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Doublevision (Part 1) Intellivision - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)

Jun 04, 2021
he'll take you back to the P, he'll take you back to the past to play those shitty


s that suck, he'd rather a buffalo get vomit of diarrhea in his ear, he'd rather putrefy the slaughter and that with him. the Ang


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Nintendo he


G we have only mentioned a few of the many classic game consoles like the Atari 2600, but now it's time to introduce you to two of its competitors who are feeling down and dirty zibit a the intelion anothere display B the cico vision it's time for me to have a good time they both tried to beat Atari and they both had similar library games it's like today you have all these games you don't know which way to look at my eyes with that double vision I don't dislike that double vision when it gets to me, it's always new to me Double visions took over me first let's talk about


, it was test marketed in 1979, but it was officially launched in 1980, notice that it has a fine wood texture, everything that was back then made of wood, you know the Stone Age well, that was the age of wood, the television came from Mattel Electronics, now you know what else they made, the Power Glove, that's a bad sign, but it was a great system game for its time.
doublevision part 1 intellivision   angry video game nerd avgn
I'm going to review a bunch of random, mostly shitty games, but I'll tell you right now. I have three common complaints: number one, many of the games are very similar to other games and are often blatant copies, number two without the instructions they are difficult to understand how to play number three, the controls suck and , in this sense, the main problem is the controllers, why a number pad is a


game controller, not a phone, then there are two small buttons on each side that are usually the trigger buttons are difficult to handle and , instead of a joystick or control panel of some kind, you sometimes get this strange disk.
doublevision part 1 intellivision   angry video game nerd avgn

More Interesting Facts About,

doublevision part 1 intellivision angry video game nerd avgn...

In the heat of the game you can stick your fingernail into it, it also acts as a button so in total it's 17 buttons and for this Lex games you really need that many when you start a game the first thing you do is test each button Before you find out which ones do something, most of them don't jack and it's different for each game. Why a lot of the games come with overlays, you slide it over the keys and now you can see what they do, it helps, but damn what a load of stuff, and the games barely fit in the cartridge slot, it's like trying to fit the dick in a Cheerio.
doublevision part 1 intellivision   angry video game nerd avgn
So this is a space battle, it sounds pretty promising, but hey, what is this? None of the buttons do anything but make fart noises and the overlay has a ton of triforces. This is where they come from. All you have to do is wait for the squads to meet him. aliens and then the battle screen appears where you shoot blueberry pancakes. This should be the entire game. Why does this


exist below? shoot things I mean you have to be at the exact altitude two up and eight down and the fire buttons are on the side I mean that's cool why not extend the buttons as much as possible? well, what's next?
doublevision part 1 intellivision   angry video game nerd avgn
How about Utopia? kind of a precursor to Sim City, you're basically the god of an island, you build things and storms come and wow, all I can say is that in 1981 people had a lot more imagination, okay, how about He-Man? Oh man, I thought it was going to be He-Man, so you're flying around in the Wind Erator shooting at things. I think on the ground, you throw bombs at Skeletor and that's it, wait. Did I just call that white square a bomb? See that's using your imagination Vectron in the 80s it was all Tron Megatron Voltron Tron the movie you get the idea this is a strange and strange game the first challenge is to figure out which of these indescribable objects you are controlling so guess what I think you are this green V. you can shoot things but you can't move and that's just fantastic because there's a big shiny box that immediately blocks your path.
I'm not going to lie, I don't understand it now, speaking of Tron, we have deadly Tron albums here. Running around and throwing people seems like a fun little game, but what ruins it for me is how fucked up the controls are instead of just having a simple fire button and aiming with the joystick or the dial or whatever the keyboard determines in which direction you shoot. thin ice, okay, you're a penguin ice skating collecting torches or it could be McDonald's fries, who knows all the time there's a seal up your ass killing you, but black penguins do absolutely nothing.
At the moment, it's a pretty complicated game. You start by moving some points on the map screen, then you enter caves, fight monsters and find items. What are those Jacks? Can I pick them up? I guess not, the limited visibility is quite annoying and without the overlay or any instructions I have to admit I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but this is one of the granddaddies of adventure games, what do we have here? Space S


ans man, what the hell does that mean a Spartan in Space was Marvin the Martian from Space Spartan. You have this grid screen and you shoot that looks like a high-fire microsurgeon.
The image reminds me of a nice slim body and I can't believe I'm making that kind of reference, but you control a little anyway. visible point on the screen moving around the human body, there are spiders and clouds floating around and I doubt this is medically accurate, you just explore all the insides technically which makes it the bloodiest game ever made but it only goes so far , guess and Zone just don't Don't do it, frog, you're a frog and the goal is to eat as many flies as you can. It's the same as frogs and flies on the Atari 2600, but the graphics are much better on the Atari.
However, the flies are just flickering dots. It's more fun to play Because of its smooth control, it's a good example of better graphics, not a better game. Buzz Bombers, this is funny, you kill a lot of bees with bug spray, but no, you don't use a bug can. spray you're the can of bug spray there's also a hummingbird you can shoot but it doesn't seem to do anything you know when it bites you their butts break and die space Hawkman it all starts with space so you're just a guy floating through space shooting green slime uhoh uh oh the bubbles are coming I have to find one's mother it would be a lot easier to move if you could use the disk instead it's the damn keyboard uh-oh here comes space Hawk has to move, has to move, Damn, I wiped my ass in this game.
Boxing, okay, yeah, boxing, this sucks. You have to hold the line as long as possible without touching the other lines or hitting your own, these are the basics of graphics, but. Surprisingly, it's a pretty fun game. Well, now we have to move on, but let me introduce you to the Intell Voice speech synthesis module. What is it? Well, it makes your games talk. Yes, at the time, the idea of ​​having voices in


games was something new, but. Unfortunately, fortunately, only a few games were supported like B7 Bomber Matel Electronics presents B7 bom b 17 bom B7 bom okay, the game, let's try the bomb squad Matel Electronics presents the bomb squad, they will never make the cold, the cold, Discover the cold, what do I suppose?
I have to spread the bomb it won't be easy to replace this third this fourth this second this first oh oh

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