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Did Yzma Kill Kuzco’s Parents? [Disney Theory]

Jun 04, 2021
b-bro, okay Ben, I think we can all collectively agree that the best movie Disney has ever produced is Emperor's New Groove, oh yeah, and yet, tragically, we are a YouTube channel that just celebrated its eighth anniversary on the website and who creates Disney content. he made only a single video for Emperor's New Groove. It is shameful. I know it won't help. The problem is that what makes the movie so amazing is that it doesn't take itself seriously. He's constantly breaking the fourth wall and pointing out flaws in his own logic. and it's definitely not afraid to spend a lot of time developing a single joke that has absolutely no relation to the creators of the plot, if only the fans didn't play a game of hot air basket with grandma's breakfast and exchange the bowl for a guilty guy , I would do it too. like a plate of hot air please that's the chili cheese sampler oh man is anyone else hungry right away?
did yzma kill kuzco s parents disney theory
The end result of this approach to making the film is pure comedic gold, but the problem is that it doesn't leave us with much story to theorize about. about, i mean, yeah, there's a spider that eats the bug that can talk and you're like, wait a minute, the only animals that can talk in the movie are the ones that have been turned into animals by


, does that mean the bug that was eaten by the spider used to be a human that was turned into a bug by these moms yeah probably I mean we know she can turn people into bugs and she can put those bugs inside boxes and those boxes inside other boxes and If you're going to pay for shipping, send it to yourself and when it arrives, smash it, what did I come up with guys?
did yzma kill kuzco s parents disney theory

More Interesting Facts About,

did yzma kill kuzco s parents disney theory...

If the facility was there turning people into insects, letting them be eaten by spiders or crushed by hammers, then who else could do it? have been


ed and what happened to Kuzco's


, well we found out today, pull the lever, Scott, okay, it's not for nothing, Scott, but that was the old intro, yeah, no, that's bad In my defense, though why do we have that lever? I've never really understood what this line is about, isn't this the exact reason she has that lever for someone to pull and fall into an alligator pit instead of finding her secret lab?
did yzma kill kuzco s parents disney theory
Hey, yeah, okay, that's magic, but can we get it? Come back to me, okay, so there's not much background given about any character in Emperor's New Groove, but there's nothing to go on, we know that Cusco was made Emperor when he was a baby and Yzma says after being fired that she practically raised him . Anson, she is the power hungry villain of the movie who tries unsuccessfully to poison cusco at dinner to poison the poison for


the poison chosen especially to



kuzco's poison that boy that poison it's not too much of a stretch to assume that maybe she killed kuzco


so she could take control of the throne, the problem is if she was willing to go that far why let baby cusco live well trying to get to the bottom of this?
did yzma kill kuzco s parents disney theory
I started reading about


. I know there is a sequel to The Emperor's New Groove Kronk's New Groove and a short-lived TV show on Disney Channel, The Emperor's New School, and it seemed quite plausible to me that Yzma would have received some additional backstory in either of them, but what I found was even better, completely recorded but I never used a song from the original movie, okay, so the song in question is called Snuff out the light and it's actually included on the soundtrack of the movie, he performs it Eartha Kitt, who is Yzma's voice actress and provides a very interesting backstory and Yzma's motivation is that she is upset with the sun itself for stealing her youthful beauty.
These are just some of the lyrics when a woman reaches a certain age and the men who adored you no longer faint, it's worth avoiding sunny days and living. In the light of the kind moon I really stopped at nothing, murder, betrayal and lying, whatever it takes to keep up my appearance, you can't really blame a girl for trying, so yeah, she's basically looking for eternal youth in a very Gothel-esque maternal motivational style, but that's not all we learned from the song, we also found out that her father was the royal mortician and that he is the one who taught her how to do magical alchemy, chemistry or whatever is doing to make all these crazy animal potions.
I became a cow. I can go home? You're excused and we learned that she was working with a deity known as super, which is basically the Inca version of the devil and if you're sitting there thinking, oh, this doesn't really seem to fit or make sense with the rest of the movie. You would be right. The reason I said before that the song is just kind of a song from the original movie is because it's a leftover from a very early version of the movie. Emperor's New Groove when it was still called Kingdom of the Sun, that version of the movie was significantly more serious with Yzma working with Supe to bring about a new age of darkness in exchange for eternal beauty, plus Cusco was going to trade places with an identical .
Twice the town is twins and he was still going to turn him into a llama, but then twice he was going to be blackmailed by Yzma and I don't know, I'm really glad he didn't go down this path, the complicated thing about it though, this is trying to determine whether or not the song information still counts as it's clearly associated with a very different version of the movie and I think the answer is yes to some extent, I mean obviously Yzma ended up being a lot more comedic character and she no longer works with the devil and her main motivation is not to achieve eternal youth, but I feel like it still makes sense that she grew up around the royal family, especially since we have no other background for her and she would have been a not very close to the family if she had been the one who ended up raising Cusco well and although it may not be as extreme, I think she is still very proud and obsessed with her appearance, well, it's not as blunt or in your face as the song was , there are still tons of examples of this trait carrying over to the final version of the character, for example, he has many more outfits than any other Disney villain, from his advisor where to the cave where to the laboratory where to dine where the funeral where her bright pink travel dress dresses for the occasion completely taking off that hat if you ask me, plus you can see her wearing a mask at one point cucumbers and everything and she travels in a portable backpack to avoid being exposed to the sun, without mention that just as Cusco is about to send her away, he gets very distracted by all the wrinkles on her face and while that may say more about Cusco, don't forget that she practically raised him, I think it would have turned out better, yeah, because even Kronk himself is an example of this.
We learned from Cusco that Yzma gets a new right hand every decade or so. I have to tell you right now that it's a little difficult to fit in. 66 length 231 waist Cusco's obsession with looks and appearances is born from asthma, as are most of her other undesirable traits. Hey, everyone moves on, you just reached yours 50 years ago and it's not just when he's dealing with asthma that you see these trends emerge. It's also when she discovers his own appearance as a flame or how about the fact that there are several busts of his head out there available to crush and then of course he's choosing or I guess not choosing his girlfriend, I don't hate your hair .
Probably yes, yes, the point is that vanity is a big part of Cusco and Yzma's personality and if the song is anything to go by, it all stems from Yzma's ability to accept the effects of time on her body and his tragic loss. own personal beauty now, I admit it's hard to put too much stock into the song, however I know this is going a little deep, but we get to see what a younger version of Yzma looked like in an episode of The Emperor's New School in the what's going on. season 2, episode 2, when Kronk randomly discovers a rogue Fountain of Youth in the woods that he quickly accidentally drains, but not the 1940s maguet stew, drink a little, that's all that should be enough, and In case you were wondering, yes, those were the originals. voice actors I was as surprised as you, everyone is back except David Spade.
The point is that we can confirm that Yzma was indeed beautiful in her youth and attractive enough for Cuzco to ask her out immediately despite her high beauty standards. I guess you have a great personality, but what does this have to do with Yzma possibly killing Kuzco's parents? You may be wondering. Well, all of this matters because it reveals why ESMA feels she deserves to rule again if the song is believed to have fathered her. under the employment of the royal family, so she would have had a lot of time to spend in the palace as a child, you know, like you were always at your parents' workplace, especially in the case of people who work in morgues, a morgue is a great place for a girl and apparently when she was young she basically had to hit boys with a stick because of how beautiful she was, but nothing begs the question of why she never ends up with someone.
Well, we know she already did. a predisposition to power and a great ambition and her whole life she has been told that being pretty is what makes you valuable, but what if the person she had her eye on she fell in love with was I guess Kuzco's grandfather according to her age? I've been here for a long time and I really want to say a long time just that he passed away yzma I mean if you believe that beauty is the only thing that makes you valuable and you believe that you are the prettiest person and that's also what the the prince.
You're supposed to value, so I guess you can see how she might feel entitled to the throne, as if the only way this wouldn't happen is because the universe made some cosmic mistake. Wow, but then how to gain power, like killing the person you love? his son, i don't know, those don't seem like very good options either, but guess what plot twist, we actually know that yzma didn't kill kuzco, he is the father again in the emperor's new school, it is revealed in a flashback that He died on a boat at sea. and the very classic Disney dad fashion, but this is where it gets fishy because that only counts for the couscous dad.
His mom should still have been in the picture, and yet we know he's not the one raising Cusco, so I'm guessing his mom died shortly after. after his father died at sea. I don't know, yeah, this is where I can see Yzma stepping in and trying to take power because that would leave her in control as empress regent or guardian of a young monarch. who rules while that monarch comes of age and if I've learned anything from TV in recent years and the great Game of Thrones models, how did they make Sons and not kill off Cersei?
That's all I say, I'm like, oh, cool. She gave me stones and I met with Jaime. Dollar Bran is the king we don't normally do on Game of Thrones and no one cares anymore because the ending was so stupid, but I know everyone made a dunk video like the day after it came out. It's been, I don't know, a year that we'd like to dive into anyway, if Yzma killed the cows' mom, that would leave her basically ruling the kingdom until Cusco grew up, which is pretty much what we see happening at the beginning of the film, it's nothing to worry about. mine if your family has what was again um food ah you really should have thought about that before becoming peasants but there you have it guys that's my case against yzma for cutting couscous mother out of her life let me know on the towel section below Next, what do you think is plausible?
Thank you very much for watching today's video. Remember to leave a like if you haven't already and ring the bell so you don't miss any future Disney action if you want to see it. The legit reason why Emperor's New Groove is the most underrated Disney movie of all time, you can watch this video here, but man, until next time, I'll see you in the last brother.

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