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Digging a garage foundation

Mar 07, 2024
Alright. So the project here is that my friend is building a new


and we are in the stage of narrowing down the location. What did you say this is? 44' x 30' You have these cones 80 feet apart. Yes. 60 feet. Well. Ten feet towards me. Come this way. I mean, it's your building. Kyle: No, I want your opinion. Alright. There are 44. Well, that's a problem because we're only about 15 feet here, so we have to double this. I mean, God, I'd like to tilt it so it's facing here, taking advantage of this view. You wouldn't want to disturb the existing drainage, would you?
digging a garage foundation
Correct. Well. So that corner is as far as you can go. He probably doesn't get to where he can go anymore. That's more than you wanted, right? Alright. That has come out quite a bit. Just squaring it off right now. The Masons are here. This is the corner of the building. Let's go one foot. That's where the ropes will be. Kyle: Do you want to draw the line? Yes, this is where we are


a 3 foot mark. Am I hitting a pipe or something? There is a big rock here. The bricklayer said he can screw bedrock.
digging a garage foundation

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digging a garage foundation...

He said if he has to go as deep as possible and it will tie him to bedrock, tip the stick. We're getting there Yeah, we're close Hitting the bedrock down, but now we're not. We realized we need to be a lot deeper here because this thing would stick out like four feet in there. If we choose this grade, let's dig this at least a foot deeper, even though we are touching the base of the rock {On the phone asking for gravel} "As much as they can fall, we're going to need like 10 loads" Okay. Here we are about an hour later.
digging a garage foundation
They put all the concrete. So this will be a three bay


. That's why it is like this. What does that look like with that rope? Beautiful and perfect. That's good. Alright, now we put in the


drains and that comes out into the light of day. Okay, so he removed the entire wall and in came the gravel. Okay, so that's for electricity? Well, you're missing one. Yes, I'm only going to do two. What you should do Where is the communication channel? Kyle: Imagine running them the same way. No I can not. Well, then I guess I won't have communication.
digging a garage foundation
Well. I mean, there is the water that will be deep. That's good. That could be electrical. Yes. The stone level is 18 inches below the height of the top of the wall. I'll fill it out. Yes. And that way, when we go to shovel the dirt, it can't fall into that hole. So now I have to go to 18 inches. Good. So the walls are going to be one foot. Six inches of cement, right? Yes. Six inch thick floor and 12 inches of visible wall. That's 18 inches from the top of the wall. So I have to go. That's the height of the stone here.
Alright. Let's see if we really need to get something out of here. Yes Yes of course. That's high. There is the level. So make the same marks down there. That way we can pull the rope in a straight line and it will be perfectly square. I haven't used it much But that's another one, it's a magnetic laser level receiver, pick it up, you're low. Yes, it's almost perfect. There's still a hair missing. Throw away that dirt and rake up the gravel. We're on it. Well. That way we know we are perfectly square. Yes. But don't touch the building there.
You have to hover over it. Yes. It seems that it has to go this way. About a quarter of an inch. Now it has to move half an inch. It's probably fine. Let's check with the rope. Alright. And with that


, this is ready for the builders to come in. Very good. So let's come and check it out. Once they do that. Is not sufficient? Driver: Might be enough. Is that all there is there? Driver: Yeah, one side of that first platform was pretty deep, it probably threw you off. Yes. Kyle: What do you think? Can we mix bags on the truck or is that stupid?
I have a pallet right there, right? Ok Kyle, do you want to finish it with bags? Got 'em Kyle: Yeah, I guess I was a little wrong here. I was serving that, and this was extra, and I didn't order enough. I have this palette here. I mean, these are a little old, but they feel rock hard. They should be fine. They're old, but they'll be fine. Can we bring some water? Wait. Below that. That. Yes, there you go, yes. It's all outside. Let's clean that up now, bring it down the hose. What should I do? Make it flat Do you want to finish a broom since it's outside?
Yes. Do that first? You like this? I tried to leave a hump in the middle. Yes. Therefore, the water does not drain at all. Make sure when you buy a battery charger that you don't buy one. This is a smart charger because they will not charge unless they detect voltage, something that does not happen with a discharged battery. It has a spark when you touch the ends. Two 12 volt batteries connected in series produce 24 volts. Let it run for a few hours. These dogs just ran away again. But I have to say that this tracking collar has been amazing.
I don't like how bulky it is, but been using it for a couple of months and it works. Cody, let me see your necklace. I had that first one and I liked how small it was, but this was a piece of garbage. It didn't work. Why do they keep running away constantly? At the end of the day, hours later, I need more stone for the whole thing. It should be like that? two days later. Still soft. They are all approximately the same length. What do you think, Andrew, move it? Put it where it needs to be.
What? Yes, exactly. Don't put your feet under it. We have to come this way. Let's go sideways, right? It's okay, keep coming. Do you want it to be like this? Yes, leaving it on the ground has to go further around here. Yes. In what way? The slab here is high. Good. I think you can remove it by hand. I would say it was excellent. If he did. Have we seen Cody in a while? Cody was just here, doing some grading here, because these garage doors, there's like a big slope here where it would be easy to roll a vehicle over.
So we're trying to fix that. We will need much more. Alright, here we are a few months later, and this is the finished product, more or less finished. Y. Yes, that looks amazing. It is a really nice and new building. 12 foot tall garage doors, three bay garage. And that upstairs can be converted into an apartment with this great view right here. He is working on turning on the electricity. Everything is buried up to the street. Alright, this is all done, let's go work on something else. And I want to mention new products very quickly. Maybe I'll close that merch store too.
So if you want something, there's plenty of new art too. So that's new. I like this one. with the grader on top. That's great. So if you want one of these links in the description.

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