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Doctor Who’s Ncuti Gatwa Breaks Down Every Doctor in the Show’s History | Entertainment Weekly

Jun 11, 2024
My first memory of Doctor Who was a bunch of robot Santas causing chaos and I was like, "Okay, this is sure to change my life and it did." Hi, I'm shy


and I'm the 15th


in Doctor Who, if you don't. I don't know Doctor Who, get ready because I'm going to take you through over 60 years of television as I look at all of Doctor Who's main


s. Spoiler alert. I'm going to spoil a few things, okay, so be careful first, Doctor. William Hartel 1963 to 1966 you are not in a position to threaten us I don't make threats but I keep promises William Hartell launched the program and introduced the world to an alien called The Time Lord who had traveled with his granddaughter Susan in a time machine called the Tardis which is disguised as a British police blue box.
doctor who s ncuti gatwa breaks down every doctor in the show s history entertainment weekly
The tardis stands for Time and Relative Dimension in Space and is a doctor's spaceship that allows him to travel through time and space in a box that is bigger on the inside and bigger on the outside. inside than out when the first doctor harell took on some of the


's most iconic villains including dict and the toy maker make your final move doctor make your final move and now we move on to our second doctor patrick trouton from The success from 1966 to 1969 continues, oh that's wonderful, the doctor has the ability to regenerate into a new body when he is mortally wounded, he is still the same person but changes his appearance, personality and even gender, that's how Patrick Trouton took over the role of Hartel in 1966 delivering a more eccentric incarnation of the doctor let's go in the beautiful water he was known for his love of the tape recorder Third Doctor ah my baby my baby John pery from 1970 to 1974 I always find that violent exercise gives me hungry, don't you agree, John per?
doctor who s ncuti gatwa breaks down every doctor in the show s history entertainment weekly

More Interesting Facts About,

doctor who s ncuti gatwa breaks down every doctor in the show s history entertainment weekly...

He played the first doctor broadcast on color television. Pere's Doctor spent most of his time in exile on Earth, where he worked with the unit and drove an old yellow Roadster named Bessie Bessie, how dare you walk around like that? Are you sorry? I forgive you. For Doctor Tom Baker from 1974 to 1981, the unit is supposed to be a security organization. Do you think it could attract attention? It's possible now that Tom Baker's iconic doctor was known for his hat, his distinctive striped scarf, and his P for handing out Jelly Baby candies. you like a Jelly Baby shut up simple she thanks would have been enough Fifth Doctor Peter Davidson 1982 to 19 84 that's the problem with regeneration you never know what's going to happen to you in 1982 Peter Davidson became the youngest doctor to play the doctor Matt Smith would later steal that title Thief, it's not my fault his version of the doctor was known for his sports team Cricket on a stick of celery on his lapel very important fiber days I'm definitely not the man I was thank God six Doctor Colin Baker 1984 to 1986 I see you've been busy while you've been a stupid doctor, a Time Lord's prerogative now, when Colin Baker took on the role, he became famous for wearing one of the doctor's most eccentric outfits until you called him the doctor Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy Bonny Scottish lad from 1987 to 1989 and then again in 1996 mine.
doctor who s ncuti gatwa breaks down every doctor in the show s history entertainment weekly
I think thanks Sylvester McCoy may have been the first Scottish actor to play the doctor, but he certainly wasn't the last, he was also the last doctor from the original version of the


presents some of those dangers somewhere Injustice and somewhere else tea it's getting cold come on Ace we have work to do 8th doctor Paul McAn 1996 I'm with my dad we're lying on the grass it's a warm galif Fran night G FR galif Fray yes this must be where I live now where is it that in 1996 Paul McAn played the doctor in a television movie a meteor storm that the sky above us danced with bright purple green yellow lights yes, these shoes fit perfectly yes, now the era of the Renaissance Ninth Doctor Christopher eckl 2005 I'm the doctor, by the way, how do you calls?
doctor who s ncuti gatwa breaks down every doctor in the show s history entertainment weekly
Rose, nice to meet you. Girls Run for Your Life when the show was rebooted in 2005 by Russell T Davis, the legend of the myth that Christopher Eckleson took on. In the ru, his doctor traveled with a companion named Rose Tyler, he notices that a lot of people dress up and, being stupid, they have to be students, that makes sense, well done, thank you, they are not students, whoever they are, When Wilson finds him, he will call the police. who is Wilson Chief electrician Wilson is dead oh we have another Scotsman on our hands here the legends that's David's tenant he was the 10th doctor from 2005 to 2010 then returned as the 14th doctor in 2023 from the day They arrived at the planet and blinking towards the sun there's more to see than you can ever see more to do than not wait sorry that's the Lion King David was known for his Skyhigh hair, his pinstriped suits and his Alon catchphrase Andie, sorry, it's French come on David was a bit of a man about town and traveled with three companions Rose Tyler Martha Jones and Donna Noble 11th Doctor Matt Smith 2010 to 2013 bad news for


one because guess who now the quirky doctor from Matt Smith had a passion for bow ties and loved fish sticks and custard I Need Fish Sticks and Custard and traveled with his companions Amy Pond Rory Williams and Clara Oswald OMG These Guys Get Close to Doctor Peter Capaldi from 2014 to 2017, when You killed all the bad guys and when


thing is perfect and just when you've finally gotten it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with a town like you? another Scot Peter Capaldi took on the role fellow travelers Clara Oswald Bill Pots and Nardo hate is always foolish love is always wise Ladies and gentlemen, we have an innovator, a glass ceiling breaker on our hands.
He had the thirteenth Doctor Jordi Whitaker 2018 to 2022 on land Jodi Whitaker was the first female doctor in the


of the show and at her side were her companions Ryan Sinclair gam O' Brien Yasmin Khan and Dan Lewis, that's what you're going to do, yeah , their pockets are empty of cash in 2023. David Tenant returned as the 14th doctor for the show's 60th anniversary, reuniting with his longtime partner Donna Noble and taking on the villainous toymaker we get to play. Grandma Buddha takes a step for the first time in the series. The 14th doctor's career ended not with a regeneration but with a generational split into two separate doctors.
Last but not least we have doctor number 15, Shy Gatell, 2010, the current myth, my Mo, what are you doing? I think I think you're beautiful What do I feel makes my doctor different? He has a much bigger wardrobe. He has a lot of energy. You get a prize, honey. And here is mine. He's a little cheeky. He's a little flirty. What is your? name Ruby Ruby Sunday hello Ruby Sunday and right now it's Sunday you're certainly no stranger to using your charm to get what you want a doctor from the Modern Age excuse me Time travelers are cool as the best like wow and there you have it ladies AND gentlemen , that's how all Doctor Who doctors are.

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