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Diese Funktion ERSETZT grundlegende Excel Formeln

Mar 28, 2024
I have now replaced 10 basic Excel functions that you probably use every day with a single Excel function. Today I would like to show you why I prefer this feature to all the others. Then I will explain to you how you can make optimal use of it. of this function if it suits you. So interested, I thought I would subscribe to this channel and now stay tuned. As you can already see, I have prepared some features that will completely replace my new feature and soon yours. , here we have the minimum and maximum number of summer average. Below we have a sales table to be more precise with materials, other values, prices, parts and sums that we would now like to calculate and possibly build a board, for example, that means that I.
diese funktion ersetzt grundlegende excel formeln
Now I want to sum the sum of all my products, which means I go here and it shows the same super bracket, that is, all my total values, check them, press enter and have the value 3394. Now my big problem is that I want to filter. something at the bottom of my table to get a better overview of my values, i.e. I accept the filter by filter and say that I only want the Austria region to be shown. I get and press OK, we have significantly less values, but our sum is still 3,394 if it still sums everything At this point, our new function comes into play We remove the sum function and remove the filter for now.
diese funktion ersetzt grundlegende excel formeln

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diese funktion ersetzt grundlegende excel formeln...

We go up again and say that it is equal to the partial result, we press the tab and we open. parentheses here now we have the selection of functions whose partial result is completely replaced for me average number number two product maximin here still summer and some intermediate values ​​that means that now we want to form the sum, that means that I write a new one, add a dot and comma and now I can mark my sums as usual, I press Enter and I have my 3394 again. Now I want to narrow it all down to Austria again, I say ok and we'll see the.
diese funktion ersetzt grundlegende excel formeln
The value immediately changes to 788.5 euros, which means that the partial result only calculates the values ​​that are actually displayed through a filter. In my opinion, this function is used much more often than the actual sum function, which always calculates all values. I can now, for example I also do it with an average, I clear my filters again, I write it, it equals the partial result, I put it in, now I say an average instead of 9 sum and I take my full values ​​again. , my 67.90 if now I just have Austria activated again, I can get €49 25 cents all.
diese funktion ersetzt grundlegende excel formeln
I probably now do everything with the number of mines and at most, now I have filled in all the values ​​and values. They are all completely dynamic, which means that no matter what region you select, for example Germany, the values ​​always change dynamically and in my opinion this is significantly better than the original functions that sum the average number etc., because the most part of the time I actually want to calculate values ​​that I can actually see, which means it doesn't help me if I have the sum of values ​​that I haven't filtered at all, which is how I personally perform my partial calculations.
The result is usually more correct than if I use the actual values, but it is still a big caution when using the partial result function, you should always keep in mind that you are only calculating what you can see, that is, if you take values. here you can filter but still if you don't want to film the calculation then you can't use the function and you will only get errors. However, in my experience I have found that when I want to stream. I usually want to have the results filtered as well, but I still use the partial results for the values ​​I don't filter.
I just filter because I have personally gotten used to it and if I then calculate the values ​​that are not filtered. then it still gives me the correct result. If you've been paying close attention, you'll have seen that if I enter it right away I not only have a partial result down here from 1 to 9 but also a ten. up to 111 which means I basically have two levels which are one level i.e. 1 to 11 take all hidden values ​​in the calculation and below 101 to 111 they do not take hidden values ​​in the calculation. That means that if I only take the sum with the new one instead of 109, the following happens: I mark my complete total values ​​again and I get €3394, but if I now go here and say the pencil is in my table but it is not part of my type right now, which means I can hide it completely in this case, so the value here will be corrected and the pencil will not be included in the calculation if I go in now and say instead. out of 109, we only see 9.
The value will still be included in the calculation if I do it now. If you show the line again, nothing changes in this case, but at 109 the value would now be added back, meaning the part. The result is significantly more flexibility in how I calculate my values ​​and what I do with them. I hope I can show you a feature today that you don't know about yet and maybe you can save something in the future if you do it now. Interested in new and better functions in Microsoft Excel, I recommend this video here where I explain the new function that completely replaces VLOOKUP so you never have to use it again.
I'm glad I could help you if you have. You are not yet subscribed to the channel, consider doing so, it is free and you can change your mind at any time. I hope to see you in the next video.

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