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Die besten Auftritte von Olaf Schubert bei TV total | Best of | TV total

May 20, 2024
So now a man comes to us who is one of the most talented comedians on our show. Wait a minute, that's a topic I'm interested in not only on your own show but also on today's show, you're often out and about as a commentator. or journalist, or yes, I am sent there by responsible media moguls and then I ask critical questions of any political nature. So attached to his specialty I am interested in all problems, including small problems, of course? on the big problems and also on the medium problems, which are often overlooked, or something like that, or do you think it's not that important what your problem is in food, so I don't have any confidence in that?
die besten auftritte von olaf schubert bei tv total best of tv total
I think I have to go in myself, but of course it's always easier. He said that our new vice chancellor has already met because in the interview maybe I have already seen a lot of people, but no, he is still new. I will say, but I think so. I will do it too. I have to ask critical questions or suggest my solution. Is 38 a good age for a vice chancellor? You just have life experience, you know it very well, since you are 55 years old or interested but much older, an important guard. He's broken up, but that's all.
die besten auftritte von olaf schubert bei tv total best of tv total

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die besten auftritte von olaf schubert bei tv total best of tv total...

It doesn't matter how old you are, you can be old and incompetent, young and incontinent, so all of that is possible, so there are many facets, actually there is what I know, there is actually an age limit that you have to be to be vice chancellor, I think that also federal president you have to have 24 citizens and that's all in principle, then you can be chancellor or you have to have a certificate of completion of studies, I don't think so. I don't know anyone who would have been elected. I think that's better than good. That's exactly where I am and am.
die besten auftritte von olaf schubert bei tv total best of tv total
Today I have to dedicate myself to the weather, since winter has us under control for the moment, things are looking better, but the temperatures. they were 20 degrees below -0, so that's what I converted, which is 1147 or 215 Fahrenheit, so in the end it's a big cheek. These are temperatures that thermometers with character should actually refuse to display and which, of course, also lead to increased disease rates. . I still know it for myself when I was born when I was little, when I was little here, Olaf, there. You know, you can't even imagine a closet that was so small back then and so small today. , but I often got sick and caught a cold in the winter, so I would run outside in just my summer sweater and build a snowman or work on a snow woman.
die besten auftritte von olaf schubert bei tv total best of tv total
I played with a snowman and a snow woman, it's the same thing, except I got a carrot on my face and I got some kind of streptococcus, a virulent tubercle, and then I had to go to the doctor and then there were bitter medicines and drops and Schuessler salts, but many people don't even dare to do it. They don't go to the doctor when they are sick, they say no, but then they just want to amputate something again and then I have to take pills, but of course that is a prejudice because it doesn't there are always many.
They have never given me many pills, usually only a large one from behind diagonally over the head and that is not good not to go to the doctor, many times something gets carried away, that is why I want to get rid of the fear. from everyone here and also from everyone in secret there is nothing bad about the doctor. I brought something with me here, I made a special Powerpoint presentation, it's the first Powerpoint presentation, it's the oldest, it's still analog, so it's made from a central pixel and you can see it here. So it's really nice to be here at the doctor's office, here there are green plants that grow by osmosis and then he's the meteorologist at the vet, so Dr.
Fleischbart has his statusscope in his ear and he's examining the little one, He is supposed to be far away, now he is listening to the heart sounds and the lung sounds and the spleen sounds and whatever else makes noise in the child and he carefully holds himself in his arms and sees that everything is fine and the moms. He also came here, not Bärbel, who took more time off, put the things here in the pleated skirt and actually looks more at the doctor, so maybe a little lazy, yeah, um, and then here are all the utensils, uh, pliers, swabs, the, the, the. sticks and wood shavings for anal exams and now I also think it's important, very important at the doctor, there are also first aid registers, if someone is sick, if the doctor decides that you have to leave here, you have plague, then he comes in here because the plague has plasters and he gets the plague plaster and then he says that if it's not better next week they will come back.
Well, here Ulf can examine it with the hand-colored measuring stick. You can see. I really can't do it here. They are checking if the child is really small enough. It is very important that the head begins to grow. If it is too big, then it goes into the child's plunge. he is shrunken so that his cousin's discarded clothes still fit. So that's what his sister gave birth to, and here is the medicine cabinet, here are the necessary things, the barbiturate that he drank in silence and that is complete and disinfected. and then, very important, we normally also participate in the vision test here, you can check if there is enough octane in the eye, then there are the letters TEP LH V o s l and then I am also blind and if you do it now He does not have that type of letters, there are people from less educated classes, there are objects here, a chair cup in asterisks and I myself put a small cross on it for those in my corner, so it is very convenient to the doctor, you can really go there even if you sinned him it does nothing yes thank you very much if you know me you will know it and especially those who do not know me will know it I defend justice in our country for equal opportunities unfortunately unfortunately we are We are still very far from that, especially in the world of work, so There are alarming studies.
Regarding the evolution of salaries and wages, there are enormous gaps from a specific gender perspective because women are, by far, the gender that earns the least. genders, so the man occupies first place and the woman the fourth, in any case, so a woman receives up to 25% less money for the same work, so a woman does the same work as a man man, so of course it's not the same type. same quality, of course you don't expect it, but you do expect it, but they make an effort and that should be rewarded, but it won't be and that's why I'm in favor of more women being integrated into the labor market, which First of all, They would save salary costs and that has to happen without a quota.
This is very important. Quota is the wrong regulator, so it also works without quota. In professional areas we have already integrated a very high proportion of women. For example, in the cleaning sector, there are also great advances in the field of prostitution, but there is a lack of women, especially in the boards of directors, precisely where ambition and career rule, there is a lack of femininity and a lack of motherhood. There is a lack of Chairman of the Board of Directors, that the Chairman of the Board of Directors sits there at the meeting of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and then says here Krüger are fired but now they eat my homemade apple pie here Lehmann have also collapsed Unfortunately. unfortunately women lack willet So powerful people in history always have men Nero Caesar Napoleon Hitler Stalin the order is not correct but men Dr.
Merkel is actually the first who of course is not a dictator so clearly the feminine component is missing but she has power She has really built something for herself and sadly most women lack self-confidence, especially here in the West. That's from here, they are still behind Hunsrück, so from here in the direction of Holland and Holland. turn and the other direction is very far away. Back in the East, women are becoming a lot more self-confident, so when I think of my mother, she went and collected the coal, four buckets in each hand every day, but not because she had to, but that It was part of their self-determination, it was part of their sovereignty.
Coal went up, my father went down again, we needed it, we had district heating, and that is different today. Spouses are equal negotiating partners, my girlfriend and I, Carola, clarify it very liberally, so there are these fields of activity where no one wants to wash the dishes, vacuum, take out the trash, clean and all that. things, there is nothing prescribed for us, Carola can decide alone when she is going to do something, and I have no problem with that, so we strengthen each other, that is a thing of giving and letting give, so yes, we become one other. strong then sometimes I am weak so she helps me and I help her when she is weak when she has bought something like goods from a tenant or a pair of panties or a Hungarian tenant then She stands in front of the mirror and then, like all women , he doubts that he can't use it all, it's just a can of Google and well, and then he stands there and says, man, that seems stupid and it's important that you're here.
As a man, I can help you by giving you self-confidence. and still being honest with whoever I then say that's true seems like shit, but you can always help the other person and then love stays young and fresh. Think about it. Thank you very much, Olaf Schubert, congratulations again. Comedy award. for the


solo show you are still on tour, yes, for the moment for a short time and then from February I think in Frankfurt and then February 20 in Cottbus February 27 in Kufstein yes, I think it's Linz here in Austria or here on the Rhine. I have to ask the people in charge.
They set it up, so I, um, but it doesn't matter, I travel everywhere, all the information, um, you have new products, yeah, Aldi would be reacting to the changing market. They are hardly sold anymore and that's why I had to take a quick look. We have very smart products here, yes, okay, what's here? For example a hampelöhler, that's something for young people who can't keep themselves busy. They don't always have to be on the computer anymore, you can also have analog fun here, no. So you can do it for three four hours I'll say it like this and if you say Hampel Olaf is good but the face is me then you have a White Olaf here so you can design it yourself like Roberto I don't know so here it was also hand carved , as I said, I come directly from the Erzgebirge in series or I have to do it, so this is the template, the small children of the Erzgebirge now have to put something in their mouths, so I always do it like this at home, here we have a candle from a house, ah, okay, then you have to separate the trunk. from the rectum and light it now, which is, as I said, Erzgebirge customs that the Hindikus of Germany live, very simple people, they live off what they find in the forest and use it.
Do it like this now or something like that. and now do it now that the smoke is coming up here and that takes care of this for this Christmas, it's wonderful, it's a photo for lung cancer prevention, so we also have a scented one that you can hang like this in your car. Now if someone smells it with you or if there is a dog then it comes in different smells, it's like a smell tree, it doesn't really exist, it's not that bad, yes it's true that there is a smelly spritzer that is created here. , it's very popular, I mean grandma, that's the direction of the smell right now, how can it be described, what soap, meat and vacuum cleaner smell like, that's how society would age if she was still alive, should You know, people are very grateful because they don't get along, but it could be sitting in the mountains and carving and we don't have a meter burning from the inside because you don't know there's a little candle there. but I think it's a tradition of hundreds of years, I think the wood is drying out, so I think they thought of something, I think I hope, thank you very much.
Eyes, let me eat here and then I see many young people. People, that's good because when you're young you gain a lot of experience, especially when you're 18 or 25 you surf the Internet for the first time at 25 because maybe it was your first cell phone and that's clear. something normal for many people, but of course this digitalization is also changing our language. Anyone who has ever written an SMS knows that you have to go quickly because there is not much space if you want to transmit a good message via SMS. five terms lachkrin forces the woman hurrah a lot of war like that and behind she still enters the milay you can't see that mila is always behind no matter what you do what I know here Heil Hitler behind is Mila so yes and by SMS they all communicated to us the relevant decisions today everyone talks by SMS good friend with the colleague the neighbor with the neighbor boss all marriages clarify the partnerships everything that they separate today by relationship so I don't But I'm definitely not wrong Before they meet, they say it's better to stop, Maybe they've even had sex before, but they still text each other goodbye via SMS.
Now they have to come forward, that's because they have experienced it. something together, and then by SMS which is me, I wrote another fax, well, I didn't write one, I received one, um, and I'll just say that you can find this trend good now, or not. something bad, it can't be stopped, the Internet is on the rise, I'm not saying it from today That says, that's what I said three years agoweeks and see you everywhere Computers. all offices are messy and even at home. I resisted for a long time but now I also have a computer at home.
I have one in the store, I said here once, Internet please and I can't escape it, I admit it, you see. it starts early I'm still in bed or right next to it and then you just wake up and then you look around who else is in bed with you except the parents and then I have to go to the computer, I go there, I turn around I turn it on, the computer starts and then I'm on it, then I say last time and yes, then first the date is checked, then I go to or when I do it.
If I have slept longer, Logically I will go to tomorrow and then I will be in and then it will be published first and then I will write to my guys, hello guys, today is Thursday, yes, and that is exciting, it is certainly tempting for many, but also it's a danger. Because come on I say it this way, I have nothing against the Internet, but this mountain of hour-long faces, these tweets, these sales, this noise of blood and it's really great, that's not all in life, there are much more, there are people, our world is like that and the world is that diverse, there is a lot to discover, there is something that I don't know, you just have to search for it on Google and then you will find a lot of interesting content and what worries me is that no one cares about data protection, yes, I am for Data protection I also protect data I would also be willing to protect your data, yes, but in order to protect your data you first have to have it and we Germans are too scared, we always want do everything ourselves, that is not possible now that the train has left.
Do Americans protect our data? Well, now the NSU or the NSA or the NSA is doing it or something like that and here I am. I'm surprised I don't have any resistance, no, I have these surveillance practitioners, I can't stand it. They wrote me a protest directly to the White House, so I wrote it under my own account, of course, under the account of a stranger, I'm a fox, so I wrote myself as www.internet, that is, @haus / zhbarak , directly to Obama and then I wrote the surveillance Smiley theme and then I wrote underneath in big letters like this, whoever reads This is stupid, so yeah, I know I'm Olaf, so with an email we can't do much, but if someone feel encouraged by me or maybe at home at the reception lock, if someone who feels encouraged by me write an email. and who has the same moral courage as me.
If you write another email, then we would have doubled the pressure on the US. Think about it, thank you very much Olaf Schubert for the way with his program like this and if you want to see it. Live, you can do it on May 29, for example, in Rheine, May 30 in Wesel, June 3 in Kulmbach, June 4 in Regensburg. All information can be found at Olaf -


.de and this is his current DVD, no, it's Fernanda Brandao. How could I have confused the two? This is your current DVD and current program.

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