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Discovering Capital City BISSAU (GUINEA-BISSAU)

Apr 15, 2024
Good morning, it's my first day in bis. Now I'm walking towards the


center and I want to see the market. I want to go to the port to ask for information about the ships going to the islands yesterday. I already tried a little bit of I can understand my Portuguese when they speak slowly and mainly in Portuguese and not Creole, but most people speak Creole here, so today I'm also going to try my Portuguese, yes, it's very hot of course, the roads are super dusty of course. It's actually a beautiful color, but of course it spreads all over your clothes and the skin of your eyes, so I stopped and followed a small path that went to the right towards the sea and found some fishermen, a A couple of them, of course, wanted to marry me and one of them was repairing a ship, he told me to go to Spain, so yeah, they told me I had to go to this port pind uh to ask for the poog for tomorrow.
discovering capital city bissau guinea bissau
So five cars with the army pass by me, um, it's always because of this unrest that happened a couple of days ago some things with the politicians a couple of people explained it to me but no one knows exactly what happened so anyway this it's a super beautiful landscape yes of course it's full of garbage as always which is also something beautiful in some ways and a shame at the same time, all that is garbage there and it's beautiful and sad at the same time man, I'm so sweaty on African life, oh wow, I think they're burning trash, that's what they usually do. to get rid of it yes this is all cow skin drying wow yes those are cow skins too keep going wow wow that's a lot of burning plastic wow after 30 minutes of walking I finally made it to the


center as soon as I put one foot in the old city the remains of the Portuguese colonization were clearly visible many buildings painted in different colors were left abandoned almost like a symbolic oar of times P I thought it had something charming but it was still missing a vibrant and lively touch that could potentially have been okay so clearly I got to the Port so I'm going there, I think it's the agency that runs like fairies to go to the islands but that costs a fortune, I'm not going to Fe so one of those boats I should go from there too. the islands some people say it's very dangerous but the locals do that so I mean, K knew, yeah, I knew Kennedy, oh wow, Cera, ah, all good, fixed up a boat, found someone.
discovering capital city bissau guinea bissau

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Fortunately he spoke French, because yes, I want to say a couple of things in Portuguese. like boat stuff like that, but you know, this guy helped me find the swamp for tomorrow for about 2,500 500 Sea, so it's very good, very cheap and supposedly supposed to get me there in about 3 hours, now I'm not sure of whether he is going. to be 3 hours it will probably be double that but anyway he wanted to marry me and he asked me oh can you give me babies? I was like, why is it always like this? It's so annoying being a woman who travels these guys are serious anyway he was nice so I just laughed at him.
discovering capital city bissau guinea bissau
He was not like any man. I mean, it's not crazy hot. Oh, I'm dissolving. I decided to walk a little further to discover other areas of the city. colorful taxes and buses everywhere I arrived in a lively neighborhood full of shops and people on the streets selling all kinds of products I walked and observed the daily life of the locals I walked through a couple of neighborhoods in fact many people called me Branco which means white Portuguese but not as many as in Sagal and in Sagal they are mostly children. I'm super tired. I was outside during the hottest part of the day, which is typical for me.
discovering capital city bissau guinea bissau
I'm going to rest a little. Yeah.

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