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‘Diversity hire’: Douglas Murray blasts Kamala Harris

Jul 04, 2024
My next guest needs no introduction, but he will receive one. He is the author of international bestsellers, including The Strange Death of Europe, The Madness of Crowds, and his latest book, The War in the West. Douglas Murray. Let's start with the Biden White House lurching. From crisis to crisis, we'll get to the height and risk the country faces in the coming months, but first we've had three official explanations for Biden's debate performance: He had a cold, he was jet-lagged, and he was apparently overprepared. by the staff. uh, which of those excuses fits your mind best? It doesn't seem like he was overly prepared at all.
diversity hire douglas murray blasts kamala harris
It's pretty amazing that the president spent an entire week preparing for this debate. Firstly, because the consequences were so dire, but secondly, because I mean, isn't he meant to lead the country? Isn't he destined to be the leader of the Free World? I mean, it's a terrible shame that he had to spend a whole week just preparing for this 90-minute debate, he obviously wasn't in good shape as all his sick Fant have had to keep pointing out that the problem is that they have this line they've been doing for the last week, you know. he had a bad night, well, yes, but the evidence seems to be that he has a lot of bad nights and a lot of bad days, and his attempt is the kind of attempt by the Biden Court to pass this off as unusual just isn't. credible, I don't think it's going to work at all, no, and now we have the White House declaring that Camala Harris is the future of the Democratic party.
diversity hire douglas murray blasts kamala harris

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diversity hire douglas murray blasts kamala harris...

I mean, one of the reasons he chose Vice President Kamla Harris is because she is indeed the future of the party uh and he's very proud to have partnered with her and continue to partner with her and achieve an unprecedented record for the American people Douglas even referred to the vice president as President Camala Harris, do you see that as? There will likely be a move to replace Biden with Cala now or go to the election with her as a candidate. I mean, here's what Biden himself, Dr. Jill B, and his wife are clearly investigating. There seems to be little doubt about it.
diversity hire douglas murray blasts kamala harris
The campaign email that was just sent to everyone says: "You know, I was raised to never give up and I'm not a quitter and Americans don't quit so I'm not going to quit, you know and when on the ground, I'll tell you." you get up, you dust yourself off and, uh, you go out in the ring again. I mean, this is a fantastic thing, let me put it this way. Do you really believe? Does anyone really believe that in three years Joe Biden will be in the Oval Office. will be able to be there and function as president of the US.
diversity hire douglas murray blasts kamala harris
I really don't think anyone will at this point, I mean the White House Press Secretary and others have kind of They started mentioning Carela Harris but. they do it, of course, knowing that his approval ratings are even worse than Joe Biden's, much worse than Joe Biden's. His likeability is in the toilet and, you know, this is very interesting, it's not just about. these. personalities is also about the way politics is done now in America, you know, it's not rude, it's just the fact that Kamala was


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because Joe Biden said he wanted a black woman. as his running mate, which means that instead of being able to choose from all the talent in America, he could only choose from talent within 7% of the population in America and you know, like I always say, if you live by Dei, you will die by Dei because now they have this hugely unpopular thing.
Imagine the vice president who has made no significant achievements to her name in her years in office, everything that has been entrusted to her, such as the border, has not improved under her management, far from it, and here you have this person to which they can't ignore now because the O's have their own rules that they've made up and decided to follow, so I mean, you know it's not my business, so to speak, to advise the Democratic Party, but I would just say that You know it's clear that Joe won't make it. Of course Carela Will would lose against anyone, anyone, what are they going to do if they are going to make a change?
They're going to have to do it soon because there's going to be someone, whether it's Kamala Gavin, whoever they're going to have. To introduce this person to the public for the last time and, in my opinion, they don't have a day to waste. Well, in the meantime we've removed much of the media that feigned shock over Biden's diminished powers, they're getting back into line. uh look at this exchange and we would invite the president to come here and tell us directly, that's not it, that's not Kelly, um, you're awake, um, that's inappropriate, as you heard from your colleague, the president, what's inappropriate, thank you Kelly, who was NBC's senior White.
House correspondent Kelly or Donal just scolded someone for suggesting that Biden might be taking a nap and that she is also the president of the White House Correspondence Association and let's look at this inadvertent admission from a journalist CNN activist Hadass Gold writing about how Biden's mental fitness could have been covered better, but then there's this she writes: It can be tricky to report on something as hard to define as an aging person when your opponent is a convicted felon. who lies regularly and has threatened to use the government to persecute his political opponents. Douglas, how much blame does the media have for hiding President Biden's cognitive decline?
I'd say it's pretty obvious. It's extraordinary. Rita. I watched the debate last Thursday night and watched the aftermath of the debate on Roundup and Analysis basically on CNN and MSNBC. What caught my attention about CNN in particular was that absolutely everyone in the studio was suddenly talking, as was anyone at Fox over the last few years, anyone at the New York Post over the last few years, so everyone has been punished. It is very strange to see these CNM experts suddenly change as if they had learned something in the previous 90 minutes that had previously been a mystery to them, a completely hidden secret and hidden fact, how can they keep their heads up and continue to behave ? so these were all people who knew and could see everything that you and I could know and see but they decided not to observe it and in fact kick the tracks and attack anyone who observed it and here we are, here they are. with the candidate they want to use to keep Donald Trump out of the White House and are only now realizing that their candidate has flaws.
I mean, you start to wonder how serious they really are and you know when they do all this. A type of Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy. Something you think well if you really thought that. Would you really be running Joe Biden against that man? Wouldn't you have done everything possible to get the most talented team of the next nice ones? uh, young Democrats or middle-aged Democrats, it doesn't matter, uh, but they didn't and by the way, this line about you know Donald Trump using the law against his political opponents, that kind of thing would sit a lot better with a lot of people. . of American voters if they weren't watching former President Donald Trump being repeatedly judged for things that are clearly politically motivated, that's the golden rule of projection, so much of what they claim his opponents are doing wouldn't be doing as we speak and again if CNN MSNBC New York Times if they were a little more honest with their audience, they would be aware of that, you mentioned that the Democrats don't have a lot of time to waste if they are going to replace Biden, they better do it quickly and One name that's always near the top of the list is Gavin Newsum, as a possible replacement, you wrote about him this week in the New York Post, and he's the governor of California.
California is not doing very well. he failed his way to the presidency. I'm afraid it might um Gavin Nome completely destroyed San Francisco, which should be one of the great cities in the world and is a garbage dump. He proceeded to implement similar policies throughout California as governor and has also turned most of everyone you know in California into a dumping ground, huh heh, he talks all the time about the latest news on equity and equality and all that kind of stuff , and presides over one of the most extraordinarily unequal states it has just sent. his own daughter in a $60,000 a year private school and maybe it's because among his own peer group in California state schools there are kids with 30% literacy and 34% numeracy skills. .
That's a shameful track record he doesn't have. he record to keep going, but unfortunately he has the kind of looks that a lot of people fall for. People say he looks presidential. He looks good. He has good hair. I mean, you know, as we discussed last week, Justin Fudo has good hair. It doesn't mean he can run Canada uh uh um, it's the same with the new one. I'm afraid it could, it could fool a certain amount of people um I think it's a Terri it would be a terrible choice because any Republican who runs against G and just has The point to California um and uh and Ronda Santz when she debated a new uh earlier in the year he pointed out all the things that can be pointed out against Nome's record, but we'll see that he's definitely one of the candidates that the Democrats are. playing with its feet right now, in its desperate attempt to get Biden out, well, California is such a strange, strange place because it's so blessed that it has everything going for it and, like you said, it's a mess, there's so much crime in the gap. between rich and poor, the failures in education, oh we could talk about it all day now, what concerns me most with what we saw from the president is the weakness that the Biden administration exudes and what that means for America.
What it means to the world, particularly when you look at the enemies of the West, we are in a period of increased vulnerability with countries like Iran, Russia, China knowing that there are a few more months of this chaos in the White House, how do you see that because we have conflicts around the world and you pointed out recently that if the United States were more respected, if the Biden White House were feared, we probably wouldn't have American hostages still in Gaza nor would we have a Wall Street journalist, uh, a Wall Street Journal. journalist in a prison in Russia oh, that's absolutely true Rita.
I'm surprised there isn't more outrage in America that an American reporter could be kidnapped in Moscow and held hostage, but still there are over 100 Israelis. They are hostages in Gaza, including five or six Americans, I can't understand, I mean the Thai government took their hostages out of Gaza through some strange agreement. It seemed like Hamas feared the Thai government or its connections more than they fear the U.S. I think this is, by the way, I think this is something very, very important to Donald Trump, which is that there is a situation that has emerged very similar to 7980 with the election of Carter Reagan, uh uh, because if you remember the Iranians.
The American hostage situation in Iran was a recurring issue in the electoral process and Reagan really took off in those days when he made it clear that if he came to power the hostages would be freed. Lo and behold, Carter was expelled. Reagan entered and the hostages were freed. I would like to see Donald Trump do something similar. You know, he can easily stand on that stage and say to Qatar, to Iran, to Hamas. I know you're listening. I know you're listening. You better keep the hostages. or make sure you return them, return them the day I take office, you better have them in perfect condition or else I'd like to see that from President Trump, I'd like to see that from any potential leader of the free world and I think it's shocking that Biden and his administration have spent so little energy on this and clearly one of the reasons is that the president himself has no energy, he takes naps in the middle of the day, he's just functioning, he seems to last about five. or six hours a day, by its own officials' admission, is one of the reasons the United States is failing on the world stage.
Now we've seen many celebrities disgrace themselves with their lunatic views in recent mons, from Robert Dairo to Susan Sarandon, and you can add Roger Waters to the list, former Ping Floyd frontman has always been very anti-Israel, but his insane views seem to have made the French even more relatable. Take a look at all the dirty, disgusting lies Israelis told after October 7th. about the burning of babies and the rape of women, all of which was complete, the women were actually raped, no, no, yes, they were fine, there is no evidence that the United States should establish that.
You can say what you want, but there is no evidence, in fact, there is a lot. The evidence is not sexual assault or rape, well okay, well now we know what too. Do you have social media, calm down, Roger, Roger, calm down, don't sink to their level, okay, I won't know what level, but stop yelling, stop yelling, let them interrupt you as much as you want, okay, don't even I know what it is. I think it has a kind ofimaginary friend also named Roger who he is talking to off camera, but this rape denial and I said it is a view of a French dwelling, but unfortunately.
It is not as French housing as it should be because you hear this over and over again from the pro-Palestinian crowd and it is so disgusting, beyond shameful because there is a huge amount of evidence showing how women were raped and sexually brutalized in October. 7 and beyond uh by Hamas and that there is only this wholesale Nal from unDouglas, there it is and I think there is a very interesting reason for it. Roger Waters, by the way, I mean, I don't know, I can't actually name a Pink Floyd song, eh, maybe it's my fault, but I don't care. write down for this man Waters his views on anything I mean I don't know if he's a guitarist if so he's just sick of playing guitar um he's obviously a very sick individual very sick in a number of different ways a variety of Ways, there's a whole conference on that thing that we just saw there, but you know, I think there's a very clear reason why some of these people want to deny the rapes to deny the murder of children on Seventh and it's because if They would face it, They would have to ask a question from their own side and from themselves that they do not want to ask, and that is: Am I sure where the good ones you know are?
I'm sure my side is in danger in the case of people like Roger Waters. I'm sure I'm on the right side, supporting Hamz, supporting the most militant Palestinian extremists when they seem incapable of not raping, not murdering, uh, not killing children, not kidnapping children. I'm sure my side is right and there are only two paths. what you can take away from that is that maybe I should read rethink my support for this terrorist entity and put my support elsewhere or you would have to say "okay" I agree with that by any means necessary and some of them think that some of them I believe that, but I would admire these people a lot more if instead of always trying to deny and deny and deny, they actually faced the things that their friends do, did and would do again, but this Waters man and also a maniac , he is not a man, he can't even face the consequences of his own support and thinking as he is now before you go, I have to ask you about Prince Harry, he is receiving yet another honor that the Duke of Sussex is ready to receive . receive the Pat Tillman Award for service in the spies of 2024 uh Pat Tillman was a late American hero NFL star and US Army Ranger who died during combat in 2004 uh Pat Tillman's mother, Mary, is among those surprised by the award given to Harry.
She has said that there are many more deserving candidates who do not have Harry's money and resources and are working quietly. She also said that I am surprised why they would select such a controversial and divisive individual to receive the award. There are recipients who are far away. It is more appropriate that there are people working in the veteran community who are doing tremendous things to help veterans, but this is not new. Douglas Harry and Megan keep winning awards, it seems to be their full time occupation these days, I don't think we should do it. I'm not saying they win awards, they don't, they get them from the type of people they hang out with.
I mean, there's a whole industry of this kind of crap. You know, I mean, you know what happens with a A lot of this is because Megan or Harry's PR people make calls to ask about the various awards that can be given to them and then bring their celebrity into the awards process and everyone benefits. I mean, Tillman is so cynical, this is sad because he, he, was a true American hero, he enlisted, he left the NFL, he enlisted after 9/11 and he gave his life in defense of his country. It's kind of a reminder, of course, of what the sad turn in Prince Harry's life is, I think.
You know, the only really interesting thing about him is that he had the opportunity to have a meaningful life in which he gave his life to the country and to causes like veterans and young people who lose their lives, the same way he did when he was 20 years old and he can change their lives, there were many things he could have been a really significant figurehead for and, like his grandfather, the late Duke of Edinburgh, who created the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, he could have been the you. Meet the Prince Harry Awards, you know he could have done a lot with his life and the position that he had because of the benefit of the birth that he had and instead he took this other path, he took the Monito Highway and here he is.
It's not doing, it's getting awards like you're doing it and I think there's a, I mean, it's kind of a part of The Inferno that you wouldn't want to live in, no, and uh, before you go, Douglas, you know. You have become a big problem. These days you now have your own imitators and, frankly, they are good. Gotta say, here's Comic Army, kak, thanking you like Douglas Murray, such a phenomenal job on the monk debates, taking on the sophistry and deceit, outright lies. of Medi Hassan and those like him who spit and spout lies about Israel, he achieved it.
I'm going to say the arm is very good, I mean we've had him on this show, not like you like himself, but he's very good. and uh, this is the height of your fame, now you normally impersonate Donald Trump and other world figures and Douglas Murray, now it's, it's, it's horrible in a way, it's a talented impersonator, uh, it's horrible for your sense of identity. I see someone taking you off, but he's very good at it, it was actually very funny a few nights ago in New York. He was at a steakhouse with some friends and he came up to me and made a pass at me and, um, yeah, I told my friends. when I met with him, he's very good, but to talk about self-awareness and self-awareness when you have someone pretending to be you in front of you, I know he's very good, he's very good, but he's very good, and if you're going to have something yes.
You will have someone pretending to be you. It's good if he's a fan and he's certainly a fan of yours. Douglas Murray thank you very much for your time to watch, thank you Lita.

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