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Die Tier-Retterinnen: Wenn Hund und Katz in Not sind | SPIEGEL TV

Jun 05, 2024
The Hamburg animal protection association knows that when animals are in danger you can't wag your nose, even if someone worries about your dog and makes crazy comments about football, the animal protection detectives have already done it . their sights set on dangerous covert operations Uncertain outcome and no serious work for sale one of them had also seen through a clear vision neglected abused sold on the Internet two researchers have declared war on animal abusers it is part of everyday life by Sina Hanke and Alena Kramer life to follow anonymous clues They do not treat their animals well, as is the case today, the two women from the animal shelter are often in problem areas.
die tier retterinnen wenn hund und katz in not sind spiegel tv
In socially disadvantaged regions, human suffering is also more common and that. It is often related to their suffering, and that is why it is often known that situations of economic precariousness prevail. Then it spreads in various corners and sometimes it also affects animals, in this case the cats are supposed to be sick. The owner apparently didn't have one. money to go to the vet, so my colleagues from the Hamburg animal welfare association wanted to talk briefly with them about their two cats. Has anyone been worried and we don't want to do anything? If there is a reason for this, we can help you the best thanks where 09 I can already see the first maker about the morning coffee it was not that bad no so let's take a look at the cats are love relying on uniform control yes already I can't get fat so the sustainable shower market is also good where else is there no real stuffed animal hello what is the name of the wooden hut how tall is the one he has now written yes hello and there were seven hand heart in the east they already did it no I haven't done it refreshed well trying it if it's good everything is fine but not in any sport at that time yes but no good otherwise that means that the car has a bit of problems with it not gaining weight, but only He's eating Well, they say, from time to time he spits once and this cough, which he probably just had, which was a little good, okay, the cat's owner lives alone with her two animals in the apartment room, her son Dennis he had brought a catapult one day, it's from Norway, that's from my dakar colleague, he found it somewhere, he says what I don't believe because the card is a tax, you can also google Christoph all kinds of things.
die tier retterinnen wenn hund und katz in not sind spiegel tv

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But Nordic cats are also wild cats, they are not just normal ones. They can do that to me too. In your case, I am also alone, it is always unique, I can't say anything more about it. I still don't see it in the shell of the building and then there's the girl, a little one. How long have you had it here? There were 10 before he came, I had them then, that happens after all. It is clear and it is called how to close and it has it, there is also something where they say it causes a little concern now solutions knot Audi has no pain or anything like that she is probably pregnant they think it has become more or it has become a little less significantly worse, everything is clear, then he had offspring and nothing can happen or anyone interested can progress, so they did not know exactly when he was neutered, but so far nothing has happened in the year that you.
die tier retterinnen wenn hund und katz in not sind spiegel tv
I've had it, okay, so we'll have to take another look at it, not that maybe at some point a little kitten will accidentally emerge here in harmony. When one comes out, then you have eight pieces or something like that. What's wrong is that you have it. I haven't been able to go to the vet yet to get him checked out, for example. It's also a bit economical that there were times when the former cleaner was now living on the streets. Does she have a roof over her head and does she receive Hartz 4 I? I have almost 370 euros but less and less at just over 30 and I have to ask myself, I don't care, the main thing is that the cat is not so basically it is so that we can offer it to people who have problems because things are a little tight financially at the moment, sometimes we have a batch of treatment or even Matthias looks at it and sometimes he has an initial diagnosis and then we might discuss what happens next, but of course we know very clearly what we would say.
die tier retterinnen wenn hund und katz in not sind spiegel tv
Don't admit that if they later have many descendants, love for animals is sometimes also a question of money. After all, the cat's owner wants to receive help, otherwise he would have to contact the authorities because cats need urgent help. Everything will become clear soon. There are almost no social contacts. She also said that she doesn't have anyone who can take her. She sits in the living room with her oldest son and they spend the day together. You see there's not much more to it than the animals and that's what you want. We will be happy to support your animal being able to stay at home so as not to deprive these people of their happiness.
An issue that has been worrying animal rights activists. For several months now, the Hamburg animal shelter has been focusing especially on the illegal trade in puppies via the Internet. The numbers have skyrocketed in recent months, especially now in times of Corona. Have we been able to notice the enormous increase in people at home? Now everyone perhaps wants to acquire an animal without thinking about it and in the short term. The platforms repeatedly offer puppies to dubious traders. What seems like a private sale of a single puppy is actually a systematic business by criminal gangs. The serious thing is that the worlds usually come from abroad.
They are imported from Eastern Europe. They are actually production factories where simple worlds are produced for the German market for German buyers, the mother animals are kept in catastrophic conditions, they do not receive any medical care, they are exhausted, they are discarded and discarded. The next bitch arrives and they are produced again only for the German market. Polish animal rights activists periodically manage to set up so-called shooting stations to locate and save dogs, but one is closed and another is new. Immediately one is created elsewhere, the business with the merchandise is too lucrative. The puppies end up in Germany and are offered on the Internet.
Sina Handke and her colleagues try to catch the perpetrators in the act. I recently received another one. Advertisement for the sale of a dachs


. Basically, at first glance these ads seem completely serious and it does not seem at all that this could be an illegal worldwide sale. We now personally recognize this ad because this dog was already offered in another. advertising, so now people have realized that there are no parents in the images, but there are also other indications that will make us prick up the layman's ears, but unfortunately the two puppies Enya and Emi were not there. luck They were also supposed to be sold, but the deal fell through like almost all illegal puppies, they were not vaccinated and were infected with the dangerous virus of the couple Kevin Straube, where they were their salvation.
It's difficult for us because the puppies arrive. in a dry state and with diarrhea they are new sick and then they have to go to the clinic where they are cared for 24 hours a day and it is really a matter of life or death and that, of course, is difficult for us when we take care of the animals here every day and then maybe that won't be the case and we hope that they are released as soon as possible, that they then get a new home and that every day the safety comes to light after years of walking a little. , drums with Sina and Alena meanwhile follow a new lead, this time it is about big bets, the two have responded to an advertisement as interested parties, the merchant has taken a bite, the date of the sale has been set, we now have an address, we also have a name and in this case it is quite unusual that the seller is actually registered where he says he is selling because they are normally for sale Addresses, yes, invented addresses and the seller comes there where he is selling but himself He doesn't live there.
That's different in this case and that's why we probably make a cut here, surprisingly for the seller we want to destroy this entire structure and that's part of we can figure out where. These worlds are stored until they are put up for sale and that could be a great success in such delicate operations. Get official support from the Hamburg dog control service. Together they were able to save about 70 worlds in 2020. I can't hear it, so it seems that no one is home, but there are also no worlds, which of course I suspect that they are rarely there, but only brought here to sell.
Neighbors, so at some point they did it, so the family has hope in the delicious round of sales to buy a windfall. The neighbors not only have information but also evidence of taking photos. Then you can also hear the puppies upstairs because we ring and ring the doorbell. Nothing to say before friends time was barely out, but it is. It's great that we documented it like this. We'll tell you quite openly and honestly that there's supposed to be a sale here at 4 p.m. m. and of course we want to intervene before it happens and we will be happy to give you our contact details. if you need them exactly and if of course you say it only happened at 3 p.m. here something you should definitely call so we come for the puppy now we heard about huskies so I said okay something is not right the more I have.
I took photos and recorded videos for a bit. So I really like that at least something is happening now that the on-sale date is approaching, where Alena is supposed to act as a decoy. The trap will be set at the animal shelter. , the two cats are being examined at the animal shelter. The owner didn't have money for the vet. Tricolor is a little difficult, we just had to put it on the plate a little later, which means the cat is. He is probably a passive smoker and unfortunately people smoke in the apartment, which is very, very dangerous for cats because it falls on the fur and because then the cats groom themselves and ingest it not only through the air they breathe but also through the air. and that leads to cats of course getting lung cancer just like us humans, it's also so thin, how do you want to take another look at your ear?
I just had it while holding it, it's very good that Richter looks like Dick. an ear infection and you can see some redness here, which means she's scratching a lot too, she's probably in pain. Now you can see how much we're going to clean it up a little bit and then some of the why will come in. The cat is coughing and is very thin. Later we will have to do x-rays and blood tests. Exceptionally, the expenses will be borne by the animal shelter. The owner took good care of her cats and the sick ones. She probably lost her health in cats, which she suspected was just a fake pregnancy, so now she's sitting.
I can hear it here very close, but I can also feel the proliferation here very well, which means that proliferation means, ultimately, just a tumor. At first completely non-specific, something is enlarged and we have it on one side, on the left side, on the front and back. Unfortunately, in the cat, 95 percent of mammary tumors are malignant and I can also feel the lymph node here. This means that it is probably already infiltrated, which at first does not make a good prognosis for the cat. Suspected cancer in an advanced stage. The final diagnosis follows the laboratory values, but it doesn't look good.
The treatment could have saved the cat. There are often animals on the treatment table that have to suffer unnecessarily. Each new case is too many. You would go to the doctor yourself if you suddenly started losing weight and were no longer hungry and the animals were. I simply wait for it, it is not like an object, if it is broken, I put it in a corner and wait until I have more time to repair it, but animals feel pain, they feel uncomfortable, they feel bad, cats in particular show it very little. . They retreat, don't eat and just stay there.
The corner confirms shortly after that the cat is terminally ill. His owner recovers him with the condition of giving him painkillers. However, it turns out that Putin Letter. He was missing for nine years and now returns to his old home. The perpetrators are about to have a fictitious purchase date for a husky puppy. Operations like this always push them both to the limit and the pups already have. They were delivered in a wet towel in a plastic bag right into his arms. The puppies were already found in a small wire cage. Some of the siblings are already dead, so there is almost nothing more unfortunate than these puppies that keep being delivered to us and when you see the buyers of these puppies again and again and always They say they didn't know anything about it, How terrible And everything is terrible with the illegal puppy trade.
Sometimes we have no words left. At first we stay at a distance with our camera so as not to jeopardize the sale. Then everything happens very quickly. The canine control service network and alerted police support the operation. We just picked up a man across the street and brought the ladies over and there was already someone waiting here with two kids and three puppies and now we have to take a look. You can see thatThere are even vaccination certificates, but are the documents real? Sale is only allowed at eight weeks of age. The puppies come from Eastern Europe.
They even have to be four months old in the world. trained, which means that all teeth are under the Motile animals are at least eight weeks old. Have they been bred frequently? Have they produced brands that frequently say that the puppies supposedly come from Wittstock in Brandenburg, but the evidence is poor? We don't know if they really come from it or not. Poland, but it is quite unlikely that there are matching animals near Berlin and that they are produced and then sold in Hamburg, so it is not conclusive to me at first, the difficulty of proving it counts.
Well, since you have regularity. money you don't really say anything like that We're just now making them after just five minutes Well, since you're doing that, that's not something we want to save on because if you want to sell, you have to. appear in Section 11, which means you have to provide proof that the animals can actually be sold, that's all is verified, there are still suspicions that some normal animals have been sold, everything is fine with your information, but that's waiting for the trafficker, if he can prove something, a fine of several thousand euros, but that is not all after the woman goes to the police wanted through the police investigation, of course, she does not have access, she has disguised herself, the ladies still have an open door. arrest warrant can now be paid on site with 450 euros if she cannot do so now and cannot afford it here on site in the next half hour.
Of course, now he has to go to the police station with me. Now there is another possibility to pay the money through someone else through relatives, but for now the lady will no longer be released here or employed by Alena Kramer as a former police officer, which is not a surprise. The puppy trade is a high crime. business the perpetrators are often also active in other fields the operation ends with a first success now the perpetrators want to know more about the origin of having the three animals in the house but they do not describe to us in more detail the animals only have their sex and no number Even all the dogs were vaccinated, theoretically again, so somehow it's a white visa thing no breeder accepted no pet owner also you take literally this smell of the puppies they don't smell like puppies from a sensible breeding The Greeks should smell correctly yes Abroad, animal welfare says that you have to go to the slaughter station, but here of course it is not the case, but in reality, after urinating, after not so good breeding, the case special is questionable and therefore it is exactly true that fortunately it was secured and the dog control service was available.
Yes, first of all, check carefully that these three are safe, trading continues with a click of the mouse. It is estimated that around half a million puppies come from breeders in Eastern Europe. illegally trafficked throughout Europe every year, while in animal shelters there are many dogs waiting for a new home for the three selected. First of all, a medical check by the veterinarian wants to rule out the possibility of contagious diseases such as paavo, rose or Rabies. There are suspicions of illegal puppy trade. We have already been able to communicate with the vet. It is known that until now the family has sold cats, probably always imported from Poland.
The family itself stated in the delivery that cats were not. To get rid of them like a dog, you can ask and earn more money and now they should sell for 950 euros and there is still a lot of explaining to do if there is no German identifier in the number, which is always It's exciting, there are chips with codes country and other neutrals, then you don't know where they come from and the 900 on the front is a neutral identifier. These chips are often deliberately chosen because of course they are intended to disguise which country. Animals are one more piece of the puzzle in the research work of animal rescuers.
The veterinary clinic has to deal with these types of cases almost every day and the perpetrators almost always come away with a black eye. people cannot be prosecuted or, as I said, with administrative fines or This is how people get away with it, some of them are already known. Let's take a look at Japan's ears. If everything is fine. Behind dogs there is usually an odyssey. They are brought to Germany in transport trucks. Hundreds of them are crammed into a small space on the left. It only has 643. liquid chip, which of course also confirms the world's suspicions in trading.
There's probably someone here who brought them from all over the world and now they're not necessarily siblings and then they sell these animals here to someone overseas and. Probably people there get up to 30 euros or something and here the dogs sell for 1000 euros, it's very sad that they keep falling now, so for me they are really super light and always keep the carcass first, but the dealer doesn't really you will get the three puppies back and not only you but also the vet who issued the identification cards for the puppies despite the unknown origin has to wait for a report, but at least this should happen now and not individually before your work day like La animal welfare consultant begins She looks after her children every morning I originally went to primary school across the street, so I always stood at the fence in envy when the girls back then looked after the horses here and then in sometime me.
I was lucky enough to be offered that I would like to accompany them. I was able to ride horses to help clean up the manure, but I quickly discovered that riding wasn't what really motivated me, it was just taking care of the animals and that's it. how it grew, this is how cows, rabbits, goats, pigs, etc. emerged. Now it's here, you can't miss it anymore. Old sick or abandoned animals find a new home in the 31-year-old's house. sanctuary Some come from zoos or were simply abandoned, as well as the two mini-photos that a farmer on a dam in Wilhelmsburg discovered in the middle of his flock of sheep, can be bought cheaply on the Internet for 20 to 30 euros.
It's funny to have managed to have a pig like that, but when you see that they have the needs that we have here, they feel comfortable and can do it right away. Not to keep people in apartments, but we actually experience this over and over again. In our work as cherry consultants, we have taken mini photos of apartments several times because people find it funny that no one has such an exotic pet and then they go to the furniture. And that's why you don't really want to, it's not like that. It takes a lot of time and attention to get rid of the goat.
Luckily, he only gets a bottle once a day now. The professional biologist associates her love for animals with a mission. Animal lover For me I am between nine and five years old, but protecting animals is just a way of life. Unfortunately, it doesn't always correspond to my needs, so of course animals have their needs too, they get sick at night, they get sick. I get sick on holidays, emergency calls come at night or on holidays and that's my life, so I adapted and also found a partner who not only accepts it but also supports it and consequently we agree. 24-hour service for The animals, together with their colleague Alena Kramer, pursue the following suspicion that a young man is at Christmas.
A neighborhood dog owner reported that everyone in front of him on January 17, which could now be 8 or 16 and therefore perhaps the direct driver. Otherwise, the two await more details. This is the tenant across the street. She should always approach her dog in an aggressive manner and not. The only thing is that there is a window upstairs, sometimes there is a pillow on top, just the dog. he stays there for hours and looks at the street, it's fine and he doesn't know anything about it, so I can see now at 16 that there is a window most of the time, there are red stripes hanging and directly below the weather There is somehow a wheelchair or something similar exactly around the woman and there she is always with the wheelchair in this area and outside and they would have it so she tied it well then also at that time partially and then she pulls it to cross the street that That's what I have.' I've already seen her, so it's great that they're there, anyway, because the afternoon is already quite old and I wouldn't call or write, let's not worry, I've been keeping an eye on the woman for a while because I hear that they bring her down the street every morning so anyway there are completely different things going on and that's how I became aware of her because at some point I saw the dog as I was dragging him into the apartment and picking him up.
I lifted the leash and pulled him and he's actually been looking out the window for half the day so he's really looking out like a human being and he's thinking to himself, I don't want to be there and actually now he's taken your window. seat, but how will his owner react when she is with him? Animal protection advisers face accusations. They never know if his unexpected visit will be met with understanding or rejection. Hello, don't be scared, colleague Kramer. We are from the animal protection association, you have one and then someone worries. We can talk to them about a situation where they probably shouted that fate is capable, don't do what I tell you, yes, I have to do it.
I want a quick video of. the team the game exactly that would probably not be bad for the dog and me, but somehow it was a slap in the face or even more, I don't even have children, I go there myself, but the dog, yes, what is the crane? generally sure, how will she tell you how old the king is, make sure he's still very young, eight months and I'm still honest, I may have made the mistake that I'm always him, not even now, I got it from Kassel Head or what you could call it when Berlin when it comes to the end I was in the matter I didn't know that you shouldn't support it I went straight back to Hamburg for consumption I also drove wood at school age and they told me that it doesn't fit he would stay very calm they would put a thermometer with gloves in front if the fiber had already gone to the animal it didn't have much but still I am the animal has Yes, you have shown the passport in advance, it says that we will always clarify it for you.
We'll disappear for a moment, then I said yes, because help is more expensive. They can't do anything else. There remains a stale feeling, but it is a case. The vet is king Despite the report, the dog was completely relaxed with his owner, so there he is. You have already seen completely different things, that dogs really cower in fear and, of course, there are still gloves. more perfect dog posture but at least we can be relatively safe here, I think the dog is not being mistreated in any way or has something similar in this verbal story that we talked about and that there is a bit of optimization, I think she knows it too and also has seen it, so for us the case ends here, but the next case is already on the agenda again an undercover operation it is about a puppy trafficking network that the authorities have the date for a fictitious purchase We have been in the crosshairs since a long time ago.
The last arrangements have already been made before starting. The question is where we can park the car on a side street, but if they come on foot, unfortunately the probability of them arriving has been reduced. back and then they can pass. So if you park on a side street here, you don't know, maybe they also come from here on Plauer Straße, we had a lot of vendors and Bramfelder Chaussee, Anyone who arrives must be surprised. As a buyer, you are equipped with a hidden camera and at the same time leave, like the police, who must protect the operation.
In fact, anything is possible and we have already had operations. where there have been fights, there have been arrests several times and that is why it is very important to exercise extreme caution and you really have to be aware that this is not a game, although sometimes it seems like it and of course everything is extremely exciting, but it is there. Is there a high level of crime behind what is happening? Sina Hanke and Alena Kramer today remain in the background because the head of the trafficking gang knows their faces from past operations. We often assume that the real dealer carefully examines the area. vehicle and then exactly after We search for suspicious vehicles or people in the area, so it is important for us to maintain a sufficient distance and be able to intervene further if necessary.
The decoys are waiting at the meeting point. hidden camera records everything and then appears A man with the puppy Hoffmann is the cute one, you can walk alone, that is very important because the doctors say that he is fine with the parents We thought it was already like that, according to the advertisement. , the Pinscher mix should be nine weeks old, but the teeth at first glance appear different. At a glance, the inspector realizes that the dog is too young to be sold. The vaccination documents are obviously fake. If the seller receives a fine. All because he claims to have bought the dog on eBay.It will be difficult to prove something to him.
After all, the little dog is now in Security, for the perpetrator it is not the end of the job. the people behind the puppy, actually the puppy exists in documents that we probably think are fake and in the documents an address is given and now we are looking for it. Unfortunately, there is also a dead end. The silver BMW. With the engine running it is quite noticeable. Then maybe they will turn out wonderfully well. The silver BMW is said to belong to the mastermind who other animal rights activists were monitoring at the same time. The seller's address. passing Maybe worlds are being taken away It's only five minutes from here perfect a direct hit if you catch the head of the trafficking ring in the act the police are here do you know the friend is coming 0 1 403 we just passed by? patrol car in front of the door, now we could go here.
No visible vehicle was found, yes, understood, the officers were quicker, but there was a false alarm of pups far and wide, there is no trace of the two of them today, so only a Today, the small fish remain trapped in the network, but they will continue with it even though their fight is increasingly risky, so yes, criminal structures are something. When it comes to this illegal puppy trade, we are also regularly threatened and then we also receive bad news on eBay. We are threatened or told that we want to die and that is an oppressive feeling, but of course we carry on.
We do it for the animals and then we don't have to do it. I necessarily want to mention this fear, but I just want to get rid of the oppressive feeling so that I can approach the next mission with an open mind and save the little mongrel animal that you saved this time from being sold illegally. First they take him to the isolation room at the Hamburg animal shelter. This has already been clarified. If he is vaccinated or is a carrier of dangerous germs, he has to stay alone in his cage, the only contact for little Lucky is his caregivers and the veterinarian, everything is like that. ok, heart rate and breathing rate are normal, now he is face down again and has eaten well.
Now we can see that the temperature is also normal 38 2, that means everything is fine, I'm happy about that, but a lot of puppies. They arrive in Germany from Eastern Europe with terminal illnesses and only inject themselves for sale. Shortly after the successful deal, Lucky was lucky enough to guess that he had a lot. They were separated from his mother too soon, probably at the time they were eating. their first solid food at five and six weeks and then the merchants in the trunk bring the little animals here and sell them. Newborn puppies are blind, deaf and completely helpless.
Normally two of them stay with the mother. Three months is a bond that is important for its further development. Of course, it makes me happy when I open the box every morning and put food in it, pet it and just hold it for at least a few minutes. So you have all day but unfortunately when you are isolated the time you spend with the animals is very limited. The dog's socialization phase is from the fourth to the twelfth week, which is when he should really learn everything necessary for his later life. and they often sit around for quite a long time and don't know other people at all and we often find that dog owners have problems when they then leave the animal shelter and go into real life.
But that would be girlfriend, it's not. It's always like that, but it would be even better if it was real and in relatively good condition, so we're happy, it couldn't have gone better. These are the moments we make for the people we are. we can save, which is always the case. We get the boost again when we see why we did it and it was worth it, but saving individual animals seems like a drop in the bucket. The successes are there, but the business continues. , and that's what we already have. Twice we managed to unearth an entire warehouse, once there were eleven puppies that were stored in small transport boxes and another time with a dead animal, which was changed, but we want to stop the network in the long term.
In the short term, yes, these transports come from Poland or other places. Something must be done so that there is no more replenishment. Sina and Alena are not left without work when it comes to advising on animal protection. They are said to have overfed their dog. You also have to follow these reports. We are from the Hamburg animal shelter. Has anyone cared about you for about ten years? We have already received it from our colleagues. world, but no one can do it for six weeks. They have been with us for a long time for the entire ten years and more.
Do you have such a healthy appetite that you are a little chubby or why do you both want to? to know exactly the couple feeds expensive diet food and yet the dog clearly lies too much the reason is quickly discovered yes, I will do it, I will do the can and because I have the flakes in the water and developed, but that means you have a lot of leftovers in addition to the can and in due time he almost says that you have to reduce a little, otherwise the diet or nothing is the big appetite of the dog, but it is not the real problem and that weighs much more, I suppose. having hit with a shovel the throne that my wife wanted in the blood of the pot I know what this screen lowers and I get space between rd she has there press that she has seen that, it came out like a bird and so the The dispute is fine for him and me with the shovel in hand.
Have I ever been threatened with a shovel? It quickly becomes clear to the consulting team that help would have to be provided in a completely different place. Because the dispute between neighbors is by no means the only thing that tests the couple. They have their own children or that means that there is no one who can catch me with something or with their arms. So I made my mistake. I didn't leave everything. to my godson this applies to that bastard he has sold all this and we with I understand you, we only have a reverence towards the lonely and overwhelmed in this case people urgently need help to have an open ear to their concerns at least to start. wife, yes, because she has a diabetic crisis, yes, 300 euros a month on the moon and that could be done with help from the home.
I think that moves us to our telephone number for a question to be ashamed if there is something wrong with the proximity and they say no. you can go to the vet at all you didn't have a car you never know what's going on or if you If you don't know exactly why you can ask about home help we will also be happy to try to help. Our phone number is on the front. Don't take it easy and do your homework. Nellie has to lose weight. They don't mind more treats, but there's more to it than that.
Like a few extra kilos. As is often the case, behind this case there is also a human destiny, they are both very old, in very limited health and live in a huge house and it is quite obvious that this has understandably gone over his head and the dog. So I think it's going to be a lot and they want to do a lot of good things for him, so they give them a lot of things that unfortunately are not so good for him, but I think it's actually Of course, one thing affects the other when things go bad for people.
They cannot properly care for their animals, so it is important to get to the root of the problem and help people if they have the need. Right nose Something special happens today The dog was illegally brought into Germany, confiscated and cared for in the Hamburg animal shelter, now the new and cheerful Martina Jansen can pick her up, her caretaker Kevin Straube has to say goodbye to her. I'm really looking forward to her arrival, as you can hear, I'd like to get it out right away so you can greet each other and she's reacting a little bit again, yeah, she's already very excited.
The perpetrators had been hanging. For a year with her sister by a thread due to a dangerous viral infection. Also thanks to the help of Martina Janßen Enya is so cheerful today. She falls in love with her when I see her, to be honest, she now she's here. I think she is still pretty calm for someone, she is rather reserved, she doesn't act dominant, she learns like me, I like that and she would become a sporting dog so you can definitely go running. When it grows up, it's I'm happy to say that the water had to be created somewhere else because there were always quite large puddles and Kevin and his colleagues tested each potential new owner.
Especially when it comes to puppies, they look especially closely and do protection. The fee is 280 euros because once you sign, Martina Jansen assumes a lot of responsibility because she is about to see how she coped with her story of suffering. There are always dogs that, of course, can take it easy, but of course, there. They are also dogs that are very sensitive. The only thing missing is the mother and they only look for closeness with people, but one year he has a lot of confidence in himself, he has a very strong character and I hope everything goes well and there is also a veterinarian. a real expert on the other end of the spectrum and then he's ready for the new life of him, then we say goodbye to a little outside.
Of course, it's a cruise for the moment when a child leaves what you've basically watched grow up. being here for two months, of course, is also one. A bond has been formed, but I have a very good feeling and I am happy that she has now found a new home and that she has grown up here since the animal shelter.

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