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May 27, 2021
So as you know we have a new squad merch that will be available on August 28th but remember guys it will be a super limited edition last time we released a merch it sold out in 10 minutes and you don't want to. To miss it just remember the link guys but today guys for a sneak peek of the merch it's also a team backpack this one can glow in the dark if you didn't know but yeah let us know what you think. about the backpacks in the comments below and which one is your favorite so far, are you excited for the team's upcoming merch release?
don t press the button 2 roblox
But other than that, let's get back to this video. Hey guys, we're Alex, Zach, Drake and we're the twins. and I'm jade and I'm charlie and squad whatever you do you can dance you can breathe air you can't do anything but whatever you do don't




you'll see this


if you


it all kinds of are you kidding me? yo, you deserve it, you just pressed it, it killed us, he literally just said don't press it, press the button, okay, team, relax, step away from the button, back off, baby, someone, press it, do anything, oh, wait, it's just a book, look, no, guys, someone.
don t press the button 2 roblox

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don t press the button 2 roblox...

I clicked on the book because I'm not going to click on it, it gives you a hat, oh yeah, that's it, yeah guys, oh my gosh, she finally graduated and the rest of us didn't. I guess we're stupid if they want to graduate again. off the button right now oh okay I graduated already are you kidding me you guys are killing us all okay that's enough stop pushing the button I agree stay away from it stay away from me , no, hey, hey, hey, someone did it, someone. i didn't reach wow i always wanted to jump on clouds this is going to be fun just jump on a bunch of clouds i could do this all day yeah me too oh it's over well i just got kicked off the map again did i are you trying? to get away maybe it's a shame it didn't work, oh my god, just be careful, be careful what, oh my god, be careful with that thing that looks like a controller, it looks like a meatball here, let me try it, where are we going to fight oh?
don t press the button 2 roblox
We gotta kill each other yeah, oh my god, oh, oh my god, I'm the winner, whatever you look like, I'm the best, I'm the best, you know why I'm pressing the button, oh, okay, nevermind, that was great, hey. Guys, if you haven't, don't forget to subscribe because if you do, I'll give you a free wait. What a springboard, my body is flying. What's going on? I just have to vlog in outer space. See you when I press it. nothing bad happens nothing bad happens I still fell and died saved are you kidding me? The light is that again, I can't see, I'm failed like above, guys, I can still shoot you.
don t press the button 2 roblox
What's not fair? Are you kidding me? everyone will die for me, okay girls join in, kill light, no, no, no, no, no, oh welcome guys, are you kidding me? I don't know, I'm killing them here now. Do you see this, Alex? Look, I can kill them. here, somehow, I'll buy a like, come on, stop pressing the damn button, wait, what is this guys? Well we all suck at life, I'm winning, I hope you fall, I hope you die, oh wait, you already shut up, find the hole. the wall behind you oh oh no right here oh there's one in the middle alex we're fine we're fine I can sabotage you guys what a fight oh my god I'm scared what go back behind hey go back hey guys if you touch the red dots you get points no, not even We're trying to escape, we're just killing each other in this, so yeah, awesome, okay, my turn, yeah, no, no, oh, this, my God, it's a shame you don't do it.
It's jade, I think I think differently oh yeah, what's happening now? oh no, I almost completely sabotaged myself, it actually killed me like a maze oh, you're going the wrong way, wait, yeah, this way, follow me, where is it, why should we believe that, guys, wait? yeah, he could be lying, I know the way out, I died, I was going, you guys are fools if you don't follow me, I'm like that, fools, he's here, I don't see you here, oh I should have trusted you, just be careful. watch out yeah yeah this is easy guys we should hold hands guys alex look I guess white doesn't light up our world anymore watch out for snowballs oh they're so cold how do they die so fast?
I'm still alive. They're huge, these balls can't defeat me unless I sabotage them all. No, these balls are big, let's quickly get to the top, okay, it's a race, it's a race, oh no, wait, where is the top? Oh, it's here, Charlie, get off your drake, oh, snap. look at this then charlie hot let's see about this let me do it it's oh my god again why are you pushing me off the cliff? baby what's that drink I have a hair dryer how did you get a hair dryer? Oh my god wait guys guys guys you know what I hate you all I hate you I hate you okay stop killing us there I killed him I'm done okay okay 'cause you know what I'm not oh my god Charlie, oh no, oh, oh, Charlie, bye, Charlie, oh, my God, oh.
Oh my god, Charlie will get a shark bitten by a gang, oh my god, I'm still dying. Hey guys, keep killing Charlie and Jay. Don't jump on the rotating laser. Well, I died on the first try. It goes faster. It goes faster. Who will win? Alex or Charlie will fight until the end. death, you're the best dancer, I'll win, oh no, it goes faster, faster, sabotage them, no, no, don't let any of them win, Drake cheaters, yeah, that's so annoying, I'm sorry, it's okay, I'm On a cloud. What is this? Oh, hurry up, go to the other one, it doesn't matter lately, oh, I'm sorry, oh no, it seems that none of you made it, you all fell into Jade's goo, yes, it's Jade's urine, it's my diarrhea, in Actually, oh no, oh God, yes, I had a lot. burritos before oh that's a lot of burritos it's not natural but I don't know so guys Jade's idea of ​​you subscribing was horrible but I have a better idea guys make sure you subscribe today because that's right a glass of water, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard seriously, a glass of water, you could have said anything else, I know, I don't know, subscribe today guys check it out, a new button to press, oh no It matters, whatever, let's do it, what am I supposed to push it?
It's okay, because the rainbow is fun, can we push ourselves down? there's no rainbow, you know, I don't want to be alive anymore why, oh, that's not very happy, like coming back up here, oh, she's dead, where, oh, she's not, it's literally just a slide, it's literally just a pizza slide oh never mind it knocks you out and kills you the slide is deadly we win with what slide yeah my turn let me push it damn guys oh my god tacos this heaven is delicious This is not heaven, it looks like there's a hot dog in those tacos oh good night kisses what the hell do I have to say I didn't expect that even though there are no winners my name wait okay oh my God Alex lives I live

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