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Disney's New Historical Fan Fiction Is Hilariously Bad!

Jun 07, 2024
the list of things that aren't keep making my Georgian sleeves catch on my gaming chair hello, hello, welcome, welcome to the channel you've tuned to watch Johnny Law, don't be fooled now, the list of things that aren't They are safe from the clutches of uninspired. Disney's, much like our own universe, is constantly expanding and now we can add 18th century England to that list, oh what joy with the release of Disney's new series and




Renegade, now the The year is 1705, the place is England and this. The eight-episode series revolves around the character Nell Jackson, whose supernatural fighting abilities cause problems when she returns home from the war.
disney s new historical fan fiction is hilariously bad
Women, of course, were famous for going to war during this period, except they weren't because now I'm lying. I decided to make a dig site and during the 18th century the average size of the British army at any given time was a respectable 50,000 soldiers, but throughout that entire century with all those soldiers I could only find two examples of women who had lent combat service during the 1700's and one was a Scottish woman so no explanation needed there, after all Scottish women are more like British men than proper British men and the second was a latter called Hannah Snell and if you saw the artist's rendition of it, you probably would have sent it. she too at the front, but two of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers are enough for Disney to hold on to, so here she goes and immediately 18th century England looks a little different, we don't want to scare her. to tell us where the jewels are and that is, excuse the mathematicians, ma'am, what progressive England of the 1700s, very cool, ah, Disney's representation of my culture is nothing but deeply moving, we order you to forget that we are , so apparently Nell has superpowers.
disney s new historical fan fiction is hilariously bad

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disney s new historical fan fiction is hilariously bad...

That means? I wonder. I don't think she heard me, ma'am. I was just ignoring her. A little warning. She doesn't want to mess with me. Look. I know this is Disney fan


, but please, please tell me what her ability is. It's not just the power to have abrasive conversations, okay, the Matrix-style bullet time ability, okay, that's a cool thing, cool, I can accept that. I mean, muskets weren't the most accurate weapons of all time, in fact, you knew you were safe from a musket. As long as you were standing right in front of it, if anything, you would be in more danger if the owner of the musket decided to throw it at you instead of firing it at you, how could anyone do something with hats and sleeves like this? super strength and excellent hand-to-hand combat skills, my goodness, if there's anything this woman can't do, slap, how novel, then Nell uses her vast arsenal of newfound abilities to single-handedly incapacitate a detachment of highwaymen of roads and then leave me.
disney s new historical fan fiction is hilariously bad
I guess everyone applauded. Oh, they actually did well. Do you know how that is? And then, after this little skirmish, Nell returns to her hometown of Tottenham, where everyone is surprised to see her, as they had heard that she died in battle alongside her husband. which she seems to miss a lot I'm a widower Captain Jackson he's dead dear God that's terrible whatever happened to him he died oh right yeah I guess that makes sense don't be so sad about it right? Then the townspeople found out. That Nell had died in battle there's nothing too unusual about that, but what is unusual is the fact that the town's residents don't seem to take too seriously being wrong in such matters.
disney s new historical fan fiction is hilariously bad
I was wondering why everyone was looking at me funny. I don't understand why random men in this pub are angry because she's not dead. People have no manners these days. So why is Lord Blanch Hood kicking up this thing? It's not Lord Blanchford, it's his son Thomas. You remember. So it turns out that the town is ruled by the wealthy Lord Blanchford, whose son Thomas is a pompous, spoiled nepo baby who is as ignorant as he is belligerent and enjoys causing trouble in the town and shoots a horse owned by one of the residents because the rich are rich in Am I right this morning, Thomas my butler received a delegation from the town with an extraordinary story that he had shot a man's horse, it was an accident, wait a minute, a rich guy who has a say in the city, an evil son who likes to terrorize people? residents of that same place who turned out to be a group of poor old men.
I think we've seen this before. I would like to offer you a million dollars. You've been caught by Disney rights, you little weasel, but if you'll excuse me. A word of advice, if you're going to reappropriate plot points, maybe don't plagiarize plot points from the Ruban Hood series. You have already lost. Don't you understand anything about the lives of these people? I am their magistrate, they come to me for justice. I don't know, I feel like there might be a little screening here, but I'll never do it. You are laughing at me? Okay, now I'm putting my foot down, you can plagiarize Rob Yin Hood all you want.
I don't give a damn, but don't you dare steal lines from Pride and Prejudice Are you laughing at me? Disney has gone too far this time. Are you laughing at me? Certainly not, did you understand why he wasn't laughing? but then he got it and we're back to the funny ones haha ​​but first a word from today's sponsor and this video is brought to you by MSI who kindly lent me one of their new mag 341 cqf QD or MSI curved ultrawide gaming monitors I love you but that's the name of a Bunker product, it's fully adjustable of course, as always, and has full I/O including USB type A, B and C, HDMI and display ports, almost supernatural response time of 0.03 milliseconds and absolute resolution.
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I have to see that the coordination of the fight is quite good. Whoever planned this has been watching a lot of anime and in this context that's certainly not an insult, but the question is where does Nell get her powers from now on if you said it right, Johnny, I think. that she gets her powers from a tiny fairy from the North of England Camp called Billy Blind, who occasionally runs down her throat into her stomach and that somehow gives her superhuman strength and reflexes. I would say, oh my gosh, what a specific answer, but yeah, no. actually you're right, of course, it's not absolutely necessary for me to introduce myself, but in your case I had a suspicion that CLP might emerge sooner rather than later and, look, the fairy is played by that guy who dressed as a tomato that time I remember ladies, some money for comic relief the little red man oh, you scary little creature, what do you think you're doing?
I've come to work in costume and by the way, I wasn't kidding about it, if a fairy lives in your stomach, that makes you a superhero, that's fine, then you're going to take the queen's shilling, how come you don't have to be a fallen one? No, I've seen it. many of him in the army as lads, okay look, I'm not suggesting that there were no women who served in the British army during the 18th century and I would never suggest that there were no women who wanted to do it, but POS that it was a It's very common that women dress like men to join the army and this is something they did all the time and it's a wee bit silly like you, it may seem like a minor detail but misrepresenting British history is becoming worrying for Vogue these days and it's just It bothers me a little if we were talking about a fictional world that's a different story, you can do whatever you want, but they deliberately chose a real world setting and then intentionally misrepresented it.
I just don't understand, it's also the fact that many other cultures don't seem to get the same treatment as many Western cultures when it comes to this kind of thing. Take the Disney-financed Shogun series, for example. I didn't see a group of Sicilians running through feudal Japan. They seem to be able to maintain that cultural coherence. I didn't see any Puerto Rican samurai, you know what I mean? So I'm not sure why English history doesn't get the same treatment, but there we are and it's not just the atheistic side of English culture that they seem to be taking some liberties with, but also the vernacular.
What are you taking about? Yesterday you offered me Tennessee. You have two halfway through that take. it was yours you're dumb ok first of all you're dumb that's the hyper-modern Southern English colloquial use of the term dumb not to mention the fact that the term dumb on its own means stupid was not used in any context until over a century after supposedly this show was reconfigured, it may seem insignificant but the atmosphere is important, it tells me who wrote this or okay that line was not aware of it, they didn't care or both and whether in fact they didn't care or not, why bother using? the actual cultural environment first, if you're just going to ignore it, that's just me and if you're one of those bottom feeding, ringworm swallowing crayons whose only response to anything in life is why do you care? go and drown Okay, just because you don't care about your culture doesn't give you credibility to go and spray paint, come over to our side of one of the Great Pyramids.
Do you understand what I'm saying? Don't comment that he will. Make me mad and I'll cry, shut up, I'm sorry, but going into episode two, it looks like Hood's influences continue. I'm not happy to be in a position where I have to do P for other people's things, they're ours and they're not. I was just, oh, I was redistributing some wealth, ah yes, the classic modern philosophy that if you steal something from someone who has more than you, that's fine, the socres would kneel before such unwavering moral wisdom that these people have more things than they know. what to do with you do you know what fog is and why one man needs 10 pairs of pants while another man less than 3 feet away has to walk the streets with his butt hanging out of his gagas wow, how incredibly real and based, I tell you.
Say what you want about rappers and country music artists, but I swear they're the only people left in the entertainment industry. They are not boring communists. I know you know it. I knew these two beauties. Now I understand the word Nots. I know what some of you are probably saying, probably saying John, this show is supposed to be a bit of fun, why do you have to take everything so seriously, relax and to those people all I can say is satanic tai chi, what ? Hell, it's even that and it also seems like the plagiarism doesn't end with Rob Gin Hood as they seem to be taking some musical cues from Pirates of the Caribbean which was also made by Disney so I guess they are plagiarizing themselves.
I'm also getting like a Witcher Vibes bootleg, get a ton of the Wild Hunt discount we have here, even the music is in the same vein as the Netflix series, there are a lot of influences here, wait why not? He just stabbed him in the back. He was in the perfect position, but instead he chose to slide the knife across the floor. That? Because? Ask how fast your reaction times are. Well, whatever you said, rest assured knowing that yours are better than those of a Lady Shankley, the 18th century bounty hunter, shall we look for them?
Also just a quick note for whoever edited this. I think you may have left a couple of outtakes here and there. I know what I'm doing. You know nothing. You're the big noodle that got us into this attack, yeah, well I'm the big noodle that's going to get us out of this, okay, but seriously, we're still in the 18th century, why would any of you know what is it a noodle? For God's sake, can a guy not have even a shred of continuity these days? Wait a minute, it's not just the music, they stole the cast of The Witcher series and beat it too.
I would like to apply for bail without bail at any price other than fair now I am fortunate and educated enough to not be familiar with the British legal system but they have been talking aboutthe price of bail which is the American type of bail here in the UK bail means something very different than it means the period between release from custody and your first court date, Disney writers, the whole world is not United States, thank you, much love, Johnny. PS: read a book. I find it pretty funny that the little fairy you know can use his powers to Turn Nell into Stone Cold Steve Austin and let her punch a man in the face, but he's also there to give you emotional support and don't cry, Nelly, we'll figure it out, It's nothing if it's not touching, I'm not a bad person.
So how come I've ended up on the wrong side of La being a bad person so far? Well, maybe when someone like you ends up on the wrong side of the law it's because there's something wrong with the law, that's right, it's the law's fault that you broke it, who needs to take responsibility when you have Beast ideas like that, for Please, take it seriously, no one will miss it, because the things that I do I have taken everything from people with more money than they know what to do with anyway no, no, please, comrade, please take the money that I someone else gave, it's really nothing, I'm just amazed by it, please, and then Nell has to barge in. prison to be able to break out one of her friends again, but while there she discovers that the prison is actually full of sympathetic souls and so she uses his strange strength to free all the prisoners.
Now some of you might be thinking, oh my goodness. um, indiscriminately releasing an entire Nells prison doesn't seem like the best idea to me, but luckily, the vast majority of the prison population turns out to be women and children, how incredibly fortuitous, after all, women and children don't commit crimes I mean, you know what they could have done she picked up a bun to feed her little sister and they gave her two years she stole bread that wouldn't happen if I was in charge no if it was me I wouldn't have you in Guillotine Prison while Nel has been busy freeing to a group of morally outstanding citizens, remember, boy, shoot your horse well, her sister has been casting a spell to trap Nell in prison and then kill her, and she's been at it for days, she's been singing. for days and everything is going great, it would be terribly unfortunate if there was, I don't know, an easy way out for Nell, that would be terrible, running, going through the wall, well, isn't that so unfortunate?
Maybe next time I'll try Conjure. a spell that is not thwarted by walking slightly forward just an idea Stand and Deliver is fine, don't get me wrong, I understand the love behind it, you know, all the stealing from the rich, giving to the poor, it's all very romantic, but stealing clearly impoverished farmer that's a choice and now that I think about it there was someone else who didn't really like farmers either that's not that interesting and I really don't understand where this little fruit fairy gets this because she refuses to let Nell use her powers to Unless it's categorically for self-defense, but he's more than happy to sit by while she commits Grand Theft Horse Car and then it turns out that Nell's little sister was kidnapped by a group of criminals who were posing as some kind of kidnapping theater troupe. people, we used to be a proper troop, she was in Dr.
L, but there were some bad reviews, no theater would take us after that, now we're Edge trackers barely making a living and she with a baby. the way that, well, I didn't know you were expecting a baby, in which case she kidnaps as many children as you want here. I'm thinking of the scum of the earth for terrorizing children. I didn't know you lost your jobs, it's water under The kids on the bridge get loaded into the back of the van, but seriously, can someone tell Disney that it's okay to have villains who are evil for no other reason than just to be evil? ?
It is not necessary for all villains to be misunderstood. he just does what he says and he won't hurt you good morning good morning good morning oh now it makes sense it's not the woman who grabbed the two girls because of Point, it's the big evil man that they are also victims of C Oh, forgive me, Isn't there a single man with guts on this show? They also got the bet from him. Yeah, so I better go. I thought you loved her. I do, of course, but love and circumstances don't always align. Coward, no, no. I know why I bothered to ask either of them George, stay still, you never said we were going to hurt her.
You gotta love the fact that she's okay with kidnapping kids, that's absolutely brilliant, threatening them with a knife, stay quiet if you know what's good for you, hey she. end the note that's absolutely fine actually hurting someone oh no no no I wouldn't do something like yes, thank you, we have a real moral pillar here oh, what did I just see? What did I just watch? I don't care that your broken water you still kidnapped a child and threatened him that's not right we have to show them that they can't get away with it people need to know that the truth matters because you preach it sister the truth is what the man and the truth is that on this show at least it's okay, it's okay to kidnap and threaten children if you give birth right after, there you go, people need to know the truth, man, go pinch yourself like a child, okay Now, I won't lie, it's at this point. that I really started to drift every fiber of my being I was like, I need your help, you need to kill me, but just when I was thinking, oh, I might as well throw in the towel, the episode starts with a musical number, this is not a musical.
There have been no other musical numbers until now and suddenly, right at the beginning of the musical episode, they say that it was the mother who quite liked Jin Jin Jin Jin. I don't know what's going on, you know? I've seen my fair share of plot twists in my time, but surprise, it's a musical now, yeah, it's good, it's pretty good, so you're Nelly Jackson, that Jim from Friday night dinner, hello Jesus, what are you? What I'm doing here is reminiscent of a few episodes ago when Nell broke into prison to break out one of her friends.
Ironically, the guy she went to save was actually the only person she ended up leaving behind during that little mission. It is what it is, but now. that same friend is now facing trial you speak for the prosecution yes your excellency my excellency sir oh joy it's the lady from the latest episodes of Doctor Who if you haven't had the pleasure of watching them but they were excellent boys of the night in which your wheelchair got weapons, we all also have a nice wheelchair, did they have them at the beginning of the 18th century? I don't know, but Lu, I can see checking all the boxes, like, look how worldly we are, look how inclusive we are, you know?
It's all very, it's, on paper, it sounds very nice and charming, but the reality is that I don't know, treating people like a list or a pie chart and systematically crossing them off that seems more offensive to me, but what do I know? I probably should have seen it coming with the intro to this episode and all, but episode 7 reaches its climax when Nell is about to have her head crushed in a printing press, but then her little sister arrives and saves the day with the El power of music, yes, it's a beautiful thing, so don't play now.
She apparently sings the news because that is what she is singing what would be written in the newspaper. That apparently defeats the demonic magic, so the series ends with Nell and company foiling a plot to depose the queen, and while the action brings the series to what seems like a satisfying conclusion, they've left a lot of important questions. no answer, now you could say okay, maybe it's in an attempt to cash in on a second season and you want to know what it is. is happening, but if I'm honest it feels more like they just didn't think to write it down, take the origin of the fairy for example, who is she?
Where does it come from? We have no idea why he chose to give it to Nell. his powers, we literally have no idea, he only has superpowers only because right now, which isn't terribly satisfying, you know, it's a shame all the nonsense because underneath what I spent the last I don't know, 20 minutes or so mocking In Actually, there's a half-decent show out there somewhere, you know, it had its moments, it had a bit of charm that Disney has been lacking lately, the acting was pretty good, one of the best things about the show, actually, and I can't believe it I'm saying this, but it's one of the first Disney plus shows that I would almost recommend, but still wouldn't.
It's one of the slightly more tolerable self-inserted female boss


fanfictions I've seen recently, a genre that's becoming worrying. popular among streaming services today, however, tokenism and revisionism continue to run rampant throughout this series and those two things, at least to me, are simply inexcusable, no one from any background should have to endure that it is an insult, it's condescending, and at times it's unusually mean and subtle, so Renegade Now again I wouldn't recommend, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't actually quite surprised by certain elements of the show. In fact I'm going to go out on a limb and say if this show had been overlooked by anyone but Disney it would have been very good, it's those classic modern Disney hallmarks that have completely ruined this series and like I say it's a Real shame it could have been something great, I really could have had it. something Disney has been missing, but Disney couldn't help it, so here we go.
I appreciate you staying here so long. See you next time and, as always, a big shout out to the channel members and the patreons, of course. have the higher levels the Knights of the law infinite dumdum Pon lackey David Jax C Michael tpia Texas law man ATS dager d69 nice St Nemo Steve the goat Michael nagas the grand admiral Jordan 96 and Sao to each and every one of you. I thank you for serving. the kingdom of course level 2 say Dr. mus and can mat Mar in Sensi Fang medicant bias agent m62 St cheeks Michael S Rich wwor M Legend face kidnap tiger and say and of course a big thank you to each and every one of the level members to everyone on this list for going above and beyond and choosing to support me.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. Thanks and here we go another day. Another video. Will you join me on the next one? You better do it. You are little but until then take care of yourselves and we will see you very soon

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