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DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - Motivational Speech Compilation

Jun 19, 2024
There is a moment when you tell


self it can't be done, instead of backing away you push


self into the unknown, at some point everything will go wrong for you, then you will say: "This is it, this is how I end up" . Now you can accept that or you can get to work, you just start, do the math, solve one problem and then solve the next one. I want to re


everyone of the power of the


. You can think your way to stressing yourself out. You can think your way to misery and frustration, but if you change your mind to change your life, you just have to decide in your mind what you want the journey to be.
discipline your mind   motivational speech compilation
It's not easy, it's difficult, it's difficult to keep your spirits together while We started looking. In what we want, what will be crucial for you is to look into the future and whenever you find yourself saying you can't do something, putting yourself down and being negative about yourself and the possibilities for you, you must literally catch yourself and have than to affirm yourself in the process hey hey hey hey no no I can't do it there is some way this can happen for me we are in control of our mind we think it's the other way around we don't put it in our minds what we should do we have to reprogram it and tell ourselves no, no, no, we are good, this sucks, but it's okay, there is nothing in your life that is worth it, that is quick and easy, everything that is worth it is uphill, you will never feel like that.
discipline your mind   motivational speech compilation

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discipline your mind motivational speech compilation...

It's your job to force yourself to do the things you don't want to do so you can be everything you're supposed to be. There is no passion to be found in playing small and settling for a life that is less than yours. are you capable of living what happens if you give everything you have and fall short what happens if you weaken along the way and throw in the towel you give up what then many people get discouraged, they get frustrated and say oh what the hell and they do it again What were they doing before they said it doesn't work?
discipline your mind   motivational speech compilation
You're the captain. You're the teacher. You're the foreman. You're the general. You're the boss. Don't give control of this to anyone. You can always improve to the best of your ability. You can always go beyond anything you've done and that's why everything you look for new advances through practice and practice you will get better and better Easy doesn't pay well if Someone came and knocked you down, boom, and there's nothing you can do about it, but if I come back a week later and you're still on the ground, we're going to have a problem and some of you are going to say, Eric, it's not my fault, is it? the way you were born what happened to you is not your fault but the dog is still on the ground after 20 years you have absolutely nothing to do with what happened to you it is not your fault you were thrown to the ground you had absolutely nothing to do with it that and I don't blame you for that, but if I come back a week later, you're still on the ground, that's your fault, choose the hard path, the path of responsibility, hard work and sacrifice that ultimately leads To freedom, keep playing, keep going.
discipline your mind   motivational speech compilation
The mill keeps working and the other things will take care of themselves. Do you realize that every day you thought you wouldn't make it? Do you remember those days when you thought it was absolutely unbearable and you thought you couldn't stand it? Do you know that your survival rate on each of those bad days is 100% successful? The guy is a very, very lonely man, very few people are willing to endure the pain, the sacrifice, the diligence of DU to succeed, it's an uphill battle On that path you won't see many friends, you'll see your shadow, the Most of the time leave the soft and addictive comfort zone and enter the combat zone where you have to fight, where you have to go deeper. to be alert you have to be on guard you have to hold the line on the small seemingly insignificant things things that shouldn't matter but things that do matter when everyone is against you or no longer believes in you it's a lonely feeling to look at yourself with that look and say why don't you try something else why don't you give up there have been so many times in our lives when people tell you that you can't do something where would you be if every time someone told you that you can't do something you listen to them there will be times when you will feel alone and you will feel abandoned when you will feel weak and doubt yourself and other people will doubt you and you will wonder am I crazy?
There will be times when the darkness SEEMS to consume everything but do not let it consume you even in the darkest moments even in the strongest storms even when the sun goes out and the world falls apart the darkness cannot extinguish your light you you It will be your determination, no matter what is happening, no matter how hard the fight is, as long as you keep fighting you will only win, giving up is a defeat, just giving up is the end and believe and know within yourself and don't doubt everything What is in you, what is everything? everything is going to be okay I challenge you to use your imagination I challenge you when you grow up to use your imagination I challenge you when you grow rich to use your imagination I challenge you under every circumstance keep dreaming keep looking at your dream keep concentrating on your dream keep chasing the dream because that's where true success is oh you're not being realistic you're dreaming yes I'm dreaming so a lot of people have stopped dreaming don't stop dreaming whatever storm you're in today don't do it Give up and know it hurts and know it doesn't You want to endure it more.
It seems like you are seeing your dreams from underwater, but don't give up. You haven't seen the best days of your life yet when it just doesn't make any logical sense to continue that's when you use your emotion your anger your frustration to push yourself to say no stop you need to win battles to win the war you need to get out of bed you need to run you need to exercise you need to read, study and practice and you need to do things that you don't necessarily want to do and I know that can be difficult, that's why people lose the war, the daily struggle is a challenge.
You won't always want to do what you have to do You won't always feel like doing something you have to do You may not want to fight that battle but you need to do it You have to stop telling yourself that you are doing enough You have to do it Do more in the Life is never enough until you feel this overwhelming feeling of man. I'm working with the crowd. I'm working with everyone. I'll do it more once you get there, that's where you can know you've done enough. we're going to hit a wall, everyone hits the wall and that wall shocks some people, that wall took some people's lives, that wall disturbs some people, the wall is painful, some will choose to go back, but there are a small number that when they hit that wall they decide wait a minute I'm supposed to be there this person doesn't care about the pain because this person knows something there is no game without pain so this person comes back anyway again and again and again and if you keep hitting that wall this is what happens to you you will have an incredible breakthrough when a lion is born it's not a lion when a lion is born it's a c do you know what makes it look like that how does a lion look like that but? a giraffe doesn't look like that it's the process of hunting it's not the real meat that makes it look like that it's the real hunting it's the real chase so whether you catch it or not every time you go out hunting you're developing some of you are so caught up in the game that you don't understand it it's practicing it's lifting weights it's resting it's eating well it's not making good decisions that you look a certain way it's how you practice it's what you do that makes you look how you look it's the routine process that molded and forms you is not the game how long are you going to wait how much longer are you going to wait another 30 seconds are you going to wait another minute are you going to wait another hour maybe we'll start in a couple of hours do you know how about I wait until Tomorrow you are going to wait until tomorrow you are going to wait another week you are going to wait another month, how long are you going to wait?
Don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough. Okay, many young people think that they can't or that they aren't. I don't have the potential if you really want something bad enough, if you really want something bad enough you will find a way to get there. It's about a commitment to you because you want someone else to be more committed to you than you want. be with yourself and you have to get to the point where no other human being wants it for you more than you want it for yourself when you have no choice but to succeed, your chances of success are pretty good.
I will succeed no matter what I have to do no matter how hard it is no matter how difficult the road is no matter how many obstacles get in my way no matter how many people get in my way no matter how many days I don't do I feel like you guess what I'm still getting up. I still put on my work boots and still go out and kick ass. That's what successful people do. Short-term thinking says the donut tastes good, eat it in no time. Short-term thinking says a workout doesn't matter, I can skip it.
Short-term thinking encourages you to make short-term emotional decisions that harm you in the long term. The more short-term decisions you make, decisions that are based on that immediate gratification. Decisions based on quick results. emotional satisfaction the further you go off the path that's why I say you have to pay attention you have to watch every second because those seconds turn into minutes and the minutes turn into hours and the hours turn into days and the days turn into years you need tactical victories, they must proactively prepare to realize when they become negative about the people they have allowed to push their buttons when they become negative about what is happening to them in the circumstances in which they are involved think strategically about everything The moment before any action or inaction ask yourself if this action will make me stronger or weaker.
You have to tell yourself the truth. No couch improvements on the couch. You improve by coming here and getting the after every day, all the great people start, they start anywhere and anytime they start, whether they are suffering, they start if they are excited, it doesn't matter where they are, they just start when the alarm goes off 4:00 or 5: in the morning your mind says no, you just say this is what we do, this is what we do now you have to tell your brain where you want to go and how you want to go and how you want to get there expand yourself get out of your zone of comfort if you stay in your comfort zone that is where you will fail you will fail in your comfort zone success is not a comfortable procedure it is a very uncomfortable thing to try so you must be comfortable with being uncomfortable if you ever want to succeed so next time Whenever you feel weak, lazy or soft, tell those feelings that they will not get a vote, you have to attack, you have to keep attacking, the enemy has to know that he is not going to give up, you have to break your soul, whatever it is that is in front of you, if you keep attacking something, nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is relentless, but you must have the will, the heart, the courage to go that distance in which you are exactly up, you have nothing.
I stay to give, stop negotiating the priceless negotiation you keep doing in your mind. Is this really what I'm supposed to be? This thing I'm supposed to do robs you of all your energy, robs you of your concentration, but those of you who get laser focus become totally immersed in your sleep. Most people never get to where they want to go because they go into mental circles and may say, "Oh, this business doesn't make enough money, so they quit. You have to learn to train your brain with zero." options mentality you have to learn to look to get uncomfortable you have to put yourself in positions where your back is against the wall that's when you're going to fight and the truth is you have the time you have the ability you have the knowledge and the willpower and the


To do it, what are you going to do with the rest of your life?
I had to start following some of my own advice. I've been telling people I've written about this for a long time that if you're doing something you're not totally committed to if you're doing something you're not totally passionate about you're committing yourself every day it's in my head 24 hours a day. , 7 days a week there is nothing else I can think of other than I don't think about anything else that's all I'm just curious curiously fascinated with it and I can't stop thinking about everything I do in my life is related to this I don't do nothing more if it is not necessary to do with the struggle, think big because then you will become big, then you will go and achieve great things, that is the most important thing.
You know, we don't achieve great things by accident, so aim high, shoot high. heaven when you are struggling and start thinking about giving up. I want you to remember the power of hope. The belief that something better is always possible if you are willing to work for it and fight for it. Our hope that if we work hard enough. and we believe in ourselves, then we can be anything we dream of, the hope that when people see us for who we really are, maybe they too will be inspired to achieve their best selves. You are in this storm and you are depressed. your knees and you're cold and you're weak and you feel like this is the end, you have the choice to give Get up or keep going, give up or get up, you just giveone step at a time when you feed.
Try again and again. I woke up one day and stopped making excuses. I woke up one day and stopped playing the blame game. I woke up one. day and I looked at the man in the mirror and said: brother, what are you doing? Wake up, it's show time, come on, you know everything happens for a reason and there's a story for everything and if you take the time to realize it, you know it. what is your dream and what you really want in life, no matter what it is, whether it is in sports, whether it is in other fields, you have to realize that there is always work to do and you want to be the hardest working person and do it. whatever you want. do it and you will put yourself in a position to be successful and you have to have passion for what you do, seize the day the opportunities are there, but you have to reach out and take advantage of them, you have to take advantage of them, don't be afraid to make a mistake because You know what you can do if you grab the wrong one, leave it and grab another one, it's okay.
Besiege the day you reach a point where you don't tell it, just do whatever. It takes to get what you want in this life that we live is a privilege and when I really started to sink in I felt this tremendous need to do something with my life until you say yes, I'm going to, you know what I'm going to. to act, nothing changes if nothing changes, man, I just want to remind you because you know I've spent a lot of time in my life sitting around wanting things to change and not being able to make them change and not thinking that I could and I wish someone had told me that sooner, Sometimes, for something to change there needs to be a change, everything is in your mind, whatever you have in mind will tend to happen in your life if you continue to believe as you have always believed. you will continue to act as you have always acted you will continue to obtain what you have always obtained if you want different results in your life or in your work the only thing you have to do is change your mind and I want to make it clear that your intuition is different from your conscience they work together but here is the distinction your conscience screams this is what you should do while your intuition whispers this is what you could do listen to that voice that tells you what you can do nothing will define your character more than that man for life try harder than what you did Last year, whatever you thought you did, it wasn't enough and enjoy it even more, believe in it, try harder and find a way to enjoy it, that's when you mastered the game, work on doing extra reps, try harder, have those two extra. meetings that day and find a way to enjoy it.
I want to be more than Shaq. Look, Shaq gu is going to fade because you have Steph Curry and all these guys that step up the shot are going to fade at some point, but Dr. Shaquille O'Neal will be around forever and ever, don't be afraid to fail, because if you have afraid of failing, you're always holding yourself back because you're afraid that if you try your hardest, you might fail. i invested too much to quit smoking i made too many sacrifices to give up we've come too far to give up now we've come too far to be negative now we've come too far to start thinking too much now stop waiting for life to be easy stop waiting for someone save you you don't need someone else to lie to you things don't add up but you are resilient you face some hard facts and you could have an amazing life well there are people in this world who will try to make you believe that they are better than you and that they can win at your expense .
Anger is a tool we use to look those people in the eyes and prove them wrong. Sometimes you need to be knocked down before you can truly discover what you are. is the struggle and how you must fight it, sometimes you need to feel the pain and sting of defeat to activate the true passion and purpose that God predestined within you for someone who is going through difficult times, for someone who is fighting alone for keeping your head above water. You are trying but things don't seem to be working out at all in the way you play, you thought you would be in a different place at this stage of your life but you are still suffering, you need land to develop because land is not It's not just earth, the earth is fertilizer, the earth is nutrient, the earth gives you the strength for your seed to advance, you must have earth on you to propel something, everything you see that is beautiful begins as a seed, but that seed has to get dirty .
You have to have dirt on you to become what life has for you. You can't stop because you're tired. You can't stop because your feelings were hurt. You have to go around again. Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking. you're going to do it you're going to do it you have an unstoppable fire let's go around again don't stop don't stop walking it's very difficult to be led by your ass but I'm not qualified but I'm not good enough but I'm not smart enough but I wasn't to the right school but I don't have enough money but but but but but if you're ever going to step into your future if' Are you ever going to step into your destiny?
You'll have to get over your ass. Do I just sit there and be satisfied? No, no, I say enough is enough, man, and I'm going to make a change and I'm going to keep going until I get it, you chase something that you think you deserve until you get it and no matter what happens to you, no matter how many times you have been fired, no matter how many people haven't. I don't believe in you just go until you get it that's the point are you tired but some of you need to get tired you need to be tired of what's going on in your life you get tired of your habits you get tired of the action you're all putting in the days you have to change man or nothing changes look most people, ladies and gentlemen, they are stoppable, most people, all you have to do is tell them no, all you have to do is make it uncomfortable for them them, all you have to do is make it difficult for them and they are Stu, look when you go to achieve your goal, don't think that all you have to do is think positive and everything will work out for you, when you go to achieve your Objective, you are sending a telegram to Murphy's Law to visit you personally and that is what a pity party is when you have an un


d mind and you meditate on the wrong thing over and over and over again if you are going to have a pity party.
Too bad I give you three days and that's it and after three days you turned off your record player your iPod your mp3 and you came up with the plan that you thought you were only going to have one dream and one goal and you were just going to wake up and just walk to the sunset of sunshine you're like a dream boo it doesn't work like that you have a dream and then life pumped you life pumped you and you say you really want this and that's why I tell everyone you've come too far to quit now you've invested too much to quit now you have lost too much to quit now don't cry about it don't worry get a reward for your pain when you hang out with average people all they will do is tell you what they want.
We can't do it and it's okay that they can't do it, but that has absolutely nothing to do with us, we can do what we think we can do and we don't need anyone's permission to do it, but our life is not always about conquering often It's just about holding on sometimes it's just about holding on and you have to know when to conquer and when to hold on door we are called to stand firm stay firm stay still and hold on don't give up don't give up don't run away take the first step with faith you don't have to see the whole ladder just take the first step you just have to believe that you can learn you don't have to believe that you are already capable of doing what you want you don't have to believe that you can already build what you dream of you don't have to believe that you are already extraordinary you simply you have to believe that if you take that first step you will put yourself on a journey that is not one of execution you put yourself on a learning journey to be able to execute you are an intelligent person you know exactly what to do but you don't do it because maybe you don't believe in yourself such Maybe you're so afraid of what will happen if you really win, but all I can say is let all that talk in your mind go.
All you have to do is take the first step and not focus on a year, two or five years from now. I don't know where you're going to be, just put one foot in front of the other, whatever vision you have for your life, you absolutely can make it a reality and the process is very simple, the process is about learning the The process is about growing and Getting better is about recognizing recognizing what you're not good at it's about recognizing what you have to learn it's about taking the first step with faith you have to be willing to push through it you have to be willing to push through the discomfort, nothing of whatever you are about to try or make worthwhile will feel comfortable during the creation process. stop with this OP, stop with this desire and start replacing those terms with I will no matter what I do.
I'm not going to accept this. This is not going to be enough for my life. I deserve more than this. You have to know that this is going to work from hell or from water, whatever I set out to do. It won't happen in 6 months it may not happen in a year but at some point my dream will come true you can decide what you are going to change what you are going to face life I have myself here I can get me out of this and I will get out you can decide I will work on myself and develop myself I'm going to empower myself life is difficult, it's really what makes life difficult for many people, is that they don't I don't believe that life should be difficult and that's why they are looking for a quick way, a quick answer, There is no easy way, it really is uphill and to go uphill you have to be intentional.
We have all experienced some tragedy. and if we haven't, we will and you can let it destroy your life or you can build on it, you can let it hold you back or you can decide I'm not going to let that happen to me. I'm bigger than this make a statement for yourself declare all out war you're going to get out of this race I don't care how good you are I don't care how talented you are I don't care how much No matter how much you work on yourself, there are moments in which things are not going to go well.
You spent your career working to get here. Now we have to start again. It's a dark place, probably the darkest there has ever been. You are sad and depressed. it comes out and you wonder why this had to happen it's at this moment that you discover who you really are and what you really are you have to decide if you're willing to do the things to put yourself in that category of rich people don't sleep 8 hours a day that's a third of your life you can't sleep 8 hours a day you can't stay up late and wake up at 8:00 in the morning they are already making decisions about your life and your ass sleeping was going to be a dog fight I would love to tell you that On the road to success everything is going to turn out well it's not a dog fight it's difficult but I decided that I will receive a reward for the pain I go through I will not stop in the middle of the process I will not be defeated I will not be destroyed I will take everything that happens to me life and I will allow the pain to push me bigger you won't break me you won't stop me the only way I lose is if I quit you have to discipline yourself and you have to learn that when you don't feel like it you have to do it anyway or try harder when you don't feel like it, because out of 365 days there will be days when you won't feel like getting up, there will be days when you won't want to exercise, there will be days when you won't want to watch a movie, there will be days when you don't want to practice, There will be days when you may not even want to play, there may be days when you don't even feel like participating in the game, but listen to me very carefully, Champions, if you want to move on to the next one. level it's not about money it's not about what you wear you start separating the boys from the men listen to me we can all go buy a car but not all of us can get up in the morning and work you can get up and take that small step forward you don't have you know where you're going you don't have to have the perfect plan you don't know you have to know what tomorrow holds for you the smallest step eventually completes the greatest journey one small step at a time you work hard try to stay positive try to be a good person do the right thing and that will not only get you out of it but it will also take you to fantastic places you have a chance at this job right here life, one life that's all you have and regret in itself has no value, it doesn't make nothing for you, in fact, the only valuable thing about repentance is the lesson you learned, the knowledge you gained, but walking full of regret does not help you take that first step. do whatever it is you thought you couldn't do and don't be afraid because that's the most important moment of your life and then you realize it's not that bad, okay, people are making fun of me.
I failed but they never tried anything. At least I tried and I have an idea for my next one, it wasn't that bad, but if you never take that first step, I don't care, the wisdom of Solomon won't be able to help you, you will always stop. in front of you so you must have the guts to take the first step and then the doors will open for you I discovered that nothing in life is worth it unless you take risks nothing Nelson Mandela said there is no Passion is found by playing small and settling for alife that is less than what you are capable of living now.
I'm sure about your experiences in school and applying to college, choosing your major, and deciding what you want to do with life. I'm sure people have told you to make sure you have something to lean on, make sure you have something to lean on, honey, but I never understood that concept of having something to lean on if I'm going to fall, I don't understand it. I want to back away from anything I want to fall forward I figure at least this way I'll see what I'm going to hit. A person's character is not judged when he rides the wave of success when everyone is singing his name and you want to be him.
Not his friend, your character is tested when your back is against the wall, most of us fail in life because we are afraid of what everyone around you thinks, that is 100% true, so we live by the narrative of other people, which is funny. about failure is that we are afraid of failing many times because we are afraid that those people will tell us that we are not good and that we should not try again. The most important thing we must learn is that we have a lot. To learn we all do it and we can learn from school and from people and from experience and we learn from life but you have to process the information you have to absorb it you have to accept it you have to open your mind you have to free your mind so you can learn and make real progress don't let regret defeat you don't be a slave to regret don't let it teach you let it make you better let the fear of regret drive you to act today and now to take act now to become a better person not be full of regret but full of knowledge full of knowledge and strength and power and full of life pain is temporary it may last a minute or an hour or a day or even a year but eventually it will go away and something else will take its place if I leave it, however, it will last forever.
I dare you to hurt a little. Each failed experiment is one step closer to success. You have to take risks and I'm sure you've probably heard that. before you fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will be ashamed you will be bad at something there is no doubt about it if you don't fail you are not even trying to achieve something you never had you have to do it do something you never did you have to understand that there will be moments where you'll know it's low, it's bad, everything is going wrong, everything stresses you out, everything makes you angry, everything frustrates you and that could go on for a couple of weeks too. longer it could last months like that it's just the life of an entrepreneur it's the life of an ambitious person you have to understand that everything is disgusting you are not going to win all the time you are not going to be successful all the times when you are not going to have good things happen all the time, just like you're not going to have bad things, they keep happening all the time, there are highs and lows that are super low and you just have to learn that. when things are frustrating when things make you angry when things make you angry when you're getting to the point where you say buddy that's when you have to tough it out that's when you have to try even harder that's what you have to do I'm sure that, even at the very least, you're still running the same path you were on when you won because that's what's going to push you past the brakes.
Don't believe in the crush you find yourself in as if it were the end of you. residence or place of Dwelling you may have to live there for a while but borrow it do not buy it because you will resurrect do not own that pain do not own that suffering do not own that Agony do not own that grave does not own that Depression does not own that loneliness, rent it if necessary but do not own it despite the circumstances you can win despite adversity you can win despite the situation you can win you can win you can achieve it and there is something in you that does not matter Whatever life throws at you, you will get through it and you won't cut from the same cloth, what do you do when you tried and failed and you want to give up and you want to give up?
The storms will come. There are times when the nights will be long and dark and you will be alone, there will be times when the darkness seems to consume everything, don't let the darkness win, fight, fight, I want to remind you to continue to dream and dream big and understand. that your family, friends and loved ones, in most cases boyfriends, girlfriends, will be the first to try to talk you out of your dreams, your visions and ideas about what you are supposed to do with your life, will tell who loves you and when. you gain all that weight no one is interested in you no one is looking for you they will laugh at you they will insult you because they have no dreams they are not hungry for success they have no appetite they don't want it I can't help it I want to win they can't see it until they see it they can't know it until They know they can't be until they beat it If you don't fail you're not even Trying to get something you never had You gotta do something you never did Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth But you gotta be willing to take the hits and not point fingers. you're not where you want to be because of him or her or someone the towers do that and that's not you you're better than that you're no further from where you are now because you've never completely thrown yourself into anything in your life, everything.
The world has big plans, but the plans go out the window and they get punched in the face. Life will test you every time life will see how much you want what you say you want. I don't mind. How good you are, I don't care how talented you are, there are times when things don't go well and you have to deal with it and most people give up, but you have to decide that I'm going to be relentless. . I refuse to be denied and I'm going to do everything I can to know why you're doing what you're doing and then go out every day and win those little short-term tactical battles so you can win the long-term strategies. - long-term victory that puts you where you want to be and the struggle is not going to be easy the daily struggle is a challenge you will not always want to do what you have to do you will not always feel like doing something you have to do The pain is temporary, it can It may last a minute, an hour, a day, or even a year, but eventually it will disappear and something else will take its place if I let it.
However, it will last forever. Did you know that only 1% of people suffer from it naturally? extraordinarily gifted at something, less than 1% actually think they are a genius, think they are a savant, do you know what that means for us, the other 99% of people, if we are going to do something great in this life, it will require discipline, that's the truth? This will require you to overcome the discomfort and accept the routine. Everyone has a comeback moment. You have a moment where you can either keep going or give up, but what you need to keep in mind before you give up is that giving up is guaranteed to never happen.
It's unreal how much time you waste during the day and most of it is on these computers, phones, you know, Instagram going back and forth, whatever you call this nowadays, tweeting and texting, and we waste so much time in our little gadgets they are unreal and we talk about we don't have time if you really take it you have to take the day write this one day everything you do write that and be like OMG I'm wasting so much time on frivolous things, it's not even funny, I mean, it will make you angry, it should because there's so much time I can't do it.
Look at your schedule this way, it's $7 hours less, I mean, and you don't have an hour a day to try to accomplish something. for yourself I guarantee that everyone can find a time life does not happen to you we all think that life happens to me true life happens for you it happens for you I mean, opportunities will come to you every day it is because of you you can stay I'm afraid of opportunities or you can embrace them and take advantage of them, but I finally realize that if you give up on your dreams, if you give up on your dreams, what do you have left?
I don't care if you have to inch forward day by day. day even if you have to bend down and it hurts and it's hard and no one can see what you're really going through if you don't leave the pit it will become your platform I've spent my whole life scared, scared of the things that could happen could happen might not happen 50 years I spent like this waking up at 3:00 in the morning. I realized that fear is the real enemy, so get up, get out of the real world and kill that bastard as hard as you can. you can do it directly on the teeth if you really want to be transformed you have to live an intentional life most people don't lead their life, they accept their life and when you accept your life you are living on things that are not worthy of your time. and effort and energy to go uphill you have to be intentional no one has ever gone uphill by accident you have never read a book about accidental achievements you have to be intentional about what you do and who you are don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough , okay, and a lot of young people think that they can't or that they're not, that they don't have the potential or that if someone else is better, you know if you really want something bad enough if you really want something bad enough, you'll find a way. to get there.
It was made up to be exactly what you had in mind. Third place at Olympia wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Okay, but I'll take third place and I really believe that. If you want something bad enough, you can will it to happen. What do you do when thousands of people want exactly what you want? What if you're not the only one who wants what you want? Most people give up easily. You already know. the human spirit is powerful there is nothing so powerful it is difficult to kill the human spirit that when you have a decision you do not care about the facts you do not care about the probabilities the power the power to endure despite everything the power to endure hunger the ability to face defeat again and again without giving up this is the quality of a winner you have that quality inside you you love sleep too much you love that alcohol too much you love that substance too much you love that vice too much there something you love more than yourself some of you in the room right now you are where you are you are giving 60% when you have 120 in you why because you have never made a decision we all have 24 hours for what makes some of us average make some of us good some of us great has everything to do with how you control your life greatness is simply something we invented somehow we have come to believe that greatness is a gift reserved for a select few for prodigies for superstars and the rest of us can only stay By looking, you can forget that greatness is not a rare strand of DNA, it is not something precious, greatness is no more unique to us than breathing, we are all capable of it, everyone, no one said the way is.
It's going to be easy and it's not, we know that life is hard and we know that there will be pain and whether that pain is at the hands of an enemy or at the hands of nature, time or illness, there will be pain, so that's life. the problem with some of you you always want to blame other people you always want to blame other people but you are not holding on to the fire yourselves just said you give 50% you owe them an explanation you owe them you have an explanation you have to look in the mirror and say why are you only giving 50% what's wrong you have to tell yourself no more television no more snacks no more desserts no more we're not going to exercise now no I can't I can't handle it right now you have to tell yourself that you owe something you have to have a purpose no matter what you do in life you have to have a purpose have a vision do you know how good it felt to know where it was?
I was going to imagine that most people don't know where they are going. I knew where I was going, that I would become a bodybuilding champion like him, so it was just a matter of how you do it. I feel very relieved because when you have a goal, when you have a vision, everything becomes easy. Visualization has been used for centuries to help prepare the mind, body and consciousness for upcoming challenges, situations and circumstances. If you want to be a diamond, you must go through extreme situations. pressure if you can't handle the pressure then you are not a diamond if you are looking for this easy path don't start if you think they won't close the door on you and they will tell you no a million times don't do it start but every time they close the door I get I get excited Because?
Because I'm not a no, I'm a yes. You can't stop it.

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