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Jun 09, 2021
oh, it's a damn fire, now the next one is called. I stayed at a creepy old lady's house and then ran away. It was uploaded by Stephen D. Now this was sent to us by my sister, who is an Avid Corey Kenshin fan, although she's not a huge Corey fan, but that being said, she said it was perfect. For Our Triple S In the late 1960s, my great-uncle John traveled by train from his hometown to another to visit family. He had to change trains in one. This guy telling the story feels, I mean, in the late 1960s, my great-uncle John was traveling by train from one town to another to visit his family, he had to change trains at one point and he was left in what amounted to to a platform and a cabin in the middle of nowhere there was no one at the station and apart from a third road leading to In the surrounding woods there was nothing there, he waited for some time but no train came.
do not take your eyes off him sss 022
It was winter and it was getting colder and darker and just then he started to worry about a place to stay and some food to eat, an old woman appeared from the Twilight and asked him if he was waiting for a train and when he said yes , she said it wouldn't be long until the next day and asked him if he needed a bed for the night and offered him food and a room in her house. He was glad to accept her offer and stay out of the cold. He took his suitcase and they set off together down the dark road.
do not take your eyes off him sss 022

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do not take your eyes off him sss 022...

He was more than an hour away. and when they reached the woman's small two-story house, John was tired and hungry, they went inside and the woman lit some oil lamps, heaters and borscht for them. John finished her soup and asked her where she would sleep. She took him upstairs. to the stairs to a small room with a window that contained a single bed and he just thanked her they said good night and she closed the door he did so and then he locked it leaving him in the dark somewhat scared by this John He called her but she didn't answer.
do not take your eyes off him sss 022
I didn't listen to anything else, thinking that he would deal with it in the morning and that he had probably done it by mis


. John said he put down his suitcase and lay down on the bed before he could fall asleep, although he felt the need to do so. He peed and got out of bed hoping to find a super pot or something he could pee in, he got on his hands and knees and started feeling around under the bed in the dark, thinking that's where the pot would be if If there was one, it's in the 60s.
do not take your eyes off him sss 022
Who is that? John went straight to the window to see if he could get out of the room that way, it was nailed shut, he stayed in the room, he was probably a dead man, but if he broke the window and tried to get out the way, there was a good chance. that the old woman would hear him and enter the room before he could escape, so he did the only thing he could do: he took the body out from under the bed, threw it on the mattress and covered it with a blanket and then left. .
She under the bed and waited, about an hour later she heard footsteps coming slowly up the stairs and then into the room, which clicked a gun and the knob turned slowly in the dim light. John saw someone move towards the bed and then heard several sickening thuds as the person had hit the body on the bed with a large crowbar which then fell to the floor right in front of John. There was silence, then the person left the room and the door opened again. John came out from under the bed, grabbed the crowbar and could. to slowly open the window, but God the window was open, he threw his suitcase and Dove through himself without carrying what was under him he only worried about what was behind him, he landed without too much damage and started running towards a field behind the house towards some light in the distance turned out to be a road with some military and transport trucks and luckily John was able to get a ride to another town where he could catch a train.
He didn't bother to report what had happened to the authorities since at that time in the USSR there was a clear possibility that he would have been the one to get into trouble, he simply thanked God that he had escaped and decided that next Every time I traveled to visit relatives I would


another route, friend, I would do it. I would have broken that window so fast, that would have been my first idea, but then I would have had to leave a guy behind. I thought it was just going to be the old lady. A guy came in with a crowbar.
Now the next one is called burners and it was uploaded by Pilot Red Sun this was sent to us by Infinity Taco Kitchen who said: uh


afro will disappear after watching this uh nightmare fuel nightmare fuel if the popcorn catches fire fire, just let me know, sending me, um, um, it's on. fire What is this? What is this? Why is there another one? It's a chronic buildup of my favorite iron dust. I'm pretty sure it's an OSHA violation. This is my home. way to kill a spider, the last one this week is called the fear filter, it was uploaded by Tracy Cleeman, now this was sent to us by Tommy the Hooded Barney on IG with


long fucking Twitter name, Tommy.
I want to thank you but I also have a question to ask is your last name pickles dick lucky cat Productions Johnny you have to go to bed there's nothing nothing you're afraid to promise if you get scared I'll be outside until your parents get home I bet because now I'm afraid so fear filter look at all of you who are lost on Snapchat this for you this girl 12 um quick wow guys my name is you win perfect

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