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Doctor Who vs Women

Jun 17, 2024
In 2012, Benedict Cumberbatch brought Twitter drama to the BAA Film Awards while presenting an award to Sherlock and Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffett announced that he is a loving, non-misogynistic husband to the equally brilliant but much more beautiful wife. Sue, a non-misogynistic virtue. He called him out because that was the accusation that Moffett was a misogynist and Moffett was at his peak at the time directing two of the most expensive and popular BBC shows of the time, achieving rocker type fame or at least fame Tumblr that few TV writers manage, but he couldn't seem to shake these accusations that he could only write


as sexist caricatures and new Doctor Who companion Amy Pond was at the center of the drama.
doctor who vs women
Amy was too sexy in her short skirts and it made people feel super uncomfortable. Amy actress Karen Gillan came to the show's defense several times saying that she chose those skirts herself, that it was simply the fashion of the time and that Mofet, as a simple writer, never had a say or cared about what she wore, but is this TRUE? I'm sure she at least had some opinions about her appearance from the beginning, as she said when she first saw an audition video of her. I thought, well, she's really good, it's a shame she's so small and chubby, and then when she was about to uh.
doctor who vs women

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I walked into the addition. I stopped for a minute and saw Karen walking down the hall toward me. I noticed that she is 5'1, slim and beautiful. Uh oh, that would probably work, but even if he hadn't considered her appearance or her skirt. beforehand, her future scripts definitely included references to Amy's clothes and body in the many episodes, space and time, the plot actually revolves around Amy's skirt, Amy's husband and Rory are working to fix the


's time machine, the Tardis, but is distracted when he looks up through the window. He hits the glass floor and sees Amy's short skirt, this causes Rory to ruin his work and the Tardis goes crazy and an adventure ensues.
doctor who vs women
It was his fault, how could it be his fault? Because it was my skirt, my husband and your glass floor, oh, Rory. Sorry, and all this chaos because of Amy's short skirt. Pond put some pants on this guy. She heard a feminism on the glass ceiling and her question was what if feminists were standing on it in a short skirt, but to be fair, the companion's short skirts are There's nothing new for Doctor Who, whether it's a girl modern from The Swinging 60s like Polly or a scientist like Dr. Liz Shaw, the companions often wore short skirts in the classic series.
doctor who vs women
Caroline John, who played Liz, says that when they were filming a story set in underground caves, they told her that she had to keep her skirt short, he said, you're not going to wear that in the caves. I said, John, they won't let me wear anything but these short skirts, which really, since we didn't wear colored tights in those days, revealed everything. He was pretty much only allowed to put on more appropriate clothing because the actor who played Dr. John Pwe intervened and had to attack some people and obviously the point was that the


who needed candy makers like John Nathan Turner in the 80s was would refer to female companions as something for dads Because, of course, grown men can't be expected to enjoy family television unless there are scantily clad


when his companion Nissa went from a skirt to pants complaints from fans LED Nathan Turner to put her back in a skirt so as not to bother the parents.
Nicola Bryant, who played Perry in the mid-'80s, was expected to wear very little clothing at all times. In one case, filming on locations with sub-zero temperatures and barely any clothes, the costume was a big problem on location. frostbite and pneumonia when I saw my doctor she told me what you had been doing standing outside without clothes. I went, yeah, I remember our lovely cameraman John shouting at one point, oh just slap him, he's turned blue, of course you'd wait. that the new Doctor Who would reflect the feminism of the 2010s, where John Pwe had to defend his companion's right not to wear a short skirt in a cave, one would expect the same to be true today, so here anyway Amy is in underground caves wearing a short skirt of course this is the same story where in the end Amy takes the doctor into bed with her and tries to flirt with him Amy doesn't believe that the doctor is not interested in her she is convinced that he he took her with him Because he likes her so much to prove that the doctor chooses his female companions based on his attraction to them, he asks the Tardis to show him its visual records of all the Tardis' previous inhabitants.
The images showing the Tardis. Amy excludes all the male companions, excludes her granddaughter, and excludes the Pro robot companions, proving to Amy that she is right about the doctor. A similar scene happens later with Clara where the Tardis shows her photos of the girls the doctor has brought home, the goal is to show that the doctor is not only interested in women but chooses his companions based on how attractive they are. he finds them, which is definitely an interpretation that unfortunately implies that the doctor chose teenage girls like Ace and Zoe because he was attracted to them.
This adorable paternal relationship that we enjoyed so much between the Doctor and Ace was actually apparently he was a huge pervert when Ace was 16, this doctor apparently became attracted to her based on Moffett's suggestion, potentially rewriting the entirety of Doctor's history. Who is incredibly creepy, thank you very much morett, but that's not how the doctor was interpreted or written. in the classic series, as Tom Baker so eloquently put it, the doctor flew around the universe without a penis and with a sonic screwdriver, you are a beautiful woman, probably the classic doctors were, or at least seemed to be, asexual, as well as a romance dubus in 1964 and another.
Apparent Romance In 1996, there were a good 32 years in which the doctor expressed no interest in romantic relationships let alone sexy relationships, but if that's the case, why is the doctor traveling the universe with a woman young and pretty in the first episode? In 1963, the doctor was traveling with his granddaughter Susan. The program had been carefully designed as a family program to appeal to the widest possible audience. We had the mad scientist, the doctor who traveled back in time and caused trouble. We had his granddaughter Susan, a girl. who the kids could relate to and see this world through them, they specifically made her their granddaughter to make sure it didn't seem creepy that this young woman was traveling with this old man and since it was meant to be educational, you had them both too. human companions Ian, a science teacher and Barbara, a history teacher.
Ian's scientific skills would be useful in an episode set in the future. Teaching the audience about science and Barbara's knowledge of history would be useful in the past to teach the audience about history, but the format gradually changed. Over the years, different roles would merge, where the male companion had actually had the heroic role that would eventually merge with that of doctor. The woman and girl roles would also merge after Susan and Barbara left, the doctor would regularly have a young girl who travels with him and echoes the doctor's relationship with his granddaughter, they would normally have a father-type relationship. daughter.
Mofet himself has said that this magical man with a childhood relationship continues to be the current dynamic, the basis of the relationship between the doctor and his companion. he really is a magical space man and a child, that's fundamentally what he is, he's not a boyfriend or a girlfriend, he's not a husband or wife, God knows he's actually a magical space man who can take you away and mean that You'll never have to leave. Back to school and a child and an important part of the partner's job was to ask questions to provide exposition that would help the audience understand what was happening what is happening doctor what is happening doctor what is happening doctor doctor what is happening doctor what's happening doctor what's happening what's happening The doctor is so big, epic and magical.
If he is left alone, the audience will have no idea what is going on, so you need the partner to communicate the context. You need Watson to make sense of Sherlock. You also need Watson to be the audience. replace the everyman to make Sherlock really shine. This show was designed by Ed and refined into a near-perfect format to make this whole adventure through time and space work, but what this has meant for most of the last 60 years is that the big hero of the show It's the male character, he's older, he's smarter, he's braver, the doctor is the hero, while the companion, the Doctor Who girl, as they sometimes call her, is young, she's not as smart, she's prone to a blatant kidnapping, she's the damsel, but the rise of Doctor Who took place at the same time as the rise of second wave feminism, so in the early '70s the showrunners faced a problem: the formula of their show versus feminism there was always the threat that they would do something vile to our beautiful, virginal young heroine.
In my case it was intentional sexism. I feel that the right place for heroin is tied to the circular. I shout ah, go away until the doctor comes to W, but it was becoming obvious that we could no longer get away with it when the previous partner had done it. There was a wide-eyed girl there to ask questions and be rescued by the doctors. Sarah Jane Smith was introduced as a feminist and journalist. She is a woman who ran on her own and in her first story she ends up rescuing the doctor repeatedly. We need someone close.
I'm here to make coffee, if you think I'm going to spend my time making cups of coffee for you. Women's liberation, your majesty on Earth, means well, very briefly, it means that we women do not let men push us around, you are not just asking. You ask because you don't understand what's going on. She's asking questions because, as an investigative journalist, that's her job, but ultimately the role of companion remains the same. What's going on? Sarah Jane still needs to be captured and rescued by the doctor because he is the hero. and that's the formula of the show, they start very strong, they end very weak, they end up screaming, they lose all their character after the first few stories and they just become, they're there as a tool to carry the part of the story forward.
Attempts to make the companion equal to the doctor create an awkward dynamic when introduced to a fellow Roman Time Lord as the companion, you end up with two Genies, three if you count the robot dog, neither of whom are particularly identifiable with the average, intelligent and independent viewer. Peers are not necessarily good, helpful peers within the program structure. It seems that the partner can never truly be the same as the doctor because that interferes with many other functions of the partner role that we must relate to. She needs to be able to ask the questions that we would like to ask because another function of the escort is to act as an audience, someone to connect with and say: Oh, that would be me in this situation, but do you always identify with the girl when she looks at Tegan? running around alien planets in high heels.
Do you identify with that character as the tanned actress Janet Fielding once said? If you are a girl and you are watching that series and you see a classmate climbing a cliff in a pair of 2in heels and a tight skirt, you don't believe, poor actress, what an idiot made her climb a cliff in 2in heels and a tight skirt, you think, what a fool, you don't identify with female characters, you identify with the intelligent ones, you get characters, but why would this character who should be identifiable to the audience be dressed as well as the producer of Doctor Who from the 80s, John Nathan Turner, told the press?
According to actress Nicola Bryant, he will often wear tights and bikinis, many parents watch Doctor Who. and I'm sure they'll like Nicola when they're asked about the claim that companions were for dads. Nathan Turner responded: "I think if you consider that a sexist comment, I think you are being oversensitive, the colleagues have a very complex relationship." role to play if one of them relates to the audience's identification of the male species, then I'm sorry if you think that's sexist. Perry is a pretty horrible companion and her relationship with the doctor is deeply uncomfortable and very difficult to watch.
Unsurprisingly, putting Perry's attractiveness ahead of her characterization wasn't a winning idea. Many bad decisions like this meant that the Doctor who was canceled in 1989 only returned in 2005, now starring Billy Piper as the companion with Christopher Eklon and later David Tenant as the Doctor, what we have discarded is the sexism of the guaranteed female role which was granted toBilly Piper, who is nothing but incredibly beautiful, but objectified, he wasn't, isn't designed to be sexy, he's designed to be a 19-year-old working class girl living in a councillor. She estate in 2005 and the Companion's role was greatly expanded at this point, we now had season-long arcs structured around the Companion's Journey.
We enter the story with Rose. We are slowly introduced to the doctor and the Tardis, as she is the The season is about her and her relationships, which now include not only the doctor but also her boyfriend, her mother and her dead father, whom she travels on the time to get to know I think it's important to take all these science fiction ideas and treat them as if they were real. means emotionally real and each companion carries out this new formula where the seasons are based on the companion's story, not the doctor's, she is as important to the story as he is, regardless of whether she is the heroine or not, when Martha He meets the doctor he is running from. drama of her family and her parents' divorce, she is in love with the doctor and he represents an exciting escape, but he does not reciprocate her feelings and her adventures end up putting her family in serious danger even though she helps Save the World at the end of her season, she is no longer interested in having the doctor come with her and is ready to take responsibility for what happened to her family.
I spend a lot of time. time with you thinking I was second best, but you know what I'm good at, so the Arc companions aren't some big Spacey Wasy adventure, they're about very real human experiences that even young people can relate to. These classmates sometimes live with their mothers, their students. The story is largely about how his mother belittles her and how that affects his self-esteem. Donna in particular demonstrates that a companion doesn't have to be very young to connect with very young audiences despite being the doctor's hero. a major weakness: he is essentially static, he can play many roles and knows everything about the universe, but his life and perspective must remain essentially the same, but the companion, on the other hand, has an enormous capacity for change and development.
The partner has the potential. Being interesting and dynamic in a totally different way and the new series really took advantage of that strength. You can see it with Martha, who has a family and a career and not only did she go on her own journey in her first season, but she did so in future seasons as well. guest star on the spin-off show Torwood and she could return to the show at any time with a whole new life and I'd be willing to bet she'll do that one of these days, her coworkers will be able to have Rich on staff. lives in a way that the doctor will never be able to because he's sort of trapped in the format of the show and Russell T Davis took advantage of this to make the women central and vital to the show, they were as much the stars as the doctors were and certainly already They weren't for the dads, they were the everyman, the Watson, the audience surrogate.
Despite the inherent sexism of the companion doctor formula, the show became more balanced by making sure we correctly saw this world through the passenger's eyes and then Steven Mett took over. introducing new companion Amy Pond, the kissogram, we briefly meet Amy as a little girl and see the world through her eyes for some wonderful moments, but then we jump to the future and meet her as an adult and we no longer see the world through her eyes, we see her through the doctor's eyes, literally her gaze as she looks up her long legs to her face the first time she sees the adult Amy and, instead of entering the doctor's world through From Amy, we see the doctor's perspective.
While hiding several secrets from Amy, you asked me why she was taking you with me and I said there was no reason to lie. We see how he hides the mystery of the crack in her wall from her and then keeps the secret of her dead boyfriend, Rory. he keeps the secret of her pregnancy, then melts her body without telling her what's happening, and although a lot happens to Amy, she remains relatively unfazed, gets pregnant, melts, her baby is kidnapped, and she discovers that she actually grew up with his own baby. her best friend and, um, none of this really has an impact on her, unlike Martha, she never chooses to separate from the doctor, her relationship with the doctor doesn't seem to be emotionally affected at all by the literal kidnapping of her baby, which If she returns to her, she reminds me of several companions from the classic series like Nissa, whose entire planet is destroyed and now she is the last of the trains and the teacher has stolen her dead father's face and never appears again. .
You would have these companions with interesting stories. that they would simply stop developing because they had to take on the role of companion again, so when Martha leaves the doctor and something traumatic happens to her and her family, Amy simply forgets the fact that she was kidnapped and her baby was stolen. and He never returned to her because that would interfere with her role as a companion in her first season. Arc about running away the night before her wedding. Torn between the doctor and his fiancé, Rory is resolved when she temporarily forgets everything that happened this season and forgets the doctor. exists and just marries Rory anyway and the fact that Amy is more or less a sex worker and then a model is not a lens through which we can see the world, I mean, it doesn't really even make sense that she be a kissogram. anyway, in this little Country Village country and in the end it's just a joke that never comes up again and the world doesn't treat Amy any differently for being a glamor model because this wasn't meant to be a view of the world of her. the world of a woman who makes a living by being attractive to men was just a showrunner's fantasy of a super sexy model who you could pay to kiss you and whose skirt you could see through the glass floor who climbed through caves pantsless in this one is in stark contrast to Rose, who is often seen connecting with other working-class women, Al, across time and space.
Rose's background is not a fantasy, it shapes her characterization, it shapes how she sees the world and, consequently, how the viewers see it as well. The doctor rubs shoulders with the great and rich Rose introduces us to the working class, to the invisible people of space and time. She helps us connect our real world with the doctor's ridicule. Instead, Amy's story is about waiting for the doctor the show repeatedly refers to. she as the girl who waited until the end of her two and a half seasons is still waiting for the doctor the next companion Clara's characterization is also repeatedly forgotten at the expense of her role as a companion in her first season she learns everything about life and The Doctor regenerates and meets many other versions of him, but two episodes later, when he regenerates into the next Doctor, she seems to have no idea what is going on, forgetting everything that came before, which makes sense. for her role as companion and audience. stand-in as the audience struggles to accept the new Doctor's face, so should Claraa, but unfortunately that doesn't make sense for her characterization as someone who's met like 12 different versions of the Doctor and already knows regeneration probably better than almost any other companion. and yet he has to act clueless to new viewers who may be confused about the concept.
His usefulness as her companion comes before her character and once again Clara was characterized as a fun mystery for the doctor to solve. versions of Clara throughout history and continued to die. The impossible girl called her and again hid that mystery from her, actively erasing her memory at one point, but we, the viewers, were able to find out, we saw Clara through the doctor's gaze, she would leave the Tardis and we were left in him listening to her mysterious thoughts wrapped in an enigma tucked into a skirt that's a little too tight and now that the spectacle's gaze had moved away from the partner and towards the doctor, we also had a more sexual medical gaze than ever before, as Moffet suggests , this doctor seemed to be more interested in his companions because they were young and hot stuffed into tight skirts, Jen, you have no idea how good it feels in the 50 year history of the show, the doctor has never acted like this one before. made comments like that and now all of a sudden he's making sonic screwdriver jokes when he looks at women, so we the viewers now see the partner not as our arate, not as us, but for us, and this It's not the entire Revival series.
This is specifically Steven Morett. I'm in a bathrobe. Yes, you are where. Anything could happen. Not in the Russell T Davis era of the show, when the Doctor and Rose fell in love, there was no indication that the Doctor was ever interested in Rose sexually. that he ever objectified her the way Matt Smith's doctor did with some of the women of his time, when Davis's doctor kissed a coworker, it would be something that Spacey was like genetic transfer with Martha, forgive me for This has more than a thousand lives. It doesn't mean anything that it was a genetic transfer, but Matt Smith's doctor not only flirts, he grabs women and kisses them without consent, but when the Internet started accusing Mofet of misogyny, he was confused because it wasn't a right-winger and he certainly was. "I hate women, how could I be a misogynist like Riversong Amy Pond said?
They're not weak women, it's the exact opposite. You could accuse me of having a fetish for powerful, sexy women who like to fool people. You could, yes, and that's exactly what I do." I'll do one of Moffett's first hits was Coupling, which came out in 2000 and was a sitcom based on Moffett's own relationship with his wife Sue and the main characters were named Steve and Susan. Understand it. Steve is a bumbling fool overwhelmed by his typical male libido. and Susan is a sexy, confident woman who controls her sexuality and is able to easily manipulate her boyfriend with her, and if this sounds familiar it is because this model seems to have been carried over to Morets Doctor Who relationships, who see Amy and Rory or the doctor and River or the doctor and Clara or the doctor and Missy Moritz Tardis was a very thirsty place, the companion no longer lived with the anxiety of a teenager in love Amy River and Clara, on the other hand, were hot women who were powerful because they knew they were hot and could steal a kiss when they wanted it, regardless of whether the men gave their consent when Amy decided she wanted to sleep with the doctor, she wouldn't take no for an answer, kissing him repeatedly and trying to undress him, what power feminine, Clara.
She proved she was a tough girl by making the doctor feel sexually uncomfortable, you get it, girl, and one of River's usual tricks is the hallucinogenic lipstick she uses to kiss men to get them to do her bidding with Mo. Yeah a woman is strong and powerful because she is sexy because she is fertile as she said about Amy she likes to have a good time I keep saying bad girl in the Tardis and now you know who her daughter is and they are both just bad girls she is naughty L is alright mofet don't forget to mark your fanfic not safe for work oh bad girl bad but that doesn't mean women are just sexy fantasies in Moffit's work, as we all know women can be scary too.
Are you just saying yes because you're afraid of me? Yes, I love you, uh, I mean, I. I love you too River destroys all time and space just to remind the doctor that he is loved before he dies and that he has to marry her just so she can give him a break, you embarrass me and of course if a boyfriend leaves line a woman a woman has every right to slap him because women hit men it's perfectly fine that's a good message for kids who see you just slap him sometimes um if women are slapping their boyfriends how come that Isn't it feminism?
What is feminism if they are not women? sexy shooting guns and beating up their boyfriends and like Steve and Susan coupling, there's one story in particular that Moffet seemed desperate to tell it's called marriage darling, we literally had for a while two married couples in the Tardis two and they more or less had it. same Both dynamic couples are Steve and Susan when they face accusations that Amy's character is less defined because, unlike her predecessors, she has no family or friends. Mofet responded that we see an active home life for Amy, her boyfriend and her uh, no.
I don't see what's different there, but before you get the impression that Moffett's work is too heteronormative, we need to talk about her queer representation. Amy River and Clara are supposed to be at least a little bisexual. River has dated women, Claraa has apparently kissed Jane. Austin and Amy are seen flirting with themselves, neither of them get to have a relationship with women on screen and their attraction to women seems to be mostly a joke, but still, that is the correct representation,we get to see iterations of this as a couple where Steve's ex is a bisexual woman and his current girlfriend even makes out with her ex on one occasion specifically to drive Steve crazy.
Wow, who knew feminism could be so fun for straight men? These women's bisexuality is not an identity or anything, it's an expression of their empowered female sexualities, bisexuals don't need representation, as Mofet put it on Twitter, we don't recognize you on TV because you're having too much fun, probably not even look because you're very busy, but things changed with bill's last companion from the mofet era she is a lesbian and is written completely differently than her predecessors, her attraction to women is taken seriously and is not sexualized in the same way than other women, in fact, if anything, it's written more like Rory and Steve the Awkward Guys who hesitate when it comes to women, except there's a moment where Bill goes on a date and she brought this girl home and The other girl is nervous.
Bill assures her that I'm just not used to all this, it's absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, oh yeah, that's how lesbians talk when they get together, of course there's nothing to feel guilty about, honey, we're not doing nothing wrong. I can imagine exactly the kind of movie Moffet stole that line from and probably bought it. like a VHS tape behind the curtain in the back of the video store, but to be fair, Moret also introduced the first regular lesbian couple on the show, a lizard woman from ancient history named Vastra and his wife/ maade Jenny, their relationship is presented as a cheeky Joke about Vasta's long lizard tongue.
I don't know why you put up with me. There's another joke where Jenny poses in her underwear for his wife thinking she's being painted, but it turns out Vastra only wanted her to pose in her underwear as decoration. it may go up a little oh I don't understand why I'm doing this art as Bill who seems to be almost written like Rory vastra is written to be the macho boyfriend of Jenny's cute girlfriend, even when Moffett introduces queer couples it seems like he can only write them like they were basically a heterosexual couple. It's worth noting that Steve's counterpart Steven Moffett is obsessed with lesbians, it's a recurring theme throughout the series that he just can't resist a minx. suggestion of lesbianism and while I'm sure Moffett only made almost all of the regular female companions in his era of Doctor Who lesbian for representation purposes, it's interesting that there are so few queer men in the rare case that queer men are represented. works mostly as a gag, there's Canton in Delaware III in one of the two PARTS, who shows up with a male companion at the end of the story in a prank to troll Richard Nixon, so that's one and then, well, that's all except for the married, gay, thin and fat Anglican Marines who appear briefly before being killed I'm the thin one, this is my husband, he's the fat one, don't you have names?
We're married, gay, fat and thin Anglican Marines, why would we need names too? haha it's a very good joke, well done, but also those characters never receive names, the fat one is decapitated and that's it, they are credited in the episode as the thin one and the fat one because in this future being gay and married is so unusual that no one even uses names for these characters in the Davis era, it was a tragedy not knowing a character's name when they killed him, but it's funny here because they're gay and one of them is fat and I'm not. say that Moret is homophobic.
I don't actually think that's the case, but presenting queer characters for mofet involves being cheeky and off-kilter, as he says. Compare this to Russell T Davis, who once said: "I think science fiction is very much The Preserving heterosexuality, actually, we look at it, but in a surprising way, and I really want to push that further and tear down those barriers because I think it's one of my jobs on this Earth, it's a slightly different vibe in that Moffet imagines a future where a gay couple where one person is thin and the other is fat doesn't need names Davis imagines one where sexuality and gender become fluid Concepts ladies and gentlemen and trees and multiform ladies gentlemen multisex undecided or robots ladies and gentlemen of ladies and gentlemen and variations, but for mfit, I think there is a reason why most queer characters are clear women and River are bisexual because, as he said, he is brash and unfocused and for him a powerful woman is a bad girl, she is a woman who makes a The man feels intimidated because she is so confident in her sexuality and he is so insecure in the hers that is nowhere better exemplified than in Sherlock with Moffit's version of Irene Adler to update the character for the modern world, he turned her into a lesbian dominatrix, albeit a lesbian who falls in love.
Her love for Sherlock Holmes gave her power. The original character was less feminist to him, so he was inspired by a sexy female FAL from a 70s Sherlock parody movie because, in Steven Moffett's mind, feminism and female empowerment boil down to one. What she is sexually dominant and you know what we are going to say more about this from Irene Adler in the accompanying Patreon video, so if you want to support this channel, visit us on Patreon and consider supporting us so that women empowerment . In Russell T Davis, the era of the show had come from creating full characters with their own families, lives and stories.
Moffets was at least in its first three seasons about attractive women from the perspective I have of the guys who wanted them to step on their face because that's what this cute children's show was really missing, but that doesn't mean that Moffet isn't a feminist , she definitely considers herself a feminist at least as she once said. I am certainly not protier for docile women so subscribed to a myth. I don't know where it came from. I have never met a docile woman. You walk in the door and accept your status as Junior, which I think actually sums up exactly what he wants to do with Irene Adler.
I think what happened here is that they have completely misunderstood it. The reason people think it's misogynistic is not because women are docile, it's because they are male fantasies, they may be active fantasies, but they are still fantasies and they often play roles that everyone is supposed to be able to relate to. , especially young children, anyway. seems to have taken on at least some of the feminist critiques later in her era, unlike River, who is married and abandoned with children who don't age to care for for all eternity, or Amy, who is forced to go through pregnancy horrible just to have your baby. be taken from her without emotional consequences.
Clara's final season isn't about boyfriends or babies or being interested in the doctor, but about how much she is like the doctor and how dangerous the two of them become together; This time it is the doctor who loses his memory and Clara. He's off to have adventures in his own tardis and, despite some awkward moments, Bill is certainly a refreshing version of Mofet's sidekick, but Mofet also started trying to make her feminism more explicit in Peter Kali's latest episode, brought back the first doctor and to highlight how much times have changed, Moffet portrayed the first doctor as a misogynist who wants Bill to clean the Tardis and make tea and threatens to whip her, aren't they all ladies made of glass in a way, if I listen something. more language like that from you young lady, you are all for a nice butt, this doctor is also clearly uncomfortable with the idea of ​​Bill being gay and you can see what he was going for here, look how different the modern doctor is compared to sexism. from the past, but to be honest, this version of the first doctor is probably more explicitly sexist than the first doctor was on screen.
In fact, I personally hate the idea that the first doctor was a homophobic misogynist and I don't think the original story produced by a woman and the first story directed by a gay man necessarily needed to be viewed through that lens, but Mofet decided we should. because it just highlights how progressive her version of the show is, but this is a great insight into how Moret views sexism. As a thing of the past in her Sherlock Christmas special, the Abominable Bride shocks us all by revealing that the terrifying murderous cult with pointy hoods are actually feminists, it was feminism that committed the murders, but it was actually a good type of murder because life was so difficult for women in the Victorian era, it is no wonder they had to resort to murder.
Needless to say, many viewers were unimpressed by the tough man's guilt, but this is what he considered real sexism. Sexism wasn't looking up Amy's skirt and then fantasizing. about two of it is about women's right to vote, but again, to be fair, it seems to have caught up a bit in recent years in its 2022 flop of a crime drama Inside Man, the show opens with a scene from a woman being harassed at a train another woman pulls out her phone to live stream the abusive man and then all the other women pull out their phones and through the power of Sisterhood defeat the man and have them call the police.
It's a pretty embarrassing version of the me too movement. is very and then everyone on the train started applauding Moffet trying to save his reputation and prove that he is not a misogynist. Feminism has become a thing right now. These statements. The future will be all girl. We can only hope that feminism is not embedded. her writing addresses the camera to break the fourth wall and says that women can also be smart and strong just like men, maybe even better in some ways, please tread on me lover, one of her Doctor episodes Who is literally resolved with the discovery that a woman's body.
The uterus is what gives it power. Only an adult CIS woman can propel the spaceship due to the power of her uterus. I'm not exaggerating, that's literally the plot. You and I, sir, are weak, but she is more than a woman, she is a mother, how else is life? Ever traveled, Mofet mom considers herself a feminist and her work seems to be divided between the desire to write what she thinks is trendy and her need to prove that she is actually super feminist and before some bro leaves a comment saying "that I am". I'm not even allowed to look at women anymore, we're not allowed to be attracted to women anymore, of course you can be straight, poor suffering heterosexual, we're just saying that letting scripts be based on fantasies weakens them, the rights of women.
They're not complex, well-rounded characters, they tend to be silly, wish-fulfillments, the decisions they make and the situations they find themselves in don't make any sense and it makes the work embarrassingly revealing, like when you're watching a movie with a lot of shots. On foot. and you say, okay, I see what's going on here, blue is the warmest color, but on the other hand, Moffet gave us the first gender transition for a Time Lord, perhaps proving that his gender essentialism was not as bad as we might have thought. The teacher is the doctor's oldest friend and his old enemy bent on universal domination.
He called himself Master due to his own vanity and desire to conquer, but obviously, since Master is a gendered word, we could possibly use that name for a female version of Master. I'm missing the short for lover, well, I couldn't keep calling myself a teacher now, could I? But it was still great to see and Michelle Gomez is absolutely brilliant and fascinating in this role, absolute icon in the past, the teacher would normally try. to take over the world or take over the universe with no regard for human life The Russell T Davis era established the master as a racist and homophobic, a perpetrator of domestic violence, any cruelty he can inflict he will, but now with the new version of the master missy us had a version that he wanted to seize only one thing, the doctor's heart.
Hearts, well I guess it's two things, so Missy's evil plan is to create a Cyberman army, not by killing people but by using people who are already dead, so she plans to give this. Army for the doctor as a gift, but she forgot that the power of love would make the Cybermen betray her, well, okay, that's a slightly softer version of the master, but surely it can't be softer than that, except which he does at Moffett. Last season, Missy is imprisoned by the doctor while he slowly convinces her of the importance of being good and it works.
Missy becomes a good guy for the first time in the character's history. Missy has become good, at least in part, because of what she looks like. be very similar to a romantic love for the doctor and this choice to characterize a Master as if she had a romantic longing for the doctor is not a big surprise. Amy revs clearly to all of Moffett's female companions with the exception of Bill.lesbian Her companion romantically longs for the Doctor, and of course, back in the '90s, Mofet wrote a Doctor Who parody in which a female version of the Doctor falls in love with a male version of the Master.
This all seems consistent with Moffett's worldview that women are needed, men can go. the longer the happier without women that is the truth we as little boys we don't play that when we are married we try to avoid it for as long as possible while women go around looking for husbands mfet has said that this quote was taken out of context like this I want to give him some benefit of the doubt, but it really feels like if Moffett's doctor doesn't, suddenly the teacher is a woman and once the doctor is her boyfriend, I guess it's entirely possible that if Moffett had writing this version of the Master as a man, he would have done the same.
I'd be surprised if he would have gone through so many kisses between the master and the doctor if he had been a guy, but I guess we'll never know, maybe a male Master would have done it. been even weaker than Missy because she did not have a uterus, Mofet himself did not seem to be in favor of choosing the doctor as a woman when Helen Mirin said that she thought the next doctor should be a woman. Moffet replied: "I like it." He's been saying we should have a female doctor. I would like to go on record.
I think it's time for the queen to be played by a man, but her tone would suddenly change when his reign came to an end and the doctor would finally regenerate. in a woman, at which point everything went perfectly and nothing ever went wrong again, so can the doctor be a woman? Well, we know that at least the companion can be a man in David Tenant's latest story, for example, Wilfred is the companion and he beats everyone at the same rate as the usual companion. He asks questions. He connects with the audience. He gets into trouble.
He needs the doctor to rescue him, but can the doctor really be a woman? I tend to face the kind of discrimination that a woman would, would you explain your presence and this girl's nudity? Her social privilege has always been a defining characteristic of the doctor. And what would happen if the gender dynamics between the companion and the doctor were reversed? the doctor was a young woman and the companion a man, what would happen if the hero of this show finally, after almost six decades, became a woman? Well, at this point we'd say we still don't know because instead of changing the genders of the doctor and companion, Chris Chiel. announced that their era would be a joint show with three new travelers, Yas Ryan and Ryan's grandfather Graham, who were not actually companions but officially friends of the doctor and, without explicitly saying so, the show would gradually illustrate a strange truth about the first doctor who was the doctor.
It's no longer the Doctor Who hero in this era, everyone is a hero all the time, they have tasks, they dump everything they have jobs, they look at teamwork, it's a very flat team structure, now the doctor's job is to dump information followed by saccharin's speeches about the universe and friendship keep your faith travel with luck the universal constantly surprises you it is the age of love, the live laughter of Doctor Who with three companions, there is not much room for this new doctor to shine and much less to have complex interpersonal relationships with each partner most of the time if the doctor needs to give us Live Laugh Love Speech or something, all the partners just stand in a row on the other side of the room and the dialogue is divided from awkward way between them what are you talking about, how is that possible, so what are the interesting dynamics? among the new Tardis team, well, at the beginning of the first season, Ryan doesn't want to call Graham grandpa because he's his stepfather and after a while he does call him grandpa, so that's the main story of the season.
Yas is pretty deadpan until the last few episodes after her third season, at which point she realizes she has romantic feelings for the doctor and the doctor says, "Okay, that's good, I'm going to die now, bye, in rather than prioritizing the complexities of a relationship. between two people we find ourselves at an uncomfortable distance from four people we never really get to know. Ryan's big emotional scene with the doctor after a long separation has the emotional resonance of a wet sponge where I stand from all the lives I've lived. some of it has been hidden from me and I don't even know how serious and how you feel about it, after two seasons together these people are like strangers and I wonder if this is the first time they have a real conversation forget the relationships complex emotional interpersonal relationships and leaves room for shoulder-to-shoulder group hugs that leave room for Jesus, but does the doctor at least save her companions?
Does she sacrifice herself to rescue them like she should? they need to be saved, it's all of them at the same time, including the doctor herself, and then they all work together to save themselves. It's an equal partnership between four people, although to be honest they seem to just have a four-part personality between them and most of that goes to Graham there's no tension there's no interesting dynamic you saved me so now I'll save you complex dynamics of a privileged magical astronaut and a girl from Earth who has just left take this scene where the doctor tries to send Rose home so she will be safe, but it takes her limited knowledge of space to find her way back to him and rescue him by putting her own life at risk to save the day and then the doctor trades places with her so that her life ends and she can live. in o The next season when the doctor tries to send her to a parallel universe to keep her safe, but she refuses to go and comes right back and the doctor is angry, but Rose has made her decision and it's complicated because she is a young mortal and He is old and immortal and he promised his mother that he would keep her safe and always send her home, but Rose has a say in this because it is her life too and yet this life is dangerous, that was the point from At first, this seems like fun. but people die every day from getting involved with the doctor and it's only a matter of time before Rose is gone.
What makes this work. What gives us this tension is that the doctor and Rose have different goals. The doctor wants to save everyone from darx no matter. her own safety, but Rose's goal is solely to keep the doctor safe so they can be together, or in other examples, the doctor wants to investigate the alien city while Ian and Barbara just want to get home, or the doctor wants to solve the mystery while Donna just wants to finish her wedding and this can create tension, you can have characters at odds with each other but if everyone works towards the same goals the story flattens out like in episode 2 of the 13th doctor where the doctor and his friends are everyone just walking through a desert towards the Tardis and that's their only goal, then they find two other people also going in that direction and then they all get there and that's the whole story and it's very boring, but that's what happens when you have four or more heroes with the same goal, even when tension is introduced in the final episode of its first season where Graham wants to kill the villain and the doctor tries to dissuade him, they have a brief chat about it and then don't interact. again until the end when Grahe just informs the doctor after the fact that he decided not to kill him and everything was resolved neat and tidy with no real tension between the doctor and Graham oh I couldn't do it DOC yeah I had the chance. too weak you are the strongest person.
I know it's a lot more interesting when these different needs directly contradict each other and watching the doctor say "hey, I'm going to use my special alien space magic to trick you into returning home to keep you safe and then Rose being like "no." "I love you," maybe chel didn't want any tension, maybe she wanted to make sure there weren't unequal power dynamics between people of different genders or ethnicities, but it's boring, it creates terrible drama, it's so unpro that it's boring and the numbers show it people stopped watching this era could have easily killed Doctor Who and what this meant for the doctor the first female doctor was that she wasn't special people criticized it saying it seemed like the doctor wasn't special Meanwhile, Its first season revolves around the boring drama of Ryan trying to decide whether or not to call Graeme grandfather and in later seasons it seems that the doctor spends more time being captured and in need of rescue than the men do, in fact, in a moment she spends decades in prison and only escapes because a man rescues her, why is this doctor so trash?
Chibal tried to change the Doctor Who formula and it just didn't work this damn format that caused us so much pain by putting the woman in the subordinate role every time until the doctor was kidnapped again and again when it was finally a man's turn After playing that role full-time, we just left it, Grahe didn't even get the chance to climb caves. in a short skirt when Mofet was tough on gender roles. I think Chel was trying to avoid any problems and it was with the best of intentions and yet once again we ended up with poorly written women on the show, maybe at the end of the day.
This is really a problem with the fact that we spent two decades trying to decide which of three men is better at writing about women. I think with Russell T Davis we were lucky that he is gay and brings a different perspective to the writing and how the companion relates to the doctor, it feels like he writes to the companions as if he were the companion, whereas muet seems to get in the doctor's position and likes to imagine all the interesting things that could happen to him if all these sexy things The ladies were super attracted to his big smart, pulsating brain.
They were both very strong writing styles and then Chris Chel brought a box of vanilla to the party and no one wanted any of it, but really the best thing for this show would have been to have a female showrunner to give us something completely new to reimagine what it would be like to have a mad scientist. with a time machine with his young and brave companion. What happens if you forget all these male archetypes and try to imagine the mad scientist as a heroine? Regardless of what has happened in the past and what happens next, there will always be room to try something new and exciting with Doctor Who.
That's one of the best things about the show. There is always the possibility of renewal, which is why it has lasted 60 years. He has an incredible ability to evolve, and while the 13th Doctor may not have reached his full potential, he has set the stage for the future. There was a time when having a younger doctor seemed ridiculous, but here we are, no matter what. I think Doctor Who will always come back to this. Same formula, the magical alien with a box and the sidekick I can relate to. My hope is that in the future we see that this isn't necessarily a gender dynamic, that a woman can be the powerful magical alien and that's okay for male characters.
Do we need to be rescued from time to time, guys, is it good that Darx gives the Captain a cape? I believe and hope that this tumultuous last decade was full of growing pains that we will overcome in the years to come as more women are suitable for the show now that it is never just a matter of time before we have a woman in charge and we can see everything from a completely new perspective, but for now I think the companions are in good hands with Donna returning and her daughter Rose. and Ruby I think the new era of Russle T Davis will probably be fantastic and at the same time it will make us all angry and we will all complain and do video essays about what we don't like, but I think it will probably also be brilliant.
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Worm Sophie Spencer SE star Smoking Sunset Mimi Stephan Antoni hotbed Steven Wallace summer killer Susie s Talia Parkinson Tara Welling TB 9893 Tess McCrea Taylor white the nilis the swan PRS Theo falling cat thistle Thomas uring Thiago Tim Anderson small wood andree Tom Harrison TRL Andrew trer your patreon credits are stressful to read Valeria verlux vicious Panda Vicky green Victoria cherepanova Vince Whitaker Vincent Reinfeld Wards Wesley Botham Willow Connor yatan zunga and zet thank you all bye what's going on right okay last time I saw you you were half catman you're allowed to experiment

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