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Jun 30, 2024
her arms generally why are her arms so long compared to Joy's arms it's like three times as long twice as long look, it looks super even though I dislike it wow oh my god they really gave me such cool things, okay, the next one we have is sadness, sadness is so cute, wow, look at her hair, wait, I can stick this to my car or something or my room, oh my god, this. She's so cute, oh, her hands are like they're sewn together, but, oh my God, why is her hair so messy? Look at both of their hair, oh my god, there's a big one here, oh my god, it's anger and the anger is huge here. the film is a little small are they the same height oh he is shorter he has a little bow wait no no this is a tie look wow this is so cute guys which one do you like I think this replica I mean this trailer of anger is looks identical looks so good even the arms are so cute look let's move on to the next oh god why are there so many?
do not order all inside out 2 movie happy meals at 3am new emotions
I already opened this one so oh anxiety and look at the hair too wait it's supposed to be her that look at her hair oh my god look at it wow I can't believe I got this for free just because I'm calling like 2:00 a.m. m. wait, it's after 3 and I called between 303 and 313, wait. I have one more, yeah, there's one more here and then there's two more, but I think the other one is food, let me open this one, oh yeah, oh my God, I'm scared, this is scary, right, guys, oh my God, I did it.
do not order all inside out 2 movie happy meals at 3am new emotions

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do not order all inside out 2 movie happy meals at 3am new emotions...

I don't understand some of them like Unwe and envy I think and Nostalgia but this one is so cute look at his head oh my god look at this thing here it's exactly the same oh my god guys I have everything I can't . Believe it, I mean, most of them, I have almost everything. How many are these? Wait 1 2 three I can't count 1 2 3 4 five oh my god, there's one more here six guys, what's your favorite comment next and maybe? I will give one of them or like some of them for free. Comment which one is your favorite and I'll try to send them to you for free right now.
do not order all inside out 2 movie happy meals at 3am new emotions
The last one is the food. Okay, I'm very excited. I can't wait to open my food. I put all the toys here as you can see. I hope he doesn't come to live at night as if he were talking to Angela. Should I open the toys to see if there are any surprises inside because it's especially this anger, it's a little stiff inside. I feel like wait a second. I feel like there's something about anger. I mean, he's a little angry. Comment below if you think I should try cutting them to see if there's anything inside.
do not order all inside out 2 movie happy meals at 3am new emotions
There's usually something in them, right, I'm not too sure, but anyway let me see what's inside the food. Well, first we have my drink, my Coca-Cola, right, wait a second, it's simple, wait, they don't give me a straw. I have my My own straw here I have a glass straw, let me see, it tastes like Sprite, but without the sugar it tastes a little bitter. I've never had this drink before, that's weird anyway, let's see what else is here, okay, let me see, these should be my fries. Wait a second, nuggets, wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm not


ing this, eh, oh, this very dry taste, at least this time there's nothing creepy about it.
Remember the last few times I


ed the blue Happy Meal and also the Talking Angela Happy Meal. They all came like weird, weird things, this is dry, what's going on? I ordered fries. I don't understand why they keep ruining my order. It's because I place the order at 3:00 a.m. m. and no one is


or maybe someone is making a joke with me anyway my burger should be here okay let's see okay this should be my fish and cheeseburger why did I buy fish? I ordered a cheeseburger, wait, FAL fish don't even appear in Happy Meals, so how did this get here?
It doesn't normally come in the Happy Meal, let me see if there's anything weird, okay, it seems normal, there's cheese, a little bit of mustard, hopefully this one tastes normal, okay, it seems okay, how did they keep ruining my order? I don't understand whatever it is. Take another bite, this tastes good, although wait, what is this? Oh my god, it's paper, why was there paper in the burger? Oh my gosh, this is a note. Oh, I just ate this. There was nothing inside, although guys, can you see what? says that says 7 days what is going to happen in 7 days

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