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"Don't Learn to Code, But Study This Instead..." says NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang

Apr 13, 2024
Jensen Hang, co-founder and CEO of Nvidia, the company at the heart of the AI ​​Revolution, recently made a comment about what we might


in the future, and let me explain that it's not computer science or programming that I'm going to say. something and it's going to sound completely opposite to what people feel like you probably remember uh over the course of the last 10 years 15 years um almost everyone who sits in a scenario like


would tell you that it's vital that your children


computer science Well. , everyone should learn to program, and in fact, it's almost exactly the opposite: our job is to create computer technology so that no one has to program it and the programming language is human in s Ms, a full-service programming agency a co-founder.
don t learn to code but study this instead says nvidia ceo jensen huang
We have a close relationship with Nvidia and later in


video I'll include a clip of what Jenson said people should


, which also aligns with why we expanded our team with people like Amy Zolotov, who comes from Attention medical, we train and teach collectively. Nearly 20,000 people right now, from people of all ages and lifestyles who subscribe to my channel, to the amazing teams at companies like General Electronics and Craft Hinds, plus we've been developing AI educational material for both universities like Stanford or Yiva. to the development of courses in up liit. I think we've shown that there's an awareness of rapid engineering and the impact it can have on your organization or your team if you know better how to work with AI tools, and I get that. when some girl on the internet


prompts are the new programming language, that's one thing, but I'm really happy to see more people getting a message than the CEO of NVIDIA on a World Government Summit stage saying it out loud . now everyone in the world is a programmer this is the miracle this is the miracle of artificial intelligence for the first time we have closed the gap the technological gap has been completely closed and this is the reason why so many people can use artificial intelligence This is why every government, every industry conference, every company is talking about artificial intelligence today, because for the first time you can imagine everyone in your company being a technologist, this is a tremendous moment for everyone to realize that the technology gap It has been closed.
don t learn to code but study this instead says nvidia ceo jensen huang

More Interesting Facts About,

don t learn to code but study this instead says nvidia ceo jensen huang...

I hope people and companies take this as a wake-up call and start looking at this very seriously as well to realize that engaging with AI is much easier now than at any other time in the history of computing; It is vital that we improve our skills. For everyone, like 90% of people, directions will become easier and there is a good reason for this: smart AI engineers and directions engineers work in the background optimizing the chat interface so that they can be take some vague words. processed by a much larger and longer message or the entire separate AI model, by the way, all that optimization is combined in the final message and sent to the AI ​​model, so you get amazing results like From the tree or copilot, start With a message from you in an app, the co-pilot preprocesses the message through an approach called grounding.
don t learn to code but study this instead says nvidia ceo jensen huang
Simply put, grounding improves the quality of the message so you can get responses that are relevant and actionable. One of the most important parts of grounding is making a call to the Microsoft Graph to retrieve business content and context. The copilot combines this graph user data with other inputs to improve the message and then sends that modified message to the llm. The co-pilot takes the response from the llm and post-processes it. This post-processing includes additional grounding. calls the AI ​​responsible for the graph verifies compliance with security and privacy reviews and command generation finally the co-pilot sends a response to the user and sends commands to the applications.
don t learn to code but study this instead says nvidia ceo jensen huang
It's great if you're not specific and just exploring, but it also takes away some controls because sometimes these Chat Bots get so optimized that it becomes insanely fun. Google's Gemini went viral for absolutely the wrong reasons, it refused to generate white people and over-optimized for inclusivity and I might say stereotyping, but it's a phenomenal thing, but it became stereotypical. I'm really curious what impact it will have that Nvidia's CEO had this good opinion, but if you listen between the lines, even Sam Ultman hinted at this future. I think coding will still be important in the future, it's just going to change a little bit or a little bit.
One of the predictions I'm most confident about about the future is that it's going to happen a lot faster than it has in the past and you know young people are always the best at adapting to that, but now it's going to be very valuable I think. I agree incredibly with that framework and I think any time you can pick a skill, a class, or an activity to make you feel like it aligns with learning how to adapt to new technology, feel free to pick it, but in specifics I still thinking that software is actually a really important skill to develop and part of it is not going to be about the mechanics, it's not going to be about the details of the programming language, it's not going to be about those details, but fundamentally about making computers do what you want. the world we're heading into and therefore understanding the low level details of how it works, that's a starting point and you know we see people who have never


d before who have created some of the best AI applications, etc That's really new, right, that you can make computers do things without having to do this, like contort yourself with the machine, as it is now, anyone can work with AI, anyone can instruct AI, can you imagine that? a couple of years ago this capacity?
Interacting with AI models was only available to real researchers and developers and just because it's available to everyone and getting easier doesn't mean people will use it in the best way possible or most effectively as I like to think. Over the things. it's like a spectrum on one side, you're like, oh my gosh, rapid engineering is the only thing you need to know on any spectrum, it's like, oh, it doesn't matter, programming will still be there and it's a strong skill on our team. the way we like to look at things is a little more level, yes, rapid engineering is important, that's going to change too if you think in 10 years time, if we all walk around with neuralink chips in our heads this morning, Elon Musk announced. that for the first time his company Neuralink has implanted a brain ship in a human being, everything changed again and after Jensen's statement throughout Spectrum there will be a group of people who are good programmers, they are not valued. are not important, don't


computer science and stuff like that and I think that's wrong too because computer science programming as a practical skill is one thing, but what it teaches people is problem solving and that's a difficult skill that will win.
It won't be absolute anytime soon and I mean never, but we also said that creativity will probably be the last um affected by AI, which turned out to be completely the opposite, so anyway, anyway, um taking part being in the middle, educate yourself about rapid engineering, how to use AI, how it works, what are the ethical uses of that, but if you can also learn about computer science and how computers work in general, develop deeper problem solving and thinking critical, really programming skills that won't hurt you like me. I talk about rapid engineering myself, but I also decided to take the CS50 course to close the gap I have when it comes to programming.
The funny thing is that a month ago, before the Jensen video came out, I made a video where I said that domain expertise is going to be extremely important when using AI tools and there is a universal truth here when it comes to telling you, as a user, who must have experience in the domain and use specific language to condition the AI ​​model and direct its responses in the right direction because if you know what you do very well you will not only be able to explain it well and give clear instructions but you will also be able to detect hallucinations in countries, in people who understand how to solve a domain problem in digital biobiology or in youth education or in manufacturing or In agriculture, those people who understand the experience in the field can now Use the technology that is available to you.
Now you have a computer that will do what you tell it to help automate your work and amplify your productivity to make you more efficient, and I believe so. that this is a tremendous time and going back to the question of what children should study in the future, this is what Jensen said, if I started over, I would realize one thing: one of the most complex fields of science is The understanding of biology human biology is not only complicated because it is so diverse, so complicated, so difficult to understand, live and breathe, it is also incredibly shocking, complicated technology, complicated science, incredibly shocking and remember we call this field biological sciences and we call it drug discovery. you wander around the universe and suddenly, hey, look what I discovered, no one in computer science, no one in computers and no one in the traditional industries that are very big today, no one


automobile discovery, we don't say computer discovery, we don't say software discovery, we.
Don't go home and say hello honey, look what I found today, we call this software engineering and every year our computing, our software gets better and better than the year before, every year, our chips get better and better. Every year our infrastructure improves, yet life sciences are sporadic. If I were to do it again right now, I would realize that the technology to turn life sciences into biological engineering is here and that digital biology will be an engineering field, not a field. of science, you will still have science, of course, but not just a field of science in the future, so I hope this starts a whole generation, the Albert Einstein College of Medicine will have free tuition for people who enjoy working with proteins and chemicals and enzymes and materials and they are designing these amazing things that are more energy efficient, that are lighter, that are stronger and that are more sustainable, all of these inventions in the future will be part of engineering, not science. discovery, but if studying is not applicable for you and you want to get into AI or learn how to use it, my recommendation for you is that you start exploring together with other people so that you can exchange DS and tools, there are so many resources online that you can definitely , dive into uh, there's also a lot of noise and what I learned from mounder Joe, who is an educator by experience, is that there is a lot of science about how humans learn and that's why we really enjoy the association with the pits because one thing is life. uh you have responsibility, you have to do real projects for your work, for your business, for yourself, and then there's the whole pure community, so make sure you check out the prit courses that we have for image for data analysis, we have ai inbt . for everyone and also the advanced course, yes, and we are working on many more.
Normally I would tell you to go watch another video of mine so the algorithm is happy, but actually this time we really want to ask you a question, how do you feel? all programming indicates what engineering you are in, what your experience and journey has been in 2023 and what your focus is in 2024 and as always, thanks for watching and staying. I've been going through some personal things, but I want to make a promise. I will be uploading videos more constantly, so if you are new to this channel, it would mean a lot if you subscribed.

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