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Do the LIONS Remember Kevin Richardson? | The Lion Whisperer

Apr 27, 2024
Hey boy, hey boy, hey boy, I'm on my way to see the animals, all the animals for the first time, in a couple of weeks and let's see what reactions I get. Next stop is Megan IUS. I'm not sure what the icus will be like, but yeah, I hope Meg gives me a Hello, how are you now? Funnily enough, it's one of the lines that sometimes gets grumpy is Miss Miss Meg, another, a grumpy suit today, hello my girl, hello, oh, that's it. a love B yes my beautiful my beautiful go dear girl yes who is a beautiful dear girl who is a beautiful dear girl is good he is my girl to my girl H where is iy where is iy where is iy iy sticky hey are you going to take me there Are you going to take me there?
do the lions remember kevin richardson the lion whisperer
They're very vocal today, that's for sure, we've got some vocal cats, but the weather's pretty cool, it's pretty cold today, so it's okay, but thank you, darling, that was very nice of you, uh, very nice. Some of you hear that you don't have the same energy levels as you did a few years ago, but hey, she's 21 years old. Hey, who is this wonderful girl? Ehh, you wouldn't say that cat is 21. I wouldn't, I wouldn't. That's a beautiful girl, so while Meg has a drink, I'm going for a quick walk to see Iy and see what she wants to do, so IES is a funny cat, some days he'll come running up to you and give you a hug and then other days he'll just ignore you completely so it has nothing to do with him being away it's just the way he is hello boy oh hello my boy yeah yeah yeah yeah come here come here come here it's okay, okay, yeah, come on. here you have to get up first yes oh yes oh yes oh yes no exactly a no exactly a hug but uh no unfriendly right yes yes yes look here I have more of that yes yes I think now I need to check the age but I think he will be 19 years old, he will 18 years old, I'll check it, uh, but it's old, yes, for a men's line, very old, still looks good, beautiful, M, has always had a beautiful man, a cute cat, so ik's favorite hobby is sitting here on this. fence line protecting his enemies from Thor's group, yeah, so those Li and him aren't the best of friends, we'll do that in the next few weeks.
do the lions remember kevin richardson the lion whisperer

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do the lions remember kevin richardson the lion whisperer...

I'll do a whole um Sanctuary Shuffle move to give everyone new neighbors a new year new neighbors sounds good And that will obviously shake things up a bit and maybe put Meg and Icarus in the camp next to the walking area so they can be the next to take a little love walk together, so stay tuned, okay? So Meg didn't come like I thought she would after her drink. I thought she would come to greet me there, but no, so she's probably waiting in the night pen ready to pounce on me as I approach and yes, I can see her mannerisms. her behavior, but maybe she won't, yeah, I knew it, so I'll love you and leave you beautiful love and leave you to go greet Thor's group, oh, she loves, that, did you miss, that, you got lost, is that it?
do the lions remember kevin richardson the lion whisperer
Well, that's the right place, next is Thor's group. It's going to be a little tricky because I have eggs, catnip, and a bunch of things that I normally give to this group and, yes, everyone is excited to see me, maybe not so much. Hey guys, yeah, okay, I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, sometimes you have to improvise, yeah, hey, yeah, yeah, I don't know why Chie hasn't shown up. Okay, here it comes, Cowboy Charlie, yes, my boy, when I have nothing. I don't have anything I don't have anything it's my brush okay, it's a brush on the brush and here comes Charles I'm sorry, there's no balls for you because you're a little late to The Late Show but they can scratch your chin, they can give you a massage main and I have some catnip for you.
do the lions remember kevin richardson the lion whisperer
I have some catnip, so if you stay here a while, I can give you some catnip. It is simply impossible, it is impossible to filter a group. I give them eggs. I give them catnip. Unscrew things, screw things up. up because the moment you put the camera down there's a


jumping on it or trying to get it right guys so next up Jenny and vsi who will be 15 in March well actually Biet will be 15 and Jenny will be 15 years old. 15, a few months after that, but yeah, 15, though, it's once again, once again, it's quite the entries, uh, and I still always think of AI and Junor as the young lines, but they're not young anymore and here comes Mr Big always.
She always comes to say hello, just like Jenny, just like Jenny, shame on us and we'll miss old Livy, old Livy, get me out of the way, don't let her do that to you, boy, okay, so it's not the nicest greeting either. amazing from Etsy. and Jenny, but anyway greetings, they still got up from the bottom and walked up a little lethargic in old age, uh, okay, uh, 15 is getting on, but you're the youngest of the oldest, you know you're the youngest of the oldest Mich the youngest of the oldest yes, you still like the scratches on your chin H poor tree, what did he do to you? good way to keep your claws in tip top shape H just guys, bye

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