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May 11, 2020
we are going to sleep in a deep relationship we will sleep deeply in complete healing of our illnesses we do not know how to work on something we like we do not heal we stop demanding ourselves to run from one place to the other we talk to ourselves stopping doing what we do not want to do abandoning a life that We do not like to receive a life that is a space of serenity, we turn off the television everything that harms us, we begin to live a life without stress from the inside out, we gain from a diet free of suffering, we do not want to vibrate more in suffering, we change. our eating habits, of course, it is possible, if we feel that there are people who harm us, we have the right to stay away, we stay away from toxic things, refined things, synthetic things, white sugar, white flour, cow's milk, common salt, flesh of all its derivatives we don't know how to forgive we don't know with high vibration words or being beautiful music cultivating positive thoughts we go to bed we close our eyes we are going to practice today a deep healing of diseases our body wants to stop we have to allow it our defense system and our cells They respond to our thoughts and our emotions.
dormir profundamente sanando cuerpo mente esp ritu sanaci n durmiendo
Our body has a perfect intelligence to regenerate and achieve an optimal quality of life. Affirmations and thoughts have a great power of realization. In this accompaniment we are going to use affirmations and visualization of our body healing sometimes. When we feel depressed, sick, sad or have a negative attitude, it helps us to close our eyes and decree that everything will be fine. I fully trust myself. Undoing any negative memory. I prepare to heal. I am aware that when I am thinking I am transmitting energy and that thoughts are more powerful than chemistry we relax deeply entering this deep and healing visualization exercise we lie down we connect with our heart with our inner child and decide and affirm I am health vitality and energy my body is capable of processing food and assimilating perfectly its nutrients from this moment and forever I am eliminating every emotion of anger sadness fear anguish or shame that could lodge in my mouth in my stomach in my intestines or in my glands I banish from my body all negative emotions and thoughts I am life health and energy my airways absorb all the oxygen and sacred prana that my physical body requires to function perfectly there is no obstacle that can prevent me from absorbing the cosmic energy present in the air that I breathe from this moment I am eliminating all emotions of anger sadness fear, anguish or shame that could lodge in my respiratory lives, eliminated any obstacle that prevents me from absorbing the oxygen that sustains my physical body, banishing all negative emotions and thoughts from my body with the power given to me by the divinity that I am, my heart houses.
dormir profundamente sanando cuerpo mente esp ritu sanaci n durmiendo

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dormir profundamente sanando cuerpo mente esp ritu sanaci n durmiendo...

They are positive and harmonious feelings. Their withdrawals are even because they are the source of life that carries the vital fluid to each cell of my body. My veins and arteries are harmonious flexible free pathways through which this life energy circulates. From this moment on I am eliminating all attention sadness discontent fear or hatred that may lodge in my heart freed my veins and arteries from any obstacle that impedes the flow of life I banish from my heart all negative emotions and thoughts with the power that I am being the divinity that I am I am health balance and purity my body is capable of perfectly and forever eliminating everything that does not favor it from this moment I eliminated all imbalance guilt and crystallization is that they lodge in my body banish from my body all negative emotions and thoughts being the divinity that I am my skeleton is solid and firm and is the ideal support for all the organs of my body my muscles are strong and full of energy my entire body is a harmonious and stable structure from this moment I eliminated all fear and apathy that prevent me from moving and advance in the fulfillment of the divine plan with the power that I am with the light that I am banishing from my bones, muscles and joints all negative emotions and thoughts from this moment eliminated all feelings of anguish, shame or tension that could lodge in my genitals banishing from my mind any misconception about my sexuality I assume my sexuality as a natural function of my organism I am healthy coherence and energy my brain is free of harmful thoughts and beliefs my nerves are perfect conductors of impulses that allow me to perform perfectly well from this moment I eliminated all negative thoughts and all wrong beliefs I banish from my nervous system any blockage or obstacle that prevents me from acting in accordance with my divine plan I am health vitality and energy my body is capable of assimilating and processing the food I consume and the air I I breathe my heart works perfectly sending loving energy to every corner of my body my mind is clear I am aware of my sexuality and I exercise it wisely my entire body is a perfect mechanism and is ready to carry out my divine mission our digestive system is our second brain I am detoxifying at this moment from everything that I have consumed and that has harmed me I am allowing my digestive system to rest I observe my digestive tract works perfectly my teeth can perfectly crush the foods these foods the salivary glands They moisten, perfectly initiating their chemical decomposition, transforming them into boluses.
dormir profundamente sanando cuerpo mente esp ritu sanaci n durmiendo
This is working perfectly for me. From this moment on, my entire digestive system is working perfectly. The sick person is healing. I observed how the digestive tube continues through the large intestine. I observe it working my digestive system is perfect, I weave life with ease, life suits me well, I assimilated the good moments that it offers me every day, everything is fine, he observed half a phragm, he observed how in inhalation the diaphragm contracts and lowers. The air enters the lungs when I exhale. I observe how the diaphragm relaxes and rises. My chest is decreasing in size and thus the air leaves the lungs to the outside.
dormir profundamente sanando cuerpo mente esp ritu sanaci n durmiendo
This is working perfectly. It is discreet. I observe how my nose allows the entry and exit of air. When the air enters the nose it is moistened it is heated it is filtered everything is working perfectly I am breathing with profound normality and perfection my larynx my lungs my intercostal muscles half of the phragm work perfectly I inhaled and exhaled naturally the diaphragm goes up and down and this is perfect the fresh, clean air oxygenates me oxygen helps my cells regenerate I delight in my breathing all the cells in my body work in unison for my healing I breathe healing light and vital energy to nourish my cells I smile with love at each cell in me body I smile with love to my entire body the inner smile heals me and allows me to live in harmony this moment of my life is an extraordinary opportunity to know myself more love myself more and live in full harmony I observe how my heart contracts regularly and keeps the blood in constant movement he observed the red blood cells how they transport oxygen to all the cells of the body he observed it my heart works perfectly he let go of any hardness or feeling of hatred or resentment that he harbors against anyone loose that bond I am able to see beauty and purity in the world I admire and accept everything that I find in my path, accepting the uniqueness of each one no matter what happens I am fine no matter what happens if when I am aware of how I continue to investigate and exhale through my nose I take my time I do not I rush as I breathe, my mind follows from the fact that there is so much love that surrounds me, I feel the love inside me, I feel the greatness of life, I feel and am grateful for the infinite beauties that nature gives me, I can feel joy, happiness, deservingness and gratitude. touched by the healing spirit of divinity I open my heart on this day in an act of generosity I get out of the way of people who try to hurt me I can see their inner pain and I release it with love I attract people who nourish my life today I decide I opened my heart and became aware that miracles exist for everyone and that they are not isolated.
They continually present themselves to us and are continually causing changes in my life. I decide to open my heart to the miracles that are around me. I just have to take them with my extended heart. I attract. the miracle of love and I attract to myself all the experiences that I need to live I allow myself to have them I deserve them I imagine them in this moment I allow myself to take action I can get a ticket to go wherever I want I can go to the movies I can be useful being at home With serenity in this moment I give myself all the permissions to live my life intensely today I decide to love life unconditionally above difficulties I open my heart and do not ask why with my new vision and an open heart decided to look at the other with compassion I am grateful to all the people who passed through my life since each one of them left me a valuable lesson to continue advancing along the path of inner growth this gratitude heals me and frees me today I understand that by opening my heart I turn it into my best teacher the heart is what makes me reach the deepest knowledge today I decide to open my heart and learn to accept everything that life gives me recognizing and valuing its contribution to my existence today I understand that listening to my heart I find the true answers I visualize Once again, my digestive system is working perfectly, digesting all foods, detoxifying, my digestive system is associated with all the circulatory and respiratory systems, all of this is a set of mechanisms that at this moment work perfectly from here on forever, I continue to visualize my bones and joints, I visualize my muscles all of them I am feeling agile I observe my firm, resistant bones forming my skeleton my bones support my movements in combination with my wonderful muscles they protect the internal organs they protect my brain my lungs and the heart and I am grateful for it I visualize myself running walking crouching I am dancing with ease I am moving well with agility feeling young because I am young no matter how old I am my vision is improving now because I chose clarity I experienced clarity more and more every day I notice that every day I see more clearly seeing clearly is every It's getting easier it's getting more comfortable to be myself to be myself and to see clearly my mind expands and brings to my consciousness whatever information I need to experience clear vision today I can have clear vision today I can see clearly I am free I allows me to hear clearly what others tell me and acted according to what I feel in my heart I open my ears in my heart to the words of others I learn to listen with love and compassion each person expresses themselves to the best they know and the best they can can I learn to forgive myself and forgive others everything I hear is there to teach me something either to love or to distance myself from what I don't like and set limits for others I am able to choose the things and people I want listen to and I am not always free I allow myself to say no to others when I don't feel like doing something I listen with love and respect to my own needs I allow myself to disobey and I recognize my strength my independence and my individuality I am free and I love negative voices and from fear they remind me where I should put love in my mind and they help me love myself more I thank them and say goodbye listening to the love of my heart when I hear something I don't like I trust even more that I am a wonderful being I choose to forgive and To love when someone does not speak well to me is showing me their limits and weaknesses.
I can understand what they feel. I stay with my own love. I am a protective circle around me and I am the presence that produces this master home. I am the perfect activity of each organ and cell of my body I am the perfect intelligent activity in this body I am the perfect activity of this brain I am the perfect hearing hearing through these ears I am the perfect vision observing through these wonderful eyes I dare to be free I I have patience with each healing process, my body has messages for me. I pause and go inward, in my heart there are the answers to everyone.
Each illness that appears in the temple of my body leads me to know more and more about myself. I am grateful. I am here arising and supplying instantly I am the precipitation and visible presence of anything I desire and there is no thing or person that can interfere with it I am the power and the consuming presence of all fear doubt confusion confusion resentment that may be in me mind or in my heart I govern therefore every external manifestation I govern my illnesses and I can dissolve them when I learn that my body is perfect that I am healing that I am vibrating in gratitude and love and that new vibration heals everything my body is healing it is not necessary to continue suffering to learn the lessons that life is giving me I learn them with love with joy and gratitude respect for life in all its forms and manifestations is a demand of every noble soul a call from my heart I remember that I am light and in this I remember a feeling of stillness of internal transformation and love taking over my body, healing me.
Diseases come to the temple of my body to heal me so that I evolve so thatdevelop my conscience sometimes so that I pause my life so that I go inside so that I change course I learn to accept the manifestation of the temple of my body I stopped judging and qualifying the experiences that I am bringing and generating in my life from I program my interior so that it is healthy so that it can perform its functions perfectly, understanding its messages. The body does not punish me. The body speaks to me. I focused my attention on the love that my body feels for me.
I am aware at this moment that the The cause and origin of what happens outside is always found inside me and is related to the impulse and evolution of my state of consciousness. I thank the illness as a loving impulse of evolution. The illness is my teacher. It is my opportunity to organize a superior harmony in my own life on a physical, emotional, mental and spi


al level and I am taking advantage of this express process and stop repressing any emotion so that the temple of my body can heal. I free myself at this moment from all fear, the organs affected by fears are They are healing at this moment I am taking care of myself I recognize my limits I recognize them and I respect them I accept my anger that leads me to self-affirmation in search of myself I prevented at this moment the anger from turning into aggression resentment or hatred all the feelings are returned to my favor therefore my liver my digestion my immune system are healing I begin to cultivate joy the most beautiful of emotions because it is the emotion of the innocence of the heart the most healing of all my joy is softening all the other emotions because I It allows me to process them from my innocence, my joy is putting the rest of the emotions in contact with the heart, giving them an ascending meaning, channeling them so that they reach the world of the mind in serenity.
If sadness arises, I can express it, contact it, contact me and restore control. internally all negative emotions have their own positive aspect I make them negative when I repress them therefore at this moment I can release them and transform them by accepting them I allow my emotions to flow I channeled them so that they reach from the heart to the head I am aware that I am a creator or a creator so I believe that the best form of health at this moment I am creating health for my life the diseases are disappearing the existing ones and I am preventing any disease because I am health the diseases have been my teachers I am the apprentice I accept and incorporate the choice of illness in my life I look for air inside me never outside with this my anxiety calms down my support is internal I turn loneliness into my friend and I am my own company the anguish passes as I enter inside myself accepting myself just as I am, reconciling myself with myself, I am aware that the anguish comes from the fact that I am not what I want to be, I get rid of what I should be at this moment, I get rid of the stress that comes from competitiveness, I get rid of my desire to want to be perfect, to want to be. the best that I want to imitate I get rid of all those desires I am my own competition as a unique authentic original being I am not a copy of anyone good stress allows me to be alert and awake awake in crises taking advantage of them as an opportunity to emerge to a new level of consciousness my entire immune system is free of destructive stress and is healing being with me every day it is wonderful being with me is the bridge to true health is accessing the inner altar to the inner being I am aware that happiness is the essence of life the very meaning of life I am aware that I am incarnated incarnated to be happy happiness is speed and integrity in this moment I consecrate all my senses to my being in order to be happy I believe in myself I trust in myself I am at peace and safe with the life and with my consciousness I live in the present I am aware that I am not my body I am a soul my body is the instrument of life I consecrate my life to my happiness in this moment I am love like a river that renews itself and in this love I can always renew myself my cells are renewed and healthy everything is ordered in my body in my mind in my spirit I am love I am pure love love is strength is my power is my light love is my divine spark that produces light and heat I have the right to make mistakes I have the right to forgive the mistake he is my teacher I love myself I am sincere I consider myself and I accept myself I am aware that love produces love and health he accepted me as I am what I accept I can transform in this moment I thank myself for having put myself in this place of high vibration to heal myself I accept any disease process as a stepping stone for my evolution I appreciate it and I free myself we have dinner together we reprogram our subconscious we allow ourselves everything infinite and blessed body that accompanies me beautiful physical temple from From this moment I live in gratitude to you and I commit to caring for you as my perfect vehicle infinite soul infinite life and infinite you infinite me I honor the place within you where the entire universe resides I honor the place within you of love and light of truth and peace smile place inside you where when you are at that point of yours and I am at that same point you and I are one together we can touch the sky I salute the buddha that is in you love yourself and i

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