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DONCASTER: It All Kicked Off in the Pub!

May 12, 2024
Hi it helps everyone so I came to Doncaster and thought I'd start here because there seems to be a lot of videos with people vlogging about Doncaster and they always tend to start on that street but I want to try and be a bit more. positive, we'll figure it out and I think this I mean, I haven't been to Donnie's for years and I'm sure there are a lot of nice parts so we'll have a great time, we'll go into town and I'll see some of the sites and we'll go to some of the prettier areas.
doncaster it all kicked off in the pub
Well I've come down the road to tickle it and it's a lovely little town or street, there seems to be a lot of bakers and there's like there's some kind of pork pie war, everyone's displaying delicious pork pies in the windows and I'm so tempted because I love pork pie, but I fancy a crisp review later, so I'm being strong. I'm holding it, I'm starving. I quickly got back to the truck because it's starting to rain and that's my biggest worry. The forecast for today is horrible, so this vlog is stressful. Are you thinking I need to post a vlog? but then what are you going to do if you're banging it all day?
doncaster it all kicked off in the pub

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doncaster it all kicked off in the pub...

I'll have to walk with your Broly anyway, that's ticklish, it was lovely and I'm going to get bored now, living large, I put on my coat. because I think it's going to rain again. I'm in Borry and the first thing that caught my attention about B Tre is that he is trying to give Parks a nightmare about parking miles away, well not miles away but a long distance away and there they just want to charge. It's a pay-per-view wherever you go, so what I've noticed coming here is very much a place of wine bars, cafes and restaurants.
doncaster it all kicked off in the pub
There's obviously some money around here. I mean, you can tell just where people are dressed, so I stand out like a cell phone anyway. let's just take a quick look at the pretty stuff hello I'm on camera you're on you're on YouTube yeah oh what for just walking around vlogging oh sure okay can you take me out yeah if you don't want to? be at that is the China Rose restaurant. I have great memories of going there many years ago for some kind of Christmas party or something. I heard everything is supposed to be fine now.
doncaster it all kicked off in the pub
I know that Indian restaurant where I was there. They were quite nice. It's been a long time though, so there you go, after the High Street, it's quite nice and now I'm going to head towards the city center because yes, Duncaster is a city. I think it was given 2022 city status last year, right? I could be completely wrong about that and it's also a pretty big city with a population of over 300,000. I think I looked this up the other night and I'm trying to remember them all. I thought, oh, that Lakeside Village sounds good, yeah. I'm not going to stop here, I can tell you that from now on, towards the center of the city, this is where everything is going to start happening.
I can feel it, it's going to be amazing, it's just going to be joy, it's that word, javil, no, that's not a What am I thinking? There will be good things. There will be pubs. There will be fish and chips. There will be buskers and stuff they can't wait to knock me over in this weather if you think I'm going out. this is another thing coming, it will ruin me Vlog, what am I supposed to do? This is my job, no, oh H. I had it all planned. Go to Doncaster today, record a vlog, edit it, then put it out whenever you want and now it is. all on Jeopardy because the weather is good, it's not good enough and I don't know what to do.
I'm sitting here in my van in Doncaster. We will have a talk. What should we talk about? What do you want to talk about? about including him in this, I have some plans, apparently there's a listening, I don't know if you heard that there was a crazy man walking next to the bus, passing the bus, passing the van, singing, so I saw an article online the other day about officially the four of them. Best fishing chip shops in Yorkshire and one of them is just up the road so I'm going there. I thought I'd go now that it's raining and I can do a fishing review, but it doesn't open until 4:00. just one thing after another it's chaos so I don't know, I think I might have a sore back and we can walk the dreary monotonous streets of Doncaster in the rain, maybe find a pub, just sit there, do you want to come with me, Go backwards. because it may not come out, I have until the chip shop opens 380, so here we are, we are in Donnie, we are going to have a blast and my God, this is depressing and I don't blame Donnie, you know, there will be no way do it.
It looks good in this horrible weather, but there's a pub there. Look, the queen. Someone knows? Q. Should we go in there? Seems a bit sinister, doesn't it? So everything is turning upside down in this. Good thing, someone is okay, it's still raining. I liked. There's a little bit of a Mexican vibe and anything that reminds me of uh Salma Haek is fine with me. I don't know if you've seen that scene, it's one of my favorite movie scenes, although it'll fade a little there. someone's having a little altercation anyway let's hang around we don't mind we'll avoid it rain and clear up more I said I told her I said listen Helen's favorite store there I meant sense why What the hell for coming here I must be crazy I'm losing the will to live here food C buses and trains this way so let's take another look at the buses and trains I have to think of something else for them trains completely lost this way buses, let's go and look around the station Fascinating buses, this is the bus station, you don't get this kind of content anywhere else, right?
HH, this is what you really want to see on the buses, buses, oh, we could go to the train station, but I'm not sure you can fool your excitement, right. I got out of there now, God knows where I am. It's a great mural, although that's out of there because it was driving me crazy. I would rather be in the rain than in a mall. right, this is the famous Doncaster train station, there it is, oh, I read, I read somewhere that Doncaster is where they made The Flying Scotsman, so that's an interesting fact for you, is this?
It's nice, they'll all come back to me now, uh, Paddington Bears From Doncaster and something else was From Doncaster, but I don't remember it coming back to me for a while. Oh look at the Crossing countdown, that's what they have in Europe. First time seeing it in this country, look at this. This looks like a big group of guys here, so I'm going to do a little service for my mom because she loves guys. My mom's son is the biggest fan. He has a proper cult following like guys. I want to encourage you. I'll tell you what we're not playing, uh, we're showing you some proper stuff on this channel, guys, no one else has done it, did you just notice I'm in my underwear, look at all that habash, look, I feel a little fooled by the boy?
Duncaster because it's only on one level when you look at it it's really big it's huge and you think there's going to be multiple floors like in uh bring on scabra but no it's just the one floor I'm disappointed with to be honest. anyway, go ahead Donnie in the rain, oh you know me, football F the H, what's going on here? Jazz Cafe, that's interesting, rainbow burgers. I'm very into Crossroads and I feel like I'm in Crossroads in my vlogging life, desperately trying to save a vlog. Outside of this, what do I do? Oh come on, what am I supposed to do?
I don't even know where I am completely lost. What are we going for? Oh damn, this is depressing. I am us. I don't blame you if you turn this off damn what's there absolutely fine it says warm friendly welcome good times I don't even know if it's open good times and a warm friendly welcome that's what I want. I'm going to go in there halfway. I didn't open it, they are renovating it, other barers there everywhere, everywhere you look. I was only half an hour early, that's how bad it is today, that's how miserable it is, so I'm going to sit here and close my eyes for 30 minutes and then I'm looking forward to this fish and chips.
I can barely contain my excitement, I'm Oakle Frery, we're just taking out the peas. I have peas in a tub. I have asked. Oh, they are nice tubs. I only ordered a small one. and I think I may have made a mistake, they come to something with a drink. I'll show you these and I ordered hadic, it's Icelandic haddock, so there you have the haddock with chips and I bought the peas in a box, but after making it. all of that, I think I could put them on the fries, so yeah, I'm going to put them on the fries there, to avoid making a mess.
I am so hungry. I usually always order a small because they tend to be the same size anyway, but this one is quite small. To be honest, here we go, wait, let's start with a chip, a lovely chip, they even named the potatoes, they were something I couldn't really film there because a lot of people had been acting a bit strange, but saying what. Cod, it was Icelandic cod and it said more information about it, everything certified the haddock and the same with the potatoes, what kind of potato was the CES and it won like awards guys, they put them all on the wall, but hot, but yeah. the fries are amazing, try some with peas, oh yes they are good fries and peas, let me show you the peas.
Can you see them well? Yes, the chips and peas are amazing. I really want to try this Heche. I hope it's up to par. chips and peas gu, could be a winner guys, I'll just wipe my palette with dandelion and berock, that's the law. Well, when you eat fish and chips, you have to have D L yb or Shandy, right? which is quite nice and thick, although it's a small fish which is quite thick to have had, oh I'm very excited, are you ready? M yes yes yes yes BL absolutely beautiful so I read about this on a website like York live or something and apparently the Fish Fry Association or something has voted for this for the last four years I think in the top four stores of fish and chips in Yorkshire and that's why I came and looked at that Heche which is amazing, it's got so much meat. sometimes it's very flat and has that unique fishy haddock flavor, you know, if it sounded D, but haddock tastes much fishier than cod.
They are perfect. Sorry, they couldn't be better. There couldn't be anything better. Absolutely magnificent. We sure rate them. I've had some good fishing chips, but they go straight to the top of the rankings with a 9.5. They are beautiful. I can categorically say now that I don't need to do any more reviews of fish and chicks because They're not going to beat them, they might match them, but you can't get better fish and chips than them. I just ate them, they were fantastic, I really enjoyed them, they are obviously very popular because there was a big queue.
I got there when it opened at 4:00 and it was pretty nice, well I mean pretty nice, but there were a few people waiting outside. Have you tried them? Know? Let me know if you've tried Oakley Fry or if you know, give them a gun, let me know what you think they were really nice and it's funny because before I had them I would have said my favorite fish and chip shop is a place in conisburgh called seafish, which is equally lovely and Doncaster seems to get really good fish and chips, probably a coincidence. I don't know, but it's worth the drive there anyway.
I don't know what I'm going to do now. I'm sorry if this. The vlog was a bit rubbish. I'll do better next time. I promise you that I will put more effort into Helen and into the man. I put effort into this. I have it all planned. What I'm talking about? I can't stop it from raining. It's not my fault, for tomorrow. I have Ellen in the next two videos probably so it will be a lot better. I'm always better when I'm with Ellen, but yeah, I don't know what I'm going to do. Now, to be honest, I have a bit of a headache.
I've had this cold all week and I just can't feel it. I know. Take out a small violin. I'm going to go back and park. I want to have it. Tonight I went to bed early. I don't know, so if you found something useful in this video, great, if not, forgive me and I'll see you in the next one.

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