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DIY INKIGAYO Sandwich - the egg salad, STRAWBERRY JAM & cabbage K-POP STAR sandwich

Jun 04, 2021
Greetings my beautiful loves, I'm Emmy, welcome back today. I'm going to make a


. Now the


is called the Inkigayo sandwich and it caught my attention last year, but things happen and I could never make it, so they brought it back. It caught my attention when I read about this on Buzzfeed which reported about a week ago that K-pop


Sangri revealed that notes and phone numbers were passed using this sandwich between K-pop


s. Now Inkigayo is a show that airs weekly on Korean television. has all the most popular korean k-pop stars, so apparently this sandwich is served in the


studios cafeteria, but what's a little unusual are some of the ingredients that are in the sandwich, so the sandwich It is made up of four layers of bread and between each layer we have a potato


, egg,


jam and some kind of coleslaw in the middle, all pressed, wrapped in plastic wrap and served to the stars, so we exchange numbers telephone and sandwiches.
diy inkigayo sandwich   the egg salad strawberry jam cabbage k pop star sandwich
I like it, so let's go ahead and make the sandwich so my The recipe is inspired by some videos I watched on YouTube and a couple of blog posts. I'll put all of their links in the description in case you're interested. Okay, let's start with the potato and egg


, so I'm in this bowl. I have two types of small potatoes, these are Yukon Gold. I like to use them for potato salad because they're a little waxy and they're not as soft as a russet potato, so I have two of those, they're fully cooked. I like to microwave them because it's a great opportunity to clean my microwave.
diy inkigayo sandwich   the egg salad strawberry jam cabbage k pop star sandwich

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diy inkigayo sandwich the egg salad strawberry jam cabbage k pop star sandwich...

No joke, I take the potatoes, prick them a little with a fork and then cover them for three minutes and then they steam everything inside my microwave. the potatoes, I give them another three minutes and when I can get a knife all the way through them easily then I know the potatoes are done and then I take a paper towel and then I wipe the whole inside of my microwave and it's clean. very good, back to the potato salad, so I'm going to cut them into small pieces, I don't want them to be too small, two hard boiled eggs, now these are eggs for my own chickens.
diy inkigayo sandwich   the egg salad strawberry jam cabbage k pop star sandwich
I was a little mauled because it was very, very fresh when I peeled it. Now I'm going to use a little trick that I've seen on the Internet and I've always wanted to try it, but I always forget. I have some plastic mesh, this comes from those bags of limes, oranges and lemons. Whenever you get citrus, then we take my hard-boiled egg and put it right in the middle. Oh, and then we're just going to squeeze it out and you've got it perfect. like chopped egg, okay, so that was fun, but then I'm left with this, which is not that fun of a trade-off.
diy inkigayo sandwich   the egg salad strawberry jam cabbage k pop star sandwich
I guess now we're going to add another ingredient and it's this, and this is blatantly fake imitation crab. crab that is apparently made of fish, my dear friend Amanda, actually one of her first jobs was in an imitation crab factory, can you imagine anyway? So I have about a quarter cup of this and I'm going to crumble it up. the mix here my brother loved this my mom used to buy my brother imitation crab sticks and he would just like to nibble on them as a snack. We still like them. I have no idea if he likes imitation crab anymore.
It has a very strong fishy smell but the flavor is very sweet. It is completely cooked. It has a very elastic texture loaded with msg and sugar. It looks like shit, but it doesn't taste like crab at all. Now I'm going to wash my fingers again. a little salt a little sugar and a little black pepper just a little bit next we're going to add mayonnaise to bring it all together I love this brand this is kewpie mayonnaise this is from Japan it comes in this excellent soft bottle it has a little baby that saves it.
My son loves us because he loves babies. He makes applying mayonnaise really very easy. You can do it like this if you're making okonomiyaki or you can open it like this, which is really satisfying because it has a star tip and then it comes out in this cool little isn't it cool, I love it, it's okay, I don't want too much mayonnaise in terms of flavor, it's really good, it's different from Hellmann's, it's a little bit looser in texture and it's a little bit more flavorful, but I like it a lot and of course it's not imperative that you use this type of mayonnaise, just use what you have, so now we're going to stir all this up so let's add some. more oh it's very satisfying to squeeze it too okay let's give it a taste mmm it's a great potato salad so I predominantly taste the potato and I get a little bit of richness from the egg and of course you get this beautiful yellow color and let's get some some fat imitation crab too, I don't get that fishy taste at all, it just adds a little bit more flavor to the whole mix, delicious, works great like this for the next layer of the sandwich we're going to make.
Make some coleslaw. I have some finely shredded green


. I used my mandolin, which is a really great tool for something like this. It makes


very fun and thin. It's really great. Be careful. This blade is incredibly sharp. use the protectant whenever possible now we're going to go back to our mayonnaise again, give it a good application. I'm going to use a little bit of tomato sauce too just to give it a little more color and sweetness, that's gross, okay, try that. Again, okay, let's mix up this sort of thousand island coleslaw. Okay, let's put together the sandwich.
Now I have a stack of four slices of white bread, so layer number one I'm going to make my coleslaw, so there aren't even layers. I want to make things too thick or too crazy because it's going to be very difficult, I think, to cut them and handle them, so I'm going to try to stay away from the edges because I'm going to cut them and I don't want to. Just so you know, trouble, cabbage, nice, another layer of bread right on top. Next, we are going to put an unconventional but very colorful layer and it will be this


Now, this is the homemade freezer jam I made last summer with strawberries. which my family made so fun if you've never made frozen jam, it's a delight because you don't have to deal with a lot of boiling water steaming up your house and my favorite part is that it tastes so much better in my opinion. because you don't cook the jam or heat it, it just has a really great intense strawberry flavor. Okay, over the jam, let's spread the bread, okay? Now let's take some of this beautiful jam and spread it, look at that color. I mean, really really, really, no artificial colors, this without honey, this is completely natural, by the way, my favorite jam is strawberry jam, in case you haven't noticed, I'm going to put a good layer of that there. because why not the next layer of moosh, now we're going to put our egg salad, okay, it looks good, it looks good, okay, the last layer of bread bomb right on top, trim the crust with a motion of saw oh yes, oh yes, the goal is to have a nice cross. section oh, that piece over there is okay, slow motion, okay cabbage, come on, why is my plastic wrap doing this to me?
It's not against you, emmy, okay, it's just plastic wrap, okay, plastic wrap, now we're going to cut this on the bias. How do you cut the sandwich in half on the bias? There, look at that, that's beautiful, look at that red thread in the middle of that sandwich, it's a little scary, actually, wow, that's the


sandwich, okay, here's my beautiful inkigayo sandwich, look at that jam strawberry. so vivid there, unfortunately, there's no secret phone number hidden in my sandwich, okay though, let's give it a mocha flavor, it's great, so at first it just tastes like an egg salad sandwich, you're like mmm, mayonnaise creamy with egg, a little potato in there. you get that nice crunch from the coleslaw and then as you keep chewing you get to the strawberry jam part, but it's really nice, it reminds me of when you eat a turkey sandwich with cranberry sauce and you get that little bit of sweet.
Fruity there of course, it's not blueberry, it's strawberry jam and it's great, it works very well. I'm going to eat another bite and it's beautiful. I love it. It looks much more appetizing in person. I'm sorry when I saw the photos. It's great. I think it's another one. The key part of this sandwich is using very soft white bread, once you compress the sandwich with some plastic wrap it just blends everything together, there isn't much substance at all but it works very well in texture with the soft texture of your potato salad and your jam and then you get a little crunch with your cabbage.
It's a really great sandwich, like four layers of bread, oh my God, that's going to be really hard to beat, but it's not like they turn into some kind of mush all together, it's delicious, I love it. It's all the hype, this is a really delicious sandwich, especially if you like an egg salad sandwich, if you don't like an egg salad sandwich, don't even bother with this sandwich because you won't like it because it's a sandwich. of egg salad. So yeah, it's a no-brainer for you in that case. Well, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you learned something.
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