have the belief that the world owes them everything and then they are entitled to everything the world has to offer.
I complain about people doing clickbait and then we proceed. clickbait myself now I understand your point, but at the same time your points are irrelevant, okay, they're dumb, they're stupid. I mean, I make the occasional misleading thumbnail, some misleading title in here and if you're stupid. enough so that you don't get fooled and go to the live video, click beta. I want to have the added view as if you are so dumb if you have gone to the video thinking that I am in firm agreement with Ryan on This point here, if you are a fan of Ryan Franklin, you are dumb and stupid, as you can see, this illustrates my point that I just to expose where he thinks he is better than all his viewers, he thinks they are all too stupid to even fall for it. because of his clickbait and most of the idiot tubers feel the same way hey my audience is so dumb I can clickbait anything even if it doesn't make sense aliens invaded my erections at 3am while watching haunted spongebob super scary you won't believe it number 6 10.
Million views so yeah I agree with these type of people viewers. I wouldn't necessarily call them stupid, but they are naive because they are children. They are being exploited with this deception, which is horrible in my opinion. I don't know personally. I don't see the attraction, I'm out of luck, okay, I know one of the main things he does is always insult any of his enemies based on their appearance, he always goes well with appearance insults and doesn't discriminate. No matter your age, gender, race, you could be an alien, you are still a target, everyone is equal in their eyes.
Here she confronts a six year old girl and she showed no mercy, all the wrath of her sly roasting fell on her. this six year old was ruthless he never heard that before in my life if i had a pound for every time he sucked my hair because of the color or the style or anything it doesn't matter i live in the bahamas i wonder why i get So many hair jokes that I honestly can't imagine I'm going to go ahead and pile them on even though you look like Bert from Sesame Street. I'm sure you get that one all the time, so that's nothing new.
Your hair looks like Anthony Sullivan. smart mop after he was used to clean a bunch of Chaz Finster's pubic hair. I'm actually really glad you chose that hairstyle, although honestly it lets people know you're an asshole without having to talk to you. Your hair looks like three. Rusty slinkys that had an orgy above your head that you just decided not to stop, so you're welcome, there's four more for your Bahamas background and the most awkward thing about Gerald is when this cozy and ugly, oh no, watch out, we've been invaded by Ryan Franklin no, I'm just kidding, that's not Ryan Franklin, that's Watteau from the Star Wars prequels.
Ryan is too much to confront anyone directly, he's already private on his Twitter account and because he's so old, but you see what I did there. Ryan, I compared you to Watteau and Wada was known for not being super attractive back in the Ghost minute, so I call you ugly, you get it, you know it, because that's what you do. You really took that six year old. Size man, how are you 19 or 20 years old and you're just calling a kid ugly? You're crazy? Holy man, this is a letter from one of you like a name Jessica.
I haven't opened that fan mail in two, what a cool guy, you didn't even bother to read who the fan mail was from, he's been at this for two years and hasn't opened it, what a piece of honesty, I don't think that fan mail is actually from someone I feel like he wrote that himself like Jessica. I don't think this guy is receiving fan mail or has ever received it in the past. Oh yes, that's what we want you to do. Ryan, open another post office box so they can send you letters. never read for two years, great idea, stupid, son of an awesome, hey guys, you want me to open the post office box so you can send it.
I ignore it, how does it sound cool? Huh again, just showing that he doesn't care about his fans? For that matter, anyone, amazingly, intentionally, how do you have an accidental bend? Oh, wow. I accidentally started taking pictures of all my expensive possessions and saying how cool they were and then accidentally uploaded them to everything I own, damn what a dumb mistake. I mean, there's no way to correct it now, it's already in the wild. Oh, sorry guys during the Sun, but I made some videos about her and yet the videos did well in terms of views, you know, they made me money. a joke like that tweet is a joke like everything easy easy is a joke that you don't realize you're like I feel like I've been misunderstood quite badly yesterday's video this is always the Fleshlight that these idiots start using once that starts backfires on them with all their idiocies and bragging oh it's just a joke, I'm just playing a character hahaha, I'm not really a big insufferable, it's just a joke, calm down guys, but it's very clear which is not a joke because none of this is done in a comedic way or anything entertaining, it's just a joke, it's a joke for you guys, I'm not really a hahahaha, if you have to keep reiterating that it's a joke over and over again, maybe it's not a good joke or maybe you are the joke. it's just silly because it's so obvious to anyone that you're not joking, you're just being an idiot.
This was a National Geographic look at the idiot tuber and I hope everyone learned something about this abhorrent species. There is no respect for these types of people at all and hopefully you will walk away with this knowledge and also form an opinion that, hey, maybe these aren't great people and I should let my kids or my brothers and sisters young people see. because he gives them a bad example, he really does it one hundred percent, that's right, see you.

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